Category Archives: Social Networking

La Astrología Revela la Verdad detrás de la Separación de Joe Jonas y Sophie Turner

BRAZIL, 13-Sep-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Los fanáticos de Joe Jonas y Sophie Turner se sorprendieron esta semana con el anuncio de su divorcio. En una carta abierta, la actriz enfatizó que la decisión fue mutua y amigable. Las razones de la separación podrían ser muchas, pero la sinastria astral de la pareja indica algunos de los caminos que llevaron al fin de esta unión.

Según Astrolink, si la compatibilidad entre los dos se pudiera medir en una escala del 1 al 100, recibirán una puntuación de 55. Esto se debe principalmente al elemento Fuego que impregna los mapas astrales de ambos. Comenzando con Sophie, que es Piscis, pero tiene un mapa astral bastante interesante: Ascendente, Luna y Venus en Aries. Al mismo tiempo, también tienen una buena compatibilidad en los aspectos lunares, lo que indica una pareja creativa y extrovertida que intercambia muchas ideas y tiene mucho potencial para ser una pareja exitosa.

Sin embargo, hay poca afinidad en los signos solares, venusianos y mercurianos. El Sol en Piscis de Sophie tiende a ser más introvertido y tranquilo, mientras que el Sol en Leo de Jonas prefiere estar en el centro de atención y brillar. Por otro lado, el deseo de atención de este aspecto leonino puede haber sido alimentado por el Ascendente y la Luna en Aries de la actriz.

Otro detalle es que Joe tiene Venus en Escorpio y Sophie en Aries. En este aspecto, estas son posiciones bastante opuestas. A pesar de ser Piscis, Sophie también tiene la Luna en Aries, lo que significa que, a pesar de su introversión, no le gusta quedarse quieta y prefiere momentos de romance y conquista. En cambio, la Venus en Escorpio de Joe tiende a ser más posesivo y tranquilo.

Sophie tiene Mercurio en Acuario y Joe en Escorpio. En este aspecto, Sophie tiende a ser más abierta al diálogo y al intercambio de ideas cuando se siente cómoda. El Mercurio en Escorpio de Joe hace que quiera profundizar en temas y puede ser repetitivo e incluso agotador.

Acerca de Astrolink

Astrolink es la comunidad astrológica más grande del mundo, con más de 10 millones de usuarios. Es una plataforma para adquirir autoconocimiento y mejorar tu vida a través de la astrología, ofreciendo un acceso fácil y rápido a tu carta natal, horóscopo personalizado, sinastria amorosa, tarot, nodos y ciclos lunares, guías y diversas herramientas que te ayudarán a comprender mejor tu papel en el universo y tomar las mejores decisiones. Conocerte a ti mismo, y a quienes amas, cambiará tu vida para mejor.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Join the movement: Share your anti-war art on social media using hashtags like #ArtOfPeace

TBILISI, Georgia, 15-Aug-2023 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — This summer, four anti-war Russian emigrants came together through their involvement in the first-ever “Art of Peace” artist residency, backed by Campaigns for Humanity, the human rights-focused philanthropic arm of digital marketing agency Renaissance3. The initiative facilitates connection among artists affected by conflict and provides them with a platform to express their opposition to war and engage with their host communities.

“Art of Peace” innovators blend technology, self-expression to bring anti-war messages to life

Created through a collaboration of artists wishing to remain anonymous due to concerns for the safety of loved ones inside Russia, the cutting-edge project known as “Road Signs” uses augmented reality to catapult street art into the future: Users in Russia and neighboring countries who download the mobile app “AR Hunter” can point their smartphone camera at a road sign and see it transform into an animated artwork promoting peace.

“Road Signs,” whose message speaks directly to those potentially involved in armed conflict, will be integrated into the “AR Hunter” [] app created by Anastasia Vladychkina, leader of the well-known art group Yav [], by the end of August.

Continuing the embrace of the latest applications of technology in art, prizewinning artist and “Art of Peace” resident Alisa Yoffe [] led a masterclass on protest art in the virtual-reality world of “Xanax Tbilisi.” During the session, Yoffe virtually “walked” participants through the streets of Tbilisi to view protest art superimposed on elements of the cityscape. Emphasizing the collaborative nature of the project, Yoffe has invited all who wish to contribute their own anti-war graffiti to access the world of “Xanax Tbilisi” through the platform “VRChat [].”

Against the backdrop of war, a poignant artistic movement emerges

A heartfelt song born from the collective contemplation of 10 Russian emigrants when posed with the question, “What would you say to someone fighting in the war against Ukraine?” and titled “To the Russian Soldier,” culminates in the haunting refrain, “I want [you] to live… others will live too.”

Data reported [] in Mediazona underscore the grave risk born by those sent by Russia to fight: While military casualty data are classified, with those daring to report on the number of fallen soldiers prosecuted for spreading “fake news” about the army, as of late May 2023, at least 47,000 Russian men under the age of 50 had died in the war. Mediazona and Meduza estimated [] that 78,000 Russian soldiers may have been wounded or missing in action, bringing overall losses to 125,000. This figure stands in stark contrast with publicly disclosed information from Russia; as reported in Mediazona [], the last time the Ministry of Defence disclosed any casualty figures was in September 2022, when Sergei Shoygu announced that a total of 5,937 soldiers were killed in action.

Pioneering narratives for peace

Semra Fogel, an inaugural “Art of Peace” resident and architect of the “Verses are Louder than Bombs” workshop, gathered five anti-war poets at Reforum Space Tbilisi [] this July for a collaborative art-making experience centered around song. In her own words, “I think art is a way to draw attention to this problem. If more people are going to use their art for this purpose and ask their friends to, we stand a better chance at peace. It’ll be better… for those who have already suffered from the war and for those defending themselves against further and further evil that this war brings.”

Fogel plans to build on her initial concept, with the goal of scaling it so more people feel prepared to produce protest art, whether collaboratively or individually. Reflecting on the five poets who participated in her flagship workshop, Fogel said, “I’m very proud of their work. I’m proud of my work because I managed to inspire them. It’s the coolest thing.”

Get involved

To participate in the Art of Peace movement, individuals and communities are encouraged to:

  • Share their anti-war artwork on social media using the hashtags #ArtofPeace#ИскусствоМира#IWantYouToLive, & #ХочуЧтобыЖил.
  • Contribute to the virtual gallery [] hosted by Campaigns for Humanity.
  • Host their own collaborative art-making meetups. The resident artists crafted a guide for members of the public to use, included below.

