Category Archives: News

New service to measure and analyze best practices and competitive differentiators across a broader sample of websites

BOSTON, MA, United States, 28-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Many businesses want to delight customers around the world with a top-notch digital experience in their own language. However, a lack of knowledge and objective insights hampers their ability to convert their intentions into an effective experience and leaves their international customers with a sub-par experience. Now, global organizations can improve the global online customer experience with a new data product by CSA Research, the Localization Intelligence Analyzer, powered by LocHub. The Localization Intelligence Analyzer connects LocHub’s observed and crawled data to the research firm’s historical repository of data and insights; helping companies make strategic decisions that too often have been informed by anecdotal evidence and gut feel.

“LocHub uses the latest analytic and diagnostic software to provide near real-time intelligence. Think of it as a centralized, and user-friendly visual dashboard that offers a localization scoring system and points out errors you can address and remove. It’s as easy as inserting the URL of the website you want to crawl,” comments Rikkert Engels, CEO and founder of LocHub. “CSA Research’s Localization Intelligence Analyzer, powered by LocHub, allows global organizations to benchmark their performance and contextualize it based on a variety of factors to understand where they stand compared to their peers on multiple axes.”

Organizations use the data and analysis from the Localization Intelligence Analyzer powered by LocHub for:

  • Tactical Analysis: Benchmarks such as language or locale support and the depth to which the site has been localized help companies find and fix flaws in their global customer journeys and identify gaps compared to their competitors. These include performance lags, mismatched content, and other common and even exotic problems with multilingual sites.
  • Strategic Decisions: CSA Research can analyze the sequence in which languages have been added and analyze the incremental effect of language support on business objectives over time by correlating results with KPIs and other measures. By connecting that observed and crawled data to the research firm’s historical repository of data and insights, they can help companies make strategic, data-based decisions.

CSA Research is using LocHub’s unmatched crawling capabilities to expand its long-running Global Website Assessment Index and Digital Opportunity services.

“LocHub enhances and accelerates our firm’s ability to measure and analyze best practices and competitive differentiators across a broader sample of websites in today’s customer-focused digital experience,” adds Dr. Arle Lommel, senior analyst at CSA Research. “It broadens the reach of our empirical data that our clients use to inform their strategic decisions concerning market entry and support in global markets.”

Contact CSA Research to find out how to test the Localization Intelligence Analyzer’s capabilities and benchmark your website’s localization effectiveness.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

CDP Industry July 2021 Update: accelerated growth during the pandemic

MILFORD, CT, United States, 28-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Customer Data Platform (CDP) vendors grew at a record pace during the first half of 2021, according to the CDP Institute’s latest Industry Update report. The semi-annual report found that a brief slowdown at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic was replaced by accelerated growth, increased funding, and strategic acquisitions as companies invested in CDPs to support pandemic-inspired transformation projects.

CDP vendors listed in previous reports added 6% more employees and 11% more venture funding during the first half of 2021, compared with 1% employment growth and 3% funding growth in the second half of 2020.

In addition, a near-record twenty new CDP vendors were added to the report. These were split about evenly between CDP start-ups and established businesses that added a CDP capability to existing products.

Industry growth is also reflected by a record eight CDP acquisitions and mergers during the period. Most buyers were customer engagement software vendors seeking a CDP to connect siloed components of multi-channel suites.

Growth was especially strong in the Asia Pacific region, whose share of industry vendors grew from 13% one year ago to 17%, share of employment grew from 10% to 14%, and share of funding grew from just 6% to 25%. Europe-based companies fell from 39% to 38% of vendors, from 32% to 28% of employment, and from 14% to 12% of funding over the same period.

The report estimates CDP Industry revenue for 2021 at $1.6 billion. This figure represents revenues for all CDP product sales worldwide, including CDP components within other systems such as marketing suites, message delivery systems, and ecommerce platforms. It does not include related services or in-house customer data system development.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Fanpictor zal de digitale transformatie van de Koninklijke Belgische Voetbalbond

NIEDERUZWIL, Zwitserland / NEW YORK, NY, Verenigde Staten, 1-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — De Koninklijke Belgische Voetbalbond (KBVB) heeft een meerjarige samenwerking aangekondigd met Fanpictor, een Zwitsers technologiebedrijf binnen de NOEXIS-groep. Fanpictor zal de digitale transformatie van de vereniging ondersteunen en oplossingen bieden voor het betrekken van fans binnen de onlangs geüpgradede mobiele app voor het UEFA Europees kampioenschap voetbal en daarna. Deze overeenkomst valt samen met de lancering van een nieuwe Fanpictor-sponsoringoplossing voor eigendommen, verenigingen, rechthebbenden en sponsors. Met dit schaalbare end-to-end platform kunnen teams op alle niveaus van de professionele sport geavanceerde technieken en dataverwerking bouwen tegen een toegankelijke prijs.

Samenwerking met de Koninklijke Belgische Voetbalbond
Voortbouwend op de succesvolle samenwerkingen van Fanpictor met grote internationale eigendommen, verenigingen en sponsors uit de sportindustrie, zoals Raiffeisen Bank Zwitserland, Coca-Cola en de National Hockey League (NHL), is deze driejarige overeenkomst met de KBVB (een van de meest vooraanstaande bij UEFA aangesloten verenigingen) een belangrijke mijlpaal voor het bedrijf nu het zijn wereldwijde activiteiten verder uitbreidt.

“Met de KBVB wint Fanpictor een vooruitstrevende klant en versterkt het zijn expansiestrategie. We zijn ervan overtuigd dat de samenwerking met de KBVB en de gezamenlijk ontwikkelde digitale producten een winstgevende en baanbrekende impact zullen hebben op de digitale transformatie van de sportsponsoringindustrie”, aldus Sandro Kälin, oprichter en CEO van NOEXIS AG.

Door het KBVB-partnerschap breidt Fanpictor zijn portfolio van prestigieuze klanten in de sportindustrie uit. Christopher Cheetham, CEO van Fanpictor Inc., zei: “We zijn verheugd om samen te werken met de Koninklijke Belgische Voetbalbond en om hun ‘digital first’-visie tot leven te brengen. Belgische fans behoren tot ‘s werelds meest fanatieke voetbalsupporters en we kijken ernaar uit om de KBVB te helpen met het leveren van nieuwe ervaringen, spannende content en mogelijkheden voor fans om exclusieve prijzen te winnen tijdens en na EURO 2020. De KBVB deelt onze ambitie om te innoveren en we zijn verheugd om te zien wat we samen kunnen bereiken.”

Digitaal sportsponsorplatform
De manier waarop sport wordt geconsumeerd, is in alle leeftijdsgroepen aanzienlijk veranderd en is verschoven naar digitale kanalen. Organisaties moeten nieuwe manieren vinden om waarde te leveren aan belanghebbenden en moeten hun activiteiten snel aanpassen aan een sterk veranderde zakelijke omgeving. Als gevolg hiervan is de digitale transformatie in de sportindustrie versneld, waardoor technologie nu gebruikt wordt om ongekende groeimogelijkheden te ontgrendelen.

