Category Archives: SEO

How to Choose the Most Reliable SEO Company without Breaking a Sweat

LONDON, 2022-Oct-05 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Have you ever thought about your life as a business owner nowadays without technology? How would you manage your orders? But most importantly, how would you boost your company viewings? Could you promote your business without technology? Maybe yes, but this method will take longer and is not guaranteed. It can be frustrating sometimes to understand the basic marketing concepts and how to make your business blow up. Although there are no such fixed “recipes” for doing so, you can now relax because an SEO company can do the job for you. An SEO expert is a person who can make your life much easier by working on innovative ways to promote your business. If you are intrigued by the idea, let’s dive into the subject.

What is SEO?

In today’s corporate environment, SEO is constantly being discussed. You think you understand search engine optimization (SEO), but you may not know all the services included in the package or how to get the same results as an SEO company.

Suppose you want more customers and more exposure for your company. In that case, you need to familiarize yourself with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or let an SEO expert do the job for you.

Search engine optimization is a kind of digital marketing used by company owners to raise their brand’s awareness, website visits, leads, and sales and profits. SEO comes from “Search Engine Optimization,” an acronym that has been widely used. Although SEO was not so famous in the past, it is trendy to ask for an SEO agency’s services.

SEO is a strategy primarily used to improve a site’s visibility in organic search results and hence increase the likelihood of it being visited by its intended audience. Think of it as your loyal, brilliant friend who helps bring your business to the top market.

How does it Work?

Crawlers, often known as bots, are used by major search engines like Google and Gibiru to catalog every piece of online material they can discover. The crawler commences its journey from a specified web page, which explores the site’s internal linking structure and any external linkages to other sites. It learns then about each page and its semantic connections to others in the search engine’s colossal database, known as an index, from the content on those sites and the context of the links it follows.

Search engines use sophisticated algorithms to compile the most relevant and helpful results in response to a user’s query, whether that phrase is typed in or spoken to the search box. Web sites with text, news stories, photos, videos, local company listings, and other specialized content may appear in these organic results. If it sounds too complicated for you, do not miss out on the opportunity of hiring an SEO expert who can treat your business as their own.

Is it Worth Hiring an SEO Expert?

It is ok if you want to do SEO on your website (DIY) because learning is the best trait that a human can have. Hiring an expert, however, ensures that the process, which is crucial to the success of any organization, is handled with the utmost expertise and professionalism. Finding a good SEO company like GAMIT may be difficult, but you can make your dreams come true with rigorous research.

Still, if you think your business may succeed without an SEO agency’s assistance, consider the following three arguments in favor of enlisting the services of such a firm to drive qualified customers to your website and increase sales. Remember, your business needs to come first, so think wisely before acting.

1. Time

The availability of resources is crucial to the success of any enterprise, and how a company uses its resources depends on its availability. Because of this, it is wise to smartly manage your funds, taking the time to plot out the most lucrative use of the capital. Time is not only unreasonable but also irretrievably lost once it is spent. And let’s face it. SEO takes a lot of time, and the golden rule in business is not to waste any minute. Therefore, an expert in SEO can do the job for you before you know it and even exceed your expectations.

Maybe you are a newbie in your career field and think you have the time to manage your website’s search engine optimization. Still, in reality, this is the most crucial time when you need help building your website and promoting your business. Therefore, it is necessary to hire ASAP an SEO USA company. This will benefit you and your company: the time saved may be put to greater use in other high-pressure areas on the one hand, and your firm will enjoy the benefits of increased SEO traffic on the other. Think smart, not hard. Other people, such as an SEO expert, can do your job, so do not burden yourself too much.

2. A Professional Expert has an Affinity for Technical Details

SEO takes more than just a little bit of time. Some methods, skills, knowledge, and experience may seem like UFO or unsettling, and you cannot skimp on these abilities since they are crucial to providing good SEO services.

Skills like writing, communicating, understanding the bases of a business, computer programming, content marketing, time management, critical thinking, social skills, and decision-making are a few examples that an SEO expert must master. They have the best social and intellectual traits to help you achieve your goals.

In short, when working with an SEO company, these tasks are often delegated to professionals in their respective domains. If you do not have expert-level knowledge in the above areas, it is probably best to engage an SEO firm.

3. Their Strategies Work like Magic

There’s no denying that SEO may boost your site’s exposure, but if you do it yourself, what are the chances that your intended audience will find and use it? Experts in search engine optimization deal with these kinds of problems daily, and they will find the best strategy to work to boost your views.

Professional SEO aims for more than just an increase in traffic; it seeks out conversions, clicks, purchases, better rankings, and more. If you are wondering, “What exactly do SEO businesses do?” they do not simply broadcast a company to the globe; they post their content to the people who would be most interested in it.

All in all, is it worthwhile to invest in search engine optimization? Should you seek help from an SEO agency? Absolutely. And if you have not done it yet, you should hurry up and do it now. Not only will you be happy with the final results (if the agency is trustworthy), but the money spent on hiring an SEO specialist will also pay off.

What is an SEO Company?

Simply put, it is a company that provides similar goods and services to your business as any other company. Still, its focus is on SEO software and consulting rather than physical goods. Its mission is to improve your website’s online exposure by tailoring it to the needs of both your potential customers and search engines.

In addition to generating connections, they also create and optimize content, reorganize the site’s layout, and ensure its optimal functionality. But do not fall for it easily; not all SEO businesses provide this service. Therefore, do a background check on the SEO company you hire to avoid any unpleasant surprises. It would be best if you put the safety of your business first. Always select the SEO expert who has potential and shows results, not just rumors or promises.

What if you are Reticent?

It is no secret that many businesses may try to trick you or may deliver poor services. In times like this, when money is the symbol of power and everyone wants a piece, it is hard to find someone you should trust, especially with your business. It is hard, indeed, but not impossible. A witty move would be to do your “homework” before working with any SEO company, understanding their beliefs and standards regarding quality and searching for feedback from previous customers. Then, after you narrow down your options, it is best to go to their office (if they have one) to talk to them face-to-face. Do not panic if the SEO firm has no official office. Many businesses nowadays are working from home because it is more convenient. Also, you need to establish your budget because what you pay is what you will receive. It is essential to start from a clean slate and communicate well with the team because they need to understand what you are aiming for.

Final Thoughts

Although there is no explicit “method” for your business to blow up, you must be patient. There may be a couple of months before the results will show up. Just do your best and hang on. In times like this, you should focus only on your business and how to make it more unique. Thus, it would be best to ask for help because a good leader knows he cannot do everything alone. Leave pride aside and hire an SEO expert to help your company take off the market because working with a strong team will bring out the best in your business.