Guide to Hosting an Art of Peace Art-Making Meetup

  1. Gather a group of people and any art supplies you like or have access to. Old magazines, glue, and paper are all you need to create a collage!
  2. Together, look at a piece of art, such as one of those included in the virtual gallery []. Then discuss how it makes you feel, what you like about it; maybe what you didn’t understand or didn’t like about it.
  3. Spend some time as a group making art or poetry of your own, inspired by the discussion and the artwork. You might use the title “I want you to live” or “art of peace” to help guide you.
  4. Share your work on social media using the hashtag #ArtofPeace#ИскусствоМира#IWantYoutoLive, & #ХочуЧтобыЖил.

To stay up to date on the latest Art of Peace news, follow Campaigns for Humanity on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

SOURCE: EuropaWire


TBILISI, Georgia, 7-Jul-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — This summer, a group of Russian activists, currently living in exile, are banding together to cultivate artistic resistance to the war among the Russian diaspora. The activists, all of whom are working artists collectively specializing in a variety of mediums, initially connected through their participation in the inaugural “Art of Peace” artist residency sponsored by Campaigns for Humanity, the human rights-focused philanthropic arm of digital marketing agency Renaissance3. The initiative is designed to bring together artists affected by conflict and provide them with a platform to express their opposition to war and engage with their host communities.

“It [Art of Peace] provides an opportunity to collaborate with other talented artists, poets, and writers, united by a common goal: confronting war and violence through art.” – Anastasia Vladyckina, Art of Peace resident

Reflecting on the residency, one participant, who asked to be identified only by the letter “R” due to concern for the safety of her family still living in Russia, stated, “War cannot stop us from creating art. Here we meet, speak out, exchange, and create.”

Driven by their belief in the transformative power of expression, the “Art of Peace” residents are sharing their expertise with the broader diaspora community through immersive art experiences open to the public–including those who may not yet consider themselves artists. During these experiences, participants are guided to cultivate a sense of community amongst themselves as they create works centering around the themes of peace and pleas of “I want you to live,” an appeal directed at those in Russia they fear they could lose to this unjust war.

One of the experiences produced by the residents, titled “Verses Are Louder than Bombs,” is being organized by musician Semra Fogel and takes place at Reforum Space Tbilisi on 8, 15, and 16 July. Prospective participants must submit an application containing an original anti-war poem, which they will transform into a soundtrack over the course of three sessions led by Fogel, who received professional training in workshop facilitation as part of the “Art of Peace” residency.

“I want to inspire people opposed to the war to create art and feel the courage to share it with those who became victims of propaganda,” said Fogel. “I believe that art can be a powerful tool to promote peace and understanding between people of different backgrounds and political opinions.”

Those selected by Fogel to participate will have the opportunity to contribute the song they create during the sessions to an anti-war album that will ultimately be released to the public. Participants pay a fee of 30 GEL, with all proceeds sent to Helping To Leave, a volunteer-driven initiative that provides assistance to Ukrainians affected by the war. Participation is free for Ukrainian citizens.

Additional “Art of Peace” resident-led experiences, including a collaborative street art project conducted in augmented reality and a masterclass in protest art held in virtual reality, will be announced soon.

“Art is also capable of restoring the spiritual strength of people suffering from war and destruction. It can help them perceive the world and themselves in it anew, seeking paths to inner reconciliation and emotional peace. In this sense, art serves as a means of healing and self-expression, which can help people cope with traumas and fears.” – Anastasia Vladyckina, Art of Peace Resident

As “Art of Peace” moves beyond the residency phase and expands its reach to the general public, the founding class of artists expressed enthusiasm about the project’s potential. “While war–using weapons–deprives us of the opportunity for dialogue, art remains a means of interaction on the path to peace,” wrote resident Alisa Yoffe, who is known for her large-scale anti-war art installations. “I am an artist from Russia, and I find it extremely important to speak out against war.”

To participate in the Art of Peace movement, individuals and communities are encouraged to:

  • Share their anti-war artwork on social media using the hashtags #ArtofPeace, #ИскусствоМира, and #IWantYouToLive.
  • Contribute to the virtual gallery hosted by Campaigns for Humanity.
  • Host their own collaborative art-making meetups. The resident artists crafted a guide for members of the public to use, outlined below.

Guide to Hosting an Art of Peace Art-Making Meetup

  1. Gather a group of people and any art supplies you like or have access to. Old magazines, glue, and paper are all you need to create a collage!
  2. Together, look at a piece of art, such as one of those included in the virtual gallery. Then discuss how it makes you feel, what you like about it; maybe what you didn’t understand or didn’t like about it.
  3. Spend some time as a group making art or poetry of your own, inspired by the discussion and the artwork. You might use the title “I want you to live” or “art of peace” to help guide you.
  4. Share your work on social media using the hashtags #ArtofPeace, #ИскусствоМира, and #IWantYoutoLive

To stay up to date on the latest Art of Peace news, including announcements of forthcoming workshops, follow Campaigns for Humanity on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

«Карта мира» — это онлайн-платформа, которая помогает русскоязычным антивоенным активистам

ВИЛЬНЮС, 7-Jun-2023 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — По данным газеты The Moscow Times, до 1 миллиона человек покинули Россию после начала полномасштабного вторжения в Украину. Антивоенная российская диаспора состоит из представителей самых разных слоев обществ, но всех этих людей объединяют простые и понятные вещи — решительное осуждение вторжения в Украину и недвусмысленная поддержка суверенитета Украины, а также стремление к справедливости.

Лана Пылаева, координатор “Free Russia Netherlands”, рассказала независимому изданию Not My War: “Для меня самое важное — это то, что мы создали в Нидерландах как сообщество россиян, выступающих войне. Для достижения этого мы организовали целый комплекс мероприятий после начала полномасштабной войны.”

Сбор гуманитарной помощи для украинцев, боты для помощи тем, кто в России пытается избежать призыва, пикеты и марши, протестный стрит-артом, запуск международного проекта по возвращению украденных украинских детей ( — все эти возможности выступить против от агрессии российского государства так же многообразны, как и люди, возглавляющие их, а темп активности действительно впечатляет.

