Category Archives: Online

ITC’s agnostic software is set to revolutionize traffic control in the United States

Peachtree Corners announced a partnership with ITC Intelligent Traffic Control Ltd (ITC), providing an agnostic software solution that can be applied to existing traffic infrastructure to measure traffic and predict and mitigate congestion before it occurs for a more safe, sustainable and efficient travel experience. ITC is partnering with Curiosity Lab to launch this solution for the first time in the United States and will be deploying the solution at intersections for demos & testing.

TEL AVIV, Israel, 22-Sep-2023 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Peachtree Corners – one of the USA’s first smart cities powered by real-world connected infrastructure and 5G – announced a partnership with ITC Intelligent Traffic Control Ltd (ITC), providing an agnostic software solution that can be applied to existing traffic infrastructure to measure traffic and predict and mitigate congestion before it occurs for a more safe, sustainable and efficient travel experience. ITC will be partnering with Curiosity Lab to launch this solution for the first time in the United States and will be deploying the solution in select Peachtree Corners’ traffic intersections for demonstrations and testing.

ITC’s software solution connects to existing traffic cameras and uses ground-breaking computer vision analysis to accurately identify all road objects and collect data including speed, acceleration, traffic flow, distance, pedestrian activity and more, while complying with privacy regulations by hiding license plates and faces. Using proprietary machine learning models, this data is then used to create a traffic model that highlights patterns of each intersection or corridor with the ability to connect across a grid of intersections and create one holistic image. ITC is also predicting traffic patterns in real-time based on historic data, enabling cities to have proactive and adaptive control of traffic congestion.

As what is being called #SiliconOrchard in the metro-Atlanta region, The City of Peachtree Corners in Georgia is a vibrant municipality that’s home to more than 45,000 residents, 45,000 jobs and an innovation hub that houses some of the world’s most disruptive technology companies. Peachtree Corners is a premier smart city powered by real-world connected infrastructure and 5G, serving as the model for how government and private industry can better collaborate to create a better future.

“With our solution already deployed across Israel, in Australia and other countries worldwide, Curiosity Lab will serve as a real-world playground for us to continue to develop our solution and to officially launch in the U.S. with an official office in the Innovation Center,” said Aharon Brauner, ITC Co-Founder and CEO. “That ecosystem is the perfect opportunity for us to demonstrate the effectiveness of our solution with consistent mixed traffic, public transit and pedestrian activity along the corridor. Proven to be 99% accurate in both daytime and nighttime scenarios, our solution is more accurate than human or other data collectors, and we are looking forward to using this opportunity to enhance traffic management throughout Curiosity Lab’s ecosystem and into Peachtree Corners to improve the everyday lives of visitors and citizens.”

In addition to uncovering patterns, ITC’s solution can create traffic simulations across intersections and corridors where the software is deployed. Here, traffic controllers and city managers will be able to see real-time object-driven visualization and simulation with a geographic overlay and to create countless theoretical traffic scenarios for the software to solve. Through its proprietary algorithms, ITC’s software can also manage traffic based on a city’s specific goals, whether that be to limit carbon emissions and improve sustainability or provide general traffic management, prioritize pedestrians or public transit and more.

“Our software not only learns and adapts traffic signals and patterns in real-time, but also has the capability to manage traffic to prioritize certain categories of road users,” said Dvir Kenig, ITC Co-Founder and CTO. “This allows cities to manage each intersection or corridor differently based on the type of traffic they are seeing and/or time of day. If an intersection regularly has heavy pedestrian traffic, our solution can prioritize this category and will develop models for pedestrian tendencies across wait time, how long it takes to cross the street, etc. Cities can then prioritize pedestrians in mixed traffic by limiting the wait time to cross the street based on foot traffic. Similarly, this can be applied to public transit and even school buses in mixed traffic, ensuring for these categories efficient trips to remain on schedule.”

“According to recent studies, more than 40% of traffic accidents occur in intersections, and congestion accounts for 25% of car greenhouse gas emissions – with the average driver spending three days per year stuck in traffic,” said Brandon Branham, Curiosity Lab Executive Director. “This cost-effective traffic solution is going to be a game-changer for cities across the U.S. ITC’s solution gives city managers and traffic engineers the affordable tools to make our roadways safer, more efficient and thus more sustainable for everyone on the road. We will be able to manage intersections in real-time and can easily download a traffic report and adapt traffic signal patterns remotely, which is a huge advantage for city managers when there are major wrecks, community events and sudden surges in traffic. The ease of scalability is also impressive, which makes this even more appealing to city managers and CTOs across the country. As a city, we are excited to witness how ITC continues to improve our residents’ daily driving experience.”

SOURCE: EuropaWire

The EU-funded CommuniCity project to award 30 tech pilots with €12,500 each

PORTO, 20-Sep-2023 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Following the success of its First Open Call, the CommuniCity project launched on September 12th its Second Open Call Round. Several stakeholders are called into action to co-create innovative, digitally inclusive, sustainable solutions to tackle social, technological, economic, and urban challenges. These efforts are geared towards meeting the specific needs of marginalised communities residing in European cities.

The Second Open Call mimics and expands the First Open Call, during which the project’s 3 Partnering Cities of AmsterdamHelsinki, and Porto awarded 13 innovative ideas (pilots). This time, the initiative has expanded to 4 cities, which will build upon previous valuable knowledge to address additional challenges of AarhusBredaPrague, and Tallinn. These so-called Replicator Cities are joining the project to meet the needs of vulnerable communities. For that purpose, all participating cities have defined several social challenges spanning various topics from the “online abuse against children and women” to “social housing energy efficiency”. In this round, approximately 30 pilots will each receive €12,500. Furthermore, if cross-border pilots are involved, the teams can apply for additional funding of €5000 and €10000.

To promote collaboration and enhance the quality of the pilots, a Matchmaking Platform has been set up for citizens, companies, organisations and tech providers to find a partner for their tech pilots. The Second Open Call Round will follow the same evaluation criteria of the previous round and will ensure a transparent and fair evaluation process. The process is open to all legal entities that can guarantee performance and fulfil the criteria stated in the Open Call Guidelines.