Fanpictor biedt een geïntegreerd digitaal platform voor eigendommen, verenigingen, rechthebbenden en sponsors om unieke fanervaringen te creëren en tegelijkertijd diepgaande gedragsinzichten te genereren. Via deze tool krijgen klanten van Fanpictor toegang tot diverse datasets, waardoor ze trends kunnen identificeren, datagestuurde besluitvormingskaders voor marketingactiviteiten kunnen bouwen en nieuwe inkomstenstromen en duurzame bedrijfsmodellen kunnen genereren.

Over Fanpictor
Fanpictor is een Zwitsers technologiebedrijf binnen de NOEXIS-groep dat innovatieve digitale oplossingen ontwikkelt voor eigendommen, verenigingen, rechthebbenden en sponsors. Fanpictor creëert boeiende digitale ervaringen om langdurige verbindingen op te bouwen tussen fans, teams en sponsors. Fanpictor’s geïntegreerde end-to-end fanbetrokkenheids- en sponsorplatform geeft marketing- en creatieve teams de mogelijkheid om unieke campagnes te ontwikkelen en commercieel gevalideerde gegevens te gebruiken om het succes van hun ideeën te meten. Voor meer informatie over digitale sportsponsoring, fan engagement en business intelligence kunt u terecht op

Meer informatie over de KBVB-app vind je op

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Fanpictor agevolerà la trasformazione digitale della RBFA

NIEDERUZWIL, Svizzera / NEW YORK, NY, Stati Uniti, 1-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — La Royal Belgian Football Association (RBFA) ha annunciato una partnership pluriennale con Fanpictor, una società tecnologica svizzera appartenente al gruppo NOEXIS. Fanpictor agevolerà la trasformazione digitale della società sportiva e fornirà soluzioni per il coinvolgimento dei tifosi con la sua app mobile recentemente aggiornata per il Campionato Europeo di Calcio UEFA e oltre. Questo accordo coincide con il lancio di una nuova formula di sponsorizzazione Fanpictor per società sportive, associazioni, titolari di diritti e sponsor. Questa piattaforma scalabile end-to-end consente alle squadre di ogni livello dello sport professionistico di implementare una gestione evoluta di tecnologia e dati a un prezzo accessibile.

Partnership con la Royal Belgian Football Association
Costruito sulla base della proficua collaborazione di Fanpictor con importanti società sportive internazionali, associazioni e sponsor del settore sportivo, come Raiffeisen Bank Switzerland, Coca-Cola e National Hockey League (NHL), questo accordo triennale con la RBFA, una delle associazioni più prestigiose della UEFA, è una significativa pietra miliare per l’azienda che continua a espandere le proprie iniziative a livello globale.

“Con la RBFA, Fanpictor conquista un cliente lungimirante e rafforza la propria strategia di espansione. Siamo convinti che la collaborazione con la RBFA e i prodotti digitali sviluppati congiuntamente avranno un impatto proficuo e pionieristico sulla trasformazione digitale del settore delle sponsorizzazioni sportive”, ha affermato Sandro Kälin, fondatore e AD di NOEXIS AG.

Grazie alla partnership con la RBFA, Fanpictor amplia il proprio elenco di prestigiosi clienti nel settore sportivo. Christopher Cheetham, AD di Fanpictor Inc., ha dichiarato: “Siamo lieti di collaborare con la Royal Belgian Football Association per dare vita alla loro visione “digital first”. I fan belgi sono tra i tifosi di calcio più appassionati al mondo e siamo impazienti di aiutare la RBFA a proporre ai tifosi nuove esperienze, contenuti entusiasmanti e opportunità di vincere premi esclusivi durante e dopo EURO 2020. La RBFA condivide la nostra spinta all’innovazione e aspettiamo con entusiasmo di vedere cosa potremo realizzare insieme”.

Piattaforma di sponsorizzazione sportiva digitale
Con il passaggio ai canali digitali, il modo in cui vengono fruiti gli eventi sportivi è cambiato in modo significativo in tutte le fasce d’età. Le organizzazioni devono trovare nuovi modi per portare profitti agli investitori e adattare le proprie iniziative con rapidità in un mercato profondamente mutato. Di conseguenza, la trasformazione digitale nel settore sportivo ha subito una forte accelerazione e adesso si serve della tecnologia per dare accesso a opportunità di crescita senza precedenti.

Fanpictor offre una piattaforma digitale integrata a società sportive, associazioni, titolari di diritti e sponsor, permettendo loro di proporre ai tifosi delle esperienze esclusive e fornendo al contempo statistiche comportamentali. Con questo strumento i clienti di Fanpictor hanno accesso a diversi insiemi di dati con cui possono identificare tendenze, elaborare strutture decisionali supportate da dati per le attività di marketing e generare nuovi flussi di entrate e modelli di business sostenibili.

Chi siamo Fanpictor
Fanpictor è una società tecnologica svizzera appartenente al gruppo NOEXIS che sviluppa soluzioni digitali innovative per società sportive, associazioni, titolari di diritti e sponsor. Fanpictor sviluppa esperienze digitali coinvolgenti che stabiliscono relazioni a lungo termine tra tifosi, squadre e sponsor. La piattaforma integrata end-to end di Fanpictor per la sponsorizzazione e il coinvolgimento dei tifosi dà ai team di marketing e creativi la possibilità di sviluppare campagne promozionali uniche e di utilizzare dati commercialmente convalidati per misurare il successo delle loro idee. Ulteriori informazioni sulla sponsorizzazione sportiva digitale, sul coinvolgimento dei fan e sulla business intelligence sono disponibili su

Ulteriori informazioni sull’app RBFA sono disponibili su

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Fanpictor respaldará la transformación digital de la Real Federación Belga de Fútbol

NIEDERUZWIL, Suiza / NUEVA YORK, NY, Estados Unidos, 1-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — la Real Federación Belga de Fútbol (RFBF) ha anunciado una colaboración de varios años con Fanpictor, empresa de tecnología suiza del grupo NOEXIS. Fanpictor respaldará la transformación digital de la federación y brindará herramientas para la participación de los aficionados en su aplicación móvil recién actualizada para el Campeonato Europeo de Fútbol de la UEFA y otros eventos futuros. Este acuerdo coincide con el lanzamiento de una nueva herramienta de patrocinio de Fanpictor para propiedades, asociaciones, titulares de derechos y patrocinadores. Esta plataforma integral y ampliable permite a equipos de todos los niveles del deporte profesional establecer una tecnología de vanguardia y manejar datos a un precio accesible.

Colaboración con la Real Federación Belga de Fútbol
Tras las exitosas colaboraciones de Fanpictor con importantes propiedades, asociaciones y patrocinadores internacionales del sector deportivo, como el Raiffeisen Bank Switzerland, Coca-Cola y la Liga Nacional de Hockey (NHL), este acuerdo de tres años con la RFBF, una de las asociaciones de miembros más sofisticadas de la UEFA, es un hito importante para la empresa, que sigue ampliando sus operaciones mundiales.

«Con la RFBF, Fanpictor gana un cliente con visión de futuro y fortalece su estrategia de expansión. Estamos convencidos de que la cooperación con la RFBF y los productos digitales desarrollados conjuntamente tendrán un impacto rentable y pionero en la transformación digital del sector del patrocinio deportivo», declaró Sandro Kälin, fundador y director general de NOEXIS AG.