Координации и катализации таких процессов помогают как раз такие централизованные платформы, как интерактивна «Карта мира», которую активисты используют для синхронизации своих действий и взаимной поддержки. Изначально запущенная после начала полномасштабного вторжения для связи русскоязычных антивоенных активистов по всему миру, “Map of Peace”, усиленная недавним присуждением премии Campaigns for Humanity, объявляет о новой цели — представить на своей карте каждую русскую антивоенную инициативу. Уже сейчас на карте отмечены 144 сообществ, и их число постоянно растет. Организаторы уверены, что удобство обновленной платформы усилит возможности многочисленных эмигрантских сообществ, выступающих за мир.

Война в Украине затягивается — она идет уже 16-й месяц. И все сильнее ощущается необходимости слаженных и эффективных действий в этом «марафоне». И этому все больше убедительных доказательств. Например, активистки движения «Феминистское антивоенное сопротивление» (ФАС), представленного на «Карте мира»”, регулярно используют подрывные техники борьбы с кремлевской пропаганды, направленные непосредственно на россиян. Среди них — создание «анти-уроков», которые родители могут использовать для противодействия эффектам военной пропаганды, навязываемой российским школьникам, и использование фотошопа для создания фотографий танков, покрытых кровью и с антивоенными лозунгами, которые затем выкладываются на Google Maps.

Сможет ли подобная изобретательность россиян в эмиграции действительно повлиять на исход войны? Последние сообщения предполагают, что так. По данным «Медиазоны», число российских военнослужащих, ÑƒÐºÐ»Ð¾Ð½ÑÑŽÑ‰Ð¸Ñ…ся от службы, резко возросло, превысив показатели 2022 года всего за первые четыре месяца 2023 годаКак контрактные военнослужащие, так и призывники уклоняются от службы, отказываясь выполнять приказы о переброске на Украину или дезертируя с передовой.

Как заявили активисты российского антивоенного сообщества в годовщину начала полномасштабного вторжения в феврале: «Мы должны продолжать сопротивляться режиму вместе, поддерживать все формы протеста, менять взгляды сторонников войны, помогать тем, кто столкнулся с проблемами из-за войны, и проявлять солидарность всеми доступными и безопасными для нас способами. Не бойтесь говорить правду! Мы призываем россиян отказаться от участия и помогать другим не принимать участие в преступной войне и геноциде украинского народа».

Присоединитесь к нашей миссии за мир и справедливость для Украины. Посетите сегодня, чтобы убедиться, что ваша инициатива представлена.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

New online organizing platform serves  Russian-speaking anti-war activists worldwide as a centralized hub for initiatives

VILNIUS, 31-May-2023 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — According to reporting in the Moscow Times, up to 1 million people have fled Russia in the wake of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Hailing from a diversity of backgrounds but united by an impassioned opposition to the invasion and unequivocal support for Ukrainian sovereignty, the anti-war Russian diaspora has established itself as a massive force driven by tireless emigres committed to justice.

Lana Pylaeva, the coordinator of Free Russia Netherlands, told independent media outlet Not My War, “To me, the greatest achievement is that we have established ourselves in the Netherlands as a community of war–opposing Russians. To achieve this, we have organized a whole complex of activities since the full-scale war.”

From collecting humanitarian aid for Ukrainians and running bots to help those in Russia avoid conscription; to in-person pickets, marches, and blanketing the streets with protest art; to launching a multinational project demanding the return of Ukraine’s stolen children, dubbed; the opportunities to reject Russian state aggression are as multifaceted as the people spearheading them, and the rate of activity is enough to make the head spin.

Driving the opposition effort’s momentum are centralized hubs–such as the online platform Map of Peace–activists use to coordinate their activities and support one another. Originally launched just after the full-scale invasion as a means of connecting Russian-speaking anti-war activists across the globe, Map of Peace, bolstered by a recent Campaigns for Humanity award, is announcing a new goal of hosting every Russian anti-war initiative on its map. With 144 communities already on the map and growing by the dozens in recent months, project organizers are confident the updated platform’s one-stop-shop convenience will amplify the impact of the legions of expatriates agitating for peace.

As the war drags into its 16th month, there’s a renewed sense of urgency among anti-war advocates, fueled by evidence suggesting that their efforts are working. For example, activists with Feminist Anti-War Resistance (FAR), a movement hosted on Map of Peace, frequently engage in creative propaganda subversion techniques designed to appeal directly to those in Russia, such as creating “anti-lessons” parents can use to counter the effects of the militarization indoctrination imposed on Russian schoolchildren, and turning a favored Russian propaganda tool–tanks–on its head by posting to Google Maps photoshopped images of tanks covered in blood and featuring anti-war slogans.

Excerpt from Feminist Anti-War Resistance Facebook Post About Its “Anti-Lesson”: “Before May 9, propaganda ‘patriotic classes’ are held for many Russian schoolchildren and students, justifying the attack on Ukraine with the narrative of the Second World War. We studied the materials of ‘Conversations about the important things’ to May 9 and information on how educational institutions will celebrate this day. Based on what we’ve read, we have prepared an outline and materials for the Anti-Lesson for May 9th to initiate a conversation about anti-militarism and the causes of war.

Can exiled Russians’ ingenuity influence the outcome of the war? Recent reporting suggests so. According to Mediazona, Russian AWOL figures are soaring, surpassing the 2022 full‑year tally within the first four months of 2023. Both contract soldiers and conscripts are going AWOL, either by directly refusing orders to deploy to Ukraine or deserting from the front lines.

As stated by the Congress of Antiwar Initiatives on the one-year anniversary of the full-scale invasion, “We must keep resisting the regime together, support all forms of protest, change the minds of supporters of the war, help those who are in trouble because of the war and show solidarity by all means available and safe for us, let’s not be afraid to speak the truth! We urge Russians to refuse to participate in and help others to not take part in the criminal war and genocide of the Ukrainian people.” Join our mission for peace and justice for Ukraine. Visit today to ensure your initiative is represented.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digital Marketing Agency Renaissance3’s Initiative Illustrates Power of Humanity in Overcoming Divisions

24 for 24

KYIV, 24-Feb-2023 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Prior to February 24, 2022, the people and organizations spotlighted in digital marketing agency Renaisssance3’s latest initiative were content to be parents and children; musicians and poets; businesses and workers. The company’s newest campaign, titled “24 for 24” in reference to the 24 change makers profiled–one for each of the 24 days leading up to the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine–was conceived as a series to illustrate the power our collective humanity has to overcome the forces that seek to divide us.

In her “Diary of Lviv,” Vlada Ralko writes, “The shock of war undermines ordinary perception of reality.” But “If we are united, we will be able to defeat evil,” insists Valentyna Polovnyka of Bickerstaff, a Ukrainian creative agency featured in the campaign.