Proposals can be submitted from the 12th of September 2023, until October 31st 2023 at 5 PM CET on the CommuniCity website. The winning teams will be announced in early December 2023, and the pilots will begin right afterwards. The piloting phase is expected to conclude by the end of May 2024.
CommuniCity is a 3-year project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme. The project aims to establish 100 tech pilots through 3 rounds of Open Calls to tackle the needs of European cities and communities through co-creation and co-learning processes.

More details about CommuniCity Open Calls are available on the project’s website ( and on its social media channels:

Instagram @communi_city
Twitter @communi_city
LinkedIn CommuniCity

SOURCE: EuropaWire

La Astrología Revela la Verdad detrás de la Separación de Joe Jonas y Sophie Turner

BRAZIL, 13-Sep-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Los fanáticos de Joe Jonas y Sophie Turner se sorprendieron esta semana con el anuncio de su divorcio. En una carta abierta, la actriz enfatizó que la decisión fue mutua y amigable. Las razones de la separación podrían ser muchas, pero la sinastria astral de la pareja indica algunos de los caminos que llevaron al fin de esta unión.

Según Astrolink, si la compatibilidad entre los dos se pudiera medir en una escala del 1 al 100, recibirán una puntuación de 55. Esto se debe principalmente al elemento Fuego que impregna los mapas astrales de ambos. Comenzando con Sophie, que es Piscis, pero tiene un mapa astral bastante interesante: Ascendente, Luna y Venus en Aries. Al mismo tiempo, también tienen una buena compatibilidad en los aspectos lunares, lo que indica una pareja creativa y extrovertida que intercambia muchas ideas y tiene mucho potencial para ser una pareja exitosa.

Sin embargo, hay poca afinidad en los signos solares, venusianos y mercurianos. El Sol en Piscis de Sophie tiende a ser más introvertido y tranquilo, mientras que el Sol en Leo de Jonas prefiere estar en el centro de atención y brillar. Por otro lado, el deseo de atención de este aspecto leonino puede haber sido alimentado por el Ascendente y la Luna en Aries de la actriz.

Otro detalle es que Joe tiene Venus en Escorpio y Sophie en Aries. En este aspecto, estas son posiciones bastante opuestas. A pesar de ser Piscis, Sophie también tiene la Luna en Aries, lo que significa que, a pesar de su introversión, no le gusta quedarse quieta y prefiere momentos de romance y conquista. En cambio, la Venus en Escorpio de Joe tiende a ser más posesivo y tranquilo.

Sophie tiene Mercurio en Acuario y Joe en Escorpio. En este aspecto, Sophie tiende a ser más abierta al diálogo y al intercambio de ideas cuando se siente cómoda. El Mercurio en Escorpio de Joe hace que quiera profundizar en temas y puede ser repetitivo e incluso agotador.

Acerca de Astrolink

Astrolink es la comunidad astrológica más grande del mundo, con más de 10 millones de usuarios. Es una plataforma para adquirir autoconocimiento y mejorar tu vida a través de la astrología, ofreciendo un acceso fácil y rápido a tu carta natal, horóscopo personalizado, sinastria amorosa, tarot, nodos y ciclos lunares, guías y diversas herramientas que te ayudarán a comprender mejor tu papel en el universo y tomar las mejores decisiones. Conocerte a ti mismo, y a quienes amas, cambiará tu vida para mejor.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Astrologia revela a verdade por trás da separação de Joe Jonas e Sophie Turner

BRAZIL, 13-Sep-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Os fãs de Joe Jonas e Sophie Turner foram surpreendidos esta semana com o anúncio do seu divórcio. Numa carta aberta, a atriz destacou que a decisão foi tomada de forma mútua e amigável. Os motivos da separação podem ser diversos, mas a astrologia oferece algumas indicações sobre os caminhos que levaram ao fim deste casamento.

De acordo com o Astrolink, se a compatibilidade entre os dois pudesse ser avaliada numa escala de 1 a 100, eles receberiam uma pontuação de 55. Isto deve-se, sobretudo, à influência do elemento Fogo nos mapas astrais de ambos. Começando por Sophie, que é pisciana, mas possui um mapa astral bastante interessante, com o Ascendente, a Lua e Vénus em Áries. Ao mesmo tempo, eles também têm uma boa compatibilidade nos aspetos lunares, o que indica um casal criativo e extrovertido, que partilha muitas ideias e tem potencial para ser bem-sucedido.

No entanto, existem poucas afinidades nos signos solares, venusianos e mercurianos. O Sol em Peixes de Sophie tende a ser mais introvertido e reservado, enquanto o Sol em Leão de Jonas prefere estar no centro das atenções e destacar-se. Por outro lado, o desejo de atenção característico de Leão pode ter sido alimentado pelo Ascendente e pela Lua em Áries da atriz.

Outro detalhe a considerar é que Joe tem Vénus em Escorpião e Sophie em Áries, posições bastante opostas. Apesar de ser pisciana, Sophie também tem a Lua em Áries, o que significa que, apesar da sua introspeção, ela não gosta de ficar parada e prefere momentos românticos e de conquista. Já a Vénus em Escorpião de Joe tende a ser mais possessiva e tranquila.

Sophie tem Mercúrio em Aquário e Joe em Escorpião. Neste aspeto, Sophie tende a ser mais aberta ao diálogo e à troca de ideias quando se sente à vontade. Já o Mercúrio em Escorpião de Joe faz com que ele queira aprofundar-se em temas, podendo ser repetitivo e até mesmo cansativo.