A través de la asociación con la RFBF, Fanpictor amplía su lista de clientes prestigiosos en el sector deportivo. Christopher Cheetham, director general de Fanpictor Inc., declaró: «Estamos encantados de asociarnos con la Real Federación Belga de Fútbol para dar vida a su visión de “lo digital primero”. Los hinchas belgas se encuentran entre los más apasionados del mundo, y esperamos ayudar a la RFBF a ofrecer nuevas experiencias, contenidos emocionantes y oportunidades para que los aficionados ganen premios exclusivos durante y después de la EURO 2020. La RFBF comparte nuestro afán de innovación, y estamos deseando ver lo que podemos lograr juntos».

Plataforma digital de patrocinio deportivo
La forma en la que se consumen los deportes ha cambiado considerablemente en todos los grupos de edad, orientándose hacia los canales digitales. Las organizaciones deben encontrar nuevas formas de ofrecer valor a las partes interesadas y adaptar rápidamente sus operaciones a un entorno empresarial muy cambiado. En consecuencia, la transformación digital se ha acelerado en el sector deportivo, que ahora utiliza la tecnología para generar oportunidades de crecimiento sin precedentes.

Fanpictor ofrece una plataforma digital integrada para que las propiedades, asociaciones, titulares de derechos y patrocinadores puedan crear experiencias únicas para los aficionados, al tiempo que se obtiene información detallada sobre su comportamiento. Con esta herramienta, los clientes de Fanpictor pueden acceder a diversos conjuntos de datos, lo que les permite identificar tendencias, crear esquemas de toma de decisiones basados en datos para las actividades de mercadotecnia y generar nuevas fuentes de ingresos y modelos de negocio sostenibles.

Acerca de Fanpictor
Fanpictor es una empresa de tecnología suiza perteneciente al grupo NOEXIS que desarrolla herramientas digitales innovadoras para propiedades, asociaciones, titulares de derechos y patrocinadores. Fanpictor crea atractivas experiencias digitales para establecer vínculos a largo plazo entre aficionados, equipos y patrocinadores. La plataforma integrada e integral de participación para aficionados y patrocinio de Fanpictor ofrece a los equipos creativos y de mercadotecnia la oportunidad de desarrollar campañas únicas y utilizar datos validados comercialmente para evaluar el éxito de sus ideas. Puede encontrar más información sobre el patrocinio digital de deportes, la participación de los aficionados y la inteligencia empresarial en

Aplicación RBFA
Puede encontrar más información sobre la aplicación RBFA en

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Fanpictor soutiendra la transformation numérique de La Royal Belgian Football Association

NIEDERUZWIL, Suisse / NEW YORK, États-Unis, 1-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — La Royal Belgian Football Association (Royal Belgian Football Association, RBFA) a annoncé un partenariat pluriannuel avec Fanpictor, une entreprise technologique suisse appartenant au groupe NOEXIS. Fanpictor soutiendra la transformation numérique de l’association et fournira des solutions d’engagement des fans dans son application mobile récemment mise à niveau pour le Championnat d’Europe de football de l’UEFA, et bien après. Cet accord coïncide avec le lancement d’une nouvelle solution de parrainage Fanpictor pour les propriétés, les associations, les ayants droit et les sponsors. Cette plateforme évolutive de bout en bout permet aux équipes sportives professionnelles de tous niveaux d’accéder à une technologie de pointe et un traitement de données pour un prix accessible.

Partenariat avec la Royal Belgian Football Association
S’appuyant sur les collaborations fructueuses de Fanpictor avec de grandes propriétés internationales, des associations et des sponsors de l’industrie du sport tels que Raiffeisen Bank Suisse, Coca-Cola et la National Hockey League (NHL) américaine, cet accord de trois ans avec la RBFA, l’une des fédérations membres les plus expérimentées de l’UEFA, est une étape importante pour l’entreprise en pleine expansion dans ses opérations mondiales.

« Avec la RBFA, Fanpictor gagne un client avant-gardiste et renforce sa stratégie d’expansion. Nous sommes convaincus que la coopération avec la RBFA et les produits numériques développés conjointement exerceront un impact rentable et pionnier sur la transformation numérique de l’industrie du sponsoring sportif », a déclaré Sandro Kälin, fondateur et P.-D.G. de NOEXIS AG.

Grâce au partenariat avec la RBFA, Fanpictor élargit sa liste de clients prestigieux dans l’industrie du sport. Christopher Cheetham, P.-D.G. de Fanpictor Inc., a déclaré : « Nous sommes ravis de nous associer à la Royal Belgian Football Association pour donner vie à leur vision du “tout numérique”. Les supporters belges sont parmi les supporters de football les plus passionnés au monde et nous sommes impatients d’aider la RBFA à offrir aux fans de nouvelles expériences, un contenu passionnant et des opportunités de gagner des prix exclusifs pendant et après l’Euro 2020. La RBFA partage notre volonté d’innover et nous avons hâte de voir ce que nous pouvons accomplir ensemble. »

Plateforme numérique de sponsoring sportif
La façon dont le sport est consommé a considérablement changé dans toutes les tranches d’âge, passant aux canaux numériques. Les organisations doivent trouver de nouvelles façons d’offrir de la valeur aux parties prenantes et adapter rapidement leurs opérations à un environnement commercial en pleine mutation. En conséquence, la transformation numérique s’est accélérée dans l’industrie du sport, qui utilise désormais la technologie pour ouvrir des opportunités de croissance sans précédent.

Fanpictor propose une plateforme numérique intégrée pour les propriétés, les associations, les titulaires de droits et les sponsors afin de créer des expériences uniques pour les fans, tout en générant des informations comportementales approfondies. Grâce à cet outil, les clients de Fanpictor ont accès à divers ensembles de données, leur permettant d’identifier les tendances, de créer des systèmes de prise de décision basés sur ces données pour leurs activités de marketing, et de générer de nouvelles sources de revenus et des modèles commerciaux durables.

À propos de Fanpictor
Fanpictor est une entreprise technologique suisse au sein du groupe NOEXIS qui développe des solutions numériques innovantes pour les propriétés, les associations, les ayants droit et les sponsors. Fanpictor crée des expériences numériques captivantes pour établir des liens à long terme entre les fans, les équipes et les sponsors. La plateforme intégrée d’engagement et de parrainage des fans de bout en bout de Fanpictor offre aux équipes marketing et créatives la possibilité de développer des campagnes uniques et d’utiliser des données validées commercialement pour mesurer le succès de leurs idées. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur le parrainage sportif numérique, l’engagement des fans et la veille économique sur

Application RBFA
Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur l’application RBFA sur

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Der Königlich Belgische Fussballverband (RBFA) verkündet eine mehrjährige Partnerschaft mit Fanpictor um die Digitalisierung innerhalb des Verbandes voranzutreiben

Niederuzwil, Schweiz und New York, USA, 1-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Der Königlich Belgische Fussballverband (RBFA) verkündet eine mehrjährige Partnerschaft mit Fanpictor, einem Schweizer Technologieunternehmen der NOEXIS Gruppe, um die Digitalisierung innerhalb des Verbandes voranzutreiben. Fanpictor integriert seine bedürfnisspezifischen digitalen Fan-Engagement-Lösungen in die aktualisierte Mobile-App der RBFA für die UEFA Fussball-Europameisterschaft und die Zeit danach. Diese Kooperation erfolgt zeitgleich mit der Lancierung der neuen Digital Sports Sponsorship Platform von Fanpictor für Sportvereine, Verbände, Rechteinhaber und Sponsoren. Die skalierbare digitale End-to-End-Lösung ermöglicht es Teams auf allen Ebenen des professionellen Sports, einen hochmodernen Technologie- und Datenbetrieb zu einem erschwinglichen Preis aufzubauen.

