Category Archives: Events

Experience the blend of minimalist elements and Moravian folklore: Czech composer Tatiana Mikova Carnegie Hall on July 1st

NEW YORK, 24-Jun-2024 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Czech classical and film music composer, Tatiana Mikova, introduces her String Quartet, “In Modo Lidico,” at Carnegie Hall’s Progressive Musicians Laureate Gala. The work will be performed by the Lehner String Quartet on 1st July 2024, in the famous Weill Recital Hall, well known for hosting hundreds of recitals, chamber music concerts, and other events.

String Quartet “In Modo Lidico” is an instrumental piece that blends minimalist elements with distinct themes influenced by Moravian folklore. Following its world premiere in New York in 2021, the composition will be performed alongside works by other composers.

The title of the piece, “In Modo Lidico,” reflects its frequent use of the Lydian mode, commonly found in Moravia – Mikova’s homeland. Her ability to create cultural and stylistic fusions results in a classical music concert work with seamlessly incorporated folk music influences. This piece was composed in 2012 and 2016, with the first two movements crafted in Czechia and the final movement written in England, where Mikova currently resides.

“I am thrilled to present this composition to a live audience in the iconic Carnegie Hall. Music is a universal language, and I hope my work will resonate with listeners, offering them a memorable experience,” Mikova says.

Mikova expressed gratitude to the Lehner String Quartet for premiering the piece during the pandemic, adding that the otherwise positive message of her work contrasted with this complex period.

Classical music enthusiasts can expect the release of the studio recording and sheet music in the autumn of 2024.

About the Composer
Tatiana Mikova is an eclectic, award-winning Czech composer whose works span symphonic pieces, chamber music and solo compositions, complemented by a career in film scoring across diverse genres. Her noteworthy achievements include two chamber works performed by the prestigious Czech Nonet, one of which was featured on Performance Today, and the awarded “Sinfonietta for Orchestra.”
Her versatility extends to film music, where she has garnered more than 30 international festival awards and nominations. She holds a Master’s degree in Music Composition for Film and Television from the London College of Music, University of West London.

For more information, visit:

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Interactive Events: Join the Museum of Unrest for interactive virtual events, including talks and online exhibitions

LONDON, 6-Jun-2024 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — The Museum of Unrest, a new venture launched by LPS21 aims to be a pioneering resource in the activist art and design worlds. The launch of our first online collection of images, writing and discussion, offers a platform for artists, designers and activists to connect, and develop ideas.

The Museum of Unrest blends features about design, technology and artistry with content about society and sustainable development. The Museum of Unrest transcends traditional boundaries, providing a global stage for discussion.

Key features

  • Curated online collections: The Museum of Unrest curates thematic collections that aim to promote conversations.
  • Interactive Events: We aim to host virtual events, including talks and online exhibitions.
  • Global reach: We feature artists from different geographical locations and backgrounds, promoting cultural diversity.

“We are delighted to launch the Museum of Unrest, a digital space that can redefine the way we discuss art, design, society and global challenges like climate change”, said John Phillips, Director of LPS21, the sponsoring organisation. LPS 21 ran a leading London print studio before reconfiguring its activities to concentrate on digital projects. Museum of Unrest invites artists, designers activists and  enthusiasts to start their voyage of discovery by visiting

SOURCE: EuropaWire

MWC 2023: Unihertz Luna, ein Elegantes und Stylisches Smartphone, das Ihr Leben Erleuchtet

Unihertz Luna – Embrace the Light in Your Life

SHANGHAI, China, 13-Mar-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Unihertz, eines der kreativsten Unternehmen für Mobilgeräte, hat am 27. Februar auf dem MWC 2023 in Barcelona sein neuestes Modell Luna vorgestellt und damit seinen Kunden eine neue Möglichkeit geboten. Die Besucher der Messe haben ein starkes Interesse an Luna bewiesen. Außerdem wurde Luna von Android Police mit der Bezeichnung „Best of MWC 2023“ besonders geehrt.

Inspiriert von der antiken Philosophie des runden Himmels, bietet Luna eine transparente Glasrückseite und ein geometrisch geformtes LED-Licht. Dieses einzigartige Design dient nicht nur zur Lichtshow, sondern auch als eine praktische Benachrichtigungsanzeige. Darüber hinaus hebt es das Smartphone aus der Masse hervor und verleiht ihm ein besonderes Element an Stil und Persönlichkeit.

„Luna ist mehr als nur ein Handy; es ist eine Erklärung.“ sagte Stephen Xu, Gründer und CEO von Unihertz, bei der Vorstellung. „Es ist eine Erklärung zu Stil, zu Individualität und dazu, Teil einer Gemeinschaft zu sein, der sich für eine Veränderung einsetzt. Wir wollten etwas schaffen, was einen ermöglicht, sich selbst auszudrücken und eine Veränderung zu bewirken, und genau das hat Luna getan. Wir sind aufgeregt von der Resonanz, die wir erfahren haben, und können es nicht abwarten, zu sehen, wie man es nutzt.“

Das einzigartige Design und die inspirierende Botschaft hinter Luna werden es sicher zu einem Hit bei den Verbrauchern machen. Es ist ein perfektes Beispiel für die Kraft des Lichts und dafür, wie es verwendet werden kann, um eine Erklärung über die Welt zu machen. Mit Luna hat Unihertz dadurch einen Schritt nach vorne in Sachen Technologie und Design für Mobilgeräte gemacht, dass es ein Smartphone entwickelt hat, das aus der Menge herausragt und die Phantasie seiner Nutzer auffängt.

Hier erfahren Sie mehr über Luna:

  1. LED-Umgebungslicht – Das LED-Licht auf dem Backcover des Smartphones kann Farben und Muster ändern, bei einer Benachrichtigung aufleuchten und zum Rhythmus der Musik blinken.
  2. 6,81-Zoll-Display – Der große Bildschirm bietet den Nutzern ein spannendes und bemerkenswertes Erlebnis an, egal ob sie Spiele spielen oder Videos anschauen.
  3.  Triple-Kamera – Mit der Kombination aus einer 108MP-Hauptkamera, einer 20MP-Nachtsichtkamera und einer 2MP-Makrokamera können Sie Tag und Nacht hochauflösende Fotos aufnehmen, ohne Details zu verlieren.

Zusätzlich zu den oben genannten Vorteilen besitzt Luna eine Reihe weiterer Funktionen wie einen massiven 5000mAh-Akku, eine 3,5-mm- Kopfhöreranschluss, einen IR-Anschluss, NFC, 8GB+256GB Speicher und vieles mehr. Es ist jetzt auf der offiziellen Unihertz-Website hier verfügbar:

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Luna, le smartphone distinctif d’Unihertz, nommé “meilleur du MWC 2023” par Android Police

Unihertz Luna – Embrace the Light in Your Life

SHANGHAI, Chine, 13-Mar-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Unihertz, l’une des entreprises les plus créatives dans le domaine des appareils mobiles, a lancé son dernier modèle, Luna, au MWC 2023 de Barcelone le 27 février, offrant ainsi un nouveau choix à ses clients. Les visiteurs de l’événement ont montré un fort intérêt pour Luna. De plus, Android Police a accordé à Luna un honneur supplémentaire en le désignant comme « le meilleur du MWC 2023 ».

