Tag Archives: digital transformation

Fusion BPO Services opens new center in Prishtina, Kosovo as it expands across the EMEA market

CANTON, OH, United States, 13-Jul-2022 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Fusion BPO Services, a leading global CX and digital transformation solutions company, announced the opening of a 200-seater new center at Kompleksi Pika Exclusive, St “Gazmend Zajmi”, Kati 2, Prishtina, Kosovo, strengthening its presence in the Balkan Peninsula and EMEA region. With this center, the company will be able to leverage Prishtina’s strategic location, vast young talent pool, and multilingual nature to ensure superior CX delivery to its huge clientele in the EMEA region.

The company is delivering high-quality CX in English, German, and Spanish from this center, to meet the multilingual customer-centric solution needs of the market.

Ranked 57 among 190 economies in the World Bank’s Doing Business Index in 2020, Kosovo is among the most sought-after outsourcing destinations in the EMEA region.

“We are excited to expand to Kosovo. The expansion will help us improve our global footprint and at the same time strengthen our position as a multilingual CX and digital transformation solution provider in the EMEA Market,” said Pankaj Dhanuka, CEO and Co-Founder of Fusion. “The center will help us maintain and enhance the high-quality customer-centric solutions that our clients have come to expect from us, cementing our position as a market leader in the shared services industry.”

With the center, Fusion will have a presence in 14 countries worldwide with 27 delivery locations. The company is known for its state-of-the-art customer experience solutions that leverage a blend of technological innovation and human connect.

About Fusion
Fusion is one of the fastest-growing global customer experience solution provider, offering voice and non-voice customer engagement and data marketing services for over 33 years. With a presence in 14 countries globally, the company employs 12,000+ professionals. Fusion specializes in highly-customizable inbound and outbound contact center solutions infused with the Power of Human Connect for meaningful customer engagements and superior customer experience delivery. For more information on the company or the services and industries they serve, visit https://www.fusionbposervices.com

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Fanpictor agevolerà la trasformazione digitale della RBFA

NIEDERUZWIL, Svizzera / NEW YORK, NY, Stati Uniti, 1-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — La Royal Belgian Football Association (RBFA) ha annunciato una partnership pluriennale con Fanpictor, una società tecnologica svizzera appartenente al gruppo NOEXIS. Fanpictor agevolerà la trasformazione digitale della società sportiva e fornirà soluzioni per il coinvolgimento dei tifosi con la sua app mobile recentemente aggiornata per il Campionato Europeo di Calcio UEFA e oltre. Questo accordo coincide con il lancio di una nuova formula di sponsorizzazione Fanpictor per società sportive, associazioni, titolari di diritti e sponsor. Questa piattaforma scalabile end-to-end consente alle squadre di ogni livello dello sport professionistico di implementare una gestione evoluta di tecnologia e dati a un prezzo accessibile.

Partnership con la Royal Belgian Football Association
Costruito sulla base della proficua collaborazione di Fanpictor con importanti società sportive internazionali, associazioni e sponsor del settore sportivo, come Raiffeisen Bank Switzerland, Coca-Cola e National Hockey League (NHL), questo accordo triennale con la RBFA, una delle associazioni più prestigiose della UEFA, è una significativa pietra miliare per l’azienda che continua a espandere le proprie iniziative a livello globale.

“Con la RBFA, Fanpictor conquista un cliente lungimirante e rafforza la propria strategia di espansione. Siamo convinti che la collaborazione con la RBFA e i prodotti digitali sviluppati congiuntamente avranno un impatto proficuo e pionieristico sulla trasformazione digitale del settore delle sponsorizzazioni sportive”, ha affermato Sandro Kälin, fondatore e AD di NOEXIS AG.

Grazie alla partnership con la RBFA, Fanpictor amplia il proprio elenco di prestigiosi clienti nel settore sportivo. Christopher Cheetham, AD di Fanpictor Inc., ha dichiarato: “Siamo lieti di collaborare con la Royal Belgian Football Association per dare vita alla loro visione “digital first”. I fan belgi sono tra i tifosi di calcio più appassionati al mondo e siamo impazienti di aiutare la RBFA a proporre ai tifosi nuove esperienze, contenuti entusiasmanti e opportunità di vincere premi esclusivi durante e dopo EURO 2020. La RBFA condivide la nostra spinta all’innovazione e aspettiamo con entusiasmo di vedere cosa potremo realizzare insieme”.