Partnerschaft mit dem Königlich Belgischen Fussballverband
Nach erfolgreichen Kooperationen mit namhaften internationalen Vereinen, Verbänden und Sponsoren aus dem Sportsektor wie Raiffeisen Schweiz, Coca-Cola und der National Hockey League (NHL), ist der Dreijahresvertrag mit RBFA, einem der fortschrittlichsten Mitgliedsverbände der UEFA, ein bedeutender Meilenstein für Fanpictor bei der globalen Expansion.

«Mit RBFA gewinnt Fanpictor einen vorausdenkenden Kunden und untermauert damit die Expansionsstrategie. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass die Zusammenarbeit mit RBFA und die gemeinsam entwickelten digitalen Produkte einen gewinnbringenden und zukunftsweisenden Einfluss auf die Digitalisierung der Sportsponsoring-Industrie haben werden», teilt Sandro Kälin, Gründer und CEO der NOEXIS AG, mit.

Durch die Kooperation mit RBFA baut Fanpictor sein Netzwerk an renommierten Kunden im Sportbereich weiter aus. Christopher Cheetham, CEO von Fanpictor Inc., betont: «Wir sind sehr glücklich und stolz, mit dem Königlich Belgischen Fussballverband zu kooperieren und ihre Digital-First-Vision zum Leben zu erwecken. Die belgischen Fussballfans gehören zu den leidenschaftlichsten Fans der Welt. Wir freuen uns deshalb ausserordentlich, RBFA dabei zu unterstützen, ihren Supportern während und nach der EURO 2020 unvergessliche Erlebnisse, massgeschneiderte Inhalte und exklusive Preise zu bieten. RBFA teilt unseren Innovationsdrang und wir sind gespannt, was wir gemeinsam erreichen werden.»

Digital Sports Sponsorship Platform
Die Art und Weise, wie Sport konsumiert wird, hat sich über alle Altersgruppen hinweg stark verändert und sich auf die digitalen Kanäle verlagert. Deshalb müssen neue Wege gefunden werden, um allen Interessensgruppen weiterhin einen Mehrwert zu bieten und die eigenen Prozesse schnell an ein stark verändertes Geschäftsumfeld anzupassen. Infolgedessen schreitet die Digitalisierung in der Sportindustrie in grossen Schritten voran und verschafft Teams, Verbänden, Rechteinhabern und Sponsoren eine enorme Wachstumsmöglichkeit.

Fanpictor bietet eine integrierte digitale Plattform, um einzigartige Fan-Erlebnisse zu schaffen und gleichzeitig aufschlussreiche Insights über das Verhalten und die Präferenzen der Fans zu gewinnen. Mit der Digital Sports Sponsorship Platform erhalten Sportvereine, Verbände, Rechteinhaber und Sponsoren Zugang zu diversen Datensätzen, mit welchen sie Trends erkennen, datengestützte Entscheidungsgrundlagen für Vermarktungsaktivitäten schaffen, neue Einnahmequellen generieren und dadurch ein nachhaltiges Geschäftsmodell entwickeln.

Ãœber Fanpictor
Fanpictor ist ein Schweizer Technologieunternehmen der NOEXIS Gruppe, das innovative digitale Lösungen für Sportvereine, Sportverbände, Rechteinhaber und Sponsoren entwickelt. Fanpictor schafft fesselnde digitale Erlebnisse, um langfristige Verbindungen zwischen Fans, Teams und Sponsoren aufzubauen. Fanpictors integrierte durchgängige Digital Sports Sponsorship Platform gibt Marketing- und Kreativteams die Möglichkeit, einzigartige, massgeschneiderte Kampagnen zu entwickeln und den Erfolg ihrer Ideen mit kommerziell validierten Daten zu messen. Weitere Informationen über digitales Sportsponsoring, Fan Engagement und Business Intelligence finden Sie unter

Weitere Informationen zur RBFA App finden Sie unter

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Fanpictor to support Royal Belgian Football Association’s digital transformation

NIEDERUZWIL, Switzerland / NEW YORK, NY, United States, 1-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — The Royal Belgian Football Association (RBFA) has announced a multi-year partnership with Fanpictor, a Swiss technology company within the NOEXIS group. Fanpictor will support the association’s digital transformation and provide fan engagement solutions within its recently upgraded mobile app for the UEFA European Football Championship and beyond. This agreement coincides with the launch of a new Fanpictor sponsorship solution for properties, associations, rights holders and sponsors. This scalable end-to-end platform allows teams at all levels of professional sport to build a cutting-edge technology and data operation at an accessible price point.

Partnership with Royal Belgian Football Association
Building on Fanpictor’s successful collaborations with major international properties, associations and sponsors from the sports industry, such as Raiffeisen Bank Switzerland, Coca-Cola and the National Hockey League (NHL), this three-year agreement with the RBFA, one of UEFA’s most sophisticated member associations, is a significant milestone for the company as it continues to expand its global operations.

“With RBFA, Fanpictor wins a forward-thinking customer and strengthens its expansion strategy. We are convinced that the cooperation with RBFA and the jointly developed digital products will have a profitable and pioneering impact on the digital transformation of the sports sponsorship industry“ said Sandro Kälin, founder and CEO of NOEXIS AG.

Through the RBFA partnership, Fanpictor expands its roster of prestigious customers in the sports industry. Christopher Cheetham, CEO of Fanpictor Inc., said: “We are delighted to partner with the Royal Belgian Football Association to bring their ‘digital first’ vision to life. Belgian fans are among the world’s most passionate football supporters and we look forward to helping the RBFA deliver new experiences, exciting content, and opportunities for fans to win exclusive prizes during and after EURO 2020. The RBFA shares our drive to innovate, and we are excited to see what we can accomplish together.”

Digital Sports Sponsorship Platform
The way sports are consumed has changed significantly across all age groups, shifting to digital channels. Organizations have to find new ways to deliver value to stakeholders and quickly adapt their operations to a much-changed business environment. As a result, digital transformation has accelerated in the sports industry, which is now using technology to unlock unprecedented opportunities for growth.

Fanpictor offers an integrated digital platform for properties, associations, rights holders and sponsors to create unique fan experiences, while generating in-depth behavioral insights. Through this tool Fanpictor’s clients gain access to diverse data sets, enabling them to identify trends, build data-driven decision-making frameworks for marketing activities, and generate new revenue streams and sustainable business models.