Inspiré par la philosophie ancienne du ciel rond, Luna est doté d’une coque arrière en verre transparent et d’une lumière LED géométrique conçue de manière unique. Cette fonctionnalité exceptionnelle n’est pas seulement un spectacle lumineux, mais aussi un indicateur de notification pratique. Elle permet également au téléphone de se démarquer de la foule et ajoute un élément supplémentaire de style et de personnalité à l’appareil.

« Luna n’est pas simplement un téléphone, c’est une déclaration », a déclaré Stephen Xu, fondateur et PDG d’Unihertz, lors de son lancement. « C’est une déclaration de style, d’individualité et d’appartenance à une communauté dévouée à faire la différence. Nous voulions créer quelque chose qui permettrait aux gens de s’exprimer et de faire la différence, et c’est exactement ce qu’a fait Luna. Nous sommes ravis de la réponse que nous avons reçue et avons hâte de voir comment tout le monde l’utilisera. »

Le design unique et le message inspirant de Luna ne manqueront pas de susciter l’intérêt des consommateurs. C’est un exemple parfait du pouvoir de la lumière et de la façon dont elle peut être utilisée pour faire une déclaration sur le monde. Avec Luna, Unihertz a fait un pas en avant dans la technologie et la conception des appareils mobiles, en créant un téléphone qui se distingue de la masse et capte l’imagination de ses utilisateurs.

En voici plus sur Luna :

  1. Lumière Ambiante à LED – La lumière à LED à l’arrière du téléphone peut changer de couleur et de motif, s’allumer lorsqu’il y a une notification et clignoter au rythme de la musique.
  2. Écran de 6,81 Pouces – Le grand écran offre aux utilisateurs une expérience immersive et remarquable, qu’il s’agisse de jouer à des jeux ou regarder des vidéos.
  3. Triple Caméra – Avec la combinaison d’un appareil photo principal de 108MP, d’un appareil photo de vision nocturne de 20MP et d’un appareil photo macro de 2MP, vous pouvez prendre des photos haute résolution de jour comme de nuit sans perdre de détails.

En plus des avantages ci-dessus, Luna dispose également de plusieurs autres fonctionnalités telles qu’une énorme batterie de 5000 mAh, une prise jack 3,5 mm, un port IR, NFC, une mémoire de 8 Go + 256 Go, et bien plus encore. Elle est maintenant disponible sur le site officiel d’Unihertz ici:

À propos d’Unihertz
Unihertz est une marque qui crée des smartphones uniques, différents des autres smartphones grand public sur le marché. Unihertz a lancé avec succès plusieurs projets de financement participatif sur Kickstarter. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Simplify Content: Agencija na daljinu specijalizirana za istraživanje tržišta, izradu i implementaciju strategije sadržaja

ZAGREB, 5-Sep-2022 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Simplify Content agencija sastoji se od dva mlada i inovativna člana, Ivana Jajića i Braslava Bradića. Ivan je uz svoje prethodno iskustvo u nekoliko industrija i područja poput revenue managementa, product Management i kontrolinga stekao relevantna iskustva potrebna za kreiranje strategije i sadržaja. Također, Ivan je autor nekoliko znanstvenih radova, većinom u područjima digitalne ekonomije, rudarenju podataka i primjeni umjetne inteligencije. Njegovi radovi objavljeni su u svjetski poznatoj bazi sažetaka i citata Scopus te najvećoj svjetskoj tehničkoj organizaciji posvećene unapređenju tehnologije za dobrobit čovječanstva – Instituta inženjera elektrotehnike i elektronike (IEEE). Svojim kontinuiranim radom i dodatnom edukacijom položio je i certifikate Hubspot Academya u području Content i Inbound Marketinga kao i Braslav. Braslav je s druge strane stručnjak u području kreativnih industrija. Niz godina kreira Facebook oglase za više klijenata dok video oglase radi i ispred i iza kamere. Njegov film “Jutro” uvršten je na program ovogodišnjeg filmskog festivala u Požegi. Radom u medijima oplemenjuje stečene kompetencije u marketingu i oglašavanju s naglaskom na društvene mreže. Dugi niz godina je i poduzetnik u turizmu i zabavi. 11 puta zaredom dobiva priznanje “Superhost” od Airbnb-a dok ja na Booking.comu također među najbolje ocijenjenim iznajmljivačima. Cijelo vrijeme unapređuje svoja znanja od ITHAS akademije u turizmu do Penn Stateu i HarvardX-u gdje polaže različite kolegije. Interesom za marketing i poduzetništvo u kulturi i umjetnosti piše znanstveni rad s docenticom s Ekonomskog fakulteta.

Oba člana Simplify Contenta imaju osim navedenog iskustva i završene diplomske studije. Ivan je završio diplomski studij Poslovne administracije sa specijalizacijom u Financijskom managementu s Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam dok je Braslav završio diplomski studij Poslovne ekonomije smjer Marketing na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Oba su završila preddiplomski studij poslovne ekonomije na engleskom jeziku Bachelor Degree in Business (BDiB) koji je nositelj EPAS akreditacije za izvrsnost studijskog programa, a sam Ekonomski fakultet u Zagrebu prestižnih AACSB i EQUIS akreditacija.

Simplify Content može Vam pomoći u kreiranju SEO sadržaja na Vašim Internet stranicama i implementirati Content Marketing strategiju potrebnu za kontinuirano prisustvo u digitalnom svijetu. Postavljanje SMART ciljeva i kreiranje strategije Vašeg poduzeća prvi je korak u postavljanju Pillar postova na društvene mreže te ostale platforme kao i kasnije re-objavljivanje istih uz male modifikacije. Content marketing kojim se Simplify Content bavi isključivo je organski što znači da kreiramo isključivo vlastiti sadržaj koji ima svoju SEO snagu te ga repozicioniramo prema potrebi na drugim platformama. Istraživanje tržišta, kreiranje SMART ciljeva, pisanje blog sadržaja koji rješava problem potencijalnog korisnika ili odgovara na pitanja trenutnog, kreiranje postova na društvenim mrežama, analitika i backlinking su glavne sastavnice naše agencije.

Dobivanje rezultata organskim načinom privlačenja korisnika dugotrajan je proces, no i jedini koji ostaje dugoročno! Plaćeni oglasi će u kratkom vremenu možda doprinijeti popularizaciji Vašeg poduzeća, no isti čim se dodijeljena sredstva potroše nestaju kao i ukupan reach Vašeg poduzeća. Dugoročni uspjeh je upitan, dok se od Vas traži kontinuirano investiranje u plaćene oglase.

Upravo zato obratite se nama kako bi zajedno s Vašim marketinškim i prodajnim odjelom usuglasili najbolju strategiju za Vaše poduzeće. Dogovorite s nama online sastanak i pročitajte više o Simplify Contentu ukoliko smatrate da Vaše poduzeće treba dugoročan trag kroz organski Content marketing u digitalnom svijetu, što svakako preporučujemo.