Via EPR Network
More Internet & Online press releases

Simplify Content: Agencija na daljinu specijalizirana za istraživanje tržišta, izradu i implementaciju strategije sadržaja

ZAGREB, 5-Sep-2022 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Simplify Content agencija sastoji se od dva mlada i inovativna člana, Ivana Jajića i Braslava Bradića. Ivan je uz svoje prethodno iskustvo u nekoliko industrija i područja poput revenue managementa, product Management i kontrolinga stekao relevantna iskustva potrebna za kreiranje strategije i sadržaja. Također, Ivan je autor nekoliko znanstvenih radova, većinom u područjima digitalne ekonomije, rudarenju podataka i primjeni umjetne inteligencije. Njegovi radovi objavljeni su u svjetski poznatoj bazi sažetaka i citata Scopus te najvećoj svjetskoj tehničkoj organizaciji posvećene unapređenju tehnologije za dobrobit čovječanstva – Instituta inženjera elektrotehnike i elektronike (IEEE). Svojim kontinuiranim radom i dodatnom edukacijom položio je i certifikate Hubspot Academya u području Content i Inbound Marketinga kao i Braslav. Braslav je s druge strane stručnjak u području kreativnih industrija. Niz godina kreira Facebook oglase za više klijenata dok video oglase radi i ispred i iza kamere. Njegov film “Jutro” uvršten je na program ovogodišnjeg filmskog festivala u Požegi. Radom u medijima oplemenjuje stečene kompetencije u marketingu i oglašavanju s naglaskom na društvene mreže. Dugi niz godina je i poduzetnik u turizmu i zabavi. 11 puta zaredom dobiva priznanje “Superhost” od Airbnb-a dok ja na Booking.comu također među najbolje ocijenjenim iznajmljivačima. Cijelo vrijeme unapređuje svoja znanja od ITHAS akademije u turizmu do Penn Stateu i HarvardX-u gdje polaže različite kolegije. Interesom za marketing i poduzetništvo u kulturi i umjetnosti piše znanstveni rad s docenticom s Ekonomskog fakulteta.

Oba člana Simplify Contenta imaju osim navedenog iskustva i završene diplomske studije. Ivan je završio diplomski studij Poslovne administracije sa specijalizacijom u Financijskom managementu s Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam dok je Braslav završio diplomski studij Poslovne ekonomije smjer Marketing na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Oba su završila preddiplomski studij poslovne ekonomije na engleskom jeziku Bachelor Degree in Business (BDiB) koji je nositelj EPAS akreditacije za izvrsnost studijskog programa, a sam Ekonomski fakultet u Zagrebu prestižnih AACSB i EQUIS akreditacija.

Simplify Content može Vam pomoći u kreiranju SEO sadržaja na Vašim Internet stranicama i implementirati Content Marketing strategiju potrebnu za kontinuirano prisustvo u digitalnom svijetu. Postavljanje SMART ciljeva i kreiranje strategije Vašeg poduzeća prvi je korak u postavljanju Pillar postova na društvene mreže te ostale platforme kao i kasnije re-objavljivanje istih uz male modifikacije. Content marketing kojim se Simplify Content bavi isključivo je organski što znači da kreiramo isključivo vlastiti sadržaj koji ima svoju SEO snagu te ga repozicioniramo prema potrebi na drugim platformama. Istraživanje tržišta, kreiranje SMART ciljeva, pisanje blog sadržaja koji rješava problem potencijalnog korisnika ili odgovara na pitanja trenutnog, kreiranje postova na društvenim mrežama, analitika i backlinking su glavne sastavnice naše agencije.

Dobivanje rezultata organskim načinom privlačenja korisnika dugotrajan je proces, no i jedini koji ostaje dugoročno! Plaćeni oglasi će u kratkom vremenu možda doprinijeti popularizaciji Vašeg poduzeća, no isti čim se dodijeljena sredstva potroše nestaju kao i ukupan reach Vašeg poduzeća. Dugoročni uspjeh je upitan, dok se od Vas traži kontinuirano investiranje u plaćene oglase.

Upravo zato obratite se nama kako bi zajedno s Vašim marketinškim i prodajnim odjelom usuglasili najbolju strategiju za Vaše poduzeće. Dogovorite s nama online sastanak i pročitajte više o Simplify Contentu ukoliko smatrate da Vaše poduzeće treba dugoročan trag kroz organski Content marketing u digitalnom svijetu, što svakako preporučujemo.

Simplify Content

Agencija na daljinu specijalizirana za istraživanje tržišta, izradu i implementaciju strategije sadržaja. Praktično i akademsko iskustvo u istraživanju tržišta putem Internet upitnika i drugih metoda čini nas drugačijima. Ako je potrebno, provodimo statističku analizu podataka ankete kako bismo istražili razine značajnosti. Stoga kombiniramo oba svijeta – strategiju sadržaja potkrijepljenu podacima. Cilj nam je prikupiti informacije i od Vas (našeg klijenta) i od Vaših potencijalnih kupaca kombinirajući ih u strategiju Content marketinga. Zatim transformiramo tu strategiju u dijelove za svaki kanal kojem ćemo pridonijeti u stalnoj suradnji s vama. Analitičko izvješćivanje i analiza svake implementirane Content marketing odluke radi se kako bismo bili sigurni da idemo u pravom smjeru. Ciljamo na dugoročne rezultate jer oni su ti koji traju!

Više o nama saznajte na –

SEO Competitor Analysis and Its Benefits

Leeds, UK, 2022-May-09 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — The key to success in any line of work is knowing the competition. The more business owners know about the other guys in the same market, the easier it will be to stay ahead and the more advantages they will gain. The web is the most popular option people turn to when they want to boost their success and SEO competitor analysis can provide the tools to know the competition.

The Change People Have to Make the Most of

Traditional businesses and ‘mom and pop’ stores will always have their place in the world, but they will always be limited by their capacities when it comes to growing. They will do their best to maintain their livelihood and they will keep serving clients on the local market, but expansion is out of the question from the start unless they have a little bit of help to achieve their goals.

One of the main problems people are facing is making changes. When they have a certain idea in mind and they are used to conducting their activity in a certain way, it is hard to convince them there is a better option for the same thing. Even so, they have to know they must do something if they want to improve their business and the online world is the first step they should take for it.