About Fanpictor
Fanpictor is a Swiss technology company within the NOEXIS group that develops innovative digital solutions for properties, associations, rights holders and sponsors. Fanpictor creates captivating digital experiences to build long-term connections between fans, teams and sponsors. Fanpictor’s integrated end-to-end fan engagement and sponsorship platform, gives marketing and creative teams the opportunity to develop unique campaigns and to use commercially validated data to measure the success of their ideas. More information about digital sports sponsorship, fan engagement and business intelligence can be found at

More information about the RBFA App can be found at

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Significant features added to Akenza’s new IoT platform

ZÜRICH, 30-Jun-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Akenza, a leading Internet of Things (IoT) platform, is proud to announce the launch of its brand new platform. This is yet another step to realize their vision towards employing IoT across markets and industries. They are convinced that by significantly reducing the effort and complexity companies face when creating IoT solutions, they can lead the IoT evolution towards broader market applicability. The number of possible use cases to connect the world around us is endless, but it is a matter of awareness, cost, and complexity.

IoT is a vast network of devices and technologies that can communicate and exchange data via the Internet. Not only limited to computing devices such as smartphones and laptops, the term IoT refers to any technology with Internet connectivity to send or receive data. IoT technologies can range from wearable heart-rate monitors, automated thermostats, smart cars to sensors for manufacturing equipment.

The akenza platform enables businesses to introduce innovative and digital IoT solutions rapidly. Solutions built with akenza span any vertical, be it smart city, smart building, or industry. The highly volatile technological landscape necessitates solutions that enable an agile approach to development and innovations.

Therefore, akenza proudly supports digital accessibility, which is why it is premised upon the enhanced relationship between IoT devices and accessible digital experiences. Furthermore, their flexible, software-only platform enables IoT developers to develop smart solutions on a solid technological foundation.

Over the last few years, they have learned a lot about the IoT ecosystem, the much-desired enterprise features, its simplicity, and its self-service needs. So they listened and delivered!

The significant features of their brand new platform include –

Managing a portfolio of devices across various connectivity platforms may require additional administrative effort and complexity. With their offering of Connectivity-as-a-service, IoT developers, CTOs, and R&D Heads no longer need to worry about separate network operator contracts. Instead, simply choosing the best connectivity, depending upon the region, can enable them to connect their devices to akenza. Furthermore, this IoT platform allows them to manage their connectivity portfolio with minimal effort by offering centralized connectivity management.

No-Code Data Processing
Being in total charge of IoT data streams is imperative to generate valuable information from raw sensor data. With No-Code Data Flows, IoT developers only need to define their data processing chain once and apply it to as many devices as you want.

Rule Engine
With the rule engine feature, they can process and analyze data from multiple devices simultaneously and trigger actions based on sensor data. These actions can include sending email or SMS notifications, downlinks, or aggregating data without requiring any coding skills.

Advanced User Management
Various stakeholders such as project managers and developers are involved during the lifecycle of an IoT project. With akenza’s built-in role-based access control, they have full access rights, allowing them to collaborate with all the parties involved securely.

Device Type Studio
akenza allows developers to choose from multiple devices and create a device type with a web-based device type studio. They are bound to benefit from a device-type library with a payload decoder/encoder for up-/downlinks. The well-known off-the-shelf IoT devices are already integrated with their open-source device library, and new devices are continually added.

Private Cloud
akenza can be deployed on the existing cloud, such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform.

The akenza platform allows IoT developers to make more out of data by providing insightful data visualization. The built-in data visualization offers a direct overview of the data from computing devices, connects easily with dashboard builders such as Grafana, or uses one of the plugs and plays Business Intelligence Modules.

With all these features to support the development of IoT applications, they look forward to getting you started in your IoT journey. Visit their new website.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

PayPerHead Set to Begin $3 Per Head Until Super Bowl Promo

San Jose, Costa Rica, 2021-Jun-28 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Sportsbook software company PayPerHead is about to release its most extended promotion of the year. The company’s Super Bowl Promo begins in July and lasts until the 2022 NFL Championship.

The National Football League has added an extra game this season, pushing both the playoffs and the 2022 Super Bowl forward by a week. First scheduled for February 6, 2022, Super Bowl LVI now happens on February 13.

Per a University of Villanova study, 93% of U.S.-based sports bettors are interested in betting on the NFL. The same report said that 13% of American adults, or 33.2 million, said they planned on making a bet on an NFL game during the 2020 season.

The study also stated that 34% of American adults planned on making NFL wagers through an online sportsbook. The study estimates total non-recorded sports betting revenue at $70 billion per year.

PayPerHead product manager Nate Johnson said internal research is in line with the Villanova study. “The study said 69% of core sports bettors are male while most are between the ages of 23 through 34. Our agents have told me their players love the NFL and, yes, most are male and fit into the study’s age demographic.”

When asked why such a long promotion, Johnson said that wasn’t the plan. “Heading into 2021, we thought we might revert to our normal promotion schedule. We offered agents the $3 per head until Super Bowl promo in 2020 to help bookie software agents get by during the pandemic. It was such a success in 2020, though, that we decided to run it again this year.”

Johnson said the company has an advantage in the industry due to its proprietary software. “We use our software, which means we can integrate with third-party platforms much easier than other organizations.”

“Also, we only provide software. We don’t double as a sportsbook, which means bookie agents mustn’t worry about us stealing their players,” he said.

Johnson added that PayPerHead doesn’t hold back during their promotions even if it lasts for more than half a year. “When agents sign-up for the $3 per head until Super Bowl Promo, they can offer all add-on platforms, including Premium Props, the Premium Gaming platform with 3D options, and Live+. They can also use the Agent Payment Solution where they and players can deposit online into their accounts.”

“We want to develop long-lasting relationships. We’ve been around since 1997. So we know what it takes to run a successful, individually owned, online sportsbook. All we care about is helping bookies make money and run successful sportsbook companies,” Johnson said.

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New survey on freelancers uncovers unique and untapped growth opportunity for digital service providers

COPENHAGEN, 25-May-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — A new study looking into the business models and strategies of freelancers has revealed a unique and untapped growth opportunity for digital service providers.

Freelancers today represent a growing labour market segment, one which has been heavily boosted by the pandemic. According to, in Q2 2020, as the pandemic’s first wave raged across Europe and the United States, freelance job openings increased by 25% compared to the first  quarter of 2020. Yet despite freelancers today accounting for 15% of the European labour market and up to 30% of the US labour market, these small business owners remain an untapped resource for SME service providers.

Keen to understand more about the popularity and profitability of this growing sector, SME service provider, Mono Solutions, and trade association, Localogy, conducted a survey in April 2021 of more than 550 freelancers across the United Kingdom, Germany and Sweden, to gather insights into how these professionals operate their businesses and what motivates them to opt out of more secure full-time employment.

The study found that while, for many, the Covid-19 pandemic and associated market changes were behind their career choice, for others, particularly those aged between 18 and 34, the career path is a lifestyle choice. Findings also revealed that, regardless of the reason or the industry in which these freelancers operate, they all have one thing in common; a need to market themselves.

Mie Bilberg, VP Marketing, Mono Solutions, says the study shows 85% of freelancers surveyed have their own website, 61% have their own blog and 38% have an ecommerce store. “Personal branding is especially important for a freelancer, which is why his or her first marketing investment is a website and a blog, both of which require some form of software to develop and run. Interestingly, 62% of freelancers tell us they actively recommend software to their clients, but only 16% of those we surveyed are software resellers themselves.”

Most of the surveyed freelancers who were not diversifying income through software resales, simply didn’t know the opportunity was available.