Simplify Content

Agencija na daljinu specijalizirana za istraživanje tržišta, izradu i implementaciju strategije sadržaja. Praktično i akademsko iskustvo u istraživanju tržišta putem Internet upitnika i drugih metoda čini nas drugačijima. Ako je potrebno, provodimo statističku analizu podataka ankete kako bismo istražili razine značajnosti. Stoga kombiniramo oba svijeta – strategiju sadržaja potkrijepljenu podacima. Cilj nam je prikupiti informacije i od Vas (našeg klijenta) i od Vaših potencijalnih kupaca kombinirajući ih u strategiju Content marketinga. Zatim transformiramo tu strategiju u dijelove za svaki kanal kojem ćemo pridonijeti u stalnoj suradnji s vama. Analitičko izvješćivanje i analiza svake implementirane Content marketing odluke radi se kako bismo bili sigurni da idemo u pravom smjeru. Ciljamo na dugoročne rezultate jer oni su ti koji traju!

Više o nama saznajte na –

Lifetime producer Vivica A. Fox spotted with actress Camille Calvin

Los Angeles, CA , USA, 2022-May-23 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Is there a new project in the works? Vivica A. Fox is an American actress, businesswoman, and international brand. She has been involved in the entertainment industry since 1983. She has been called “the most successful black woman in Hollywood.” She has starred in films like “Kill Bill: Volume 1”, “Kill Bill: Volume 2”, “Independence Day” and “Kingdom Come.” She is also a supporter of women’s empowerment and has been a part of many campaigns to promote female entrepreneurship.

Camille Calvin is a multitalented actress and a new comer to the industry who has proven her abilities through her versatile roles in numerous films and T.V shows. Camille Calvin played the leading role in the cheer movie, Deadly Cheers, released on lifetime in Jan 2022. Her fans and friends always admire her for changing her looks and personality and showing a new face, according to the script and character and nailing it.

What’s coming?

on May 15, 2022 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel Both Vivica A. Fox and Camille Calvin appeared on the red carpet at the Pink Pump Affairs. Looking like both of them are on the same page. Vivica A. Fox has produced many cheer films for lifetime and now again has worked as the executive director of six new cheers films, including “The wrong cheer Captain,” “Killer Cheer,” “Pom Poms and Payback,” “Deadly Cheers,” “Cheer for Your Life,” and “Webcam Cheerleaders.”

Deadly Cheers

Camille Calvin plays the role of Brianna in the Deadly Cheers movie, a single mom who is excited to be the new assistant principal of the High School in the film. Things get worse when a cheerleader accidentally dies, and then the coach wants to save his reputation even by sacrificing all the other cheerleaders. This is a dramatic and suspenseful film.

The Pink Pump Affairs

They both attended the pink pump affairs to support the event and boost women’s empowerment. A pink pump affair is an event that has taken place in Los Angeles every year for the last fourteen years. It is a gathering of influencers and women entrepreneurs who are invited to attend the event for the purpose of empowering women and promoting gender equality. The Pink Pump Affair aims to create a space where women can come together and share their stories, struggles, and success stories with one another.

Who knows!!!

As Vivica A. Fox has been producing various films for a lifetime. Camille Calvin recently played a leading role in “Deadly cheers” inspiring the audience and industry. They might be looking forward to having another collaboration in the future.


Media contact:

Guzman Communications
Deborah M. Guzman

Via EPR Network
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Art Exhibition of Hikari Sato’s artwork in Japan

WASHINGTON, 2022-Apr-12 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — A few months ago, an art exhibition that features environmental protection has been launched in Shinjuku Morita Art Museum in Japan. The works on display come from dozens of artists from all over the world, among them is Japanese wandering artist Hikari Sato. She is an environmentalist, and also a painter. She used to travel around the world studying and promoting the concepts of environmental protection, in an attempt to raise people’s awareness of protecting the earth and the natural environment.

Media contact:


Via EPR Network
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Hikari Sato Participated in Nuclear Wastewater Protest

WASHINGTON, 2022-Apr-12 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — On February 23, 2021, many Japanese people flocked to the streets of downtown Fukushima to express their opposition to the government’s decision to discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea, and even representatives of some civic groups came to protest. Some Japanese experts believe that it is a hasty decision to rashly decide to discharge nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean without the on-the-spot investigation by international research institutions first. Our guest, Hikari Sato, also participated in the protest and was involved in the design of the protest posters.

For those who know Hikari Sato, this is not surprising, because environmental protection has long been a philosophy of Hikari Sato’s life. As a painter, she is used to reminding people to protect the environment through her paintings.

We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment. As Margaret Mead said, if the environment is seriously destroyed, the consequences of which for human beings are unbearable. Hikari Sato has always been promoting the concept of environmental protection with people she can reach.

“When I know that the government decides to discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea, I realize that this will put people in the future into a bad situation, despite that they have claimed repeatedly that these waters are harmless. In the past 100 years of human history, we have dumped enough harmful substances in corners of nature at will, and Mother Earth can no longer take more damage.”

After that, she answered some of our questions.

Q: When did you start advocating for environmental protection?
A: When I was 20 years old, at that time I’d already been to many countries to study and create. I found that, in every country, there are people who don’t care about the environment.

Q: What have you done about it?
A: You know, I like to draw. So sometimes I would remind people of the importance of environmental protection through my paintings. There are also times when I’d participate in publicity activities, like walking with my friends on the street and explaining to people some of the knowledge about environmental protection

Q: Some people say that you being an environmental advocate is just a gesture to gain fame. What do you think about this?
A: I’m curious who said that. If it was for fame, I would have a better way of doing it. Like showing my works in exhibitions from all over the world, or getting on some TV shows, but I haven’t done any of that.

Via EPR Network
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Southern Europe finalists in the world’s largest startup competition for women in tech She Loves Tech 2021

MILAN, 7-Oct-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — The first edition of She Loves Tech South Europe is entering its core in October. Since the beginning of June, after campaigning and engaging the South Europe startup ecosystem, the finalists are now called for the final pitching, to showcase their business to a wide public and to the panel of international judges from diverse yet professionally relevant fields! Only 1 out of the 12 finalists will be selected as Regional Winner and as South Europe representative to attend the Global Final Competition! The greatest competition tailored to women in tech – organised by X23 Srl and covering Italy, France, Spain, Portugal – has found its champions in South Europe (in alphabetical order):

  • Baby Friendly Companies, Luxury baby gift baskets from Spain by Elena Gómez del Pozuelo
  • Best Health 4U, Material solutions for skin-interacting from Portugal by Sónia Ferreira.
  • EcoSteer, software that enables the data sharing economy from Italy by Elena Pasquali.
  • EthicHub, a social enterprise that connects small farmers with the financing needed from Spain by Gabriela Chang.
  • Ienai SPACE, highly efficient ionic-liquid electric propulsion systems and mission analysis for nano-satellites from Spain by Sara Correyero Plaza.
  • Levante, a green tech startup that designs and produces a smart, modular and deployable solar panel device from Italy by Sara Plaga.
  • MEETOPTICS, helps optical engineers and researchers in photonics find, filter and compare optics amongst verified providers in an easy and fast way from Spain by Bárbara Buades.
  • MoonAi, a mobile app that offers science-based and customized sounds to help relieve period-related pain from Spain by Laura-June CLARKE.
  • NEVARO, helps companies take care of their employees’ mental health from Portugal by Rita Maçorano.
  • Orange Fiber s.r.l., patented and manufactures sustainable fabrics for fashion from Italy by Enrica Arena.
  • The Newsroom, limiting the spread of misinformation online from Portugal by Jenny Romano.
  • U-Earth Biotech, innovative biotechnologies that reduce air pollution from Italy by Betta Maggio.

he South Europe Champions will compete in the final pitch, an online event celebrated on 13th October, from 2:00 to 4:40 PM CEST via Zoom Webinar (agenda, CLICK). A few seats are still available to get to know the best women-in-tech-led startup to join the representatives from the other 40+ countries globally in the Final Global Event on 3-4 December, 2021.
The startups will be selected by a panel of international judges expert in the startup ecosystem, while the event will host the key-note speeches from international industry experts, startup mentors and community builders, such as:

  • Yonah Welker, Board Member,, will discuss “Accessibility, algorithmic diversity and the role of women in this movement”
  • Maxwell Mirho, Host, Speaker, EntrepreNerd, will teach us “How to build a startup in 10 minutes”
  • Silvia Pulino, Professor, John Cabot University, will provide a speech about the “Gender Gap in STEM”.