Piattaforma di sponsorizzazione sportiva digitale
Con il passaggio ai canali digitali, il modo in cui vengono fruiti gli eventi sportivi è cambiato in modo significativo in tutte le fasce d’età. Le organizzazioni devono trovare nuovi modi per portare profitti agli investitori e adattare le proprie iniziative con rapidità in un mercato profondamente mutato. Di conseguenza, la trasformazione digitale nel settore sportivo ha subito una forte accelerazione e adesso si serve della tecnologia per dare accesso a opportunità di crescita senza precedenti.

Fanpictor offre una piattaforma digitale integrata a società sportive, associazioni, titolari di diritti e sponsor, permettendo loro di proporre ai tifosi delle esperienze esclusive e fornendo al contempo statistiche comportamentali. Con questo strumento i clienti di Fanpictor hanno accesso a diversi insiemi di dati con cui possono identificare tendenze, elaborare strutture decisionali supportate da dati per le attività di marketing e generare nuovi flussi di entrate e modelli di business sostenibili.

Chi siamo Fanpictor
Fanpictor è una società tecnologica svizzera appartenente al gruppo NOEXIS che sviluppa soluzioni digitali innovative per società sportive, associazioni, titolari di diritti e sponsor. Fanpictor sviluppa esperienze digitali coinvolgenti che stabiliscono relazioni a lungo termine tra tifosi, squadre e sponsor. La piattaforma integrata end-to end di Fanpictor per la sponsorizzazione e il coinvolgimento dei tifosi dà ai team di marketing e creativi la possibilità di sviluppare campagne promozionali uniche e di utilizzare dati commercialmente convalidati per misurare il successo delle loro idee. Ulteriori informazioni sulla sponsorizzazione sportiva digitale, sul coinvolgimento dei fan e sulla business intelligence sono disponibili su https://www.fanpictor.com.

Ulteriori informazioni sull’app RBFA sono disponibili su https://www.rbfa.be/app.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Fanpictor respaldará la transformación digital de la Real Federación Belga de Fútbol

NIEDERUZWIL, Suiza / NUEVA YORK, NY, Estados Unidos, 1-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — la Real Federación Belga de Fútbol (RFBF) ha anunciado una colaboración de varios años con Fanpictor, empresa de tecnología suiza del grupo NOEXIS. Fanpictor respaldará la transformación digital de la federación y brindará herramientas para la participación de los aficionados en su aplicación móvil recién actualizada para el Campeonato Europeo de Fútbol de la UEFA y otros eventos futuros. Este acuerdo coincide con el lanzamiento de una nueva herramienta de patrocinio de Fanpictor para propiedades, asociaciones, titulares de derechos y patrocinadores. Esta plataforma integral y ampliable permite a equipos de todos los niveles del deporte profesional establecer una tecnología de vanguardia y manejar datos a un precio accesible.

Colaboración con la Real Federación Belga de Fútbol
Tras las exitosas colaboraciones de Fanpictor con importantes propiedades, asociaciones y patrocinadores internacionales del sector deportivo, como el Raiffeisen Bank Switzerland, Coca-Cola y la Liga Nacional de Hockey (NHL), este acuerdo de tres años con la RFBF, una de las asociaciones de miembros más sofisticadas de la UEFA, es un hito importante para la empresa, que sigue ampliando sus operaciones mundiales.

«Con la RFBF, Fanpictor gana un cliente con visión de futuro y fortalece su estrategia de expansión. Estamos convencidos de que la cooperación con la RFBF y los productos digitales desarrollados conjuntamente tendrán un impacto rentable y pionero en la transformación digital del sector del patrocinio deportivo», declaró Sandro Kälin, fundador y director general de NOEXIS AG.