Among the stories documented in “24 for 24” are those of a German father and daughter who, determined to assist the thousands of Ukrainians fleeing the bombs, journeyed 1,000 km from their home in Frankfurt to meet refugees flowing through the Polish border; an account of thousands of creatives who banded together to fight information warfare with the stated aim of preventing World War III; and Russian independent media, many in exile, who risk their security and livelihoods to provide accurate information to those who need it most.

Renaissance3–which launched Campaigns for Humanity in March 2022 as a global alliance of creatives, activists, and advertisers working toward peace in Ukraine–is an award-winning digital marketing agency that invests a portion of its profits in initiatives aligned with its guiding values of human rights, digital democracy, and more humane economies. For its work with Campaigns for Humanity, the company was named a Positive Change Winner at the 2022 KYIV International Advertising Festival.

As part of its renewed commitment to support peace in Ukraine as the war enters its second year, Renaissance3 is also announcing €10,000 funding awards, as well as technical and strategic support from its team of digital communications experts, available for nongovernmental organizations or individuals working on projects to defend Ukrainian sovereignty. To submit a nomination, visit

Follow the 24 for 24 campaign at

To learn more about Renaissance3, please visit

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Sortlist a dressé un tableau comparatif pour déterminer les caractéristiques de chaque pays

BRUSSELS, 15-Feb-2022 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Quelles sont les caractéristiques qui différencient un pays d’un autre ? Du pays avec le plus grand nombre de startups par habitant au pays avec le plus de micro influenceurs, Sortlist a dressé un tableau comparatif pour déterminer les caractéristiques (parfois clichées) de chaque pays. Un aperçu utile lorsqu’on cherche à s’implanter dans un nouveau marché, ou pour comprendre les différences qui existent entre les différents marchés.

La Belgique : les accros de la technologie

Petit pays et pourtant grandes opportunités ! Lorsqu’on compare les données de la Belgique avec les autres pays par ratio d’habitants, on constate que la Belgique est un acteur clé du monde tech!

Les 6 principales caractéristiques du marché belge

  • Avec 1 start-up par 20 000 habitants, la Belgique a l’un des ratios les plus élevés
  • Les emplois les plus recherchés visent le secteur informatique
  • Bien que seulement 36,9 % de la population ait un compte Instagram, les Belges n’ont pas peur de s’exprimer et d’interagir en ligne. La Belgique a le taux d’engagement le plus élevé sur Instagram, avec 4,8 % des Belges qui interagissent avec les plus grands influenceurs du monde.
  • Les femmes belges sont les plus intéressées par le porno, avec 35% de l’audience belge de Pornhub étant féminine et le terme le plus recherché étant « Lesbienne », contrairement aux autres pays, où il ne figure même pas dans le top 3.
  • Les belges font partie des leaders de l’innovation dans l’UE, avec une croissance de 9 % rien qu’en 2021, aux côtés de la Scandinavie.
  • Selon la FIFA, l’équipe nationale masculine de football belge est actuellement classée numéro 1 mondiale (janvier 2022).


Caractéristiques des autres pays analysés et tableau comparatif général

La France, les fashionistas

  • La France est le seul pays à avoir la « Mode » dans son top 5 des sujets les plus tendances sur Instagram
  • Plus de 1 100 projets français dans les secteurs « Vêtements et accessoires » et « Luxe et bijoux » ont été postés sur Sortlist en 2021. En comparaison, les Britanniques n’ont posté que 61 projets.
  • Première nation pour les exportations de parfums, 27,2% de la quantité totale de parfums exportés dans le monde sont français.

L’Allemagne, l’éternelle demoiselle d’honneur

  • Deuxième pays avec le taux de chômage le plus faible (4,3 %)
  • Deuxième pays où le salaire net moyen est le plus élevé
  • Deuxième pays où le nombre total de jeunes entreprises est le plus élevé (2259, soit 1 pour 37 000 habitants).
  • Deuxième pays avec le plus de salles de sports
  • Pays qui engage le plus auprès des nano influenceurs
  • Les allemands passent le moins de temps en ligne, avec seulement 5 heures et 26 minutes par jour.

L’Espagne, les fêtards wannabe

  • Pays avec le taux de chômage le plus élevé de notre liste.
  • Avec 1391 start-ups, le ratio de 0,29 pour 10 000 habitants est plus important qu’en Allemagne (0,26)
  • Pays qui compte le plus grand nombre de faux comptes suivant des influenceurs qui ont plus d’un demi-million de followers.
  • 18,7 % des comptes espagnols suivant des macro-influenceurs et 19,9 % des comptes suivant des méga-influenceurs sur Instagram sont faux.
  • 22/100 meilleures boîtes de nuit du monde sont situées en Espagne.

Les Pays-Bas, les amateurs d’animaux (et de porno !)

  • Pays où le salaire net moyen est le plus élevé (2 611 €) et le taux de chômage le plus faible (4,1 %).
  • Selon Forbes, c’est le quatrième meilleur pays au monde pour les affaires, ce qui en fait le deuxième meilleur pays de notre liste.
  • Avec 27 000 000 d’animaux de compagnie, il y a 10 millions d’animaux de compagnie de plus que d’habitants aux Pays-Bas, le Néerlandais moyen possède 1,5 animal.
  • 10 minutes et 38 secondes, c’est le temps moyen passé par visite sur Pornhub – le plus long de tous les pays analysés.

Émirats arabes unis, le paradis des influenceurs

  • Taux d’emploi le plus élevé (70%)
  • Deuxième taux de création de start-up (1 pour 15 000 habitants) le plus élevé
  • 205 utilisateurs de crypto-monnaies pour 10 000 habitants
  • 66% de la population possède un compte Instagram
  • Plus grand nombre de macro et méga influenceurs, ratio par habitant de 1 macro ou méga influenceur pour 13 000 habitants.

Tableau comparatif général :

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A propos de Sortlist
Fondée en Belgique en 2014 pour faciliter les achats B2B dans le secteur du marketing, Sortlist est la plus grande marketplace d’Europe dans le domaine du marketing. La plateforme met les entreprises en contact avec les agences marketing et créatives qui correspondent à leurs besoins. Aujourd’hui, Sortlist possède des succursales dans sept pays.