Sobre o Astrolink

O Astrolink é a maior comunidade astrológica do mundo, com mais de 10 milhões de utilizadores. É uma plataforma que permite adquirir autoconhecimento e melhorar a vida através da astrologia, oferecendo acesso fácil e rápido ao seu mapa astral, horóscopo personalizado, análise do amor, tarot, nodos e ciclos lunares, guias e diversas ferramentas que ajudam a compreender melhor o seu papel no universo e a tomar as melhores decisões. Conhecer a si próprio – e quem ama – pode melhorar a sua vida significativamente.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Join the movement: Share your anti-war art on social media using hashtags like #ArtOfPeace

TBILISI, Georgia, 15-Aug-2023 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — This summer, four anti-war Russian emigrants came together through their involvement in the first-ever “Art of Peace” artist residency, backed by Campaigns for Humanity, the human rights-focused philanthropic arm of digital marketing agency Renaissance3. The initiative facilitates connection among artists affected by conflict and provides them with a platform to express their opposition to war and engage with their host communities.

“Art of Peace” innovators blend technology, self-expression to bring anti-war messages to life

Created through a collaboration of artists wishing to remain anonymous due to concerns for the safety of loved ones inside Russia, the cutting-edge project known as “Road Signs” uses augmented reality to catapult street art into the future: Users in Russia and neighboring countries who download the mobile app “AR Hunter” can point their smartphone camera at a road sign and see it transform into an animated artwork promoting peace.

“Road Signs,” whose message speaks directly to those potentially involved in armed conflict, will be integrated into the “AR Hunter” [] app created by Anastasia Vladychkina, leader of the well-known art group Yav [], by the end of August.

Continuing the embrace of the latest applications of technology in art, prizewinning artist and “Art of Peace” resident Alisa Yoffe [] led a masterclass on protest art in the virtual-reality world of “Xanax Tbilisi.” During the session, Yoffe virtually “walked” participants through the streets of Tbilisi to view protest art superimposed on elements of the cityscape. Emphasizing the collaborative nature of the project, Yoffe has invited all who wish to contribute their own anti-war graffiti to access the world of “Xanax Tbilisi” through the platform “VRChat [].”

Against the backdrop of war, a poignant artistic movement emerges

A heartfelt song born from the collective contemplation of 10 Russian emigrants when posed with the question, “What would you say to someone fighting in the war against Ukraine?” and titled “To the Russian Soldier,” culminates in the haunting refrain, “I want [you] to live… others will live too.”

Data reported [] in Mediazona underscore the grave risk born by those sent by Russia to fight: While military casualty data are classified, with those daring to report on the number of fallen soldiers prosecuted for spreading “fake news” about the army, as of late May 2023, at least 47,000 Russian men under the age of 50 had died in the war. Mediazona and Meduza estimated [] that 78,000 Russian soldiers may have been wounded or missing in action, bringing overall losses to 125,000. This figure stands in stark contrast with publicly disclosed information from Russia; as reported in Mediazona [], the last time the Ministry of Defence disclosed any casualty figures was in September 2022, when Sergei Shoygu announced that a total of 5,937 soldiers were killed in action.

Pioneering narratives for peace

Semra Fogel, an inaugural “Art of Peace” resident and architect of the “Verses are Louder than Bombs” workshop, gathered five anti-war poets at Reforum Space Tbilisi [] this July for a collaborative art-making experience centered around song. In her own words, “I think art is a way to draw attention to this problem. If more people are going to use their art for this purpose and ask their friends to, we stand a better chance at peace. It’ll be better… for those who have already suffered from the war and for those defending themselves against further and further evil that this war brings.”

Fogel plans to build on her initial concept, with the goal of scaling it so more people feel prepared to produce protest art, whether collaboratively or individually. Reflecting on the five poets who participated in her flagship workshop, Fogel said, “I’m very proud of their work. I’m proud of my work because I managed to inspire them. It’s the coolest thing.”

Get involved

To participate in the Art of Peace movement, individuals and communities are encouraged to:

  • Share their anti-war artwork on social media using the hashtags #ArtofPeace#ИскусствоМира#IWantYouToLive, & #ХочуЧтобыЖил.
  • Contribute to the virtual gallery [] hosted by Campaigns for Humanity.
  • Host their own collaborative art-making meetups. The resident artists crafted a guide for members of the public to use, included below.

Guide to Hosting an Art of Peace Art-Making Meetup

  1. Gather a group of people and any art supplies you like or have access to. Old magazines, glue, and paper are all you need to create a collage!
  2. Together, look at a piece of art, such as one of those included in the virtual gallery []. Then discuss how it makes you feel, what you like about it; maybe what you didn’t understand or didn’t like about it.
  3. Spend some time as a group making art or poetry of your own, inspired by the discussion and the artwork. You might use the title “I want you to live” or “art of peace” to help guide you.
  4. Share your work on social media using the hashtag #ArtofPeace#ИскусствоМира#IWantYoutoLive, & #ХочуЧтобыЖил.

To stay up to date on the latest Art of Peace news, follow Campaigns for Humanity on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

SOURCE: EuropaWire


TBILISI, Georgia, 7-Jul-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — This summer, a group of Russian activists, currently living in exile, are banding together to cultivate artistic resistance to the war among the Russian diaspora. The activists, all of whom are working artists collectively specializing in a variety of mediums, initially connected through their participation in the inaugural “Art of Peace” artist residency sponsored by Campaigns for Humanity, the human rights-focused philanthropic arm of digital marketing agency Renaissance3. The initiative is designed to bring together artists affected by conflict and provide them with a platform to express their opposition to war and engage with their host communities.

“It [Art of Peace] provides an opportunity to collaborate with other talented artists, poets, and writers, united by a common goal: confronting war and violence through art.” – Anastasia Vladyckina, Art of Peace resident

Reflecting on the residency, one participant, who asked to be identified only by the letter “R” due to concern for the safety of her family still living in Russia, stated, “War cannot stop us from creating art. Here we meet, speak out, exchange, and create.”

Driven by their belief in the transformative power of expression, the “Art of Peace” residents are sharing their expertise with the broader diaspora community through immersive art experiences open to the public–including those who may not yet consider themselves artists. During these experiences, participants are guided to cultivate a sense of community amongst themselves as they create works centering around the themes of peace and pleas of “I want you to live,” an appeal directed at those in Russia they fear they could lose to this unjust war.