The Web – the Environment Any Business Is Able to Thrive

Every business is unique in its own way, but most of them want to take things to the next level. When it comes to joining the online business world, company owners have a few directions they can choose. It is important to make the most of what the web has to offer and this is why they must build the online presence that will lead to the benefits they are interested in from the start.

Building a site is the first step, but it must be chosen with great care. One of the options is to go for a presentation site where details are shared about the brand, the activity of the company and how it can benefit its clients. This can raise interest about what the business has to offer and the potential clients will get in touch so they can find out more about the solutions they have at hand.

Another option would be to build an ecommerce site to sell goods over the web. This is becoming one of the most popular solutions to shop for just about any item from groceries to heavy duty equipment. No matter what they are selling, the web is going to provide access to a much wider market, it eliminates boundaries and it helps bridge the gap between the suppliers and the clients.

Search Engine Optimization – the Next Step in the Online World

Achieving success over the web may be easier than the traditional solutions, but it is still a long and difficult process. Once the company website is up and running, it is important to focus on making it more popular. Search engines are the first tools people use to find what they seek and this is why the web presence of a business must be optimized for the algorithm of search engines.

A site is more popular when it has a lot of visitors, but the number of visitors increases when the site is ranked better in search engine queries. There are quite a few solutions companies can used to attract more visitors to their website, but it is important to get quality traffic that can be turned into paying customers. This is why it is important to get in touch with a SEO expert for this.

SEO Competitor Analysis Can Improve the Online Approach

Making the company site more popular is indeed important, but keeping up to date with all the moves of the competition can provide an edge. Most companies turn to the web to achieve the goals they have in mind and some do it better than others. A company can learn more about what it takes to make it online by studying its competition and can help.

At first it may seem like cheating, but there are no secrets that will be stolen in the process. An expert can perform a SEO competitor analysis on a site to find out more about its course over the web and the stages it has gone through. This is all public knowledge and it is going to provide details of what happened over the years and the impact those changes made for their website.

The best part about working with an expert when it comes to SEO competitor analysis is that the process can be reverse engineered. This means they can replicate some of the moves made by a successful competitor and apply them to client’s web presence. The more they know about the activity of the competition, the easier it will be to achieve the success they are looking for online.

Working with the Right Experts to Conquer the Online World

It is hard to employ the best SEO experts in the field and keep them on the payroll. If they do not want to invest time and effort for this purpose, they can turn their attention to companies that will provide these services instead. for thriving businesses and company owners will be able to reap the benefits of their labor faster and with fewer efforts.

A little bit of help can go a long way and people should grab on to any helping hand they can find out there. The world of the web is full of surprises, but it can also be a challenging place for those who do not have the experience to deal with it. This is why people should work with experts that can help them set goals and achieve them. SEO competitor analysis can help them draw a bit of inspiration from the other players to make things easier.

Via EPR Network
More Internet & Online press releases

Henrik Stampe joins Mono Solutions as the Company’s new CEO

COPENHAGEN, 15-Feb-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Mono Solutions, part of Bauer Media Group, strengthens its leadership team with the appointment of Henrik Stampe as CEO, effective 15th February 2021.

Henrik will report to Natasha Zharinova, President of Bauer Media Group’s Business Area SME Services. Besides his responsibility for Mono Solutions’s daily operations he will have an additional focus on the commercial teams.

“Henrik has an extensive background in sales and a great understanding for the dynamics of digitally-driven markets. He is a seasoned leader and manager with a results-driven, hands-on attitude and a passion for bringing the best out of people“, says Natasha Zharinova. “I am delighted to welcome him to the team.”

Henrik brings more than 25 years of experience in senior sales and commercial roles in a digital and technology-driven environment, having worked for companies such as the Danish app development agency Nodes, tech giants like Microsoft and IBM and the anti-food-waste start-up Too Good To Go.

“I am honoured and excited to be joining the Mono Solutions team, at a time when marketing technology is the lifeline for most businesses. I look forward to building on the team’s fantastic work so far by continuing to provide our reselling partners and SMEs around the world with outstanding services and a future-proof technology,” says Henrik Stampe.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Mono Websites added to the leadhub platform

COPENHAGEN, 23-Sep-2020 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Mono Solutions is pleased to announce a partnership with Lokale Internetwerbung GmbH & Co. KG, an expert in delivering a SaaS marketing solution to local businesses in more than 40 markets. This partnership brings the addition of Mono Websites to their proprietary toolbox offering, the leadhub platform.

As an established marketing provider with a focus on digital, leadhub is a spinoff from long-time Mono Partner, advantago. The leadhub platform was launched in 2012, and the addition of Mono Websites to the platform has been the perfect expansion alongside leadhub’s existing multi-channel, local marketing capabilities, including search engine advertising (SEA), display ads and Facebook ads.

“The launch of Mono in the leadhub platform is truly a testament to our long standing relationship and confidence in Mono’s technology. Throughout our partnership, Mono has always worked with us hand-in-hand to find solutions for new market developments and business opportunities – and it has therefore been a natural progression for us to involve them in our leadhub platform.” says Jens Unger, Executive Vice President at Lokale Internetwerbung, “We appreciate the openness and truly helpful nature of the Mono Team – and look forward to more exciting projects in the future.”

The leadhub platform focuses on providing marketing automation, as well as facilitating and optimizing the efforts of small businesses to reach more customers through the use of multi-channel online campaigns. With websites as a foundational element of any business’ digital presence, the addition of Mono Websites to leadhub was a central digital element to ensure that leadhubs’ small businesses clients can easily carry out- and effectively measure their digital advertising and marketing efforts.

“The leadhub project is very exciting, and we’re thrilled that Lokale Internetwerbung has included us on this exciting new journey to help small businesses. As a digital service provider with a proven track record, the leadhub platform is well positioned to bring more marketing automation to the digital efforts of small businesses. This aligns closely with our own vision of empowering small businesses to succeed online, and we’re thrilled to see our long-time partners, like Lokale Internetwerbung, forging innovative new concepts and ideas to bring professional websites to market”, says Svenn Andersen, COO at Mono Solutions.

Mono Websites were launched in the leadhub platform in August 2020.

S0URCE: EuropaWire

Mono Solutions, part of Bauer Media Group’s SME Services, welcomes Jeppe Gammelby as its new CFO

COPENHAGEN, 10-Aug-2020 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Mono Solutions, part of Bauer Media Group’s SME Services, welcomes Jeppe Gammelby in the role as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) starting August 1, 2020.