A través de la asociación con la RFBF, Fanpictor amplía su lista de clientes prestigiosos en el sector deportivo. Christopher Cheetham, director general de Fanpictor Inc., declaró: «Estamos encantados de asociarnos con la Real Federación Belga de Fútbol para dar vida a su visión de “lo digital primero”. Los hinchas belgas se encuentran entre los más apasionados del mundo, y esperamos ayudar a la RFBF a ofrecer nuevas experiencias, contenidos emocionantes y oportunidades para que los aficionados ganen premios exclusivos durante y después de la EURO 2020. La RFBF comparte nuestro afán de innovación, y estamos deseando ver lo que podemos lograr juntos».

Plataforma digital de patrocinio deportivo
La forma en la que se consumen los deportes ha cambiado considerablemente en todos los grupos de edad, orientándose hacia los canales digitales. Las organizaciones deben encontrar nuevas formas de ofrecer valor a las partes interesadas y adaptar rápidamente sus operaciones a un entorno empresarial muy cambiado. En consecuencia, la transformación digital se ha acelerado en el sector deportivo, que ahora utiliza la tecnología para generar oportunidades de crecimiento sin precedentes.

Fanpictor ofrece una plataforma digital integrada para que las propiedades, asociaciones, titulares de derechos y patrocinadores puedan crear experiencias únicas para los aficionados, al tiempo que se obtiene información detallada sobre su comportamiento. Con esta herramienta, los clientes de Fanpictor pueden acceder a diversos conjuntos de datos, lo que les permite identificar tendencias, crear esquemas de toma de decisiones basados en datos para las actividades de mercadotecnia y generar nuevas fuentes de ingresos y modelos de negocio sostenibles.

Acerca de Fanpictor
Fanpictor es una empresa de tecnología suiza perteneciente al grupo NOEXIS que desarrolla herramientas digitales innovadoras para propiedades, asociaciones, titulares de derechos y patrocinadores. Fanpictor crea atractivas experiencias digitales para establecer vínculos a largo plazo entre aficionados, equipos y patrocinadores. La plataforma integrada e integral de participación para aficionados y patrocinio de Fanpictor ofrece a los equipos creativos y de mercadotecnia la oportunidad de desarrollar campañas únicas y utilizar datos validados comercialmente para evaluar el éxito de sus ideas. Puede encontrar más información sobre el patrocinio digital de deportes, la participación de los aficionados y la inteligencia empresarial en https://www.fanpictor.com.

Aplicación RBFA
Puede encontrar más información sobre la aplicación RBFA en https://www.rbfa.be/app.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Fanpictor soutiendra la transformation numérique de La Royal Belgian Football Association

NIEDERUZWIL, Suisse / NEW YORK, États-Unis, 1-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — La Royal Belgian Football Association (Royal Belgian Football Association, RBFA) a annoncé un partenariat pluriannuel avec Fanpictor, une entreprise technologique suisse appartenant au groupe NOEXIS. Fanpictor soutiendra la transformation numérique de l’association et fournira des solutions d’engagement des fans dans son application mobile récemment mise à niveau pour le Championnat d’Europe de football de l’UEFA, et bien après. Cet accord coïncide avec le lancement d’une nouvelle solution de parrainage Fanpictor pour les propriétés, les associations, les ayants droit et les sponsors. Cette plateforme évolutive de bout en bout permet aux équipes sportives professionnelles de tous niveaux d’accéder à une technologie de pointe et un traitement de données pour un prix accessible.

Partenariat avec la Royal Belgian Football Association
S’appuyant sur les collaborations fructueuses de Fanpictor avec de grandes propriétés internationales, des associations et des sponsors de l’industrie du sport tels que Raiffeisen Bank Suisse, Coca-Cola et la National Hockey League (NHL) américaine, cet accord de trois ans avec la RBFA, l’une des fédérations membres les plus expérimentées de l’UEFA, est une étape importante pour l’entreprise en pleine expansion dans ses opérations mondiales.