Mie believes any business selling digital products like websites, online booking, ecommerce or services like, SEO, graphic design or advertisement, should be looking to freelancers as potential clients as well as potential lead generators. “Many freelancers have trusted relationships with their small business customers. As accountants, marketing consultants, graphic designers etc., they are in a strong position to recommend software solutions to their clients. Solution providers should be looking at local freelancers as the influencers they are. It’s time to get to know your freelancers on another level, they could be your key to long-tail growth.”

These findings offer powerful insights into a potentially lucrative form of marketing for software and digital technology providers. To discover more insights from the study and to download the report in full, visit Mono Solution’s website.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

PayPerHead Agents Ready for NBA & NHL Playoffs Revenue Boost

San Jose, Costa Rica, 2021-May-17 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — For PayPerHead agents, two of the most important events on the sports calendar happen in spring. The NBA Playoffs and NHL Playoffs both start in the second half of May.

Yearly, Major League Baseball, National Basketball Association, and National Hockey League sports betting generates $50 million to $80 million. Last August, when the NHL Playoffs and NBA Playoffs in Orlando happened simultaneously, U.S. sports bettors wagered a record $2.1 billion.

The August 2020 total was a 90.2% increase from August 2019. Recorded U.S. sports betting handle broke the August 2020 record in October, when American sports handicappers bet more than $3 billion for the first time.

Sports betting revenue information never provides a complete picture. PayPerHead agents don’t release betting revenue stats, which means statisticians underreport total sports wagering information. Agents are excited about a typical NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs and NBA Playoffs.

The National Basketball Association finished their 2019-2020 NBA Season at Disney World in Orlando. The National Hockey League finished their season in two Canadian cities, Edmonton and Toronto. Although both leagues had exciting finishes, the Tampa Bay Lightning beat the Dallas Stars to win the Stanley Cup, and the Los Angeles Lakers defeated the Miami Heat to win the NBA Finals, neither league produced the same television ratings as they did in the past.

Per Nate Johnson, PayPerHead’s Product Manager, that could be because of new viewing avenues. “We offer video streams via our Live+ platform,” Johnson said. With Live+, agents can also offer players game trackers. The in-game betting platform allows players to watch, check out stats, and wager on games while they happen.

PayPerHead also has a Premium Props platform where players can bet on star performances. Johnson said that sports bettors could wager on how many points a player like Kevin Durant or James Harden scores in a game during the NBA Playoffs.

Johnson added that PayPerHead designs digital platforms to boost action. “Premium Gaming has the latest 3D options, we provide two live dealer platforms for agent flexibility, and agents and players can use multiple options to deposit into their accounts via the Agent Payment Solution.”

“During promotions or trials, agents can use all prime platforms for free. We expect all agents, but especially newer agents, to see a big boost in action during the NBA Playoffs and NHL Playoffs,” he said.

Via EPR Network
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Ofer Levin GTI: Investments in Electric Vehicles in Austria

Vienna, Austria, 2021-May-10 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — The electric vehicle market in Austria and around the world is growing at an alarming rate. Statistics indicate that Tesla sold more than 180,000 vehicles in the first quarter of 2021. According to Ofer Levin GTI, a leading expert in cars, 4% of all the sales were made to Austria, and Tesla Model 3 was the most demanded. This makes up 33% of all vehicles in Austria’s market and is followed closely by Volkswagen AG at 12% of the market share.

“With these statistics, we can conclude that Tesla is taking over the automobile market,” Ofer Levin went ahead to explain. We are foreseeing a scenario whereby shortly, the gas-powered vehicles will be outdated. This is because electric cars are being embraced worldwide and are quickly replacing traditional gas-powered cars. In the recent past, vehicle sales declined drastically, and this was attributed to the pandemic.

People reduced spending and embraced saving to cater for uncertainties. The sale of electric cars was not spared either, and before March 2021, the market was a bit too slow.

However, the automobile market in Austria saw an increase in the electric vehicles registered in the months of March and April.

The New Tesla Model

Ofer Levin GTI noted that the new Tesla Model Y had been received pretty well in the automotive market, especially in Europe. The first batch, which was a trial, sold out quickly, and the company is now considering going into full production capacity.

The mid-sized SUV is versatile enough to carry seven passengers and luggage. You can fold the seats on the second row independently to create more space for extra luggage.

With the current developments, Tesla is headed for a big win. The world is looking for ways to preserve the environment, yet one of the most significant pollutants has always been automobile emissions. Electric vehicles are the solution to this issue, and any government concerned with environmental conservation will encourage its citizens to drive electric vehicles.

In addition, Tesla’s electric vehicles have redefined comfort. They have the most extended range and fastest acceleration ever seen in any vehicle model. The high performance and the inbuilt efficiency ensure that your road trips are smooth and enjoyable.

Besides all the convenience that comes with electric vehicles, Tesla Inc has been kind enough to reduce the model 3 by up to 9% in the European market. This move is part of the attempt to promote the consumption of clean energy. While Tesla is doing well, other models are coming up pretty fast, such as the Volkswagen ID.3 electric hatch.

Media contacts:

Ofer Levin GTI
Vienna, Austria

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Are You Looking For A Powerful And Free Way To Increase Your Chess Rating

Adelaide, South Australia, 2021-May-10 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Mato Jelic’s Chess School of South Australia offers a free and fun way of improving your game by 500 ELO points.

Chess is a fascinating mind game which has been attracting people since ancient times. It requires a large amount of skill and practice as well as the ability to create and implement effective strategies. If in the past chess lovers used to rely on books for their training, nowadays they have a variety of modern tools for developing their skills and improving their level, including online resources. Free chess videos such as those featured on Mato Jelic’s YouTube channel can teach you how to play chess like a champion in a very short period.

Some people claim that their rating improved by 500 ELO points just by watching Mato’s videos. A couple of comments that make Mato proud of his work include: ‘I don’t usually comment, but you sir have the best chess videos on YouTube. I’ve seen dozens of other teachers, none of them can compare with your style, so you have earned my respect. Keep doing an amazing job.’ and ‘Millions of chess players have watched and benefited from MATO’s chess lectures and analysis on YouTube. His lively analysis has contributed in popularizing chess tremendously. World’s best chess coach ever.’

One of the most amazing advances in a player’s chess level comes from the follower called Rameshwar: ‘I was rated 1100 a year ago but now I am rated 1789 and still improving just by watching the games shown by Mato and analyzing them daily for 1-2 hrs. I even won 2nd place in my college blitz chess fest where some strong players rated above 2000 also participated. Thank you, Mato 🙂 you should be the most subscribed channel in chess category.’
What makes Mato’s videos different from other chess online resources is the fact they are more than chess lectures. Subscribers are pleased to find a lot of life wisdom in Mato’s videos and enjoy the best entertainment due to the Australian coach’s natural sense of humour. One of Mato’s followers recalled in a comment the funny situation when he skipped watching chess videos one day and his girlfriend said: ‘And where is Mato? … I am so much used to hear his voice that it feels he is already part of our family.”

Mato is the founder and owner of Chess School SA, a leading provider of chess coaching services in Adelaide, South Australia. His YouTube channel is the perfect place for beginner and intermediate players to watch entertaining and useful chess videos. The content includes categories such as the greatest chess games ever played, immortal chess games, the best games from the latest tournaments, old masters games, and free chess training.