The Management team is delighted to onboard a new Chief Financial Officer who can continue to manage the financial growth of Mono’s global and partner-driven Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) business. In his role as CFO, Jeppe will be responsible for ensuring a sustainable financial strategy that supports Mono’s growth strategy. Jeppe replaces Kasper Boel Rousøe, who has decided to pursue new career opportunities outside Bauer Media Group.

“With a proven track record within SaaS and fintech, I’m thrilled to welcome Jeppe Gammelby as our new Chief Financial Officer. As we accelerate the growth of our business, strong financial management is vital and we warmly welcome Jeppe’s experience,” says Louise Lachmann, CEO & Co-founder of Mono Solutions.With a strong financial background, Jeppe brings more than 10 years of experience in financial controlling, planning and management. In his prior role as Finance Director at Verifone, Jeppe was responsible for leading the development and implementation of key financial strategies and initiatives, as well as the overall financial analysis to support and optimize strategic decisions. Jeppe holds a Master’s Degree in Business Economics and Auditing from Copenhagen Business School in Denmark.

New CFO for Bauer SME Services

At the same time, Thomas Loft was appointed Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the Business Area SME Services, leading innovator and supplier of highly automated digital marketing services for small and mid-size companies. Thomas joins from the Danish company TimeExtender, where he was COO and CFO. Prior to that he had served for eBay in various senior Finance roles. Mono’s CFO Jeppe Gammelby will report directly to Thomas, as well as Louise Lachmann.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Brandify to launch with Mono Scheduling in Q3 2020

COPENHAGEN, 10-Jul-2020 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Mono Solutions announces their partnership with Brandify, the leader in local presence for multi-location brands, to bring appointment booking to local businesses across North America.

With more than 20 years of experience providing businesses with comprehensive digital marketing solutions, Brandify was looking for a provider to deliver a scheduling solution to meet a wide variety of business use cases, and serve as a new digital presence opportunity for their more than 300 multi-location brand clients, as well as the 4.5 million brick-and-mortar locations that they serve.

“We needed a partner who could provide appointment booking functionality at the scale required by brand customers with hundreds or thousands of locations.” says Manish Patel, CEO at Brandify. “Mono Scheduling will help us build the next level of engagement between brand clients and customers.”

Mono Scheduling is a truly flexible solution that can be embedded on any platform to enable bookings on local store pages, online business listings, social media profiles such as Google My Business and Facebook, and elsewhere. With a simple booking flow, Mono Scheduling allows brick-and-mortar locations to focus on running their day-to-day business, and still accept new bookings from clients 24/7.

“We’re happy to announce our partnership with Brandify, and look forward to bringing our appointment booking solution to multi-location brands. It’s great to be partnered with an established brand, like Brandify, that has a truly impressive footprint in providing powerful software and services to local businesses, as well as delivering excellence in local digital presence.” says Matt Matergia, Vice President of Sales & General Manager of the Americas at Mono Solutions.

Brandify is launching with Mono Scheduling in Q3 2020 to enable online appointment booking for their professionals.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Olivier Gerey-Bak joins Mono Solutions as Chief Product Officer (CPO)

COPENHAGEN, 4-May-2020 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Mono Solutions has recruited Olivier Gerey-Bak as Chief Product Officer (CPO) and welcomes him as the newest member of the Executive Management team effective as of May 1, 2020.

As part of Mono’s vision to deliver the ultimate platform for small businesses to drive their business online, the onboarding of a CPO will help strengthen the continued delivery of best-in-class technology to Mono’s worldwide network of partners. Olivier’s role will focus on Mono’s product vision and strategy, as well as managing the roadmap of for all Mono services and offerings.

“With my background in digital products, I’m delighted to be joining Mono Solutions to continue to bring innovation, knowledge and structure to our product development. As a leader, I hope to bring an agile and cross-functional approach to Mono’s Product Team and deliver solutions that translate the needs of small businesses and our partners into our platform” says Olivier Gerey-Bak, CPO at Mono Solutions

Olivier is an experienced leader of global product management teams with recent management positions at Planday and Endomondo, as well as a background working for other B2B software solutions including BMC Software and Symantec. He also brings experience from companies with white-label solutions, 24i and Xstream, where he delivered online media applications and services for leading brands like Tennis Channel, FuboTV and Canal Digital – a part of Telenor.

“We’re thrilled to welcome Olivier to the Mono Team. As a technology company, we’ve always prided ourselves on delivering the best solution to our partners – and the addition of Olivier as Mono’s CPO is a testament to our continued dedication to providing the SMB market with the ultimate digital solutions for succeeding online.” says Louise Lachmann, CEO & Co-founder at Mono Solutions

Olivier holds a Masters Degree in Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications from the University of Nantes in France. He will be based out of Mono’s global headquarters in Copenhagen.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

SaaS expert Kim Mortensen appointed CCO of Mono Solutions

COPENHAGEN, 31-Mar-2020 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Mono Solutions announces that Kim Mortensen has joined the Executive Management team as Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) effective March 16, 2020.

The Executive Management team is excited to onboard a Chief Commercial Officer that can help support Mono’s growing partner channel. Kim’s role will focus on strengthening the commercial and partner-facing departments to accelerate overall growth. In addition, he will also continue to expand Mono’s global partner network to leverage the full potential for growth in select markets and verticals.

“It’s great to welcome Kim Mortensen as the newest member of our Executive Management team. When we joined Bauer Media Group, we made a promise to our partners to strengthen our partnerships and offerings to help our partners grow successfully by helping small businesses to succeed online. Kim brings a wealth of relevant experience that will help drive more business for Mono, our partners and their small business clients.”, says Louise Lachmann, CEO at Mono Solutions.

With extensive leadership experience from software-as-a-service (SaaS) scale-ups within the digital marketing industry, Kim will work closely with the Executive Management team at Mono to continue to accelerate the growth of the business.

“I am truly excited to join Mono Solutions, a company that has shown outstanding performance in the past and with a significant growth potential for the future. With the new ownership and a fantastic team, I see a great opportunity for Mono to help our partners serve even more small businesses. In addition, I hope that my experience from scaling SaaS companies will contribute to the continued success of Mono Solutions.” says Kim Mortensen, CCO at Mono Solutions

Kim comes from a position as CEO at BIM Object, the world’s leading building information modeling (BIM) content platform. He also brings more than 10 years executive experience from various SaaS companies – most notably APSIS, a leading Nordic marketing platform, where he worked in various roles including CPO, COO and CEO – for nearly eight years.