Contact Presse:
Aline Strouvens,, +33 769 20 38 74

SOURCE: EuropaWire

New dating site with focus on people having difficulties making new contacts

USTER, Switzerland, 22-Nov-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Do you have problems making new contacts and do you also have psychological problems? On this portal you will meet people who understand you and your situation. An important pre-condition for a partnership to work in the long term.

Whether you’re looking for a new love, new friendships, someone to write to or just an adventure, you might find it here.

We deliberately refrained from asking questions about a possible illness in the profile, because the focus should be on you as a person and not on your illness. Of course, everyone is free to give certain informations about it when describing the personality. However, this is absolutely voluntary.

This dating site offers many different ways to get in touch with someone. Be it by a message, by chatting, by a wall entry, by a comment, by video etc.

The website ‘My Special Darling’ is an international dating site and can be reached at the following URL: (Info: Simply change the language from German to English!)

The first 200 members also receive a starting credit of EUR 12.- to test additional functions. However, creating a profile, viewing other profiles and sending messages is free.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Connection to the Real World: Revelation is Revealed

Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2021-Oct-08 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Amid the rise of uncertainty about the present and future of humanity triggered by the pandemic, COVID misinformation, including the lack of trust in the medical field and misunderstanding in the religious world, increases various concerns in daily life.

In the United States, rumors are circulating that the COVID vaccine is the “mark of the beast.” This apocalyptic biblical term is from Revelation 13 and is usually interpreted as being attached to Satan and subsequently diverging from God. Additionally, people regardless of religious background frequently encounter the question – does the COVID-19 signify “the end of the earth?”

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, announced that it will hold a round of weekly seminars titled, “Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God’s New Covenant” from October 18th to December 27th.

The seminars, broadcasting live on YouTube, will provide explanation of prophecies recorded from every chapter of Revelation based on the 5W1H (who, what, when, where, why, how) method. The lecturers include Chairman Lee Man-hee, who has said that he is a witness who saw and heard all the events of the book physically fulfilled in the real world (Revelation 22:16).

Previously, the SCJ Word Seminar held in August attracted 1,700 pastors and 28,000 people globally. “The number of participants at this time reflects their interest and effort to understand the words of Revelation consistently with the words of the rest of the books of the Bible,” said Mr. Kim Shin-chang, General Director of the International Mission Department of Shincheonji Church.

The Shincheonji Church also added that the book of Revelation is written in parables and has not been explained through the real world, but instead only through human thoughts and non-biblical speculative theories which has misguided believers and instigated social disorder. The church also emphasizes that understanding the true meaning of the book of Revelation is to see how the prophecies expressed in parables have been physically fulfilled in the world today according to the Bible.

Media contact:

Shincheonji Church AU
+61 401 909 117

The Great Hoes of America

Now over 350 memes sent to this site, via e-mail, attached pictures, videos, and caricatures, by people just like you.

Anaconda MT, USA, 2021-May-03 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Now over 350 memes sent to this site, via e-mail, attached pictures, videos, and caricatures, by people just like you.

Social Media censors any subjects that they disagree with, including President Trump and his supporters. This happened once before in Germany.

Those that forget History are Doomed to repeat it.

Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941.

World Trade Center, September 11, 2001.

Election Day, November 3, 2020
Doomed America.
Communist takeover.

This website is intended to help those who are blinded by the leftist media and present administration. It allows you to see what is happening to our cherished country. We are not a racist people and do not want to diminish our police force.

True Americans love our country and will fight to the end to preserve our way of life.

There is a present day “False Prophet” that has a small army of depraved people in its service including politicians, celebrities, and powerful wealthy persons. These people are exposed on this website, along with a total of forty (40) other subjects. This is also an entertaining link with a “Stress Relief” subject.


Media contact:

Terry Higgins
406 563 8107,

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MIAMI, FL, U.S.A., 2021-Jan-15 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Not so long ago, a new service appeared in the field of TikTok promotion. And it is this service called TikTop that has proven itself quite Well. There are several reasons for this: over the history of its existence, it has gained a good reputation and, at the same time, offers services at quite pleasant prices compared to competitors.

Let’s see why this service is effective. So, the advantages:

The service allows Users to establish contact only with active users. Visiting Tiktoks, even adding videos from time to time, does not mean being active enough (from the point of view of an entrepreneur who promotes products, services, or just maintains their own content). But the video is uploaded by active users who are fond of Instagram.

Short stories. One video lasts a very short time. As a rule, users are not very attentive to short-term content posts, so they post several videos a day. And users can quickly view them.

First of all, profiles that TikTok thinks are interesting are displayed. However, viewing such pages is also more profitable for the buyer.

Only the video displays a list of people who viewed the content. But the person will not be able to find out who visited the profile.

And, finally, it is worth emphasizing once again that this service, as a method of attracting an audience and feedback from it, is still unknown to many. Therefore, users think that the owner of the TikTok account is actually gradually gaining popularity and is interested in content that attracts other users of the social network and encourages them to perform useful actions for clients (whether it’s likes, views , comments, or subscribers to the TikTok account).

What can the client get using the TikTop service ? And yet, what will be the result after performing the technique? Let’s look at what such a client can get in the end:

New subscribers. People who have viewed clients and those who are interested in the content offered by the user will subscribe to them. Most people watch interesting new videos anyway, so they are more likely to see the clients’ content directly. It only remains to flash in their field of view (this will be done by automatically attracting views).

The increase in coverage of the page. Even those who don’t subscribe to you will increase their reach – they will visit the page, put likes, watch videos, and leave comments. In General, even if the target audience does not increase, the page activity will increase, and this is also a positive result.

Attracting an active audience that is ready for action. Customers of the Tiktok service will not receive empty subscriptions, but they will attract those who often use TikTok and receive information from It.

A user interested in the TikTop service can choose one of the categories of people according to their target audience.

TikTop service is an unobtrusive advertising method. Now everyone knows that page subscriptions are made for profit. Comprehensive promotion is always effective, so if a customer is promoting their TikTok account, promoting the channel’s telegrams, if any, will be appropriate.

Another caveat: TikTop helps not only attract a new audience, but also keep the old one in touch. For example, your page is dedicated to music. The client is subscribed to by people who are not subscribed to by the client. Thanks to TikTop, the audience constantly watches videos of these users, again, very easily and unobtrusively reminding them of themselves. The person will go to the “interesting” section and see you when it is convenient for them. In the case of other services, pages are more Intrusive, often cause a negative reaction and refusal of the account owner to which the subscription is being made.

