Tag Archives: SEO

How to Choose the Most Reliable SEO Company without Breaking a Sweat

LONDON, 2022-Oct-05 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Have you ever thought about your life as a business owner nowadays without technology? How would you manage your orders? But most importantly, how would you boost your company viewings? Could you promote your business without technology? Maybe yes, but this method will take longer and is not guaranteed. It can be frustrating sometimes to understand the basic marketing concepts and how to make your business blow up. Although there are no such fixed “recipes” for doing so, you can now relax because an SEO company can do the job for you. An SEO expert is a person who can make your life much easier by working on innovative ways to promote your business. If you are intrigued by the idea, let’s dive into the subject.

What is SEO?

In today’s corporate environment, SEO is constantly being discussed. You think you understand search engine optimization (SEO), but you may not know all the services included in the package or how to get the same results as an SEO company.

Suppose you want more customers and more exposure for your company. In that case, you need to familiarize yourself with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or let an SEO expert do the job for you.

Search engine optimization is a kind of digital marketing used by company owners to raise their brand’s awareness, website visits, leads, and sales and profits. SEO comes from “Search Engine Optimization,” an acronym that has been widely used. Although SEO was not so famous in the past, it is trendy to ask for an SEO agency’s services.

SEO is a strategy primarily used to improve a site’s visibility in organic search results and hence increase the likelihood of it being visited by its intended audience. Think of it as your loyal, brilliant friend who helps bring your business to the top market.

How does it Work?

Crawlers, often known as bots, are used by major search engines like Google and Gibiru to catalog every piece of online material they can discover. The crawler commences its journey from a specified web page, which explores the site’s internal linking structure and any external linkages to other sites. It learns then about each page and its semantic connections to others in the search engine’s colossal database, known as an index, from the content on those sites and the context of the links it follows.

Search engines use sophisticated algorithms to compile the most relevant and helpful results in response to a user’s query, whether that phrase is typed in or spoken to the search box. Web sites with text, news stories, photos, videos, local company listings, and other specialized content may appear in these organic results. If it sounds too complicated for you, do not miss out on the opportunity of hiring an SEO expert who can treat your business as their own.

Is it Worth Hiring an SEO Expert?

It is ok if you want to do SEO on your website (DIY) because learning is the best trait that a human can have. Hiring an expert, however, ensures that the process, which is crucial to the success of any organization, is handled with the utmost expertise and professionalism. Finding a good SEO company like GAMIT may be difficult, but you can make your dreams come true with rigorous research.

Still, if you think your business may succeed without an SEO agency’s assistance, consider the following three arguments in favor of enlisting the services of such a firm to drive qualified customers to your website and increase sales. Remember, your business needs to come first, so think wisely before acting.

1. Time

The availability of resources is crucial to the success of any enterprise, and how a company uses its resources depends on its availability. Because of this, it is wise to smartly manage your funds, taking the time to plot out the most lucrative use of the capital. Time is not only unreasonable but also irretrievably lost once it is spent. And let’s face it. SEO takes a lot of time, and the golden rule in business is not to waste any minute. Therefore, an expert in SEO can do the job for you before you know it and even exceed your expectations.

Maybe you are a newbie in your career field and think you have the time to manage your website’s search engine optimization. Still, in reality, this is the most crucial time when you need help building your website and promoting your business. Therefore, it is necessary to hire ASAP an SEO USA company. This will benefit you and your company: the time saved may be put to greater use in other high-pressure areas on the one hand, and your firm will enjoy the benefits of increased SEO traffic on the other. Think smart, not hard. Other people, such as an SEO expert, can do your job, so do not burden yourself too much.

2. A Professional Expert has an Affinity for Technical Details

SEO takes more than just a little bit of time. Some methods, skills, knowledge, and experience may seem like UFO or unsettling, and you cannot skimp on these abilities since they are crucial to providing good SEO services.

Skills like writing, communicating, understanding the bases of a business, computer programming, content marketing, time management, critical thinking, social skills, and decision-making are a few examples that an SEO expert must master. They have the best social and intellectual traits to help you achieve your goals.

In short, when working with an SEO company, these tasks are often delegated to professionals in their respective domains. If you do not have expert-level knowledge in the above areas, it is probably best to engage an SEO firm.

3. Their Strategies Work like Magic

There’s no denying that SEO may boost your site’s exposure, but if you do it yourself, what are the chances that your intended audience will find and use it? Experts in search engine optimization deal with these kinds of problems daily, and they will find the best strategy to work to boost your views.

Professional SEO aims for more than just an increase in traffic; it seeks out conversions, clicks, purchases, better rankings, and more. If you are wondering, “What exactly do SEO businesses do?” they do not simply broadcast a company to the globe; they post their content to the people who would be most interested in it.

All in all, is it worthwhile to invest in search engine optimization? Should you seek help from an SEO agency? Absolutely. And if you have not done it yet, you should hurry up and do it now. Not only will you be happy with the final results (if the agency is trustworthy), but the money spent on hiring an SEO specialist will also pay off.

What is an SEO Company?

Simply put, it is a company that provides similar goods and services to your business as any other company. Still, its focus is on SEO software and consulting rather than physical goods. Its mission is to improve your website’s online exposure by tailoring it to the needs of both your potential customers and search engines.