One of the experiences produced by the residents, titled “Verses Are Louder than Bombs,” is being organized by musician Semra Fogel and takes place at Reforum Space Tbilisi on 8, 15, and 16 July. Prospective participants must submit an application containing an original anti-war poem, which they will transform into a soundtrack over the course of three sessions led by Fogel, who received professional training in workshop facilitation as part of the “Art of Peace” residency.

“I want to inspire people opposed to the war to create art and feel the courage to share it with those who became victims of propaganda,” said Fogel. “I believe that art can be a powerful tool to promote peace and understanding between people of different backgrounds and political opinions.”

Those selected by Fogel to participate will have the opportunity to contribute the song they create during the sessions to an anti-war album that will ultimately be released to the public. Participants pay a fee of 30 GEL, with all proceeds sent to Helping To Leave, a volunteer-driven initiative that provides assistance to Ukrainians affected by the war. Participation is free for Ukrainian citizens.

Additional “Art of Peace” resident-led experiences, including a collaborative street art project conducted in augmented reality and a masterclass in protest art held in virtual reality, will be announced soon.

“Art is also capable of restoring the spiritual strength of people suffering from war and destruction. It can help them perceive the world and themselves in it anew, seeking paths to inner reconciliation and emotional peace. In this sense, art serves as a means of healing and self-expression, which can help people cope with traumas and fears.” – Anastasia Vladyckina, Art of Peace Resident

As “Art of Peace” moves beyond the residency phase and expands its reach to the general public, the founding class of artists expressed enthusiasm about the project’s potential. “While war–using weapons–deprives us of the opportunity for dialogue, art remains a means of interaction on the path to peace,” wrote resident Alisa Yoffe, who is known for her large-scale anti-war art installations. “I am an artist from Russia, and I find it extremely important to speak out against war.”

To participate in the Art of Peace movement, individuals and communities are encouraged to:

  • Share their anti-war artwork on social media using the hashtags #ArtofPeace, #ИскусствоМира, and #IWantYouToLive.
  • Contribute to the virtual gallery hosted by Campaigns for Humanity.
  • Host their own collaborative art-making meetups. The resident artists crafted a guide for members of the public to use, outlined below.

Guide to Hosting an Art of Peace Art-Making Meetup

  1. Gather a group of people and any art supplies you like or have access to. Old magazines, glue, and paper are all you need to create a collage!
  2. Together, look at a piece of art, such as one of those included in the virtual gallery. Then discuss how it makes you feel, what you like about it; maybe what you didn’t understand or didn’t like about it.
  3. Spend some time as a group making art or poetry of your own, inspired by the discussion and the artwork. You might use the title “I want you to live” or “art of peace” to help guide you.
  4. Share your work on social media using the hashtags #ArtofPeace, #ИскусствоМира, and #IWantYoutoLive

To stay up to date on the latest Art of Peace news, including announcements of forthcoming workshops, follow Campaigns for Humanity on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

«Карта мира» — это онлайн-платформа, которая помогает русскоязычным антивоенным активистам

ВИЛЬНЮС, 7-Jun-2023 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — По данным газеты The Moscow Times, до 1 миллиона человек покинули Россию после начала полномасштабного вторжения в Украину. Антивоенная российская диаспора состоит из представителей самых разных слоев обществ, но всех этих людей объединяют простые и понятные вещи — решительное осуждение вторжения в Украину и недвусмысленная поддержка суверенитета Украины, а также стремление к справедливости.

Лана Пылаева, координатор “Free Russia Netherlands”, рассказала независимому изданию Not My War: “Для меня самое важное — это то, что мы создали в Нидерландах как сообщество россиян, выступающих войне. Для достижения этого мы организовали целый комплекс мероприятий после начала полномасштабной войны.”

Сбор гуманитарной помощи для украинцев, боты для помощи тем, кто в России пытается избежать призыва, пикеты и марши, протестный стрит-артом, запуск международного проекта по возвращению украденных украинских детей ( — все эти возможности выступить против от агрессии российского государства так же многообразны, как и люди, возглавляющие их, а темп активности действительно впечатляет.

Координации и катализации таких процессов помогают как раз такие централизованные платформы, как интерактивна «Карта мира», которую активисты используют для синхронизации своих действий и взаимной поддержки. Изначально запущенная после начала полномасштабного вторжения для связи русскоязычных антивоенных активистов по всему миру, “Map of Peace”, усиленная недавним присуждением премии Campaigns for Humanity, объявляет о новой цели — представить на своей карте каждую русскую антивоенную инициативу. Уже сейчас на карте отмечены 144 сообществ, и их число постоянно растет. Организаторы уверены, что удобство обновленной платформы усилит возможности многочисленных эмигрантских сообществ, выступающих за мир.

Война в Украине затягивается — она идет уже 16-й месяц. И все сильнее ощущается необходимости слаженных и эффективных действий в этом «марафоне». И этому все больше убедительных доказательств. Например, активистки движения «Феминистское антивоенное сопротивление» (ФАС), представленного на «Карте мира»”, регулярно используют подрывные техники борьбы с кремлевской пропаганды, направленные непосредственно на россиян. Среди них — создание «анти-уроков», которые родители могут использовать для противодействия эффектам военной пропаганды, навязываемой российским школьникам, и использование фотошопа для создания фотографий танков, покрытых кровью и с антивоенными лозунгами, которые затем выкладываются на Google Maps.

Сможет ли подобная изобретательность россиян в эмиграции действительно повлиять на исход войны? Последние сообщения предполагают, что так. По данным «Медиазоны», число российских военнослужащих, ÑƒÐºÐ»Ð¾Ð½ÑÑŽÑ‰Ð¸Ñ…ся от службы, резко возросло, превысив показатели 2022 года всего за первые четыре месяца 2023 годаКак контрактные военнослужащие, так и призывники уклоняются от службы, отказываясь выполнять приказы о переброске на Украину или дезертируя с передовой.

Как заявили активисты российского антивоенного сообщества в годовщину начала полномасштабного вторжения в феврале: «Мы должны продолжать сопротивляться режиму вместе, поддерживать все формы протеста, менять взгляды сторонников войны, помогать тем, кто столкнулся с проблемами из-за войны, и проявлять солидарность всеми доступными и безопасными для нас способами. Не бойтесь говорить правду! Мы призываем россиян отказаться от участия и помогать другим не принимать участие в преступной войне и геноциде украинского народа».