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Using an Animated Avatar of Himself, Digital Media Professional, Bill Johnston, Co-founder of the Popular TheCGBros YouTube Channel, Earns Praise for His Performance in a Video Podcast Preview Provided to a Special Panel of Members of the Voice Acting Academy.

SAN DIEGO, CA, 2021-Jan-06 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — TheCGBros, a Third-party aggregation YouTube Channel becoming an integral part of many short films’ release strategies, conducted a highly successful beta test of the first episode of their now-in-production podcast series, TheCGBros CGInsider Podcast. Bill Johnston, co-founder of TheCGBros YouTube Channel with his brother, Shaun Johnston, delivered the program content solo, in “talking head” format, but future episodes will see participation from Shaun and from influential guests, as well. Of special interest is that, although Bill spoke as himself, he did it through the novel medium of an animated avatar, possibly a first in the industry. The avatar was designed and executed by co-founder, Shaun Johnston.

The program content is intended for consumption by people with a wide variety of tastes and interests, especially fans of short videos. The subject matter will also be of general interest to students of CGI as well as both entry-level and professionals in the field. The premiere episode in the podcast series was released to the public on TheCGBros YouTube Channel at Midnight January 5, 2021. The series will be rolled out on other streaming platforms weekly on Tuesdays.

The test episode, which runs approximately 20 minutes long, is entitled “What is CGI?” Podcast titles scheduled for the remainder of January include: “Can You Describe the Different Jobs That Relate to Creating a CGI Film,” “Are There Examples of Current CGI in Films That Are So Well Done That They are Undetectable?” and “How Can I Get a Job in Gaming?”

The venue used for the test was an online weekly meeting of the Voice Acting Academy’s “Conductors Club” (VAACC.) The VAACC is a membership support service open to voiceover talent at all levels of experience for the purpose of helping them to advance their voiceover career and to help them get more work. Membership in the VAACC includes weekly live coaching sessions directed by Voiceover Guru, James Alburger, who says that the monthly cost of membership is a lot less than the usual cost of a single hour of private coaching. ConductorsClub sessions are conducted using Zoom, a cloud-based peer-to-peer software platform app that allows virtual video and audio conferencing, webinars, live chats, screen-sharing, and other collaborative capabilities. Information on VAACC is available at

The test involved a three-member panel of long-time members of the VAACC. Participating in the test were James Alburger, Tom Daniels, and George Asteri. Senior member of the panel, James Alburger, of San Diego, author of the book commonly used as a required text in college-level voiceover classes, “The Art of Voice Acting,” now in its 6th edition, asserted, “That’s really nice. Very interesting, very thorough, very effective.” Alburger is an 11-Time Emmy® Winner for Sound Design, and owner of The Voice Acting Academy and CIGMA Media. He is also an Engineer, Voice Acting Coach, and Executive Producer/Director for Film, Video, and other media. Alburger operates the websites and at Panelist Tom Daniels averred, “That was awesome. Very informative and entertaining. It held my attention all the way through. What surprised me most was that the first use of computer generated imagery dates all the way back to 1958 in the Alfred Hitchcock film, Vertigo.” Daniels is an Emmy®-winning Voice Actor/Executive Producer who lives in Massillon, Ohio. You can listen to Tom’s sound demos here TomDanielsVoiceDemos and reach him at The third member of the panel, George Asteri, opined, “That was an excellent summary and gave a really good understanding of CGI. It really informed me.” Asteri, who lives in Saginaw, Michigan, has been acting for his entire life. As a Shakespearean trained actor, Asteri has performed on stage with such notable stars as Christopher Walken in Richard II, and Nicholas Pennell in Richard III. He has also played leading roles in many stage plays, including Shakespeare’s Hamlet. As a voice actor, Asteri has voiced national, local and cable commercials, shared his narration talent with a large Michigan school district film production, narrated for audiobooks, and has made several recordings for Internet clients. Asteri operates a website at where he has provided his email address and telephone number.

Bill, when asked to describe his company’s vision for entering the wildly-expanding, somewhat chaotic podcast marketplace responded, “Well, we believe that mounting up a podcast series not only continues, but builds on our long-standing mission, which from Day-One has been to curate the highest quality professional-level CG content from around the world, as well as to provide insights and inspiration to our two main constituencies: the producers of video content and the consumers of that content. Simply stated, we help the second group — the consumers — by providing them with high quality video content, and we help the first group — the producers of video content — or as we call them,‘New Media Producers,’ by providing them access to a ‘destination site’ where members of the second group can come and discover their works. And by destination, we mean, specifically, a proven, well-established place, with a great reputation for streaming quality videos, where people who love our content know they can come to see outstanding videos that were created with the ‘blood, sweat, and tears’ suffering (not to mention loss-of-sleep) of artists with great talent but with little-to-no prospects to obtain timely significant Media Reach on their own. The proof is in the pudding — as we speak, we have more than 3.5 Million subscribers to our channel; that number is increasing by approximately 40,000 per month, and we are averaging more than 20 million views per month. And, we’ve aggregated almost 1.25 Billion views since we launched our channel. These statistics don’t tell the whole story, of course, but they put us, according to SocialBlade, the social media statistics website that tracks and measures growth, near the top 4,000 in YouTube subscriber ranking and near the top 3,000 in YouTube video view ranking.”

Responding to a further question, “How, specifically, will your podcast series contribute to the accomplishment of your mission,” Johnston explained, “As a forward-looking company in the entertainment business, we’re always on the alert to detect changes that are happening in the entertainment marketplace. What we’ve seen is a growing trend that people want more engagement with great Internet sites that they have gotten to know and have grown to love. Given the rapid increase in the number of podcasts available in the marketplace, we figured a podcast would be a great way, not only to meet our fans’ desires for a higher level of engagement with us, it would also be a great way for us to enhance the value we can add to providing curated videos to our viewers. We are also creating the company infrastructure necessary to support a fan club. We think that will provide even more of the engagement
that fans want.”