In addition to generating connections, they also create and optimize content, reorganize the site’s layout, and ensure its optimal functionality. But do not fall for it easily; not all SEO businesses provide this service. Therefore, do a background check on the SEO company you hire to avoid any unpleasant surprises. It would be best if you put the safety of your business first. Always select the SEO expert who has potential and shows results, not just rumors or promises.

What if you are Reticent?

It is no secret that many businesses may try to trick you or may deliver poor services. In times like this, when money is the symbol of power and everyone wants a piece, it is hard to find someone you should trust, especially with your business. It is hard, indeed, but not impossible. A witty move would be to do your “homework” before working with any SEO company, understanding their beliefs and standards regarding quality and searching for feedback from previous customers. Then, after you narrow down your options, it is best to go to their office (if they have one) to talk to them face-to-face. Do not panic if the SEO firm has no official office. Many businesses nowadays are working from home because it is more convenient. Also, you need to establish your budget because what you pay is what you will receive. It is essential to start from a clean slate and communicate well with the team because they need to understand what you are aiming for.

Final Thoughts

Although there is no explicit “method” for your business to blow up, you must be patient. There may be a couple of months before the results will show up. Just do your best and hang on. In times like this, you should focus only on your business and how to make it more unique. Thus, it would be best to ask for help because a good leader knows he cannot do everything alone. Leave pride aside and hire an SEO expert to help your company take off the market because working with a strong team will bring out the best in your business.


Via EPR Network
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Simplify Content: Agencija na daljinu specijalizirana za istraživanje tržišta, izradu i implementaciju strategije sadržaja

ZAGREB, 5-Sep-2022 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Simplify Content agencija sastoji se od dva mlada i inovativna člana, Ivana Jajića i Braslava Bradića. Ivan je uz svoje prethodno iskustvo u nekoliko industrija i područja poput revenue managementa, product Management i kontrolinga stekao relevantna iskustva potrebna za kreiranje strategije i sadržaja. Također, Ivan je autor nekoliko znanstvenih radova, većinom u područjima digitalne ekonomije, rudarenju podataka i primjeni umjetne inteligencije. Njegovi radovi objavljeni su u svjetski poznatoj bazi sažetaka i citata Scopus te najvećoj svjetskoj tehničkoj organizaciji posvećene unapređenju tehnologije za dobrobit čovječanstva – Instituta inženjera elektrotehnike i elektronike (IEEE). Svojim kontinuiranim radom i dodatnom edukacijom položio je i certifikate Hubspot Academya u području Content i Inbound Marketinga kao i Braslav. Braslav je s druge strane stručnjak u području kreativnih industrija. Niz godina kreira Facebook oglase za više klijenata dok video oglase radi i ispred i iza kamere. Njegov film “Jutro” uvršten je na program ovogodišnjeg filmskog festivala u Požegi. Radom u medijima oplemenjuje stečene kompetencije u marketingu i oglašavanju s naglaskom na društvene mreže. Dugi niz godina je i poduzetnik u turizmu i zabavi. 11 puta zaredom dobiva priznanje “Superhost” od Airbnb-a dok ja na Booking.comu također među najbolje ocijenjenim iznajmljivačima. Cijelo vrijeme unapređuje svoja znanja od ITHAS akademije u turizmu do Penn Stateu i HarvardX-u gdje polaže različite kolegije. Interesom za marketing i poduzetništvo u kulturi i umjetnosti piše znanstveni rad s docenticom s Ekonomskog fakulteta.

Oba člana Simplify Contenta imaju osim navedenog iskustva i završene diplomske studije. Ivan je završio diplomski studij Poslovne administracije sa specijalizacijom u Financijskom managementu s Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam dok je Braslav završio diplomski studij Poslovne ekonomije smjer Marketing na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Oba su završila preddiplomski studij poslovne ekonomije na engleskom jeziku Bachelor Degree in Business (BDiB) koji je nositelj EPAS akreditacije za izvrsnost studijskog programa, a sam Ekonomski fakultet u Zagrebu prestižnih AACSB i EQUIS akreditacija.

Simplify Content može Vam pomoći u kreiranju SEO sadržaja na Vašim Internet stranicama i implementirati Content Marketing strategiju potrebnu za kontinuirano prisustvo u digitalnom svijetu. Postavljanje SMART ciljeva i kreiranje strategije Vašeg poduzeća prvi je korak u postavljanju Pillar postova na društvene mreže te ostale platforme kao i kasnije re-objavljivanje istih uz male modifikacije. Content marketing kojim se Simplify Content bavi isključivo je organski što znači da kreiramo isključivo vlastiti sadržaj koji ima svoju SEO snagu te ga repozicioniramo prema potrebi na drugim platformama. Istraživanje tržišta, kreiranje SMART ciljeva, pisanje blog sadržaja koji rješava problem potencijalnog korisnika ili odgovara na pitanja trenutnog, kreiranje postova na društvenim mrežama, analitika i backlinking su glavne sastavnice naše agencije.