« Avec la RBFA, Fanpictor gagne un client avant-gardiste et renforce sa stratégie d’expansion. Nous sommes convaincus que la coopération avec la RBFA et les produits numériques développés conjointement exerceront un impact rentable et pionnier sur la transformation numérique de l’industrie du sponsoring sportif », a déclaré Sandro Kälin, fondateur et P.-D.G. de NOEXIS AG.

Grâce au partenariat avec la RBFA, Fanpictor élargit sa liste de clients prestigieux dans l’industrie du sport. Christopher Cheetham, P.-D.G. de Fanpictor Inc., a déclaré : « Nous sommes ravis de nous associer à la Royal Belgian Football Association pour donner vie à leur vision du “tout numérique”. Les supporters belges sont parmi les supporters de football les plus passionnés au monde et nous sommes impatients d’aider la RBFA à offrir aux fans de nouvelles expériences, un contenu passionnant et des opportunités de gagner des prix exclusifs pendant et après l’Euro 2020. La RBFA partage notre volonté d’innover et nous avons hâte de voir ce que nous pouvons accomplir ensemble. »

Plateforme numérique de sponsoring sportif
La façon dont le sport est consommé a considérablement changé dans toutes les tranches d’âge, passant aux canaux numériques. Les organisations doivent trouver de nouvelles façons d’offrir de la valeur aux parties prenantes et adapter rapidement leurs opérations à un environnement commercial en pleine mutation. En conséquence, la transformation numérique s’est accélérée dans l’industrie du sport, qui utilise désormais la technologie pour ouvrir des opportunités de croissance sans précédent.

Fanpictor propose une plateforme numérique intégrée pour les propriétés, les associations, les titulaires de droits et les sponsors afin de créer des expériences uniques pour les fans, tout en générant des informations comportementales approfondies. Grâce à cet outil, les clients de Fanpictor ont accès à divers ensembles de données, leur permettant d’identifier les tendances, de créer des systèmes de prise de décision basés sur ces données pour leurs activités de marketing, et de générer de nouvelles sources de revenus et des modèles commerciaux durables.

À propos de Fanpictor
Fanpictor est une entreprise technologique suisse au sein du groupe NOEXIS qui développe des solutions numériques innovantes pour les propriétés, les associations, les ayants droit et les sponsors. Fanpictor crée des expériences numériques captivantes pour établir des liens à long terme entre les fans, les équipes et les sponsors. La plateforme intégrée d’engagement et de parrainage des fans de bout en bout de Fanpictor offre aux équipes marketing et créatives la possibilité de développer des campagnes uniques et d’utiliser des données validées commercialement pour mesurer le succès de leurs idées. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur le parrainage sportif numérique, l’engagement des fans et la veille économique sur https://www.fanpictor.com.

Application RBFA
Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur l’application RBFA sur https://www.rbfa.be/app.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Fanpictor to support Royal Belgian Football Association’s digital transformation

NIEDERUZWIL, Switzerland / NEW YORK, NY, United States, 1-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — The Royal Belgian Football Association (RBFA) has announced a multi-year partnership with Fanpictor, a Swiss technology company within the NOEXIS group. Fanpictor will support the association’s digital transformation and provide fan engagement solutions within its recently upgraded mobile app for the UEFA European Football Championship and beyond. This agreement coincides with the launch of a new Fanpictor sponsorship solution for properties, associations, rights holders and sponsors. This scalable end-to-end platform allows teams at all levels of professional sport to build a cutting-edge technology and data operation at an accessible price point.

Partnership with Royal Belgian Football Association
Building on Fanpictor’s successful collaborations with major international properties, associations and sponsors from the sports industry, such as Raiffeisen Bank Switzerland, Coca-Cola and the National Hockey League (NHL), this three-year agreement with the RBFA, one of UEFA’s most sophisticated member associations, is a significant milestone for the company as it continues to expand its global operations.

“With RBFA, Fanpictor wins a forward-thinking customer and strengthens its expansion strategy. We are convinced that the cooperation with RBFA and the jointly developed digital products will have a profitable and pioneering impact on the digital transformation of the sports sponsorship industry“ said Sandro Kälin, founder and CEO of NOEXIS AG.