Bill Johnston is an established Digital Media Professional with 22 years of experience, the last 18 years within the console-gaming industry. There, he has been involved in Creative Direction/Supervision, Project/Team Management, Dynamic Simulations, and Fluid Dynamics involving Rigid Bodies and Soft Bodies, Particles, and Sprites. He has also managed the production of cinematic FX animation for industry leaders such as Activision/Blizzard, Sony Computer Entertainment of America, and Bungie. He has specialized in in-depth work in the areas of Pre-Visualization, Pre-Rendered FX/Cinematic Cut-Scenes, Promotional Projects and Real-Time Future-Gen FX for Game Environments. Johnston has worked on more than 45 AAA game titles played on personal computers, as well as on Sony’s Playstation, and Microsoft’s Xbox consoles. The titles include, among others, game series such as the CALL OF DUTY,DESTINY, RESISTANCE, UNCHARTED 2, LAIR, WARHAWK, GOD OF WAR, and SOCOM 3. He is currently working on another high-profile game franchise creating FUTURE-GEN FX for next-gen Platforms.

Shaun Johnston is a professional CGI artist and animator in the video games industry with over 27 years of experience, with a broad background in creating 3D animation including previsualization, VFX, and cinematic sequences for PC and Console game trailers, and in-game Cut-Scenes. Today, he is a full-time 3D Animator. He has worked for several industry-leading video game companies including Sony Computer Entertainment America, Gearbox Software, Sony Online Entertainment, Daybreak Game Company. Shaun has also worked on numerous game titles including the billion-dollar Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMO) franchise EVERQUEST, the Guinness World Record-holding FPS PLANETSIDE 2, and one of first successful battle royale games, H1Z1.

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Pleme launches web version of its Social media platform

SYDNEY, Australia, 24-Nov-2020 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — When Pleme started it was to make information on or about Croatia which would be beneficial to entrepreneurs in Croatia or people in the diaspora looking to build a better future and make better connections to unlock business opportunities faster.

Today we are pleased to announce that as of today Pleme web is live at we also have launched “Vijesti” within the app which allows you to read all your Croatian news within the app!

In the coming months we aim to expand the premium content and partner with many organisations and influencers to cover everything from education, investing, business, health, food, wine, citizenship and much more.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Shrine – Book Of Heaven

KUWAIT, Kuwait, 2020-Nov-06 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — After going through a personal experience when my father passed away, I felt the need for a way to express my feelings where ever I be.

I decided to invest in the development of a dedicated app to honoring and remember loved ones. The development continued for three years and produced an unprecedented app with outstanding features.

I named it Shrine. It is a free and easy to install. With Shrine you can express your feelings privately or publicly. You can send daily blessings to the deceased soul, It provides many options and features, you’ll discover yourself.

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Lafayette, LA, 2019-Nov-21 — /EPR Network/ — Souled Out is pleased to announce that they have been selected as a 2020 winner in The Knot Best of Weddings, an award representing the highest-rated wedding professionals as reviewed by real couples, their families and wedding guests on The Knot, the leading online wedding brand and app. This is the 2nd consecutive year Souled Out has been selected for The Knot Best of Weddings.

In 2019, only four percent of hundreds of thousands of local wedding professionals listed on The Knot received this distinguished award. In its thirteenth annual year, The Knot continues its longstanding tradition of supporting local wedding vendors with The Knot Best of Weddings 2019, an annual by-couples, for-couples guide to the top wedding professionals across the country. To determine the winners, The Knot analyzed its millions of user reviews across various vendor categories, including venues, musicians, florists, photographers, caterers and more, to find the best and most rated vendors of the year. These winners represent the best of the best wedding professionals that a couple should consider booking for their own unique wedding.

“For any vendor in this industry, to achieve such an accolade is a testament to the level of excellence they provide to their clients. It’s certainly becomes more special for the industry vendors that are named ‘Best of Weddings’ in consecutive years. For us, it becomes more than just an award – it brings to light the tremendous amount of work and passion that is put forth by my group. I couldn’t be any prouder to share this award with them.” said David Mouton, owner and manager of Souled Out Entertainment LLC.

As the number one online wedding brand and app, The Knot has inspired approximately 25 million couples to plan a wedding that’s uniquely theirs. With a rich history of providing quality content and inspiration, The Knot is making it easier for couples to connect with and book just the right wedding professionals to create their perfect wedding day. Eight out of 10 couples come to The Knot where they can be connected to any of the approximately 300,000 local wedding professionals across the country. The Knot marries great technology with trusted content–and a little love–to make planning for the most important day of a person’s life easier and more enjoyable.

For more information about The Knot Best of Weddings and a complete list of winners, please visit

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The Blockchain Ecosystem is Entering Maturity: RedCab and WishKnish Collaborate to Scale the “Uber of Egypt”

Washington, DC, USA, 2018-Jun-13 — /EPR Internet News/ — The 1990’s saw an internet boom where anything that had a “dot com” at the end was golden. Soon enough though, people began to wake up and realize that unless the “dot coms” became easy to use and universally applicable, all those fever dreams of internet enthusiasts would forever remain just that – dreams. Eventually, email communication matured, America Online begat many long-distance romances (and even a famous rom-com), and MySpace became a worldwide phenomenon.

Now, in 2018, we are finding ourselves in the midst of a similar era – complete with blazing-fast growth and unprecedented opportunities. And once more, the blockchain enthusiasts’ dreams are crashing against real-world usability and adaptability challenges.

And that’s exactly why the newly-announced partnership between Cairo-based RedCab and Washington DC-bredWishKnish stands to bring decentralized commerce another step (or leap) closer to full retailization, putting a friendly, human face on a set of often-complicated technologies and making them accessible to… well, literally anyone.

Whether it’s a couple on a romantic date searching for a cab, or a grandmother with a bad back looking for someone to deliver her groceries and medicine, or even a tourist hoping to use their home currency to make a local purchase, the process needs to be quick, simple, and coupled with a coin-agnostic settlement solution to match.

“In the current climate of technology, sellers and customers alike, they want efficiency”, shares Alisa Gus, CEO of WishKnish Corp. “They want to be able to transact seamlessly and transparently with transactions being approved in a timely fashion – and with fees that don’t hinder the use of crypto currencies. ​T​hat’s why our partnership with Red Cab makes so much sense – we both seek to bring blockchain to the everyday consumer who wants a timely and safe fulfillment of their order.”

The latest statistics shows a drastic reduction in patience for customers expecting deliveries of any goods and services ordered online, and while the blockchain-powered businesses seek specifically to reduce the inefficiencies inherent in legacy infrastructures, the way to onboard customers and get them comfortable with a new paradigm is a rarely-explored concept.

“We are bringing the use of blockchain to the masses, so all can participate. WishKnish is a platform to deploy and scale your business rapidly across the US and globally”, explains WishKnish COO, Michael Kapoor. “Simply put, we make it easy.”