Dobivanje rezultata organskim načinom privlačenja korisnika dugotrajan je proces, no i jedini koji ostaje dugoročno! Plaćeni oglasi će u kratkom vremenu možda doprinijeti popularizaciji Vašeg poduzeća, no isti čim se dodijeljena sredstva potroše nestaju kao i ukupan reach Vašeg poduzeća. Dugoročni uspjeh je upitan, dok se od Vas traži kontinuirano investiranje u plaćene oglase.

Upravo zato obratite se nama kako bi zajedno s Vašim marketinškim i prodajnim odjelom usuglasili najbolju strategiju za Vaše poduzeće. Dogovorite s nama online sastanak i pročitajte više o Simplify Contentu ukoliko smatrate da Vaše poduzeće treba dugoročan trag kroz organski Content marketing u digitalnom svijetu, što svakako preporučujemo.

Simplify Content

Agencija na daljinu specijalizirana za istraživanje tržišta, izradu i implementaciju strategije sadržaja. Praktično i akademsko iskustvo u istraživanju tržišta putem Internet upitnika i drugih metoda čini nas drugačijima. Ako je potrebno, provodimo statističku analizu podataka ankete kako bismo istražili razine značajnosti. Stoga kombiniramo oba svijeta – strategiju sadržaja potkrijepljenu podacima. Cilj nam je prikupiti informacije i od Vas (našeg klijenta) i od Vaših potencijalnih kupaca kombinirajući ih u strategiju Content marketinga. Zatim transformiramo tu strategiju u dijelove za svaki kanal kojem ćemo pridonijeti u stalnoj suradnji s vama. Analitičko izvješćivanje i analiza svake implementirane Content marketing odluke radi se kako bismo bili sigurni da idemo u pravom smjeru. Ciljamo na dugoročne rezultate jer oni su ti koji traju!

Više o nama saznajte na – https://www.simplifycontent.com/

SearchCatalyst Highlights Why Duplicate Web Content is Bad for Small Businesses

Duplicate web page content is bad for any website because it greatly affects SEO, but SearchCatalyst, an SEO agency dealing exclusively in small business Internet marketing, says it is particularly bad news for small businesses.

Aside from negatively impacting on a user’s online experience, duplicate content is particularly disastrous for SEO. It affects the site’s credibility, which is one of the most important ways a site can rank highly, organically, on search engines like Google. Google ranks sites based on several criteria, each of which is built into its complicated search algorithm. Relevancy is the most important – does the site list content relevant to the search query? – but credibility is a close second.

However, this issue affects all businesses, big and small. An issue that is more likely to affect small businesses, or expanding ones in the processes of upgrading their websites and online presence comes down to duplicate content on developer sites. Quite often web developer domains – where developers work on websites – are indexed by Google. Developers can be completely unaware they have created duplicate content but as websites take a few months to develop they can sit on developer domains for a while and the duplicate pages will negatively affect search rankings on Google.

This generally impacts small businesses to a greater extent than larger companies because they don’t have the scope and finances to implement new pages quickly.

Google’s algorithms are highly sophisticated and can filter out sites that have duplicate content. Some may be labelled as spam as a result, whilst others will just be listed much lower down on the SERPs. Google has become much better at detecting duplicate content since the Panda algorithm update, which all small businesses and developers should be aware of.

SearchCatalyst offers affordable SEO services to small businesses looking to boost organic search rankings and gain greater online exposure at minimal cost.

Via EPR Network
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SEO Agency Generates New Visitors For Luxury Hotel Resort

Online marketing agency QueryClick has helped a luxury hotel resort dramatically improve its Natural Search returns by driving over 30,000 new unique visitors to its website between 2011-2012.

One of the specialities of the search marketing firm is to help businesses get better results online through Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), which ensures that their clients’ websites appear higher and perform better when Internet users make searches on Google.

The Edinburgh-based agency also helped generate 33,824 organic visits to the Rockliffe Hall website – an increase of 50% compared with the previous year. Of those visits, 3,883 came through on non-brand terms compared with 1,999 during the same period of the previous year. This represents a 94% increase in traffic from non-brand, organic keyphrases.

Chris Liversidge, founder of Queryclick, said: “We’re delighted with the success of our work with Rockliffe Hall since we started working on the search engine optimisation of their website in August last year.

“We helped with the design and launch of their new site at the beginning of December and since then it’s gone from strength to strength.

“The site has already reported a significant rise in total and organic traffic and in January the site achieved the highest level of traffic in 12 months with a total of over 48,500 hits with over 20,000 new visitors which is a massive achievement.”

Rockliffe Hall is the newest and most exciting 5-star luxury hotel resort to open in North East England and is set on a magnificent restored 18th century estate on the banks of River Tees. With there being strong competition in the hospitality industry success is increasingly linked to online performance.

Over the course of the campaign Queryclick ensured that Rockliffe Hall achieved a total of 82,926 organic SEO visits between January and March this year which is an increase of 23,008 during the same period in 2011.

Chris Liversidge added: “The results speak for themselves here and when you consider that since the new website went live in December there has been over 97,000 organic visits compared to 73,000 in the three months prior to launch, the value our expertise has brought the business is invaluable.”