Ready to discover the next top South Europe Women in Tech winner?
Don’t miss your chance and REGISTER NOW!

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Connection to the Real World: Revelation is Revealed

Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2021-Oct-08 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Amid the rise of uncertainty about the present and future of humanity triggered by the pandemic, COVID misinformation, including the lack of trust in the medical field and misunderstanding in the religious world, increases various concerns in daily life.

In the United States, rumors are circulating that the COVID vaccine is the “mark of the beast.” This apocalyptic biblical term is from Revelation 13 and is usually interpreted as being attached to Satan and subsequently diverging from God. Additionally, people regardless of religious background frequently encounter the question – does the COVID-19 signify “the end of the earth?”

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, announced that it will hold a round of weekly seminars titled, “Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God’s New Covenant” from October 18th to December 27th.

The seminars, broadcasting live on YouTube, will provide explanation of prophecies recorded from every chapter of Revelation based on the 5W1H (who, what, when, where, why, how) method. The lecturers include Chairman Lee Man-hee, who has said that he is a witness who saw and heard all the events of the book physically fulfilled in the real world (Revelation 22:16).

Previously, the SCJ Word Seminar held in August attracted 1,700 pastors and 28,000 people globally. “The number of participants at this time reflects their interest and effort to understand the words of Revelation consistently with the words of the rest of the books of the Bible,” said Mr. Kim Shin-chang, General Director of the International Mission Department of Shincheonji Church.

The Shincheonji Church also added that the book of Revelation is written in parables and has not been explained through the real world, but instead only through human thoughts and non-biblical speculative theories which has misguided believers and instigated social disorder. The church also emphasizes that understanding the true meaning of the book of Revelation is to see how the prophecies expressed in parables have been physically fulfilled in the world today according to the Bible.

Media contact:

Shincheonji Church AU
+61 401 909 117

Vincenzo Bocciarelli will introduce the Final of International Sacred Music Competition 2021 on September 18th

LOS ANGELES, 2021-Sep-15 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — From 15 to 18 September Rome will host the live stages of the International Sacred Music Competition. 2021, a true world championship of the solo repertoire of sacred music in which 75 opera singers of 37 different nationalities will participate, selected from the nearly 100 members of the online Elimination which was held in July.

From 15 to 18 September Rome will host the live stages of the International Sacred Music Competition. 2021, a true world championship of the solo repertoire of sacred music in which 75 opera singers of 37 different nationalities will participate, selected from the nearly 100 members of the online Elimination which was held in July. The winners will be chosen during the Final, in the form of a Gala Concert, which will take place on Saturday 18 September at 20:30 at the Basilica SS. Apostles in the presence of the Honorary Committee formed by Ambassadors to the Holy See and to the Italian Republic who will participate in the award ceremony.

The evening will be introduced by Vincenzo Bocciarelli, a beloved theatrical and film actor born at the school of Giorgio Strehler, confirmed after the excellent performance last year and will be broadcast by Tele Pace worldwide and by Vatican Radio.

This year the volcanic conductor, while the jury will retire, will entertain the audience and the competitors with some nice brackets during which he will recite poems, songs, and … the rest will be a surprise. “I am happy and honored – declared Bocciarelli – to be conducting the International Sacred Music Competition for the second year. Seeing the blossoming of new young talents, full of passion and enthusiasm for art, is deeply comforting. It means that despite everything, the world linked to quality and prestige shows continues to survive … ”

Bucciarelli’s was a summer full of events that marked an important recovery step, especially in a delicate moment like the one we are experiencing.

The emotions and the success in Sicily at the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento and at the Naro Castle with the show “Limitless” written by Serenella Bianchini, where he was the protagonist and directed it.

Support Let’s Sing Oratorio Music – Sacred Music Competition by booking on Eventbrite

The International Sacred Music Competition is the international selection of “Let’s Sing Oratorio Music!” the only cultural project in Europe dedicated to spreading the Musical Oratory among compulsory school children through an unforgettable educational and theatrical experience in which they will sing in the theater in front of the public. “We are already preparing them despite the difficulties of the pandemic shows will take place at the Rendano Theater in Cosenza on 3 and 5 December in which the very young Calabrian spectators will discover the magic of the Musical Oratory.

In this moment of enormous difficulty for music, we ask you to support us with a small donation to allow at least 50 children and young people who are most in difficulty in Cosenza to participate for free in the Let’s Sing Oratorio Music shows that will be held in December at the Rendano Theater. We remind you that it will also be possible to make a donation during the streaming broadcasts of the semifinals. Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that the Ministry of Culture did not want to co-finance the project, despite the fact that Let’s Sing Oratorio Music – International Sacred Music Competition was one of the very few Italian projects selected by the European Union .”

Via EPR Network
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S-O-M Inc. Announces 9/12/21 SCHWIND-O-METER Launch at Wrigley Field

Chicago, IL, 2021-Sep-07 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — V3 – The Most Technologically Advanced Statistical Tracking Device in Baseball History

In 1989 we unveiled SHAWON-O-METER, a crude yet catchy device that calculated batting average – simple division using at-bats and hits. Shawon Dunston caught fire and the Chicago Cubs were one step from the World Series.

In 2015 we increased capacity by replacing hits with total bases – slugging percentage. SCHWARB-O-METER pushed ciphering to the outer limits, befuddling even Joe Buck during Game Two of the 2016 World Series. Kyle Schwarber was a key contributor, helping the Cubs win it all.

And now, following Moore’s Law, we introduce SCHWIND-O-METER. Cubs vs San Francisco Giants, continuing the grand tradition of solar-powered/spreadsheet math while boisterously showing off the results to anyone within earshot. And what will we be tracking? The Grand Poohbah – OPS. Two bloated stats added together producing one eye-bulging result. Here’s to Frank Schwindel’s continued success in a Cub’s uniform.

Via EPR Network
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Fanpictor zal de digitale transformatie van de Koninklijke Belgische Voetbalbond

NIEDERUZWIL, Zwitserland / NEW YORK, NY, Verenigde Staten, 1-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — De Koninklijke Belgische Voetbalbond (KBVB) heeft een meerjarige samenwerking aangekondigd met Fanpictor, een Zwitsers technologiebedrijf binnen de NOEXIS-groep. Fanpictor zal de digitale transformatie van de vereniging ondersteunen en oplossingen bieden voor het betrekken van fans binnen de onlangs geüpgradede mobiele app voor het UEFA Europees kampioenschap voetbal en daarna. Deze overeenkomst valt samen met de lancering van een nieuwe Fanpictor-sponsoringoplossing voor eigendommen, verenigingen, rechthebbenden en sponsors. Met dit schaalbare end-to-end platform kunnen teams op alle niveaus van de professionele sport geavanceerde technieken en dataverwerking bouwen tegen een toegankelijke prijs.