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The Great Hoes of America

Now over 350 memes sent to this site, via e-mail, attached pictures, videos, and caricatures, by people just like you.

Anaconda MT, USA, 2021-May-03 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Now over 350 memes sent to this site, via e-mail, attached pictures, videos, and caricatures, by people just like you.

Social Media censors any subjects that they disagree with, including President Trump and his supporters. This happened once before in Germany.

Those that forget History are Doomed to repeat it.

Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941.

World Trade Center, September 11, 2001.

Election Day, November 3, 2020
Doomed America.
Communist takeover.

This website is intended to help those who are blinded by the leftist media and present administration. It allows you to see what is happening to our cherished country. We are not a racist people and do not want to diminish our police force.

True Americans love our country and will fight to the end to preserve our way of life.

There is a present day “False Prophet” that has a small army of depraved people in its service including politicians, celebrities, and powerful wealthy persons. These people are exposed on this website, along with a total of forty (40) other subjects. This is also an entertaining link with a “Stress Relief” subject.


Media contact:

Terry Higgins
406 563 8107,

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Fun new Christian song for kids tackles issues of identity, self-esteem

Created by family who produced America’s first Christian children’s album to go platinum

LOS ANGELES, CA, U.S.A., 2021-Apr-30 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Created by the family who produced America’s first Christian children’s album to sell 1 million copies, “Stars and Dots” is set to be released on all digital platforms today.

This follow-up single is part of Anthony & Tiffany Salerno’s roll-out to their debut children’s album, “I Am a Worshipper,” slated for release May 28. The single is available here and the album is available for preorder and pre-save here.

Anthony’s father, Tony Salerno, creative producer of gold, platinum and Grammy-nominated children’s albums, provided oversight and feedback for the forthcoming album, which leads off with “Stars and Dots” as the first track.

In the same upbeat vein, “Stars and Dots” has a cheerful tune with ocean vibes that introduces the practice of coming daily to God to hear His voice and discover His view of us — that we are immeasurably valuable and worthy of love because God created us in His image, Tiffany said.

“I’m excited for kids to hear this powerful song and the whole album, which carries the heritage of my parents’ music into a new era,” said Anthony, who grew up in Dallas, the Los Angeles area and the former home of Peanuts creator Charles Schulz in Sebastopol, Calif.

Inspired by Max Lucado’s bestselling children’s book, “You Are Special,” originally published by Crossway in 1997, “Stars and Dots” celebrates the truth that people can be liberated from the weight of others’ opinions by assigning value instead to what God says about them, Tiffany said.

Christi Given, who has hosted on TBN and written and sung more than 300 tracks and short jingles for Bravo TV’s “Vanderpump Rules,” Lifetime’s “Dance Moms,” and other shows, said she believes “Stars and Dots” could have a powerfully positive influence on children and adults.

“It has a very good message — to listen to God’s voice rather than comparing ourselves with others,” Given said. “Instead of focusing on how many ‘likes’ and comments we receive, we need to pay attention to what God says about us, which is the message of ‘Stars and Dots.’”

Chuck Reich, pastor, host and executive producer of “Answering the Call” on Overcomers TV, said he saw Anthony and Tiffany’s love for kids when they performed their songs for children at a church and a school in Haiti.

“Anthony and Tiffany are true professionals in media, and they have a heart for God and for children,” Reich said.

“It is so vital and life-changing for children to learn about their identity in Christ and hearing God’s voice from an early age. Anthony and Tiffany do an excellent job facilitating that through music,” said Rachel Bishop, minister of children and preschool director at Emmanuel Church in Abilene, Kansas. Bishop is a student of Visionwriters International, a ministry about identity and God’s voice that Tiffany said has greatly influenced her songwriting.

Tiffany wrote “Stars and Dots” before meeting Anthony on his birthday in September 2018 at CBS Studios in Hollywood. Anthony went on to provide music production and arrangement for the album, starting with “Stars and Dots.” The couple married in December 2020 at Mount Baldy Village Church in Mount Baldy, Calif., where they lead worship and direct the children’s department.

Their single is available here and their album is available for pre-order and pre-save here.

Further background, education

Tiffany earned a bachelor’s degree in mass communications with emphases in journalism and public relations and a minor in creative writing, followed by a graduate certificate in technical writing and professional communication, from Kansas State University. She later graduated from Radiance International – Hollywood House of Prayer’s Launch ministry school with the Evangelism Award. Tiffany was born and raised in Abilene, Kan.

Anthony graduated from California Polytechnic State University with a bachelor’s degree in commercial music. He has worked as a musician, director and producer for many ministry leaders, including Willie Aames, known for playing the title character in “Bible Man” (1995-2003); Raul Ries, who pastors a congregation of 12,000 in California and can be heard on the “Somebody Loves You” radio program; Dennis Sempebwa, president and chancellor of The 300, a ministry training college; and others.

Anthony was born in Tyler, Texas, where his parents launched Agape Force at a site that has been shared with the headquarters of Youth with a Mission (YWAM), Teen Challenge, Leonard Ravenhill’s Last Days Ministries, the evangelist David Wilkerson, the late musician Keith Green and now Mercy Ships. “Music Machine,” which Tony produced in 1977, became America’s first Christian children’s album and first Christian album by a group artist to sell 1 million copies.

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PayPerHead Agents Expect 2021 Triple Crown Revenue Bounce Back

San Jose, Costa Rica, 2021-Apr-28 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Because of the pandemic, the handle on the 2020 Kentucky Derby dropped significantly from the previous year. Handle on America’s signature horse race fell 49.8% from 2019. Churchill Downs didn’t run the race until September 5, four months after Derby’s traditional race day on the first Saturday in May.

PayPerHead agents are hopeful the 2021 Triple Crown results in a racebook revenue bounce back. The 2019 Kentucky Derby set a record handle of $165.5 million. 2019’s handle was 10% higher than 2018’s $149.9 million, which had been the previous record.

This year’s race lost star power after winter book favorite Life Is Good became injured. But Essential Quality is undefeated, owned by Godolphin, and trained by Brad Cox, who has ranked in the top ten in wins and earnings in the past four years.

The 2020 Breeders’ Cup Juvenile winner won’t be the only undefeated horse in the race. Rock Your World, who won the Grade 1 Santa Anita Derby, has victories over grass and dirt. Known Agenda, the Florida Derby winner, and Hot Rod Charlie, who won the Louisiana Derby, will also enter.

Although three races comprise the Triple Crown, for agents, the Kentucky Derby is the most important. Per Nate Johnson, PayPerHead’s product development manager, the Derby attracts more betting action than any other thoroughbred event.

“The Kentucky Derby may be the most popular horse race in the world. In 2019, Japan saw $4.1 million wagered on the Derby. It’s also the one race that should produce action for almost all of our agents,” Johnson said.

PayPerHead agents see most revenue from the sportsbook, live in-game betting platform, and products like the digital casino and live dealer. Johnson said few agents rely on horse racing revenue but that all see horse racing action on the Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes.

When asked about betting action on the Belmont, Johnson said it was hit or miss. “Everyone wants to see if the Derby winner can take the Preakness. If there’s a Triple Crown at stake, the same horse won both the Kentucky Derby and Preakness, the Belmont could attract more action for our agents than the Derby.”