“Going forward we’re eager to further improve website functionality and help increase traffic levels and conversion rates by implementing E-Commerce tracking, as well as completing outstanding page title and meta description updates.”

Via EPR Network
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Google To Move Underwater And Take Internet Surfers For A Dive, Says SEO Company SachaMango

From September, the Catlin Seaview Survey, run by the University of Queensland in conjunction with insurers the Caitlin Group, will take to the water to conduct 360 degree panoramic filming of the greatest reef on earth, with Google making all 50,000 images available on Google Results, Google Earth and Google Maps through a new feature in Panaramio. There will also be a dedicated YouTube channel and live streams of the expedition team at work.

Professor Hoegh-Guldberg, Director of the Global Chane Institute and Chief Scientist on the project, said “The Catlin Seaview Survey comprises a series of studies which will reveal to the public one of the last frontiers on Earth: the oceans.

“For the first time in history, we have the technology to broadcast the findings and expedition through Google. Millions of people will be able to experience the life, the science and the magic that exists under the surface of our oceans. This project is very exciting.”

The survey will take place in three stages; a shallow reef survey of 20 sites across the2300km of the reef, a deep water survey using robots to depths of 30-100 metres, and finally a mega-fauna survey that will explore how green turtles, tiger sharks and manta rays migrate in response to ocean temperatures.

A spokesperson for SEO Company SachaMango Media, said: “This is a great example of how technology can be used to not only to help make ground-breaking research a reality, but also to educate and inspire the public to learn more about the underwater world around us. It forms an important link between scientific knowledge and public awareness, and gives people an opportunity to see rare sites that they might never get to see unless they actually visited Australia and went underwater themselves. The project will allow us all to go for a virtual dive without ever leaving the comfort of our own armchairs!

The survey is set to begin in September, although the project’s website already has some images from initial equipment testing and a demo of how the panaramio images will be viewed. However, there are already plans underway to document some of the most important oceans in the rest of the world.

“It’s no surprise that Google has got involved,” said the spokesperson.” As the biggest occupier of search space in the UK – some 93% – and with the features like Google Results, Earth and Maps already popular with the public, it makes sense they should be the partner of choice to develop the applications needed on its advanced platforms to view the incredible images that will come from the project.”

Via EPR Network
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Ikroh SEO Rank 6th Best Enterprise SEO Company In February 2012

Ikroh SEO has once again ranked 6th on this month’s list of the best enterprise SEO companies. topseos release monthly rankings lists following rigorous evaluations, delivering a list of the best of the best internet marketing vendors working in the SEO industry in the United Kingdom.

“It is always a great honor for Ikroh SEO to be presented with such an acknowledgement. We hold topseos in high regard and being part of this ranking is an indication of our hard work and efforts,” said Daniel Wright, Managing Director.

Ikroh SEO has been included in this list for some time due to our consistent performance and the delivery of superior services to our clients. As always, this doesn’t mean Ikroh SEO are planning to stand still – they intend to continue to strive to be even better. The staff at Ikroh SEO prize customer service and want their clients to be happy with the services they receive as well as the way those services are delivered. Despite being the smallest company in the top ten, that definitely doesn’t reflect the size of Ikroh’s aspirations, so they have every intention of continuing to move up that list!

Via EPR Network
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The Google Homepage Redesign Explained

QueryClick advise users on the recent changes to the Google homepage as part of its ongoing revamp.

Google has unveiled a new look for its homepage in what is being described as one of the firms ‘biggest changes to date of its homepage’. The revamp, which has been rolled out to a few selected users, has been designed to showcase all of Google’s other products to users – without having taking up too much of the homepage.

Christopher Liversidge, Managing Director of QueryClick explains: “The revamp of Google’s homepage is something that’s been around for a few weeks, and essentially it has been created in order to streamline and ‘tidy up’ Google’s homepage. Currently a user may see the ‘revamp strip’ along the top of the Google homepage, and when this strip is clicked, it reveals seven different Google products, such as Maps, YouTube, Images and Google+ to the user, with the option to reveal another eight related topics, including Calendar, Translate and Reader.”

This revamp, which Google has explained has been created in order to promote all of Google’s services to users in the most accessible and tidiest way possible, unlike some of the other search engines available, such as Yahoo’s infamously ‘busy’ design. Users will also be able to navigate to certain Google services much more easily as this redesign means a maximum of two clicks is all that is needed for a user to move from the homepage to another Google page, such as News or YouTube.

Christopher continues: “The Google homepage had undergone various redesigns since 1998, but the homepage has always stuck to the original format, that is the Google logo, the search bar and the list of all Google’s other services. However, this is the first time that Google has moved away from this design, and it;s very likely that these changes will have come about because of user feedback and case studies, and at QueryClick we know how important SEO case studies are to the search industry, so we’re really looking forward to seeing how this redesign will be received by users.”

Via EPR Network
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Beyonce’s Baby Bump, Justin Bieber and Tigerblood: What the World Tweeted in 2011

A recent industry survey has revealed the most popular subjects for Twitter users last year, but what does this mean for 2012, ask QueryClick.