Samenwerking met de Koninklijke Belgische Voetbalbond
Voortbouwend op de succesvolle samenwerkingen van Fanpictor met grote internationale eigendommen, verenigingen en sponsors uit de sportindustrie, zoals Raiffeisen Bank Zwitserland, Coca-Cola en de National Hockey League (NHL), is deze driejarige overeenkomst met de KBVB (een van de meest vooraanstaande bij UEFA aangesloten verenigingen) een belangrijke mijlpaal voor het bedrijf nu het zijn wereldwijde activiteiten verder uitbreidt.

“Met de KBVB wint Fanpictor een vooruitstrevende klant en versterkt het zijn expansiestrategie. We zijn ervan overtuigd dat de samenwerking met de KBVB en de gezamenlijk ontwikkelde digitale producten een winstgevende en baanbrekende impact zullen hebben op de digitale transformatie van de sportsponsoringindustrie”, aldus Sandro Kälin, oprichter en CEO van NOEXIS AG.

Door het KBVB-partnerschap breidt Fanpictor zijn portfolio van prestigieuze klanten in de sportindustrie uit. Christopher Cheetham, CEO van Fanpictor Inc., zei: “We zijn verheugd om samen te werken met de Koninklijke Belgische Voetbalbond en om hun ‘digital first’-visie tot leven te brengen. Belgische fans behoren tot ‘s werelds meest fanatieke voetbalsupporters en we kijken ernaar uit om de KBVB te helpen met het leveren van nieuwe ervaringen, spannende content en mogelijkheden voor fans om exclusieve prijzen te winnen tijdens en na EURO 2020. De KBVB deelt onze ambitie om te innoveren en we zijn verheugd om te zien wat we samen kunnen bereiken.”

Digitaal sportsponsorplatform
De manier waarop sport wordt geconsumeerd, is in alle leeftijdsgroepen aanzienlijk veranderd en is verschoven naar digitale kanalen. Organisaties moeten nieuwe manieren vinden om waarde te leveren aan belanghebbenden en moeten hun activiteiten snel aanpassen aan een sterk veranderde zakelijke omgeving. Als gevolg hiervan is de digitale transformatie in de sportindustrie versneld, waardoor technologie nu gebruikt wordt om ongekende groeimogelijkheden te ontgrendelen.

Fanpictor biedt een geïntegreerd digitaal platform voor eigendommen, verenigingen, rechthebbenden en sponsors om unieke fanervaringen te creëren en tegelijkertijd diepgaande gedragsinzichten te genereren. Via deze tool krijgen klanten van Fanpictor toegang tot diverse datasets, waardoor ze trends kunnen identificeren, datagestuurde besluitvormingskaders voor marketingactiviteiten kunnen bouwen en nieuwe inkomstenstromen en duurzame bedrijfsmodellen kunnen genereren.

Over Fanpictor
Fanpictor is een Zwitsers technologiebedrijf binnen de NOEXIS-groep dat innovatieve digitale oplossingen ontwikkelt voor eigendommen, verenigingen, rechthebbenden en sponsors. Fanpictor creëert boeiende digitale ervaringen om langdurige verbindingen op te bouwen tussen fans, teams en sponsors. Fanpictor’s geïntegreerde end-to-end fanbetrokkenheids- en sponsorplatform geeft marketing- en creatieve teams de mogelijkheid om unieke campagnes te ontwikkelen en commercieel gevalideerde gegevens te gebruiken om het succes van hun ideeën te meten. Voor meer informatie over digitale sportsponsoring, fan engagement en business intelligence kunt u terecht op

Meer informatie over de KBVB-app vind je op

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Fanpictor agevolerà la trasformazione digitale della RBFA

NIEDERUZWIL, Svizzera / NEW YORK, NY, Stati Uniti, 1-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — La Royal Belgian Football Association (RBFA) ha annunciato una partnership pluriennale con Fanpictor, una società tecnologica svizzera appartenente al gruppo NOEXIS. Fanpictor agevolerà la trasformazione digitale della società sportiva e fornirà soluzioni per il coinvolgimento dei tifosi con la sua app mobile recentemente aggiornata per il Campionato Europeo di Calcio UEFA e oltre. Questo accordo coincide con il lancio di una nuova formula di sponsorizzazione Fanpictor per società sportive, associazioni, titolari di diritti e sponsor. Questa piattaforma scalabile end-to-end consente alle squadre di ogni livello dello sport professionistico di implementare una gestione evoluta di tecnologia e dati a un prezzo accessibile.

Partnership con la Royal Belgian Football Association
Costruito sulla base della proficua collaborazione di Fanpictor con importanti società sportive internazionali, associazioni e sponsor del settore sportivo, come Raiffeisen Bank Switzerland, Coca-Cola e National Hockey League (NHL), questo accordo triennale con la RBFA, una delle associazioni più prestigiose della UEFA, è una significativa pietra miliare per l’azienda che continua a espandere le proprie iniziative a livello globale.

“Con la RBFA, Fanpictor conquista un cliente lungimirante e rafforza la propria strategia di espansione. Siamo convinti che la collaborazione con la RBFA e i prodotti digitali sviluppati congiuntamente avranno un impatto proficuo e pionieristico sulla trasformazione digitale del settore delle sponsorizzazioni sportive”, ha affermato Sandro Kälin, fondatore e AD di NOEXIS AG.

Grazie alla partnership con la RBFA, Fanpictor amplia il proprio elenco di prestigiosi clienti nel settore sportivo. Christopher Cheetham, AD di Fanpictor Inc., ha dichiarato: “Siamo lieti di collaborare con la Royal Belgian Football Association per dare vita alla loro visione “digital first”. I fan belgi sono tra i tifosi di calcio più appassionati al mondo e siamo impazienti di aiutare la RBFA a proporre ai tifosi nuove esperienze, contenuti entusiasmanti e opportunità di vincere premi esclusivi durante e dopo EURO 2020. La RBFA condivide la nostra spinta all’innovazione e aspettiamo con entusiasmo di vedere cosa potremo realizzare insieme”.

Piattaforma di sponsorizzazione sportiva digitale
Con il passaggio ai canali digitali, il modo in cui vengono fruiti gli eventi sportivi è cambiato in modo significativo in tutte le fasce d’età. Le organizzazioni devono trovare nuovi modi per portare profitti agli investitori e adattare le proprie iniziative con rapidità in un mercato profondamente mutato. Di conseguenza, la trasformazione digitale nel settore sportivo ha subito una forte accelerazione e adesso si serve della tecnologia per dare accesso a opportunità di crescita senza precedenti.

Fanpictor offre una piattaforma digitale integrata a società sportive, associazioni, titolari di diritti e sponsor, permettendo loro di proporre ai tifosi delle esperienze esclusive e fornendo al contempo statistiche comportamentali. Con questo strumento i clienti di Fanpictor hanno accesso a diversi insiemi di dati con cui possono identificare tendenze, elaborare strutture decisionali supportate da dati per le attività di marketing e generare nuovi flussi di entrate e modelli di business sostenibili.