Присоединитесь к нашей миссии за мир и справедливость для Украины. Посетите сегодня, чтобы убедиться, что ваша инициатива представлена.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

New online organizing platform serves  Russian-speaking anti-war activists worldwide as a centralized hub for initiatives

VILNIUS, 31-May-2023 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — According to reporting in the Moscow Times, up to 1 million people have fled Russia in the wake of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Hailing from a diversity of backgrounds but united by an impassioned opposition to the invasion and unequivocal support for Ukrainian sovereignty, the anti-war Russian diaspora has established itself as a massive force driven by tireless emigres committed to justice.

Lana Pylaeva, the coordinator of Free Russia Netherlands, told independent media outlet Not My War, “To me, the greatest achievement is that we have established ourselves in the Netherlands as a community of war–opposing Russians. To achieve this, we have organized a whole complex of activities since the full-scale war.”

From collecting humanitarian aid for Ukrainians and running bots to help those in Russia avoid conscription; to in-person pickets, marches, and blanketing the streets with protest art; to launching a multinational project demanding the return of Ukraine’s stolen children, dubbed; the opportunities to reject Russian state aggression are as multifaceted as the people spearheading them, and the rate of activity is enough to make the head spin.

Driving the opposition effort’s momentum are centralized hubs–such as the online platform Map of Peace–activists use to coordinate their activities and support one another. Originally launched just after the full-scale invasion as a means of connecting Russian-speaking anti-war activists across the globe, Map of Peace, bolstered by a recent Campaigns for Humanity award, is announcing a new goal of hosting every Russian anti-war initiative on its map. With 144 communities already on the map and growing by the dozens in recent months, project organizers are confident the updated platform’s one-stop-shop convenience will amplify the impact of the legions of expatriates agitating for peace.

As the war drags into its 16th month, there’s a renewed sense of urgency among anti-war advocates, fueled by evidence suggesting that their efforts are working. For example, activists with Feminist Anti-War Resistance (FAR), a movement hosted on Map of Peace, frequently engage in creative propaganda subversion techniques designed to appeal directly to those in Russia, such as creating “anti-lessons” parents can use to counter the effects of the militarization indoctrination imposed on Russian schoolchildren, and turning a favored Russian propaganda tool–tanks–on its head by posting to Google Maps photoshopped images of tanks covered in blood and featuring anti-war slogans.

Excerpt from Feminist Anti-War Resistance Facebook Post About Its “Anti-Lesson”: “Before May 9, propaganda ‘patriotic classes’ are held for many Russian schoolchildren and students, justifying the attack on Ukraine with the narrative of the Second World War. We studied the materials of ‘Conversations about the important things’ to May 9 and information on how educational institutions will celebrate this day. Based on what we’ve read, we have prepared an outline and materials for the Anti-Lesson for May 9th to initiate a conversation about anti-militarism and the causes of war.

Can exiled Russians’ ingenuity influence the outcome of the war? Recent reporting suggests so. According to Mediazona, Russian AWOL figures are soaring, surpassing the 2022 full‑year tally within the first four months of 2023. Both contract soldiers and conscripts are going AWOL, either by directly refusing orders to deploy to Ukraine or deserting from the front lines.

As stated by the Congress of Antiwar Initiatives on the one-year anniversary of the full-scale invasion, “We must keep resisting the regime together, support all forms of protest, change the minds of supporters of the war, help those who are in trouble because of the war and show solidarity by all means available and safe for us, let’s not be afraid to speak the truth! We urge Russians to refuse to participate in and help others to not take part in the criminal war and genocide of the Ukrainian people.” Join our mission for peace and justice for Ukraine. Visit today to ensure your initiative is represented.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

MWC 2023: Unihertz Luna, ein Elegantes und Stylisches Smartphone, das Ihr Leben Erleuchtet

Unihertz Luna – Embrace the Light in Your Life

SHANGHAI, China, 13-Mar-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Unihertz, eines der kreativsten Unternehmen für Mobilgeräte, hat am 27. Februar auf dem MWC 2023 in Barcelona sein neuestes Modell Luna vorgestellt und damit seinen Kunden eine neue Möglichkeit geboten. Die Besucher der Messe haben ein starkes Interesse an Luna bewiesen. Außerdem wurde Luna von Android Police mit der Bezeichnung „Best of MWC 2023“ besonders geehrt.

Inspiriert von der antiken Philosophie des runden Himmels, bietet Luna eine transparente Glasrückseite und ein geometrisch geformtes LED-Licht. Dieses einzigartige Design dient nicht nur zur Lichtshow, sondern auch als eine praktische Benachrichtigungsanzeige. Darüber hinaus hebt es das Smartphone aus der Masse hervor und verleiht ihm ein besonderes Element an Stil und Persönlichkeit.

„Luna ist mehr als nur ein Handy; es ist eine Erklärung.“ sagte Stephen Xu, Gründer und CEO von Unihertz, bei der Vorstellung. „Es ist eine Erklärung zu Stil, zu Individualität und dazu, Teil einer Gemeinschaft zu sein, der sich für eine Veränderung einsetzt. Wir wollten etwas schaffen, was einen ermöglicht, sich selbst auszudrücken und eine Veränderung zu bewirken, und genau das hat Luna getan. Wir sind aufgeregt von der Resonanz, die wir erfahren haben, und können es nicht abwarten, zu sehen, wie man es nutzt.“

Das einzigartige Design und die inspirierende Botschaft hinter Luna werden es sicher zu einem Hit bei den Verbrauchern machen. Es ist ein perfektes Beispiel für die Kraft des Lichts und dafür, wie es verwendet werden kann, um eine Erklärung über die Welt zu machen. Mit Luna hat Unihertz dadurch einen Schritt nach vorne in Sachen Technologie und Design für Mobilgeräte gemacht, dass es ein Smartphone entwickelt hat, das aus der Menge herausragt und die Phantasie seiner Nutzer auffängt.