With 2012 just beginning, new online industry figures have revealed the topics that dominated Twitter throughout 2011 – and the results are rather surprising. The results, which were put into an infographic by the financial advice website, FrugalDad have revealed that 2011 was truly the year of the celebrity on Twitter, with events such as the singer Beyonce Knowles announcing her pregnancy at the MTV Music Awards generating an incredible 8,696 tweets per second.

Christopher Liversidge, Managing Director of the UK SEO agency, QueryClick comments: “2011 really was a very interesting year for Twitter, as a number of breaking news stories, such as the Japanese tsunami in March and the revolution in Egypt, were widely reported on using Twitter,in fact the hashtag #Egypt was the most used hashtag last year. However, celebrities dominated Twitter throughout most of 2011, with Justin Bieber’s tweets being the most retweeted, with 5 million retweets on average, compared to Barack Obama’s tweets receiving an average of 250,000 retweets.”

In terms of celebrities and Twitter, 2011 was the year that Charlie Sheen joined the social networking site, and broke the record for the fastest time to reach 1 million followers, as after joining on the 1st of March, Sheen hit an impressive 1.2 million followers in a mere 25 hours and 17 minutes. The second most popular hashtag of the year was Sheen’s infamous #tigerblood catchphrase, which was closely followed by the #Japan hashtag.

Christopher continues: “While last year was a very interesting year in terms of politics, international events and revolutions, it would appear that users are still using Twitter to follow their favourite celebrities. While this is probably one of the best ways to find out what famous people are doing, and stay on top of all the breaking gossip, it’s also a great tool for breaking news stories and other big events. Last year was a very important year for the social network, and while it has been dominated by famous names, we at QueryClick believe that in 2012 Twitter will be seen as a more reliable news source for users, and that it will will help them find out about important world events, which is a great use of this unique social network.”

Via EPR Network
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The Latest on the Proposed Yahoo Buyout

According to recent reports, both Google and Microsoft are currently engaged in a bidding war over just who will buy Yahoo, which could lead to new possibilities for Yahoo and the online community, say QueryClick.

Recently, a number of articles and blogs have revealed that Google and Microsoft, two of the biggest names in the online world, are reportedly exploring the possibility of buying another internet search engine, Yahoo. This news comes following a very dramatic and tumultuous year for Yahoo which saw it experience a number of high profile and negative events, such as the dismissal of Carol Bartz and this rumoured acquisition could not only signal the start of a new era for Yahoo, but also for internet users worldwide.

Christopher Liversidge, QueryClick’s Managing Director comments: “While these reports of Microsoft and Google are yet to be officially confirmed by either company, industry professionals and insiders have already been commenting on what acquiring Yahoo would mean for both companies. However, 2011 has proved to be a somewhat difficult year for Yahoo, with the sudden departure of their CEO, Carol Bartz earlier this year showed us that there is a lot going on behind the scenes at Yahoo.”

While Yahoo was once seen as one of the leaders of the online boom in the late 90s and early 00s, they have struggled to build and maintain a profitable business that rivals both Google and Microsoft. Over the last few years, Yahoo has shrunk considerably, and although it is still the second-largest search engine in the world, their interim CEO, Tim Morse, declined to answer any questions regarding Yahoo’s third-quarter earnings and operations report. Which means that this buyout could be a very good thing for Yahoo and its users, say QueryClick,

Chris continues: “Right now, it appears that Yahoo is at a crossroads of sorts, and with two of the biggest and best online companies allegedly considering making offers to buy it, this buyout could open new doors to Yahoo and reveal new opportunities that weren’t available to the company before, which could have a very positive effect on the people that this takeover affects the most: the user.

Via EPR Network
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Facebook’s Smart Lists to Improve User Experience

Facebook have decided auto-generate relevant content for users, which could help improve the overall user experience, say QueryClick.

Earlier this month, Facebook announced that it was going to improve its lists feature by introducing so-called ‘smart lists’, a new feature which auto-generates lists of updates and contents for users. The update which is already in operation was designed to group together associated pieces of information such as status updates, photographs and links into the correct list, or category, and could help make finding specific information much easier on the site, say QueryClick.

Christopher Liversidge, QueryClick’s Managing Director comments: “The new ‘Smart list’ feature was designed with user comfort in mind because it helps Facebook users in creating special categories or lists on their news feed, based on their information. For example, if a user has put down what school or University they attended, and some of their Facebook friends who went to the same school or University do too, then a Smart List for that very establishment will be created. So , if a user says that they went to Oxford University, and then their friends Bill and Ben also confirm that they studied there, then a smart list called ‘Oxford University’ will be created, with the original user, Bill and Ben all on it.”

All in all, there will be four categories that make up the auto-generated smart lists, namely: Work, School, Family and City, which means that users will be able to streamline their news feed and be able to concentrate on the people and the subjects that mean the most to them on any given day. So if a user wants to try to find an old school friend, all they have to do is go their school’s smart list and scroll through what’s there, which will save time and effort, according to QueryClick.

Chris continues: “The addition of these smart lists will really make it so much easier to find relevant information in Facebook, as everything associated with a certain place, such as a school or a place of work have been handily put together, which means that users will find what they’re searching for quite quickly, when compared to searching for it manually through the site. Users can also choose to add their Facebook friends as either a close friend or an acquaintance to filter content further, and Facebook can even suggest users to add to lists, which not only makes using the site much easier than before, but also a lot more fun.”