Chi siamo Fanpictor
Fanpictor è una società tecnologica svizzera appartenente al gruppo NOEXIS che sviluppa soluzioni digitali innovative per società sportive, associazioni, titolari di diritti e sponsor. Fanpictor sviluppa esperienze digitali coinvolgenti che stabiliscono relazioni a lungo termine tra tifosi, squadre e sponsor. La piattaforma integrata end-to end di Fanpictor per la sponsorizzazione e il coinvolgimento dei tifosi dà ai team di marketing e creativi la possibilità di sviluppare campagne promozionali uniche e di utilizzare dati commercialmente convalidati per misurare il successo delle loro idee. Ulteriori informazioni sulla sponsorizzazione sportiva digitale, sul coinvolgimento dei fan e sulla business intelligence sono disponibili su

Ulteriori informazioni sull’app RBFA sono disponibili su

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Fanpictor respaldará la transformación digital de la Real Federación Belga de Fútbol

NIEDERUZWIL, Suiza / NUEVA YORK, NY, Estados Unidos, 1-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — la Real Federación Belga de Fútbol (RFBF) ha anunciado una colaboración de varios años con Fanpictor, empresa de tecnología suiza del grupo NOEXIS. Fanpictor respaldará la transformación digital de la federación y brindará herramientas para la participación de los aficionados en su aplicación móvil recién actualizada para el Campeonato Europeo de Fútbol de la UEFA y otros eventos futuros. Este acuerdo coincide con el lanzamiento de una nueva herramienta de patrocinio de Fanpictor para propiedades, asociaciones, titulares de derechos y patrocinadores. Esta plataforma integral y ampliable permite a equipos de todos los niveles del deporte profesional establecer una tecnología de vanguardia y manejar datos a un precio accesible.

Colaboración con la Real Federación Belga de Fútbol
Tras las exitosas colaboraciones de Fanpictor con importantes propiedades, asociaciones y patrocinadores internacionales del sector deportivo, como el Raiffeisen Bank Switzerland, Coca-Cola y la Liga Nacional de Hockey (NHL), este acuerdo de tres años con la RFBF, una de las asociaciones de miembros más sofisticadas de la UEFA, es un hito importante para la empresa, que sigue ampliando sus operaciones mundiales.

«Con la RFBF, Fanpictor gana un cliente con visión de futuro y fortalece su estrategia de expansión. Estamos convencidos de que la cooperación con la RFBF y los productos digitales desarrollados conjuntamente tendrán un impacto rentable y pionero en la transformación digital del sector del patrocinio deportivo», declaró Sandro Kälin, fundador y director general de NOEXIS AG.

A través de la asociación con la RFBF, Fanpictor amplía su lista de clientes prestigiosos en el sector deportivo. Christopher Cheetham, director general de Fanpictor Inc., declaró: «Estamos encantados de asociarnos con la Real Federación Belga de Fútbol para dar vida a su visión de “lo digital primero”. Los hinchas belgas se encuentran entre los más apasionados del mundo, y esperamos ayudar a la RFBF a ofrecer nuevas experiencias, contenidos emocionantes y oportunidades para que los aficionados ganen premios exclusivos durante y después de la EURO 2020. La RFBF comparte nuestro afán de innovación, y estamos deseando ver lo que podemos lograr juntos».

Plataforma digital de patrocinio deportivo
La forma en la que se consumen los deportes ha cambiado considerablemente en todos los grupos de edad, orientándose hacia los canales digitales. Las organizaciones deben encontrar nuevas formas de ofrecer valor a las partes interesadas y adaptar rápidamente sus operaciones a un entorno empresarial muy cambiado. En consecuencia, la transformación digital se ha acelerado en el sector deportivo, que ahora utiliza la tecnología para generar oportunidades de crecimiento sin precedentes.

Fanpictor ofrece una plataforma digital integrada para que las propiedades, asociaciones, titulares de derechos y patrocinadores puedan crear experiencias únicas para los aficionados, al tiempo que se obtiene información detallada sobre su comportamiento. Con esta herramienta, los clientes de Fanpictor pueden acceder a diversos conjuntos de datos, lo que les permite identificar tendencias, crear esquemas de toma de decisiones basados en datos para las actividades de mercadotecnia y generar nuevas fuentes de ingresos y modelos de negocio sostenibles.

Acerca de Fanpictor
Fanpictor es una empresa de tecnología suiza perteneciente al grupo NOEXIS que desarrolla herramientas digitales innovadoras para propiedades, asociaciones, titulares de derechos y patrocinadores. Fanpictor crea atractivas experiencias digitales para establecer vínculos a largo plazo entre aficionados, equipos y patrocinadores. La plataforma integrada e integral de participación para aficionados y patrocinio de Fanpictor ofrece a los equipos creativos y de mercadotecnia la oportunidad de desarrollar campañas únicas y utilizar datos validados comercialmente para evaluar el éxito de sus ideas. Puede encontrar más información sobre el patrocinio digital de deportes, la participación de los aficionados y la inteligencia empresarial en

Aplicación RBFA
Puede encontrar más información sobre la aplicación RBFA en

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Fanpictor soutiendra la transformation numérique de La Royal Belgian Football Association

NIEDERUZWIL, Suisse / NEW YORK, États-Unis, 1-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — La Royal Belgian Football Association (Royal Belgian Football Association, RBFA) a annoncé un partenariat pluriannuel avec Fanpictor, une entreprise technologique suisse appartenant au groupe NOEXIS. Fanpictor soutiendra la transformation numérique de l’association et fournira des solutions d’engagement des fans dans son application mobile récemment mise à niveau pour le Championnat d’Europe de football de l’UEFA, et bien après. Cet accord coïncide avec le lancement d’une nouvelle solution de parrainage Fanpictor pour les propriétés, les associations, les ayants droit et les sponsors. Cette plateforme évolutive de bout en bout permet aux équipes sportives professionnelles de tous niveaux d’accéder à une technologie de pointe et un traitement de données pour un prix accessible.

Partenariat avec la Royal Belgian Football Association
S’appuyant sur les collaborations fructueuses de Fanpictor avec de grandes propriétés internationales, des associations et des sponsors de l’industrie du sport tels que Raiffeisen Bank Suisse, Coca-Cola et la National Hockey League (NHL) américaine, cet accord de trois ans avec la RBFA, l’une des fédérations membres les plus expérimentées de l’UEFA, est une étape importante pour l’entreprise en pleine expansion dans ses opérations mondiales.

« Avec la RBFA, Fanpictor gagne un client avant-gardiste et renforce sa stratégie d’expansion. Nous sommes convaincus que la coopération avec la RBFA et les produits numériques développés conjointement exerceront un impact rentable et pionnier sur la transformation numérique de l’industrie du sponsoring sportif », a déclaré Sandro Kälin, fondateur et P.-D.G. de NOEXIS AG.