Kim holds a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from Copenhagen Business School (CBS) in Denmark. He will be based out of Mono’s global headquarters in Copenhagen.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Launch of new global property portal Commercial People and Residential People

DURBAN, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, 2019-Sep-26 — /EPR Network/ — Introduction of Commercial People and Residential People global property portals to the international market now live in South Africa, UK, UAE, India & Nigeria.

Global property portal allows agencies to target international buyers and reduce their overheads with free property listings.

  • Commercial & Residential property portals now live across five countries (South Africa, UK, UAE, India & Nigeria)
  • Over 350,000 listings worldwide – Aiming for 1 Million by Q4 2019.
  • Major agents include Annenberg Property Group, Baker Street Properties, Broll, CCH, Chas Everitt and Meridian Realty
  • Imminent launches planned for Mainland Europe, China and the Middle East.

Two up-and-coming global property portals Commercial People and Residential People are helping to provide a beacon of hope for real estate agents across the country with their listings and international coverage.

Currently operating across South Africa, the UK, UAE, India and Nigeria, Commercial People (and its residential property equivalent Residential People) are uniquely positioned to attract both local and overseas buyers & investors interested in purchasing property throughout South Africa.

The portals which will also launch across France, Germany, China and other key markets in 2019, is threatening to disrupt the Property24 & Private Property duopoly, offering support for agents across the country struggling to pay the high costs of membership with a radical free to list solution.

In just a few months since their launch, both Commercial & Residential People have attracted some of the biggest names across the property sector including the likes of Broll, CCH, Chas Everitt and more.

Commercial & Residential People Co-Director Christopher May says: “We are targeting both merging and established markets alike. Alongside South Africa, we are currently operating across the UK, UAE and India, and despite our brand infancy, we are well on the way to being one of the biggest portals in the UAE and on the way to becoming one of the largest in India as well”

“Our USP is simple. Every agent we’ve spoken to is concerned about the rising costs of property portals; Commercial & Residential People are both global property portals that helps to eliminate some of the expenses agencies face.

”Since launching, Residential People has found that a growing number of searches on its UK site come from prospective overseas buyers looking to relocate here or investors keen to enter the market, this figure is replicated across the South African market as well, with a particular interest in Johannesburg, commercial property for rent in Cape Town and houses for sale in Pretoria.

Mr May continues: “One of our key selling points is that we are international. It is a fact that thousands of properties in certain areas – especially commercial and new build apartments are not being bought by locals but international buyers.”

“In the UAE, for example, after only a few months, we have a 75% market share of all properties.”With the global reach of Residential People, any local South African estate agent can tap into the growing foreign investment across the country, gaining more exposure on their listings for free not only from potential customers in the UK but also from successful expats across the UAE, and soon China.

Mr May concludes: “We want to make it abundantly clear that our aim is to work with agents and build an alternative to some of the portals that exist today. While we understand that international attention doesn’t appeal to every South African agent, our nationwide coverage can ensure increased exposure for the local market as well.  With agents’ support, we are hoping to disrupt the status quo and give agents an alternative to the current duopoly”

Via EPR Network
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Mono Solutions acquired by Bauer Media Group

COPENHAGEN / HAMBURG, 22-Jul-2019 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Leading white label small business Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform provider Mono Solutions joins Bauer Media Group. Bauer Media Group is a leading multi-business portfolio company with a strong focus on media and online services. The deal closed on Thursday, July 18th.

Together, Mono and Bauer will put more muscle and acceleration behind a shared product vision of data-driven and intelligent marketing solutions to drive SME success.

Mono has been looking for a way to accelerate product delivery and overall growth based on a strong conviction of the potential of the Mono platform to significantly help SMEs succeed online. SME marketing and sales services are an essential part of Bauer Media Group’s new business growth strategy. Bauer’s specific interest and belief in Mono’s current channel partner strategy is seen as an ideal head start.

Bauer Media’s COO Veit Dengler comments, “Mono’s strength in the market is driven by the perfect combination of leading technology with excellent service expertise to deliver best-in-class marketing solutions for SMEs at scale. Our newly established business area in SME marketing and sales services will strongly benefit from Mono’s expertise and position in the market. We are looking forward to working together and learning from each other.”

Both companies are clearly aligned on the vision, allowing Mono to continue to innovate together with Bauer’s ability to enable growth and provide a strong network. Louise Lachmann, co-founder and CEO of Mono Solutions underlines, “We found the perfect match with Bauer. Our visions are completely aligned and this transaction will significantly benefit our partners and the SMEs they serve by driving innovation to the market faster than ever before.”

Mono’s company name, branding, management and entire team structure remain as they were pre-acquisition, keeping the momentum and agility to support Mono’s and Bauer’s shared dedication to product innovation.

About Mono Solutions

Mono Solutions delivers the ultimate SaaS-based digital marketing platform for empowering small businesses across the digital landscape, making it easier for them to connect and drive business with their customers online. As a fully-white label solution, Mono empowers 70+ digital service providers across the globe with a true do-it-with-me (DIWM) approach to offering digital marketing solutions to increase engagement and deliver real ROI to their SME clients.

About Bauer Media Group

Bauer Media Group has become an enduringly successful media corporation by focusing on creating content that matters most to millions of people around the world: from print and online publishing to radio and money-helper services for consumers, as well as sales and marketing services for SME. Family-owned in the 6th generation, Bauer focuses on the long term, with a consumer-first mindset that guides us across our increasingly diverse portfolio. Our workforce of 11,500 shares a passion – to deliver content and services that are popular with, and helpful to, our customers and partners.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Mono Solutions’ new platform interface for easier and more efficient website production will enable a true do-it-with-me (DIWM) experience

COPENHAGEN, 14-Feb-2019 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Mono Solutions is proud to launch a completely new platform interface that will dramatically improve the overall user experience for even faster, easier and more efficient website production, as well as enable a true do-it-with-me (DIWM) experience for small businesses and their trusted service providers. As part of the new interface launch, Mono also announces the official launch of Mono Scheduling.

Watch our video to learn more about the new era of Mono.


The new Mono interface makes the platform ideal for SMBs and their digital service providers to work better together. Adaptable to different user skills and roles, the new interface will make it twice as fast for service providers to make advanced and unique website designs. At the same time, it is intuitive enough that business owners can easily update and manage their online presence themselves, offering greater flexibility and control.