Via EPR Network
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Google Confirm Testing of New Search Options and Results, say QueryClick

The search engine giant is currently testing out a number of new features on the search results page that could soon change the way the site identifies the most relevant results.

After months of speculation, Google has finally confirmed that it is indeed trying out a new user interface test on their search results page. The changes, which show the left side search filters are in a scrollable filter, are just part of their move towards testing a form of infinite scroll web search, which is when users don’t have to click a button to take them to the next page, as scrolling down will load more search results instantly, which will give users more and more results for their query.

Christopher Liversidge, QueryClick’s Managing Director comments: “Google’s decision to test infinite scroll web results comes less than a year after they were forced to deny that they were doing exactly that, when a report surfaced in November 2010 that they were already working towards creating these results. While these reports were found to be based on search results caused by a Chrome extension called FasterChrome, the potential for these kinds of results obviously interested Google.”

The news that Google is experimenting with new features on their search results page shows that the search engine is keen to give the user as many results in possible, and also means that they won’t have to continually click through to other pages in order to find what they’re looking for, say QueryClick.

Chris continues: “Over the past year it’s become clear that Google has made a number of tweaks and changes to the way they display their results, in order to make them more accessible to the user. For example, in July 2010, it was revealed that they were making big changes to their image search and Image Search Ads, including larger thumbnail previews, a hover pane, a new landing page, and of course, instant scrolling. So, if these trials are successful, instant scrolling and a whole host of other features could soon be the latest additions to Google’s search results, which can only be good news for Google’s users.”

Via EPR Network
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Bigmouthmedia Wins Best Search Engine Agency Award at the Interactiva Awards

Global digital marketing agency, bigmouthmedia, has been announced as winning a prestigious award in the ‘best search engine agency’ category at the Interactiva Awards in Madrid. The digital agency, which is the media arm of LBi, managed to achieve bronze medal status behind major technology and search companies Google and T2O.

The awards, which were created and hosted by the prominent Spanish marketing magazine Interactiva, are now in their 10th edition and recognise the very best work delivered by companies in communication, advertising, digital marketing, e-commerce and new technologies. Covering 14 categories including best support, best agency, best tool, best campaign and best SEO Project, the awards are judged by a panel of industry experts and are widely considered to be the ultimate industry accolade.

Lyndsay Menzies, CEO of bigmouthmedia, said: “After only two years in the Spanish market it is a huge achievement to be up there with companies such as Google and T2O. Our unique business culture and blended cross digital approach means that we are able to draw on a much wider digital skill set and blend this to create international campaigns that pull together social media, CRM, SEO, technology and creative ideas.”

Manuel Jurado Gras, general manager of bigmouthmedia Spain, added: “We will continue to provide our clients with this differentiated service and in particular I would like to thank our talented team for all the hard work, commitment and motivation which has ultimately underpinned our growth and success as a company.”

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Bing’s Move Towards Social Networking Integration Is A Smart Move, Says Seo Company Queryclick.com

Microsoft’s Bing has been trying to chip away at Google’s prime position in a number of ways, and now the search engine has revealed a new social integration strategy sure to get industry experts talking.

As an increasing number of web users turn to social networks for information and breaking news, search engines are being forced to reassess their traditional methods of ranking. This means that search engine results are changing, and the introduction of ties with Twitter and Facebook indicates Bing is embracing the new order.

The search engine will now offer real-time Twitter updates in Bing News, as well as in other SERPS, as a way to offer searchers up-to-date and breaking news in their search results. This way, the search engine hopes it will allow users to keep on top of trending topics without bypassing the search engine altogether.

This is the kind of move search engines need to be making if they want to engage with a new audience, claims SEO company Queryclick.com. A spokesperson said: “Integration like this is the best way search engines have of safeguarding their position as the top place for searchers.

“As social media channels become stronger, search engines face the danger of losing younger generations. By offering users the chance to make their searches a little more social, Bing could help tempt them to stay on one, centralised engine, rather than choosing to search within their favourite social networks.”

Additionally, Bing has announced a new partnership with Facebook, which will see Bing’s entertainment results instantly shared to Facebook users, if they are signed in to both. This feature will utilise Bing’s liked Results functionality and will allow users to share news of their favourite films, artists, musicians and TV shows to all of their Facebook friends.

The Bing and Facebook integration will also offer an overview tab that will allow Facebook users to update their statuses directly from the Bing entertainment results.

By keeping users in the search results, Bing could create an advantage for itself, said search engine optimisation experts explained. “If Bing can persuade its searchers to update their Facebook pages without having to leave the SERPs, it will have achieved something of a coup.

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Google Moving Into Mobile Phone Credit Cards, SEO Company Queryclick.com Says It’s Got Its Eyes On The Money

Mountain View giant Google is said to be considering a move into mobile phone credit card payments, according to sources speaking to the Wall Street Journal.

Reports suggest that the search engine is poised to forge bonds with MasterCard and Citigroup so that Android users will have the ability to pay for purchases with the help of ‘near-field communications’ technology (NFC).