Through the RBFA partnership, Fanpictor expands its roster of prestigious customers in the sports industry. Christopher Cheetham, CEO of Fanpictor Inc., said: “We are delighted to partner with the Royal Belgian Football Association to bring their ‘digital first’ vision to life. Belgian fans are among the world’s most passionate football supporters and we look forward to helping the RBFA deliver new experiences, exciting content, and opportunities for fans to win exclusive prizes during and after EURO 2020. The RBFA shares our drive to innovate, and we are excited to see what we can accomplish together.”

Digital Sports Sponsorship Platform
The way sports are consumed has changed significantly across all age groups, shifting to digital channels. Organizations have to find new ways to deliver value to stakeholders and quickly adapt their operations to a much-changed business environment. As a result, digital transformation has accelerated in the sports industry, which is now using technology to unlock unprecedented opportunities for growth.

Fanpictor offers an integrated digital platform for properties, associations, rights holders and sponsors to create unique fan experiences, while generating in-depth behavioral insights. Through this tool Fanpictor’s clients gain access to diverse data sets, enabling them to identify trends, build data-driven decision-making frameworks for marketing activities, and generate new revenue streams and sustainable business models.

About Fanpictor
Fanpictor is a Swiss technology company within the NOEXIS group that develops innovative digital solutions for properties, associations, rights holders and sponsors. Fanpictor creates captivating digital experiences to build long-term connections between fans, teams and sponsors. Fanpictor’s integrated end-to-end fan engagement and sponsorship platform, gives marketing and creative teams the opportunity to develop unique campaigns and to use commercially validated data to measure the success of their ideas. More information about digital sports sponsorship, fan engagement and business intelligence can be found at https://www.fanpictor.com.

More information about the RBFA App can be found at https://www.rbfa.be/app.

SOURCE: EuropaWire


BAARN, Netherlands, 17-Sep-2018 — /EPR Internet News/ — coMakeIT strengthened its executive management team through the addition of Durga Prakash Kone, as Executive Vice President & Head of Global Sales. Durga is a seasoned technology professional with an outstanding track record of enabling the success of various globally renowned IT businesses.

Over the past two and a half decades, Durga held senior leadership roles at Tech Mahindra, HCL Technologies, Satyam, and Intelligroup (NTT Data), and was instrumental in scaling their business across North America, EMEA, APJ, and India. His core competencies include Strategic Sales, Business Development, Channel Sales, and building product partner ecosystems. In his previous assignment, Durga played a key role in building the SAP Alliance & Ecosystems business globally for Tech Mahindra.

As EVP & Head of Global Sales, Durga will drive coMakeIT’s Global Sales & Ecosystem Strategy. Speaking on the occasion, he stated:

“coMakeIT is ideally positioned to leverage the challenges and opportunities of digital disruption. With its unique co-creation model of building software IP, and a strong portfolio of product engineering and application modernization services, coMakeIT is on the cusp of exponential growth, and I am excited to be a part of its next phase of evolution.”

With its exclusive focus on serving the continuously evolving needs of software-driven businesses, coMakeIT is relied upon as a strategic partner by numerous innovative software companies from Netherlands, UK, and Australia, in diverse domains including BFSI, Logistics, Fleet Management, ERP, and Education etc. coMakeIT is investing to build and further enhance its capabilities in application modernization, which has enormous potential across varied domains and geographies including ANZ, and North America. coMakeIT also offers advanced capabilities in emerging technologies, which help its customers accelerate their product innovation and reduce the risk of technology adoption.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digital transformation: OneLife innovates in the area of RPA (Robotic Process Automation); number of Bots launched in 2017

LUXEMBOURG, Nov-24-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — In 2016, OneLife embarked on a digital transformation journey making it one of the early movers in an area where man and machine are increasingly interacting to improve customer experience. Since then, a number of initiatives have been delivered as per the roadmap, with still more to follow in the coming months and others in the proof of concept stage due for early 2018.