“I am very proud of the new Mono interface – it is not just an interface improvement, it is a game changer. We see a growing need in the market for DIWM offerings where digital service providers and small businesses work more closely to ensure online success. Mono’s mission is to provide our partners with best in class technology and we truly look forward to working with our partners to embrace all the opportunities this new interface brings.”

– Louise Lachmann, CEO of Mono Solutions


With the launch of the new interface, Mono is also proud to announce the launch of Mono Scheduling, a native online appointment booking solution for small businesses.

“We see online appointment booking as a significant business driver for small businesses in many industries to meet consumer expectations. With Mono Scheduling our partners can offer their SMB clients the best online booking solution that matches their need for convenience and ideal budget. It was our vision to create a product tailored to these needs and I am very proud of the result”.

– Svenn Andersen, COO of Mono Solutions

Mono Scheduling features easy booking management, calendar synchronization, email and SMS reminders, and support for multiple languages, time zones and currencies. The solution drives an online wizard for seamless on-site appointment scheduling for website visitors, a dashboard with relevant statistics and unlimited access to all features including number of staff members, services and bookings. Learn more about Mono Scheduling.


Mono’s new interface offers digital service providers the ability to service small business owners at any level. It gives SMBs one single platform to work with to drive their business online and provides service providers with more products that enable recurring revenue beyond the website.

Mono will be exhibiting the new interface and Mono Scheduling at several conferences this spring, including LSA19 in Dana Point and SIINDA Localcomm in Dubai and London. It is also possible to book a demo with the Mono team.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

bfound will use Mono Platform to offer digital marketing solutions like email marketing, simple personalization and SMB-friendly customer management in UAE

COPENHAGEN, 31-Jan-2019 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Mono Solutions is proud to announce our partnership with bfound, a provider of digital marketing solutions for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in the Middle East.

The partnership provides bfound with the technology to provide small businesses in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with a professional digital presence, and extends Mono’s global partner base to the Middle East. The Mono Platform has enabled bfound with the opportunity to offer a wide variety of digital marketing solutions, including email marketing, simple personalization and SMB-friendly customer management.

With an established base of customers, bfound was searching for an SMB-friendly platform to help them build and manage websites at scale. In addition, bfound was focused on finding an established technology partner that was experienced within the small business segment, and already trusted by other local digital marketing providers around the world.

“From top notch performance to ease-of-use, the Mono Platform fulfilled all our needs in a digital marketing platform for small businesses in our market. In combination with their partner-first approach and helping us go-to-market with a website offering so quickly, we feel very confident that we will continue to have success in driving more business for small businesses across the Middle East .” says Erik Bjerlestam, CEO of bfound

With a strong partner-first approach, Mono is dedicated to empowering our partners with the best technology for a strong digital presence offering. To support bfound’s existing customer base in the Middle East, the Mono Platform was updated with Arabic language support as well as the ability for right-to-left writing. The addition of these critical features helped bfound to quickly go-to-market with competitive digital presence offering, including a professional website, Mono On-Site Engagements and Mono Email Marketing.

“Working with the bfound to begin offering digital presence offerings to small businesses in the Middle East has been a great experience. Their passion for helping their small business customers make the most out of their investment into digital marketing is truly admirable, and we look forward to support them in their expansion across the UAE and beyond. ” says Matt Matergia, Director of Business Development at Mono Solutions

Bfound launched on the Mono Platform in February 2018, and serves hundred of businesses across all verticals.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Fonecta to use Mono Platform to expand its digital presence services

COPENHAGEN, 16-Jan-2019 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Mono Solutions is pleased to announce our newest partnership with Fonecta, the largest digital marketing service provider in Finland.

Fonecta was searching for an advanced Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform to strengthen and renew their suite of digital offerings for their SMB customers. With the addition of offerings from the Mono Platform, Fonecta will be able to expand their digital presence services to add customer engagement solutions, including native email marketing and simple on-site personalization, to help drive a real return-on-investment for their small business customers across Finland.

The Mono Platform came highly recommended by Fonecta’s sister companies, Herold and DTG, that are already operating on the Mono Platform in Austria and the Netherlands respectively. Previously using multiple platforms for websites, the Mono Platform will also allow Fonecta to streamline the fulfillment of digital presence services.

“With the Mono Platform, we are able to even better help our customers to create credibility among their own customers and to extend their visibility and presence online. Finally we have also found a platform that makes it possible to migrate websites from many different platforms into one.”  says Mika Salminen, Head of Product Development from Fonecta.

Designed to manage website and digital offerings at scale, Mono was chosen as Fonecta’s platform-of-choice for it’s intuitive user interface. The multi-site management tools built-in to the Mono Platform will also empower Fonecta to more efficiently and cost-effectively deliver a professional online presence for their small business customers.

“We’re honored to partner with Fonecta and help them bring the technology platform behind their digital presence offerings to the next level. Fonecta already serves thousand of small businesses across Finland, and with the adoption of the data-driven Mono Platform they can rest assured that they have an easy-to-use platform in place that will help their small business customers to succeed online.” says Tricia Score, Global Head of Sales.

Fonecta officially launched on the Mono Platform in November 2018, and will expand their digital portfolio throughout 2019 to focus on encouraging more engagement from business owners in managing their online presence. With Fonecta launching on the Mono Platform, the entire European Directories Group (EDSA) is now partnered with Mono Solutions.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Base Element, Cognigy partnership will enable the design and implementation of cutting-edge conversational AI solutions for clients and their brands

LONDON, 16-Nov-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Base Element, a European digital agency, and Cognigy, a leading conversational AI platform software provider have entered to a strategic partnership agreement. This partnership will enable the design and implementation of cutting-edge conversational AI solutions for clients and their brands. The teaming up of Base Element and Cognigy will provide marketers with valuable tools to drive customer engagement and increase conversions, while maintaining meaningful relationships with their audiences through conversational AI interfaces.

“Brands are dynamic and living organisations. Conversing with their clients and prospects needs to be an organic process rather than just an engagement metric on a dashboard. It is a vital part of the customer experience,” Antonis Neocleous, Co-Founder and Director of Base Element, pointed out. “We have been deeply committed to enabling our clients to provide a consistent brand experience across touch points. Partnering with Cognigy, a pioneer in conversational AI technology, significantly supports this commitment.”

Cognigy’s partner ecosystem is at the heart of value creation for clients. They operate as a trusted advisor to both enable and guide clients to realize their potential and to assist them in implementing solutions to seize new opportunities. According to Cognigy’s spokesperson, “This includes understanding what it means to build a conversational practice, as well as how to configure, extend and maintain successful conversational AI projects. The team at Base Element know both the data and experience management space very well. We have a lot of confidence in what they can develop, execute and deliver.”