Grâce au partenariat avec la RBFA, Fanpictor élargit sa liste de clients prestigieux dans l’industrie du sport. Christopher Cheetham, P.-D.G. de Fanpictor Inc., a déclaré : « Nous sommes ravis de nous associer à la Royal Belgian Football Association pour donner vie à leur vision du “tout numérique”. Les supporters belges sont parmi les supporters de football les plus passionnés au monde et nous sommes impatients d’aider la RBFA à offrir aux fans de nouvelles expériences, un contenu passionnant et des opportunités de gagner des prix exclusifs pendant et après l’Euro 2020. La RBFA partage notre volonté d’innover et nous avons hâte de voir ce que nous pouvons accomplir ensemble. »

Plateforme numérique de sponsoring sportif
La façon dont le sport est consommé a considérablement changé dans toutes les tranches d’âge, passant aux canaux numériques. Les organisations doivent trouver de nouvelles façons d’offrir de la valeur aux parties prenantes et adapter rapidement leurs opérations à un environnement commercial en pleine mutation. En conséquence, la transformation numérique s’est accélérée dans l’industrie du sport, qui utilise désormais la technologie pour ouvrir des opportunités de croissance sans précédent.

Fanpictor propose une plateforme numérique intégrée pour les propriétés, les associations, les titulaires de droits et les sponsors afin de créer des expériences uniques pour les fans, tout en générant des informations comportementales approfondies. Grâce à cet outil, les clients de Fanpictor ont accès à divers ensembles de données, leur permettant d’identifier les tendances, de créer des systèmes de prise de décision basés sur ces données pour leurs activités de marketing, et de générer de nouvelles sources de revenus et des modèles commerciaux durables.

À propos de Fanpictor
Fanpictor est une entreprise technologique suisse au sein du groupe NOEXIS qui développe des solutions numériques innovantes pour les propriétés, les associations, les ayants droit et les sponsors. Fanpictor crée des expériences numériques captivantes pour établir des liens à long terme entre les fans, les équipes et les sponsors. La plateforme intégrée d’engagement et de parrainage des fans de bout en bout de Fanpictor offre aux équipes marketing et créatives la possibilité de développer des campagnes uniques et d’utiliser des données validées commercialement pour mesurer le succès de leurs idées. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur le parrainage sportif numérique, l’engagement des fans et la veille économique sur

Application RBFA
Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur l’application RBFA sur

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Der Königlich Belgische Fussballverband (RBFA) verkündet eine mehrjährige Partnerschaft mit Fanpictor um die Digitalisierung innerhalb des Verbandes voranzutreiben

Niederuzwil, Schweiz und New York, USA, 1-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Der Königlich Belgische Fussballverband (RBFA) verkündet eine mehrjährige Partnerschaft mit Fanpictor, einem Schweizer Technologieunternehmen der NOEXIS Gruppe, um die Digitalisierung innerhalb des Verbandes voranzutreiben. Fanpictor integriert seine bedürfnisspezifischen digitalen Fan-Engagement-Lösungen in die aktualisierte Mobile-App der RBFA für die UEFA Fussball-Europameisterschaft und die Zeit danach. Diese Kooperation erfolgt zeitgleich mit der Lancierung der neuen Digital Sports Sponsorship Platform von Fanpictor für Sportvereine, Verbände, Rechteinhaber und Sponsoren. Die skalierbare digitale End-to-End-Lösung ermöglicht es Teams auf allen Ebenen des professionellen Sports, einen hochmodernen Technologie- und Datenbetrieb zu einem erschwinglichen Preis aufzubauen.

Partnerschaft mit dem Königlich Belgischen Fussballverband
Nach erfolgreichen Kooperationen mit namhaften internationalen Vereinen, Verbänden und Sponsoren aus dem Sportsektor wie Raiffeisen Schweiz, Coca-Cola und der National Hockey League (NHL), ist der Dreijahresvertrag mit RBFA, einem der fortschrittlichsten Mitgliedsverbände der UEFA, ein bedeutender Meilenstein für Fanpictor bei der globalen Expansion.

«Mit RBFA gewinnt Fanpictor einen vorausdenkenden Kunden und untermauert damit die Expansionsstrategie. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass die Zusammenarbeit mit RBFA und die gemeinsam entwickelten digitalen Produkte einen gewinnbringenden und zukunftsweisenden Einfluss auf die Digitalisierung der Sportsponsoring-Industrie haben werden», teilt Sandro Kälin, Gründer und CEO der NOEXIS AG, mit.

Durch die Kooperation mit RBFA baut Fanpictor sein Netzwerk an renommierten Kunden im Sportbereich weiter aus. Christopher Cheetham, CEO von Fanpictor Inc., betont: «Wir sind sehr glücklich und stolz, mit dem Königlich Belgischen Fussballverband zu kooperieren und ihre Digital-First-Vision zum Leben zu erwecken. Die belgischen Fussballfans gehören zu den leidenschaftlichsten Fans der Welt. Wir freuen uns deshalb ausserordentlich, RBFA dabei zu unterstützen, ihren Supportern während und nach der EURO 2020 unvergessliche Erlebnisse, massgeschneiderte Inhalte und exklusive Preise zu bieten. RBFA teilt unseren Innovationsdrang und wir sind gespannt, was wir gemeinsam erreichen werden.»

Digital Sports Sponsorship Platform
Die Art und Weise, wie Sport konsumiert wird, hat sich über alle Altersgruppen hinweg stark verändert und sich auf die digitalen Kanäle verlagert. Deshalb müssen neue Wege gefunden werden, um allen Interessensgruppen weiterhin einen Mehrwert zu bieten und die eigenen Prozesse schnell an ein stark verändertes Geschäftsumfeld anzupassen. Infolgedessen schreitet die Digitalisierung in der Sportindustrie in grossen Schritten voran und verschafft Teams, Verbänden, Rechteinhabern und Sponsoren eine enorme Wachstumsmöglichkeit.

Fanpictor bietet eine integrierte digitale Plattform, um einzigartige Fan-Erlebnisse zu schaffen und gleichzeitig aufschlussreiche Insights über das Verhalten und die Präferenzen der Fans zu gewinnen. Mit der Digital Sports Sponsorship Platform erhalten Sportvereine, Verbände, Rechteinhaber und Sponsoren Zugang zu diversen Datensätzen, mit welchen sie Trends erkennen, datengestützte Entscheidungsgrundlagen für Vermarktungsaktivitäten schaffen, neue Einnahmequellen generieren und dadurch ein nachhaltiges Geschäftsmodell entwickeln.

Ãœber Fanpictor
Fanpictor ist ein Schweizer Technologieunternehmen der NOEXIS Gruppe, das innovative digitale Lösungen für Sportvereine, Sportverbände, Rechteinhaber und Sponsoren entwickelt. Fanpictor schafft fesselnde digitale Erlebnisse, um langfristige Verbindungen zwischen Fans, Teams und Sponsoren aufzubauen. Fanpictors integrierte durchgängige Digital Sports Sponsorship Platform gibt Marketing- und Kreativteams die Möglichkeit, einzigartige, massgeschneiderte Kampagnen zu entwickeln und den Erfolg ihrer Ideen mit kommerziell validierten Daten zu messen. Weitere Informationen über digitales Sportsponsoring, Fan Engagement und Business Intelligence finden Sie unter

Weitere Informationen zur RBFA App finden Sie unter

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Fanpictor to support Royal Belgian Football Association’s digital transformation

NIEDERUZWIL, Switzerland / NEW YORK, NY, United States, 1-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — The Royal Belgian Football Association (RBFA) has announced a multi-year partnership with Fanpictor, a Swiss technology company within the NOEXIS group. Fanpictor will support the association’s digital transformation and provide fan engagement solutions within its recently upgraded mobile app for the UEFA European Football Championship and beyond. This agreement coincides with the launch of a new Fanpictor sponsorship solution for properties, associations, rights holders and sponsors. This scalable end-to-end platform allows teams at all levels of professional sport to build a cutting-edge technology and data operation at an accessible price point.