At the launch of the Nexus S, allusions were made to such a move, and fans of Android are welcoming the development. NFC mobile payments are also rumoured to be making their way to Apple devices in the near future, with many expecting subsequent iPhones to be equipped with NFC chips, while Orange has already joined forces with Barclaycard with the aim of offering contactless payments.

If the reports are true, Google could be set to open a new round of iPhone versus Android debates, claims SEO company Queryclick.com. A spokesperson said: “It’s a slow burning battle, but Google’s Android and Apple’s iPhones are set to continue squabbling for top position in the hearts of smartphones fans for years to come.

“While Apple may have had the initial advantage, technology geeks quickly embrace the flexibility and functionality of the Android operating system. New moves like this are exactly the kind of thing Google can use to its advantage, and if it beats Apple to the punch with contactless payments, it could cement its place at the top.”

The Nexus S is currently the only NFC ready phone on the market, although Samsung is slated to be releasing the Galaxy S II with this functionality in the summer. Apple CEO Steve Jobs has already announced NFC technology will not be included in the iPhone 5, stating his belief that the technology is still at too early a stage of its evolutionary process.

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SEO Experts QueryClick Welcome Launch of Google’s New Online Magazine Think Quarterly

In a word dominated by constant algorithm updates and product launches, Google’s release of this polished, beautifully crafted, and highly informative magazine (or book as it is referred to by the search engine giant) offers a more reflective and in-depth look at the wider issues surrounding online business.

As Matt Brittin, Managing Director of Google’s UK and Ireland Operations, insists, Think Quarterly is:

“a breathing space in a busy world. It’s a place to take time out and consider what’s happening and why it matters.”

For UK SEO company QueryClick.com, the online magazine is a very welcome addition to the industry. A QueryClick spokesperson commented on the benefits of the publication:

“Although the vast majority of businesses are highly aware of the importance of online marketing, and SEM in particular, there remains a degree of inhibition regarding the ins and outs of search engines and the extent of the importance of active engagement with search engine optimisation.

“Think Quarterly will hopefully serve to demystify some of the more inaccessible tenets of search engine operations by reaching out to businesses on a more accessible level.

“By attracting a broad spectrum of business minded individuals hoping to gain a better understanding of online culture, the significance of SEM will hopefully permeate (whether directly or indirectly) through the pages of the magazine.”

Via EPR Network
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Closure of MyBlogLog Indicative of The Stifling Effects of The Yahoo Brand According To SEO Experts QueryClick.com

It comes as no surprise that the MyBlogLog service will be closing this year, following the leaked statement in December 2010 concerning the closure of a stream of services including Delicious, Yahoo Buzz and Yahoo Picks. The leaked screenshot surfaced when it was posted to Twitter by former Yahoo employee and founder of MyBlogLog, Eric Marcoullier.

MyBlogLog was acquired by Yahoo little over 3 years ago for a sum of $10 million. Its purpose was the creation of widgets which site owners could insert in order to track fellow MyBlogLog members who read their blogs. Similar to the idea behind the display of “like” widgets by external websites.

The service is to be officially shut down on the 24th May this year, with any unused subscription portions due to be refunded back to premium service users.

UK SEO company QueryClick.com commented on the familiarity of the ill-fated acquisition:

“The demise of MyBlogLog is the latest in a series of failed acquisitions by the company. Such an anti-climactic relationship has become a miserable familiarity where Yahoo is involved, with many citing the persistent failure to follow up on initial hopes and promises as the major flaw of both sides.”

Several examples can be cited, such as the largely forgotten acquisition of ‘Upcoming’ (a site providing a local and national listing of events) in 2005 and the deal between Yahoo and Flickr dating back to the same year. The latter promised much, but has since withered into the background for anyone except photo enthusiasts, with Facebook consuming up more and more of the photo sharing market. Upcoming on the other hand, was one of the Yahoo services earmarked for mergers or consolidation in the leaked screenshot of December 2010.

The cuts being made are in accordance with the overall plan to reduce costs within Yahoo, who had also made the decision to layoff hundreds of staff at the end of last year.

The demise of so many of Yahoo’s acquisitions can be categorised under one main defect, largely the neglect of the acquired company following the initial phase of thrill and ambition for the future. A spokesperson for SEO experts QueryClick.com pin-pointed the common factor between the doomed Yahoo acquisitions:

“For so many of those start-ups taken on by Yahoo, a primary sense of optimism was soon stifled by an excess of bureaucracy and an inability to agree and get to work on new products or innovations.”

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Bing Making Friends With Facebook Is A Wise Choice For Microsoft’s Search Engine Claims Edinburgh SEO Company Queryclick.com

Microsoft’s bid at the search engine market has been slowly chipping away at Google’s stupendous lead, but Bing still has a long way to go before it could have any dreams of clinching the top spot.

However, a massive upgrade to the decision engine could see Bing with a new selection of offerings that will draw young, savvy searchers its way. One of the biggest changes are the way the engine will return some searches with less of a traditional results page and more an interactive app that allows searchers to quickly modify the results. The other is the inclusion of a social search feature.

By teaming up with Facebook, Bing will look through recommendations made by your friends in the aim of returning more relevant and personalised results to your searches.