Hier erfahren Sie mehr über Luna:

  1. LED-Umgebungslicht – Das LED-Licht auf dem Backcover des Smartphones kann Farben und Muster ändern, bei einer Benachrichtigung aufleuchten und zum Rhythmus der Musik blinken.
  2. 6,81-Zoll-Display – Der große Bildschirm bietet den Nutzern ein spannendes und bemerkenswertes Erlebnis an, egal ob sie Spiele spielen oder Videos anschauen.
  3.  Triple-Kamera – Mit der Kombination aus einer 108MP-Hauptkamera, einer 20MP-Nachtsichtkamera und einer 2MP-Makrokamera können Sie Tag und Nacht hochauflösende Fotos aufnehmen, ohne Details zu verlieren.

Zusätzlich zu den oben genannten Vorteilen besitzt Luna eine Reihe weiterer Funktionen wie einen massiven 5000mAh-Akku, eine 3,5-mm- Kopfhöreranschluss, einen IR-Anschluss, NFC, 8GB+256GB Speicher und vieles mehr. Es ist jetzt auf der offiziellen Unihertz-Website hier verfügbar:

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Luna, le smartphone distinctif d’Unihertz, nommé “meilleur du MWC 2023” par Android Police

Unihertz Luna – Embrace the Light in Your Life

SHANGHAI, Chine, 13-Mar-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Unihertz, l’une des entreprises les plus créatives dans le domaine des appareils mobiles, a lancé son dernier modèle, Luna, au MWC 2023 de Barcelone le 27 février, offrant ainsi un nouveau choix à ses clients. Les visiteurs de l’événement ont montré un fort intérêt pour Luna. De plus, Android Police a accordé à Luna un honneur supplémentaire en le désignant comme « le meilleur du MWC 2023 ».

Inspiré par la philosophie ancienne du ciel rond, Luna est doté d’une coque arrière en verre transparent et d’une lumière LED géométrique conçue de manière unique. Cette fonctionnalité exceptionnelle n’est pas seulement un spectacle lumineux, mais aussi un indicateur de notification pratique. Elle permet également au téléphone de se démarquer de la foule et ajoute un élément supplémentaire de style et de personnalité à l’appareil.

« Luna n’est pas simplement un téléphone, c’est une déclaration », a déclaré Stephen Xu, fondateur et PDG d’Unihertz, lors de son lancement. « C’est une déclaration de style, d’individualité et d’appartenance à une communauté dévouée à faire la différence. Nous voulions créer quelque chose qui permettrait aux gens de s’exprimer et de faire la différence, et c’est exactement ce qu’a fait Luna. Nous sommes ravis de la réponse que nous avons reçue et avons hâte de voir comment tout le monde l’utilisera. »

Le design unique et le message inspirant de Luna ne manqueront pas de susciter l’intérêt des consommateurs. C’est un exemple parfait du pouvoir de la lumière et de la façon dont elle peut être utilisée pour faire une déclaration sur le monde. Avec Luna, Unihertz a fait un pas en avant dans la technologie et la conception des appareils mobiles, en créant un téléphone qui se distingue de la masse et capte l’imagination de ses utilisateurs.

En voici plus sur Luna :

  1. Lumière Ambiante à LED – La lumière à LED à l’arrière du téléphone peut changer de couleur et de motif, s’allumer lorsqu’il y a une notification et clignoter au rythme de la musique.
  2. Écran de 6,81 Pouces – Le grand écran offre aux utilisateurs une expérience immersive et remarquable, qu’il s’agisse de jouer à des jeux ou regarder des vidéos.
  3. Triple Caméra – Avec la combinaison d’un appareil photo principal de 108MP, d’un appareil photo de vision nocturne de 20MP et d’un appareil photo macro de 2MP, vous pouvez prendre des photos haute résolution de jour comme de nuit sans perdre de détails.

En plus des avantages ci-dessus, Luna dispose également de plusieurs autres fonctionnalités telles qu’une énorme batterie de 5000 mAh, une prise jack 3,5 mm, un port IR, NFC, une mémoire de 8 Go + 256 Go, et bien plus encore. Elle est maintenant disponible sur le site officiel d’Unihertz ici:

À propos d’Unihertz
Unihertz est une marque qui crée des smartphones uniques, différents des autres smartphones grand public sur le marché. Unihertz a lancé avec succès plusieurs projets de financement participatif sur Kickstarter. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digital marketing agency marks one year of war in Ukraine by offering funding and technical assistance to bolster creative solutions to ongoing Russian aggression

Campaigns For Humanity: Calling All Changemakers

KYIV, Ukraine, 24-Feb-2023 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Award-winning digital marketing agency Renaissance3 is seeking nominations of exceptional initiatives that have the objective of achieving peace for Ukraine. Each project selected will receive €10,000 in funding, as well as technical and strategic support from the agency’s team of digital communications experts.

Since its 2022 launch of Campaigns for Humanity, a people-focused initiative to empower change makers promoting human rights, digital democracy, and more humane economies around the world, Renaissance3 has been steadfast in its belief that with additional support and awareness of their efforts, the legions of Russians and Ukrainians committed to defending Ukrainian sovereignty can achieve their aims.

“I think the only way I can personally help Ukraine right now is by not fighting there,” Igor, a 26-year-old IT professional from St Petersburg as he fled his home for Russia, told The Guardian. Tatayana, a doctor from Irkutsk, added as she left for Azerbaijan following reports that Russia was calling up health professionals to the front, “I believe the sooner this horrible war stops, the fewer people will die.”

As highlighted in Renaissance3’s â€œ24 for 24” campaign, so named in reference to the 24 change makers featured on each of the 24 days leading up to the one-year anniversary of the full-scale invasion, Russians who have fled the war have been using their experience and resources to support the Ukrainian people in extraordinary ways. The campaign, which was designed to illustrate how our shared humanity can allow us to overcome the forces that seek to divide us, offers a glimpse into the vast world of Russians and Ukrainians working alongside one another for freedom and human dignity.