SOURCE: EuropaWire

PA DIGITAL selects the Mono Platform to deliver modern websites and additional digital marketing services to SMBs in Spain

COPENHAGEN, 01-Aug-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Mono Solutions is proud to announce a new partnership with the leading provider of digital services for small businesses in Spain, PA DIGITAL.

The partnership allows PA Digital to deliver modern websites and additional digital marketing services to small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) across all of Spain. PA DIGITAL has chosen the Mono Platform for its superior technology in building high-quality websites as well as its commitment to partner success.

With more than fifty years of experience in serving small businesses, PA DIGITAL’s strategic focus is to provide simple and efficient solutions to help Spanish SMBs successfully digitize their business. With existing offerings of website creation and maintenance, PA DIGITAL was on the search for a new technology platform to help them deliver more modern digital services in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.

“As we were looking for a new platform to support our website business, it was important to us to find a platform that allowed us to build at scale, offer best-in-class technical performance on our SMB customers’ websites and help us expand the digital offering to our clients with additional functionality over time. After engaging with Mono and testing their Software-as-a-Service platform, we were thrilled to see that they not only offered superior technology, meeting our requirements, but also confirmed that they will be a true partner in growing our business” says Paul Geldart, COO of PA DIGITAL.

Designed for large-scale website fulfillment, the Mono Platform meets the highest technical standards, including W3C compliance, lightning-fast performance and meticulous optimization for traditional, local and voice search with structured data. In addition, PA Digital will also benefit from Mono’s integration with Yext’s leading digital knowledge management solution for even faster go-to-market. The integration drives powerful automatic initial website production and keeps small business’ data consistent across the web.

New, more modern websites are not the only way to prevent churn. It was important to PA Digital to find a platform that would enable them to offer increased value to their customers. With fully-native e-commerce, CRM and customer engagement features, the Mono Platform enables PA DIGITAL to offer true ROI-driven services to their SMB customers.

“With a focus on selling websites to their established base of SMB customers, combined with their vision for providing additional digital services around the website, PA DIGITAL is a perfect partner for Mono. PA DIGITAL is our first partner in Spain and we look forward to helping them leverage our technology platform to deliver modern digital presence solutions to thousands of small businesses across Spain.” says Louise Lachmann, CEO at Mono Solutions.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Chad Lieberman From 6W Teaches SEO: PPC vs. Organic Marketing

New York City, NY, February 26, 2015 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Chad Ian Lieberman, the lead Search Engine Optimization (SEO) specialist at 6WSEO, today announced the release of yet another of the company’s awesome SEO trainings on Pay per Click (PPC) marketing versus organic marketing.

The training aims at giving businesses insights on why they should opt for search engine optimization for their business websites, as opposed to going for PPC marketing upfront.

“Unlike PPC, SEO offers a long term traffic solution to a business. With PPC, your traffic stops coming in as soon as your pockets run dry. Of course, if you have very deep pockets, you can go with PPC solely. But it is advisable to take advantage of organic traffic from the search engines because it is easily achievable, keeps flowing for the long term, and is very affordable”, said Chad.

Although the SEO process takes time for the results to be visible, Chad advises that it is the best option if what a business seeks are long-term solutions to its web traffic and visibility problems. Organic traffic is timeless and once it starts coming in, it does not stop. The only time it may stop is if the foundation of your SEO campaigns was not on the right pillars, or if you used black hat techniques to achieve your rankings. These reasons may get your site dropped in the rankings or banned altogether when the search engines update their algorithms.

“For new businesses websites, one may opt to go for both SEO and PPC simultaneously. The PPC brings in instant traffic to the website so that you can kick start the business’ web traffic as you wait for the SEO efforts to yield results. However, as soon as your organic traffic kicks in, you should switch off the PPC campaigns. In any case, the organic traffic, if targeted right, should bring in buyers who help you recover/compensate the PPC costs used”, adds Chad.

About 6WSEO
6WSEO is a leading USA SEO agency based in New York. It is a top 100 SEO Agency in the US offering cost effective search engine optimization services and keyword research, which leads to highly effective and affordable organic marketing. Its services help both small and big businesses to get better visibility online. It offers creative and customized SEO programs for its clients. Among its services are On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO and keyword research. Learn more on its blog

Contact-Details: Pramod Sotto

Via EPR Network
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The realWITS Company Launches Websites for Real Estate Companies Dubbed “Smarter”

An experienced and respected real estate participant and An experienced and respected real estate participant and SEO adviser has launched a new company, realWITS, to help brokers design actionable real estate company websites, get better results and learn how to integrate sales campaigns with modern techniques of leveraging real estate SEO benefits, providing interactive customer service and challenging not only with local online competitors but also with highly recognized online consumer real estate portals.

Real Estate Web Development Demands Compelling Websites

The company’s mantra is “Smarter Real Estate Websites,” and its mission is to educate real estate professionals about online marketing trends so that they can create more functional websites, optimize searches, integrate modern applications and produce dynamic content.

The real estate industry has traditionally resisted change, but modern real estate Web development and real estate SEO for websites require transformations from conservative advertising and marketing strategies to engage new generations of clients.

Randi Thornton, founder of realWITS, has built a reputation as the go-to SEO Google Gurufrom many years of experience in website development, online promotion and the real estate industry. Many real estate websites treat their online efforts as sideline activities or hobbies, and after working with big branded real estate company websites, Thornton feels strongly that the industry fail to take advantage of their full online marketing potential.

Major problems in most company real estate websites include the following shortcomings:

• Brokers do not control their online presence and messaging.
• Website designs fail to meet the needs of people who search online.
• Real estate websites struggle to achieve strong SEO rankings because of the original website build-out.
• Lack of regular technology upgrades force websites to become outdated.
• Failure to take advantage of website lead-generating capabilities.

Smarter Websites Integrate Design, Content and Functionality

Many real estate companies limit their prospects by only trying to compete with other brokerages, a strategy which fails to take advantage of today’s technologies used by other successful industries and the interactive potential of online marketing.

A popular destination real estate broker website strategically focuses on integration of successful leading websites approaches across all industries, and marketers need to incorporate key elements of design, fresh content, Google rankings, mobile technology, and fast processing speeds to keep up with competitors.