RedCab CEO, Mohamed Mousa, agrees. “The partnership between RedCab and WishKnish opens infinite opportunities of collaboration in marketing using machine learning, payment solutions and platform development.”

With exciting marketing and P2P options opening for the companies entering this partnership, the future of retailized blockchain settlement and commerce is now looking a lot brighter.


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MaximumSoft releases new apps to download Facebook posts and Twitter tweets

LONDON, May-26-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — MaximumSoft Corp. released new apps – iSaveFbook and iSaveTweets. They help to make copies of favorite Facebook posts and Twitter tweets and eliminate a need to search for posts and tweets that users saw and liked before.

Saved posts and tweets will be stored on user device, and can be accessed at anytime.

Stop searching for posts and tweets that you liked before, save them.

  • Individuals can save posts and tweets from their family members and friends.
  • Journalists will always have copies of breaking news and trending tweets.
  • Businesses can store their Facebook and Twitter pages on employees mobile devices to share with clients.

Saved posts and tweets can be shared via email, other apps, or printed.

iSaveFbook and iSaveTweets can even been used as everyday Facebook or Twitter apps, respectively.

The apps run on iOS and Android devices, and are available for free in Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

iSaveFbook and iSaveTweets apps support 6 languages: English, Dutch, French, German, Russian and Spanish. More languages will be supported later this year.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

New technology solves digital overload for family memories

OurHive LOGO onlySan Diego, CA, December 14, 2015 — /EPR NETWORK/ — Have you ever had the issue of looking for a specific photo and can’t find it? You
thumb scroll endlessly but there’s no effective way to sift through all those photos every time you’re looking for something specific.

OurHiveâ„¢ is the newest family app that combines patented technology and a private family network to deal with this growing issue of digital overload. The app is now live on Google Play, the App Store and as a Web App at

OurHive combines the best features of a photo and video application with a private social network created especially for families. With the OurHive app, family photos and videos can be automatically tagged, organized and instantly shared with only the people you care most about. Once a private Hive is created, family members can upload and share photos and videos with each other using their iPhones, iPads, Android phones, tablets, laptops or desktop computers. All files are archived in high resolution and can be viewed and downloaded anytime.

“For many families, life is full of sacred moments that should be treasured and preserved for generations to come,” said Stephen D. Rosen, co-founder and Chief Visionary Officer of OurHive. “Today’s digital world has made sharing information convenient, but too often that sharing is made with impersonal detachment. OurHive is for people who appreciate the special intimacy that comes with sharing special memories.”

Photo and video sharing within mass-market social networks can sometimes be compromised by unauthorized use and manipulation of media. Special attention has been made with OurHive’s cloud interface to ensure the best security. Photos and videos are encrypted every step in the journey from devices to OurHive servers and back again, and the content can only be accessed by invited, password-protected members.

Because archiving and tracking family photo albums is important, the OurHive app was designed to make tagging and organization simple and accessible. Every photo and video you take with the iOS or Android app ‘automagically’ adds a caption and location from your calendar, along with the closest address when GPS is enabled. You can then edit the filename, add tags and captions and give your photos the same context that writing on the back in ink used to for print photographs.

“Whether it’s your child’s first birthday or grandma’s retirement party, OurHive encourages the family to share all of the pictures and videos they take — not just a few chosen ones that you put on Facebook or Instagram,” said Jeff Symon, co-founder and president. “With OurHive, anyone in your Hive can download any picture they want from any of their internet-connected devices. No more having to remember to text or email individual photos later.”

How OurHive Works

Starting your own Hive begins with one family member starting a free 20GB Family Hive by visiting or downloading the “OurHive” app on Google Play and the App Store. They can then invite as many family members or close friends as they want into their secure, private Hive. Each user can then download the free app on the iOS or Android device of their choice and start contributing and sharing family memories.

OurHiveâ„¢ automatically stores your photos and videos in high resolution in your own private network. Anyone in your family Hive can download anytime they want and future updates will allow for even more functionality.

Visit us a to sign up and learn more, and join the conversation at

Contact-Details: Kyle Strickland –

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Socially-Driven GOWIME Travel Network Reduces Travel Costs and Hassles While Creating Rewarding Relationships

A revolutionary new socially-fueled service called Gowime ( now makes travel more affordable while providing local friends and personal connections to handle every possible travel need and detail.

“Wherever you go, anywhere in the world, new friends will be there to greet you, guide you, and even translate for you,” explains Gowime’s founder Ahmet Bubul . “Feel right at home with great accommodations plus insights provided by a local friend who can guide you and offer tips and options for dining, nightlife, outdoor adventures, cultural excursions, and more.”

•  Use the intuitive, user-friendly Gowime website to create a travel itinerary, search by cities, and review helpful profiles of participating Gowime members.

•  Get valuable tips on local transportation or find Gowime members who offer free transportation.

•  Search for accommodations referred by those familiar with the destination, plus recommendations for where to eat, shop, sightsee, or play.

•  With Gowime it is even possible to locate members willing to offer advance trip translation services or accommodations at no cost whatsoever.

Gowime distinguishes itself as a top-notch service to facilitate personal or business travel. “Gowimers” benefit from the knowledge of those who are local insiders and personal guides. They build great travel experiences that go far beyond ordinary tourism, and discover all the interesting and educational things that may not be disclosed in travel books or brochures. Best of all, Gowime is absolutely free, making it the most valuable and innovative travel concept on the planet.

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Zoli’s Virtual Fans Catapult New Single “Like A Star”

Hungarian pop sensation ZOLI launched his latest single “Like a Star” this week on the shoulders of virtual fans across the globe.

On Aug. 8, ZOLI concluded a Facebook contest where fans voted “Like a Star” to the first of three singles released – a unique, fan-focused approach that is paying off.

ZOLI’s work is a soulful pop-fusion. A trained jazz singer, classical pianist, songwriter, and a pop idol in his native Hungary, ZOLI formed his own record label, Z Music Entertainment, in 2012 and works with an international team, including noted LA-based mixer Rudy Haeusermann (K$esha, Hanson, En Vogue and Tupac).

“Making music has to be a fun process,” ZOLI said in a recent interview. “And using tools like Facebook (, my website (, Jango, electronic polls, online contests and email to include my fans was very new and exciting.”

“Admittedly the hardest part of this kind of development is trying to keep the personal connection in a virtual world,” ZOLI said. And while it is the reaction of live audience that inspires him, social media and the Web transcends borders and brings ZOLI’s work to the wider world with this latest release.

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