Tag Archives: Design

Interactive Events: Join the Museum of Unrest for interactive virtual events, including talks and online exhibitions

LONDON, 6-Jun-2024 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — The Museum of Unrest, a new venture launched by LPS21 aims to be a pioneering resource in the activist art and design worlds. The launch of our first online collection of images, writing and discussion, offers a platform for artists, designers and activists to connect, and develop ideas.

The Museum of Unrest blends features about design, technology and artistry with content about society and sustainable development. The Museum of Unrest transcends traditional boundaries, providing a global stage for discussion.

Key features

  • Curated online collections: The Museum of Unrest curates thematic collections that aim to promote conversations.
  • Interactive Events: We aim to host virtual events, including talks and online exhibitions.
  • Global reach: We feature artists from different geographical locations and backgrounds, promoting cultural diversity.

“We are delighted to launch the Museum of Unrest, a digital space that can redefine the way we discuss art, design, society and global challenges like climate change”, said John Phillips, Director of LPS21, the sponsoring organisation. LPS 21 ran a leading London print studio before reconfiguring its activities to concentrate on digital projects. Museum of Unrest invites artists, designers activists and  enthusiasts to start their voyage of discovery by visiting www.museum-of-unrest.org

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Sono aperte le iscrizioni a Designflows, la prima gara di mobile UI design in Italia, con un montepremi complessivo pari a 40.000 euro

MILAN, 14-Dec-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Sono aperte le iscrizioni a Designflows, la prima gara di mobile UI design in Italia, con un montepremi complessivo pari a 40.000 euro.

Si tratta di una iniziativa di Bending Spoons, ​da agosto il primo app developer d’europa, e tra i primi 10 app developer al mondo.

“​Crediamo nell’importanza strategica di investire sul talento e vogliamo dimostrare che anche in Italia si può competere in business d’innovazione. Per stimolare e premiare l’eccellenza in segmenti d’avanguardia, abbiamo deciso di lanciare una serie di eventi celebrativi, tra cui First Ascent per i giovani laureati in ingegneria informatica, e ora Designflows per gli UI designer.​” Dicono gli organizzatori.

I premi: 15.000 verranno assegnati al primo classificato, 10.000 al secondo, 5.000 al terzo. Inoltre, 250 euro verranno assegnati a ciascuno dei 40 partecipanti che raggiungeranno le finali, indipendentemente dal ranking. Tutte le spese di partecipazione alle finali saranno coperte, compresi hotel e trasferimento.

Come funziona: ​si tratta di una competizione aperta a tutti i designer del paese (compresi gli italiani all’estero e gli stranieri in Italia) il cui montepremi complessivo sarà di 40K.

Quindi, una prima giuria interna valuterà i lavori, ed i migliori 50 verranno sottoposti alla giuria finale, che scegliera’ i 40 migliori ed i 3 finalisti.

La giuria: ​ancora riservati i nomi dei giurati, ma gli organizzatori anticipano che si tratta di star riconosciute a livello internazionale nel campo del design​.

Chi può partecipare: ​la competizione e’ aperta a tutti i cittadini italiani e agli stranieri residenti in Italia. Questo perche lo scopo dell’evento e’ quello di celebrare ed incoraggiare lo studio di Ingegneria Informatica in Italia. ​Le iscrizioni sono aperte fino al 19 gennaio.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

These Days A Professional, Efficient And Stylish Website Is A Vital Component Of Any Business Aiming To Be Successful

We are currently living in a very modern age of technology, which has filtered through into every aspect of our lives, from ordering our weekly groceries online, to booking train, cinema and concert tickets, to children’s online learning environments and schoolwork. Everything nowadays is done online.

A very important part of having a business in the twenty-first century is having a website. You need a website that clearly displays what you are and what you do, and immediately impacts to your customers why they desperately need you.

Not only do you need a website, but it has to be a good one. The best way to achieve the top website for your company is to hire a freelance web designer or a web design team. A web design team will generally give you a better result as each member of the team has his or her own strengths, that will all be pulled together to achieve the exact website you need and want.