Renaissance3 is an award-winning digital marketing agency staffed by a team of strategists, creatives, and social media experts with diverse experience across six continents and united by a shared mission to not just market, but build movements. Renaissance3 is committed to giving back by investing a portion of its annual gross profits in initiatives that move one or more of its guiding values of human rights, digital democracy, and building more humane economies forward. Learn more at

Renaissance3’s call for nominations follows.

Funding Opportunity: Campaigns for Humanity

When we recognize our shared humanity, we are not strangers; we are simply friends who haven’t met yet.

Why: At Renaissance3, we believe hope is both the antidote to despair and a powerful motivator. At Renaissance3, we believe hope is both the antidote to despair and a powerful motivator. Since the beginning of Russia’s war against Ukraine, more than twice as many Russians have fled their country as have been drafted into the army. Vladimir Putin knows that Russians who become aware of the truth will not want to kill Ukrainians, which is why he is working so feverishly to churn out propaganda and restrict the flow of accurate information inside Russia.

When Putin launched his war of aggression, the world rallied behind Ukraine: Corporations pulled out of Russia, refusing to fund Putin’s war machine; strangers welcomed those fleeing the violence into their communities and even their homes; and citizens across the globe deployed their unique talents in support of the Ukrainian people. Renaissance3 was no exception: As an agency dedicated to empowering change agents to defend human rights, fight for digital democracy, and create more humane economies, we jumped at the opportunity to make a difference by doing what we do best.

What we do: In March 2022, we launched Campaigns for Humanity as a people-focused initiative to connect and elevate a global alliance of creatives, activists, and advertisers working toward peace in Ukraine. Since then, we’ve partnered with Ukrainian creatives to counter Russian propaganda using the power of GIFs; strengthen global solidarity by calling on the world’s people to #StayWithUkraine even as the war dragged into the spring; and spotlight the many heroes born of this tragedy through our latest project, 24 for 24. Renaissance3 was recognized as one of the KYIV International Advertising Festival’s Positive Change Winners for our work for Ukraine in 2022. And while the awards we’ve received for our work feel great, we won’t set aside our keyboards until there’s peace for Ukraine.

As marketers, we understand that attention is finite and prone to waning. That’s why, as we mark one year since the invasion began, we’re committed to leveraging our skills and resources to breathe new life into the ongoing campaign for peace.

We know:

Russians are being bombarded with propaganda denying the humanity of Ukrainians.
Information breeds resistance to injustice.
Ordinary Russians have extraordinary power to influence the outcome of this war.

How you can help: We’re seeking nominations of organizations, projects, or individuals working to achieve peace for Ukraine that could use additional funding and marketing support to magnify the impact of their efforts. Selected nominees will receive the following:

€10,000 in funding to directly support their work to help end the war in Ukraine
Technical and strategic support from our team of digital media experts to amplify the impact of the funded work

Whom to nominate: Selected nominees will be able to articulate how their work can bring peace to Ukraine and how €10,000 in new funding will meaningfully propel that work forward. Self-nominations are permitted. Nominees should be engaged in work that seeks to educate Russians and Ukrainians about ways they can help stop the war by raising awareness, encouraging action, and promoting the principle of shared humanity among all people. The work should align with one or more of the following objectives:

Save Lives:
Humans fight wars; humans can also choose to not fight wars.
Let Russians who have been conscripted into the army or could be in the future know they have options to resist fighting in this unjust war. (Ex: I Want To Live Hotline).

Share Truth:
Counter Russian propaganda by communicating accurate information about the war to personal contacts. Ukrainians and Russians alike can leverage close relationships with family and friends to provide resources that can help them overcome Russian state influence. (Ex: Papa Believe Outreach Initiative).

Build Community:
Foster relationship-building and cultural exchange between Russians and Ukrainians who have fled their countries as a result of the war and have a shared desire for peace.

Submit your nomination: Please fill out the form at to submit your nomination. Renaissance3 will review nominations on a rolling basis and contact both the nominator and nominee if they are being considered for an award.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digital Marketing Agency Renaissance3’s Initiative Illustrates Power of Humanity in Overcoming Divisions

24 for 24

KYIV, 24-Feb-2023 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Prior to February 24, 2022, the people and organizations spotlighted in digital marketing agency Renaisssance3’s latest initiative were content to be parents and children; musicians and poets; businesses and workers. The company’s newest campaign, titled “24 for 24” in reference to the 24 change makers profiled–one for each of the 24 days leading up to the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine–was conceived as a series to illustrate the power our collective humanity has to overcome the forces that seek to divide us.

In her “Diary of Lviv,” Vlada Ralko writes, “The shock of war undermines ordinary perception of reality.” But “If we are united, we will be able to defeat evil,” insists Valentyna Polovnyka of Bickerstaff, a Ukrainian creative agency featured in the campaign.

Among the stories documented in “24 for 24” are those of a German father and daughter who, determined to assist the thousands of Ukrainians fleeing the bombs, journeyed 1,000 km from their home in Frankfurt to meet refugees flowing through the Polish border; an account of thousands of creatives who banded together to fight information warfare with the stated aim of preventing World War III; and Russian independent media, many in exile, who risk their security and livelihoods to provide accurate information to those who need it most.

Renaissance3–which launched Campaigns for Humanity in March 2022 as a global alliance of creatives, activists, and advertisers working toward peace in Ukraine–is an award-winning digital marketing agency that invests a portion of its profits in initiatives aligned with its guiding values of human rights, digital democracy, and more humane economies. For its work with Campaigns for Humanity, the company was named a Positive Change Winner at the 2022 KYIV International Advertising Festival.

As part of its renewed commitment to support peace in Ukraine as the war enters its second year, Renaissance3 is also announcing €10,000 funding awards, as well as technical and strategic support from its team of digital communications experts, available for nongovernmental organizations or individuals working on projects to defend Ukrainian sovereignty. To submit a nomination, visit

Follow the 24 for 24 campaign at

To learn more about Renaissance3, please visit

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Dutch Digital Marketing Agency Goes for Growth with Successful MBO

Welcome to the dawn of a new digital success story! Financial advisor Cap Expand Partner have shifted digital agency MMH into high gear through access to capital that will help them achieve their strategic objectives in record time.