A spokesperson for SEO company Queryclick.com said this was a good choice for the company, and one that could pay off for it in the future. “When you look back at the way the social market has grown in the last few years, it’s clear to see that more and more people are turning to the internet as a way to interact with friends as well as a way to find information.

“By combining search results with a social aspect, Bing could prove attractive to web users who spend the majority of their time on Facebook – and there are plenty of those out there.”

The new feature is the result of a deal between the decision engine and the leading social networking site. Providing users have recently logged into their Facebook account, Bing will automatically recognise their account and search through all of the content associated friends have chosen to click a ‘Like’ button for.

The brand power of Facebook could be a huge asset to the decision engine and the partnership could also see Bing able to offer something new to the search market. While Google has also attempted to tap into the social networking market, its success has been nowhere near that of Facebook, and by partnering with the biggest social networking site of the time Bing may have the power to shake the foundations of Google’s prime position.

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Google Plans Education Software For App Shop

SEO experts Queryclick.com thinks Google is on the right track with plans to sell education software through its app store.

Always a company keen to look ahead for potential expansion, it’s been revealed that Google is planning to sell education software through its app store.

The industry for online learning products in the USA has been predicted to reach a value of as much as $5 billion in coming years, and recent reports that Google has been talking to educational software companies suggest the search king is eyeing a slice of the educational-pie.

Google App Marketplace already has games and instruction tools for teachers but the online powerhouse is said to be in the process of luring new developers onboard, to help it broaden its offerings. This would allow outside developers to market their products to educational establishments and would be a new venture for the search engine, which already works with schools by providing teachers and students with free software.

Google is wise to continue looking for ways to remain relevant, said a spokesperson for SEO company Queryclick.com. “Google didn’t get where it is today by sitting back and letting new innovations roll over it. Time and time again we’ve seen the search giant snap up start ups or established players in markets that are set to heat up.

“What’s more, apps are where it’s at right now, largely thanks to Apple and the original iTunes model, so it seems sensible for Google to find ways to offer unique content and applications to users.”

If Google’s foray into educational apps is successful, it could provide the company with a substantial new revenue stream, but could also prove invaluable when it comes to netting new customers for the company. By giving Google products prominence at an education level, the Mountain View giants could build brand recognition at an early age and ensure it remains relevant for the next generation of internet users.

Speaking of the initiative, Google’s business development manager for education, Obadiah Greenberg, said: “If we can provide access to education apps to our 10 million users in thousands of schools, then that would be a win all around.”

Queryclick agreed with the view that Google could be making a tactical brand movement as well as a revenue driven one, explaining: “For Google, brand is incredibly important and, despite hanging on to the title as the biggest search engine, it can’t afford to sit back. Recent news that Facebook has overtaken the search giant as the most popular site for American users is sure to have the company searching for new opportunities, and the educational business could be the perfect opening.

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Learn SEO Launches Brand New Web Presence

Learn SEO is a website dedicated to providing up to the minute accurate information on Search Engine Optimisation and allowing it’s users to become more informed about the subject-matter of SEO without having to resort to paying a large SEO Company to handle an SEO Campaign on their behalf. The Manchester based outfit has complimented its vision with a brand new web design and the initial feedback from consumers suggests it was a positive step worth taking. The main target audience for the website will be the same consumers that so many SEO Companies aim to target – consumers with an interest in Small Business SEO.

Learn SEO has recently expanded its offering with a new range of SEO courses to compliment its brand new web design. Initial feedback from the courses suggests they are a very welcome additional to the marketing arsenal of small businesses looking to find more information about SEO. The new structure of the website and the expanded course offering has prompted many small business owners interested in SEO training to get in touch with the webmaster, Gareth Mailer.

“Needless to say we are delighted with the feedback we have received so far”, says Gareth. “I think small business owners are literally crying out for options they can pursue when it comes to marketing their products and services online and the initial feedback we have received from running our courses has been very positive.”

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Info Media Consultancy Helps United Arab Emirates Companies Grow Using the Power of the Internet

A new company called Info Media Consultancy is transforming the way businesses in the United Arab Emirates market themselves, according to Managing Director Hani Masgidi. “After the world financial crisis, businesses need to find new ways to attract and retain customers if they are to remain competitive. The good news is that with proper guidance, this form of marketing is both cost-efficient and highly effective.”

Info Media Consultancy offers a variety of services to their clients. In most cases, Mr. Masgidi recommends that a company start with a customized strategic marketing plan. This plan focuses on optimizing your online presence for both user experience and search engine optimization. “Many companies don’t realize the impact your website has on your bottom line,” says Mr. Masgidi. “Make the necessary changes and you will see an immediate increase in both leads and revenue.” Some of the components of the strategic marketing plan include search engine optimization (SEO), email management, video marketing, user interface analysis and internet advertising.

Info Media Consultancy has several advantages that make them stand out over the competition for UAE marketing consultancies. For one thing, they are on the cutting edge when it comes to online marketing practices. “There are innovations in internet marketing every day,” explains Mr. Masgidi. “What worked a month ago may no longer be effective today, so you need to choose a consultant that monitors trends constantly.”

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