There are hundreds and hundreds of web designers out there, so you need to carefully look through their online portfolios to see what captures your attention. There will be some work you really love and others that you don’t. You will also notice that some web design companies have worked for very large, international companies, whilst other have only done work for local businesses. Other companies will have worked for a range of large, successful companies and smaller, local companies.

Ideally you want to try and pick a web design company whose work you love, that is located near to your business. That way you can really connect with them personally and easily have meetings to discuss exactly what you need and what you want from them. It’s much easier to talk about web design in person rather than over the phone.

If you are in South East England, or more specifically in Kent, then the team you want is TME (http://www.tmesolutions.co.uk). They are a web design and online marketing agency, based in Kent, which has been running for seven years. They are a close-knit, family run team comprising of fourteen enthusiastic and creative coders, designers, online marketers and project consultants.

Over the years, they have built their business to be efficient, creative and successful, yet friendly. They’ve worked to provide web design in Kent for relatively small local companies such as Lau Hairdressing in Maidstone, Express Cleaning Supplies in Aylesford, and ACE Sheds in Ashford. Their new websites allowed these local companies to bloom; expanding greatly and increasing their profits rapidly.

As their own company grew, TME also started to work for some of the biggest, most successful and most profitable companies in the world. This includes the likes of Tile Depot, who own over twenty stores across the UK and Centroid Motion Capture who provide animation for major films. Additionally, Worldwide Parcel Services, who are one of the largest parcel couriers in the UK, and most impressively, an exclusive training portal for Samsung Mobile.

TME are one hundred percent committed to producing amazing, creative and useful websites. They take companies and aim to boost their profits, regardless of how famous they already are. They strive for improvement.

Via EPR Network
More Internet & Online press releases

Illustrations Download Website ‘Clipart AC’ Restyling & Opening

Clipart AC is the English version of the Japanese website called “Illust-AC”, that offers a free illustration download system (www.illust-ac.com / adACHIEVE Ltd., Osaka). Clipart AC has been just renewed with a completely new design, navigation and function.

Further details about the new Clipart AC as follows:

Clipart-AC – Redesigned for new opening.
The free illustration download website Illust AC has renewed its English website, Clipart AC, for all overseas users. It has been completely re-designed: navigation and functions are now much more clear and easier for the users.

Clipart AC has more than 10,000 Japanese clip arts that can be downloaded by registration with e-mail address. Registration is completely free and can be easily done in 20 seconds.

You can download as many clip arts you want. There is no limitation in the number of downloads. All clip arts can be used for any purpose, profit and commercial use is also permitted (except selling downloaded clip arts to third party directly). Our clip arts have been used by many companies, educational institutions, television companies, and even city halls.

Via EPR Network
More Internet & Online press releases

Business customers, asset management and fashion style domains added to the leading web-based business group

Advising the UK public on a range of important topics, ASAP Ventures Ltd has added to its network of information and advice sites. The new domains which were acquired are Catwalk.co.uk, AssetManagement.org.uk and Clients.co.uk, each one bolstering the company’s standing as the leading web-based group in the UK.

Fashion gurus around the UK can now find out the latest catwalk items from major designer labels such as Marc Jacobs, Miu Miu or Gucci, with ASAP’s new Catwalk.co.uk site. Information from top fashion houses and products are now based under one site.

AssetManagement.org.uk, is the new financial site from ASAP Ventures, designed to help people look after their money via asset management tips. The site will grow into a great resource for people to go to when needing financial advice.

In business, looking after clients and managing customers is paramount to staying on top, and ASAP Ventures Ltd’s new Clients.co.uk does just that. The new site is another great addition to the ever-growing network.

Derek Paulson, spokesperson for ASAP Ventures Ltd, commented on the latest sites:
“We are really proud of acquiring these domain names and are looking forward to making them grow into the number one resourceful sites in their respective fields. Business skills, finances and fashion are hot topics right now, and we are looking to add to our group further over the next few months.”

Via EPR Network
More Internet & Online press releases