Johnson added, “Our agents count on the Kentucky Derby for racebook revenue followed by the Preakness. If different horses win the Derby and Preakness, the Belmont becomes just another horse race.”

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Decentralization and digital identity venture Manyone marks the 2nd year of its strategic collaboration with Blockchain@UBC

VANCOUVER, Canada, 15-Apr-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Manyone, a pioneering technology venture in decentralization and digital identity, is delighted to announce that 2021 marks the second year of the strategic collaboration between Manyone and The Peer Social Foundation and the Blockchain@UBC research cluster at the University of British Columbia.

This academic-industry partnership is one of the first to critically assess the feasibility of decentralized social media, explore engineering possibilities and configure the privacy and security implications of self-ownership of social media data.

Blockchain@UBC Graduate researchers gain research opportunities at Manyone and The Peer Social Foundation by applying for grants from MITACS (Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex System), a Canadian non-profit research organization that fosters cross-sector collaboration and develops talents for the innovation ecosystem in Canada.

In the next year, UBC researchers will identify technical requirements for decentralized identities, design new system architecture, and explore the value and business models for blockchain-based identity management.

Chang Lu, Research Manager at Blockchain@UBC states that, “Manyone and The Peer Social Foundation offer an inspiring space for our students to sharpen their knowledge about blockchain. Their vision of decentralized social media represents a paradigm shift in the world of social networks. We are grateful that we can contribute to the shift”.

Michael Cholod CEO at Manyone and The Peer Social Foundation comments, “As a Vancouver based pioneering enterprise, we value the opportunity to work with academics and researchers in Canada to identify the social and organizational impact of decentralized identity and determine the privacy and security implications of self-ownership of social media data. The academics at UBC help us in understanding the bigger picture and how to look for real world solutions.”

Dr. Victoria Lemieux, Blockchain@UBC Co-Lead and Associate Professor at UBC’s School of Information, further adds that, “We’re excited to delve further into both the technological and policy ramifications of Manyone’s vision of securing digital data free from manipulation or distortion and to support technical and social innovation in Canada”.

Manyone, with offices in Vancouver, Canada and Stockholm, Sweden is launching the world’s first decentralised secure messaging and identity sharing platform in April 2021.

Manyone is a pioneering technology venture that aims to deliver private secure networks, private digital identities, to increase enterprise productivity and digital security. Manyone actively works with The Peer Social Foundation. The Peer Social Foundation and Manyone believe in empowering a distributed internet where everyone can feel in control of their digital identity. They do this by delivering a self-sovereign digital identity and decentralized social platform for enterprise and consumers. A critical component of this is to work beside and support vital education, R&D and the open-source community to connect people, businesses and governments.Find out more here:

SOURCE: EuropaWire

The website of Norwegian lawyer Høgseth DA named Mono Solutions’ top website of 2021

COPENHAGEN, 14-Apr-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Mono Solutions has named Norwegian lawyer’s Høgseth DA’s website,, as its top website of 2021.

The site, designed by Norwegian agency, Idium, topped 105 European entries – all  created on the Mono website builder platform – in a competition designed to raise awareness of the power of digital marketing done right.

Each entry was judged for overall customer experience, including page loading speed and intuitive web design and was subject to a conversion and trustworthiness health-check.

Mie Bilberg, VP of Marketing, Mono Solutions, says Idium’s work on Høgseth DA’s website stood out for being easy to navigate and very trustworthy. “The use of authentic pictures throughout added credibility to the business, as well as an opportunity for visitors to the website to make an instant connection. The site’s structure, visual formatting and navigation also made the brand’s content and call to action engaging and accessible.”   

“Idium is one of Norway’s largest website suppliers and has since 2017 had Mono as the primary supplier for its SME offering. We have spent 2020 converting more customers to the Mono platform, in effect reducing the number of platforms and enhancing the value chain internally. At the same time our customers have received a better product.” Says Odd-Geir Folland, CEO, Idium.

With research revealing the average customer decides in 50 milliseconds whether s/he likes a website or not, web designers need to be smart in the way they attract potential customers and address their needs and expectations.

“In a year where websites have been a lifeline for many small business owners, a powerful and user-friendly web presence and ecommerce channel is arguably more important than ever before. I was happy to see the increased quality of websites submitted to this year’s competition. It’s clear from the submissions that more businesses are investing in online business models, either by offering online booking functionality, ecommerce capabilities, or by optimizing pages for lead generation, as is the case of this year’s winning website. No longer is a website simply there to give small business owners an online presence, a website is now a critical revenue stream for small business owners.” says Mie.

With this shift comes a responsibility for digital service providers to enable small business clients with an online business model that offers a safe visiting and trading experience for customers, “Nothing converts like trust and, in 2021, an unsecured website is no longer acceptable. While all of this year’s entries came with recommended security features. In a more general picture of the global website landscape, we do still sadly see many websites lacking basic security features, such as SSL certificates and privacy policy and cookies policy. Designers who build on a Mono platform, can easily enable this with a Mono map module.”

The Mono website builder platform offers small businesses and design agencies white-label website technology to craft engaging, profitable, search and conversion-optimized websites with fast page speed – a top priority for high-performing websites in today’s digital age. Mono Solutions has 80 digital service provider resellers globally, and more than 125,000 small businesses subscribed to its website builder platform, with even more new subscribers joining every month.

Ann-Kristin Haug Lahmidi, Customer journey and Process Manager, Idium, says,

“Receiving such positive feedback on our Mono websites creates an increased positivity around the platform. As employees of Idium we, subsequently, take pride in working with Mono. At the same time, we strive to provide our customers all the opportunities which are present in the platform and utilize us as their advisor and supplier to achieve the goals they have set for their website.”

Find out more about Mono’s 2021 website of the year and Mono’s Best Website Competition.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Xrysos Odigos to use Mono Solutions platform to help small businesses in Greece

COPENHAGEN, 12-Apr-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Mono Solutions and Xrysos Odigos have partnered to bring websites and online business models to thousands of small businesses across Greece.

Xrysos Odigos provides turnkey digital marketing services to help small businesses thrive online, being a one-stop-shop for all digital marketing needs.

Xrysos Odigos needed a platform and a partner that could keep up with the newest technology trends and market demands while ensuring their team’s effectiveness to create the best digital experiences for their clients.

“We decided to go with the Mono Platform, as the platform is strong within the customer experience. It´s build to please online search engines, thus getting higher rankings for our websites. It’s cost-effective and easy-to-use for small business owners. We are thrilled to have a strong technology partner like Mono Solutions to help us achieve the vision of providing the right digital marketing tools designed specifically for small businesses”, says Maria Spyropoulou, Head of Digital Services at Xrysos Odigos. 

By combining digital marketing services, with best-in-class technology, XO Greece helps small businesses establish themselves online.

“We´re thrilled to be the platform of choice for Xrysos Odigos. Mono Solutions is here to empower small businesses with best-in-class marketing technology like website, eCommerce, and other services, this ambition we achieve through a strong partnership with local digital service providers like Xrysos Odigos. With a partnership with Xrysos Odigos, we can serve the needs of small businesses in Greece.”, says Henrik Stampe, CEO at Mono Solutions.

SOURCE: EuropaWire