Launching its Digital Days in June 2017 to fully engage employees in the transformation process, the firm’s Digital Days Breakfast on 30th November is the opportunity to highlight the year’s achievements and set out the initiatives to come. Employees across departments at OneLife are involved in implementing digital innovation to improve the experience of partners and clients and in so doing learn the techniques which will allow them to compete in tomorrow’s world.

Training and development at OneLife has also gone digital with the introduction in September of the Lynda.com learning platform from LinkedIn. This tool, offering over 10,000 e-courses, actively encourages employees to learn on a regular basis across all disciplines with certification awarded to acknowledge completion.

As Marc Stevens, OneLife CEO, says: “At OneLife, Digital is part of our DNA! The intelligent interaction of man and machine means a simpler, faster and easier everyday experience for our partners, clients and employees. Our digital transformation continues – we’ve implemented a large number of value-add initiatives this year and many more are to come next year”.


Data aggregation

OneLife worked closely with Harvest, the leader in France in data aggregation, to offer their mutual independent financial advisors in France this new service, the advantage of which is to provide an overall view of portfolio positions for each of their clients. This initiative is part of a comprehensive digital approach to which other data aggregation initiatives will be added. OneLife is now able to fully support the Penelop format so allowing them to extend their partnership with other market aggregators over the coming weeks. In addition, OneLife recently put a B2B service in place enabling partners to log on in real time to the platform to view all the information available on their respective portfolio.

The project was delivered in record time thanks to the particularly fruitful collaboration between OneLife and Harvest enabling the new flows to be taken on to further extend the integration of the Luxembourg contracts in O2S. Making the flows available is part of a legal and technical mechanism which guarantees integrity and confidentiality of the personal data (data masking, secure file transfer protocol, cryptographic communication, authentication key, etc.).


Automation of standard processes

Identifying the stages in a well-mapped process which can be done just as well by automated means – and even enhanced in terms of time, accuracy and reporting – is a key area of the firm’s focus. The automation of parts of the OneLife service workspace is just one example. Generating automatic emails to confirm transactions, request missing documentation and manage life policies effectively leaves the company’s Customer Services team with more time on their hands to deal with more complex live customer queries – and so better manage the relationships with their valued partners and clients.


A number of other digital initiatives are due for release in the coming weeks.

For the 2017 year-end portfolio statements, the firm is putting in place Dematerialisation, a process which allows the policyholder and his intermediary to view statements directly on the firm’s secure portal, youroffice yourassets instead of in paper form by post. The pdf may be downloaded and stored as appropriate for future reference. The dematerialised statement has the same legal value as the paper form. Efficiency, security and speed are all watchwords of this new paperless process.

Accelerating the client on-boarding process through the automation of KYC and AML checks has been through the test-drive stage at OneLife and is about to be launched. RegTech, or Regulation Technology as it is widely known, provides the Compliance team with a powerful technology tool to run the checks and then revert with a recommendation. The team can then intervene to run further checks and/or on-board the clients so significantly speeding up the process from the days when all stages were manual. OneLife partnered with KYCTech, a Luxembourg start-up company, to establish a Proof of Concept for the platform. The service will be implemented in February.

OneLife launched the OneLife OneApp for its partners in Belgium in 2016. It was then made available to the rest of its partner base in August 2017. The next step is to offer it to all OneLife clients from December. The App offers real-time access to portfolios on-line in a secure environment, as well as the ability to track operations and outstanding items. OneLife partners and clients can be sure that their portfolios move with them and are accessible 24/7!

As the final piece in the digitalisation of its on-boarding and service offering, OneLife will introduce an electronic signature capability in the first quarter 2018. The new service will allow partners and clients with access to youroffice, yourassets to sign digitally, eliminating the time-consuming process of physical signatures on switches and top-ups in a first phase and other operations in later stages.


OneLife is also innovating in the area of RPA (Robotic Process Automation). A number of Bots have been launched in 2017 and are already serving the business. A larger scale deployment is planned for 2018.

As a digital front-runner, OneLife is using its internal AGILE approach to identify and implement change across the organisation fast. From concept to delivery, the firm’s digital transformation is not just a promise but a reality.

SOURCE: EuropaWire