Savvy real estate brokers can optimize website performance by considering the following elements of design and function:

Create Distinctive Designs

Website design generates the platforms that launch successful online real estate marketing campaigns, and conceptual elements should compel a casual online website visitor to engage with actionable functionality by incorporating visually appealing design, easy to navigate structures and an intuitive user experience.

• Forward-thinking real estate brokers will take a look around them and learn from other applications that have gone viral.
• Stunning designs often depend on using a simplistic look and feel, clean site architecture, complementary color schemes, accessible search and intuitive controls.
• Functional copy includes compelling content that delivers quantifiable local communications that help buyers make informed and quicker buying decisions.
• A real estate company website needs to offer photo-centric platforms for property listings.
• Websites attract and retain buyers and sellers with property explore functionality that exposes robust search activity.
• Proper usage of on-site real estate SEO including keyword density, on-page SEO best practice techniques, optimize company brands, local authority rankings and online reputations.

Fluidity VS Static

Smarter real estate company websites create fluid designs that make incorporating changes and updating copy easy to accomplish. Google search engines now place great emphasis on freshness of content when ranking websites in organic searches. Effective sites leave room to make modular changes in designs and copy to take advantage of new technology and online trends.

Growing Impact of Mobile Devices

Consumers increasingly use their mobile devices to find products and services, keep track of personal appointments, make social connections and interact with local businesses. Real estate company website designs need to look good and provide searches with the information they seek on a variety of mobile-device screens.

Monitoring Traffic and Online Behavior

Analytic tools study behind-the-scenes practices and chart consumer behavior to help website owners tweak their designs, change their design strategies and respond to customer concerns and feedback. Smarter real estate company websites use these tools to generate leads, predict consumer behavior, stay ahead of marketing trends and create better real estate SEO campaigns.

Real Estate SEO Marketing

Real estate SEO (search engine optimization) marketing works differently than traditional advertising, and learning to leverage the benefits of on-site SEO helps real estate companies establish online authority, build reputations, interact and create enthusiasm for buyers and sellers, regions and neighborhoods.

Clever brokers will take advantage of unique community real estate data so people revisit for information and connections with a relevant, trend setting online real estate source.
Pinterest Type Usage of Imagery

Effective online real estate marketing requires correct usage of photos to productively showcase properties. No matter how well written a property description is it will never grab the attention of a buyer better than a picture will.

The main emphasis of a company real estate website should be imagery that tells a story and conveys “I want to see more” from buyers, says Randi Thornton.

The realWITS company offers expert real estate company website design, on site-SEO application, education, and strategy for savvy brokers who want to produce above-average returns from their online marketing dollars. The company will function as an authoritative source of designs, strategies and consultations on all the issues that impact a real estate company website.

Via EPR Network
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SearchCatalyst Highlights Why Duplicate Web Content is Bad for Small Businesses

Duplicate web page content is bad for any website because it greatly affects SEO, but SearchCatalyst, an SEO agency dealing exclusively in small business Internet marketing, says it is particularly bad news for small businesses.

Aside from negatively impacting on a user’s online experience, duplicate content is particularly disastrous for SEO. It affects the site’s credibility, which is one of the most important ways a site can rank highly, organically, on search engines like Google. Google ranks sites based on several criteria, each of which is built into its complicated search algorithm. Relevancy is the most important – does the site list content relevant to the search query? – but credibility is a close second.

However, this issue affects all businesses, big and small. An issue that is more likely to affect small businesses, or expanding ones in the processes of upgrading their websites and online presence comes down to duplicate content on developer sites. Quite often web developer domains – where developers work on websites – are indexed by Google. Developers can be completely unaware they have created duplicate content but as websites take a few months to develop they can sit on developer domains for a while and the duplicate pages will negatively affect search rankings on Google.

This generally impacts small businesses to a greater extent than larger companies because they don’t have the scope and finances to implement new pages quickly.

Google’s algorithms are highly sophisticated and can filter out sites that have duplicate content. Some may be labelled as spam as a result, whilst others will just be listed much lower down on the SERPs. Google has become much better at detecting duplicate content since the Panda algorithm update, which all small businesses and developers should be aware of.

SearchCatalyst offers affordable SEO services to small businesses looking to boost organic search rankings and gain greater online exposure at minimal cost.

Via EPR Network
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These Days A Professional, Efficient And Stylish Website Is A Vital Component Of Any Business Aiming To Be Successful

We are currently living in a very modern age of technology, which has filtered through into every aspect of our lives, from ordering our weekly groceries online, to booking train, cinema and concert tickets, to children’s online learning environments and schoolwork. Everything nowadays is done online.

A very important part of having a business in the twenty-first century is having a website. You need a website that clearly displays what you are and what you do, and immediately impacts to your customers why they desperately need you.

Not only do you need a website, but it has to be a good one. The best way to achieve the top website for your company is to hire a freelance web designer or a web design team. A web design team will generally give you a better result as each member of the team has his or her own strengths, that will all be pulled together to achieve the exact website you need and want.

There are hundreds and hundreds of web designers out there, so you need to carefully look through their online portfolios to see what captures your attention. There will be some work you really love and others that you don’t. You will also notice that some web design companies have worked for very large, international companies, whilst other have only done work for local businesses. Other companies will have worked for a range of large, successful companies and smaller, local companies.

Ideally you want to try and pick a web design company whose work you love, that is located near to your business. That way you can really connect with them personally and easily have meetings to discuss exactly what you need and what you want from them. It’s much easier to talk about web design in person rather than over the phone.

If you are in South East England, or more specifically in Kent, then the team you want is TME ( They are a web design and online marketing agency, based in Kent, which has been running for seven years. They are a close-knit, family run team comprising of fourteen enthusiastic and creative coders, designers, online marketers and project consultants.

Over the years, they have built their business to be efficient, creative and successful, yet friendly. They’ve worked to provide web design in Kent for relatively small local companies such as Lau Hairdressing in Maidstone, Express Cleaning Supplies in Aylesford, and ACE Sheds in Ashford. Their new websites allowed these local companies to bloom; expanding greatly and increasing their profits rapidly.

As their own company grew, TME also started to work for some of the biggest, most successful and most profitable companies in the world. This includes the likes of Tile Depot, who own over twenty stores across the UK and Centroid Motion Capture who provide animation for major films. Additionally, Worldwide Parcel Services, who are one of the largest parcel couriers in the UK, and most impressively, an exclusive training portal for Samsung Mobile.

TME are one hundred percent committed to producing amazing, creative and useful websites. They take companies and aim to boost their profits, regardless of how famous they already are. They strive for improvement.

Via EPR Network
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