Partnership with Royal Belgian Football Association
Building on Fanpictor’s successful collaborations with major international properties, associations and sponsors from the sports industry, such as Raiffeisen Bank Switzerland, Coca-Cola and the National Hockey League (NHL), this three-year agreement with the RBFA, one of UEFA’s most sophisticated member associations, is a significant milestone for the company as it continues to expand its global operations.

“With RBFA, Fanpictor wins a forward-thinking customer and strengthens its expansion strategy. We are convinced that the cooperation with RBFA and the jointly developed digital products will have a profitable and pioneering impact on the digital transformation of the sports sponsorship industry“ said Sandro Kälin, founder and CEO of NOEXIS AG.

Through the RBFA partnership, Fanpictor expands its roster of prestigious customers in the sports industry. Christopher Cheetham, CEO of Fanpictor Inc., said: “We are delighted to partner with the Royal Belgian Football Association to bring their ‘digital first’ vision to life. Belgian fans are among the world’s most passionate football supporters and we look forward to helping the RBFA deliver new experiences, exciting content, and opportunities for fans to win exclusive prizes during and after EURO 2020. The RBFA shares our drive to innovate, and we are excited to see what we can accomplish together.”

Digital Sports Sponsorship Platform
The way sports are consumed has changed significantly across all age groups, shifting to digital channels. Organizations have to find new ways to deliver value to stakeholders and quickly adapt their operations to a much-changed business environment. As a result, digital transformation has accelerated in the sports industry, which is now using technology to unlock unprecedented opportunities for growth.

Fanpictor offers an integrated digital platform for properties, associations, rights holders and sponsors to create unique fan experiences, while generating in-depth behavioral insights. Through this tool Fanpictor’s clients gain access to diverse data sets, enabling them to identify trends, build data-driven decision-making frameworks for marketing activities, and generate new revenue streams and sustainable business models.

About Fanpictor
Fanpictor is a Swiss technology company within the NOEXIS group that develops innovative digital solutions for properties, associations, rights holders and sponsors. Fanpictor creates captivating digital experiences to build long-term connections between fans, teams and sponsors. Fanpictor’s integrated end-to-end fan engagement and sponsorship platform, gives marketing and creative teams the opportunity to develop unique campaigns and to use commercially validated data to measure the success of their ideas. More information about digital sports sponsorship, fan engagement and business intelligence can be found at

More information about the RBFA App can be found at

SOURCE: EuropaWire

PayPerHead Set to Begin $3 Per Head Until Super Bowl Promo

San Jose, Costa Rica, 2021-Jun-28 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Sportsbook software company PayPerHead is about to release its most extended promotion of the year. The company’s Super Bowl Promo begins in July and lasts until the 2022 NFL Championship.

The National Football League has added an extra game this season, pushing both the playoffs and the 2022 Super Bowl forward by a week. First scheduled for February 6, 2022, Super Bowl LVI now happens on February 13.

Per a University of Villanova study, 93% of U.S.-based sports bettors are interested in betting on the NFL. The same report said that 13% of American adults, or 33.2 million, said they planned on making a bet on an NFL game during the 2020 season.

The study also stated that 34% of American adults planned on making NFL wagers through an online sportsbook. The study estimates total non-recorded sports betting revenue at $70 billion per year.

PayPerHead product manager Nate Johnson said internal research is in line with the Villanova study. “The study said 69% of core sports bettors are male while most are between the ages of 23 through 34. Our agents have told me their players love the NFL and, yes, most are male and fit into the study’s age demographic.”

When asked why such a long promotion, Johnson said that wasn’t the plan. “Heading into 2021, we thought we might revert to our normal promotion schedule. We offered agents the $3 per head until Super Bowl promo in 2020 to help bookie software agents get by during the pandemic. It was such a success in 2020, though, that we decided to run it again this year.”

Johnson said the company has an advantage in the industry due to its proprietary software. “We use our software, which means we can integrate with third-party platforms much easier than other organizations.”

“Also, we only provide software. We don’t double as a sportsbook, which means bookie agents mustn’t worry about us stealing their players,” he said.

Johnson added that PayPerHead doesn’t hold back during their promotions even if it lasts for more than half a year. “When agents sign-up for the $3 per head until Super Bowl Promo, they can offer all add-on platforms, including Premium Props, the Premium Gaming platform with 3D options, and Live+. They can also use the Agent Payment Solution where they and players can deposit online into their accounts.”

“We want to develop long-lasting relationships. We’ve been around since 1997. So we know what it takes to run a successful, individually owned, online sportsbook. All we care about is helping bookies make money and run successful sportsbook companies,” Johnson said.

Via EPR Network
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PayPerHead Agents Ready for NBA & NHL Playoffs Revenue Boost

San Jose, Costa Rica, 2021-May-17 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — For PayPerHead agents, two of the most important events on the sports calendar happen in spring. The NBA Playoffs and NHL Playoffs both start in the second half of May.

Yearly, Major League Baseball, National Basketball Association, and National Hockey League sports betting generates $50 million to $80 million. Last August, when the NHL Playoffs and NBA Playoffs in Orlando happened simultaneously, U.S. sports bettors wagered a record $2.1 billion.

The August 2020 total was a 90.2% increase from August 2019. Recorded U.S. sports betting handle broke the August 2020 record in October, when American sports handicappers bet more than $3 billion for the first time.

Sports betting revenue information never provides a complete picture. PayPerHead agents don’t release betting revenue stats, which means statisticians underreport total sports wagering information. Agents are excited about a typical NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs and NBA Playoffs.

The National Basketball Association finished their 2019-2020 NBA Season at Disney World in Orlando. The National Hockey League finished their season in two Canadian cities, Edmonton and Toronto. Although both leagues had exciting finishes, the Tampa Bay Lightning beat the Dallas Stars to win the Stanley Cup, and the Los Angeles Lakers defeated the Miami Heat to win the NBA Finals, neither league produced the same television ratings as they did in the past.

Per Nate Johnson, PayPerHead’s Product Manager, that could be because of new viewing avenues. “We offer video streams via our Live+ platform,” Johnson said. With Live+, agents can also offer players game trackers. The in-game betting platform allows players to watch, check out stats, and wager on games while they happen.

PayPerHead also has a Premium Props platform where players can bet on star performances. Johnson said that sports bettors could wager on how many points a player like Kevin Durant or James Harden scores in a game during the NBA Playoffs.

Johnson added that PayPerHead designs digital platforms to boost action. “Premium Gaming has the latest 3D options, we provide two live dealer platforms for agent flexibility, and agents and players can use multiple options to deposit into their accounts via the Agent Payment Solution.”

“During promotions or trials, agents can use all prime platforms for free. We expect all agents, but especially newer agents, to see a big boost in action during the NBA Playoffs and NHL Playoffs,” he said.

Via EPR Network
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