(IN BRIEF) Modern Media Hub, a Dutch digital marketing agency, partnered with Cap Expand Partners, a Belgium-based firm, for a successful management buy-out transaction to raise capital and accelerate growth. Cap Expand Partners, known for offering cross-border financial solutions, provided creative financing solutions and connected Modern Media Hub with the right capital provider. Details of the financing party are undisclosed.

BRUSSELS, 7-Feb-2023 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — In the fast-paced world of business, companies need a reliable and experienced partner to help them achieve their goals, especially when it comes to finances in a turbulent global economy. Modern Media Hub, a Dutch digital marketing agency, found just that in Cap Expand Partners, a renowned industry leader in providing tailored M&A and financing solutions worldwide. 

Cap Expand Partners was proud to assist Modern Media Hub in raising capital to enable the company to reach its strategic objectives and accelerate growth. The Belgium-based firm is known for offering cross-border financial solutions to business owners, managers, and independent sponsors in funding their strategic growth ambitions.

“We are proud to have been a part of Modern Media Hub’s journey towards success. Their purpose-driven vision, coupled with a dedication to innovation, and unwavering commitment to community, made for a successful partnership.” – Sergio van Luijk, Managing Partner at Cap Expand.

While the financing party and details will remain undisclosed, Modern Media Hub is thrilled to have worked with Cap Expand Partners to successfully execute a management buy-out transaction, empowering its team to take a major leap forward in achieving anticipated business goals. The experts at Cap Expand Partners provided creative financing solutions, connected Modern Media Hub with precisely the type of capital provider they needed, and tied the transaction together seamlessly. 

“Working with the team at Cap Expand Partners to successfully execute our management buy-out transaction allowed us to take a major leap forward in achieving our business goals. They provided creative financing solutions and connected us with precisely the type of capital provider we needed – all leading up to a successful outcome where everyone involved could benefit from the deal.” – Sebastiaan Bergen Henegouwen, co-founder of Modern Media Hub.

To learn more about Cap Expand Partners or Modern Media Hub, please visit: or

About Modern Media Hub 

Modern Media Hub is a Dutch digital marketing agency fueled by a team of modern media experts preparing businesses for the digital age. Founded in 2018 by Sebastiaan Bergen Henegouwen and Nick van den Dungen, Modern Media Hub exists to increase the impact of company brands in the field of modern media and enhance the loyalty of their customer base through content creation, creativity, and technology. Generating recurring income streams from subscription-based services such as social media management and high-end web development, Modern Media Hub helps businesses grow exponentially by reaching their target audience with authenticity

About Cap Expand Partners 

Cap Expand Partners specialize in supporting cross-border M&A initiatives with innovative financing solutions. First established in the 1970s, the family business was founded on the belief that mid-sized companies play a vital role in tackling some of the world’s most pressing social and environmental challenges. Under the leadership of Sergio van Luijk, Cap Expand Partners assist companies and independent sponsors through a network of associate partners with cross-border expertise, using modern methodologies more evolved than traditionally used in the industry. 

Website: or 

SOURCE: EuropaWire

New Hires Underscore ChannelWorks’ Commitment to Global Expansion of IT Services Organization

Atlanta, GA, 2023-Feb-07 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — ChannelWorks, the premier provider for the IT channel, is pleased to announce two new notable additions to its operations and service delivery teams; Brian Danforth, Global Service Delivery Director, and Mark Allen, Head of Sales Operations EMEA.

Brian Danforth, Global Service Delivery Director, graduated from Georgia Tech with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1997, and is a Georgia Native. Serving in the customer support industry for over 26 years, he began his career as a Tier 1 support representative and worked his way up to Senior Manager of Technical Support, managing a team of 60, at a large healthcare organization. He then moved onto McKesson, where he helped the company achieve multiple support certifications.

Since 2015, he has been working within the third party maintenance industry, leading in the development and implementation of the Incident Management Department.

Since 2004, Brian has been a member of HDI – the world’s largest membership, training, and certification association for technical support professionals. He served as Vice President of Communication for the Atlanta Chapter from 2006 until 2009 and has been certified by HDI as a Helpdesk Manager, Service Strategies.

At ChannelWorks, he will focus on customer experience by improving the process and efficiencies of the service delivery team, with a specific focus on ensuring customer service level agreements and expectations are met and exceeded.

As Head of Sales Operations EMEA, Mark Allen brings nearly three decades of experience in the implementation and expansion of international hardware maintenance and professional services markets at various technology companies. Based in England, he spent more than 20 years at IBM, starting as a production line worker making hard disk drives and working his way up to managing strategic global accounts. After IBM, Mark moved into professional services and sales operations leadership roles for other UK-based technology services organizations.

At ChannelWorks, he will focus on the expansion and growth of the international third party maintenance and professional services markets within EMEA and beyond.

Michael Campbell, CEO, emphasized the importance of the two new hires in extending ChannelWorks’ global footprint, “our goal is and always has been world-class customer support. We pride ourselves on being easy to do business with, and a commitment to quality. As we continue to strengthen our services offering, Mark and Brian will be key in helping to scale these services to additional customers across the globe. I am excited to see what contributions they will bring to the team going forward.”

With over 50 years of combined experience, these new additions to the ChannelWorks’ team strengthens its global presence and highlights its continued growth and commitment to ensuring partner satisfaction at every level.

Voted an Atlanta Journal Constitution’s Top Workplaces 2022, ChannelWorks has demonstrated a track record of commitment to leadership in the IT channel market, through partner development, culture, values, and a focus on contributing to the circular economy.

About ChannelWorks
ChannelWorks provides complete IT asset lifecycle support, exclusively serving the IT channel. Delivering everything from hardware, customized maintenance support, and ITAD, ChannelWorks supports partners and their end-users by providing high-quality, alternative IT lifecycle solutions at considerable cost savings.

 Via EPR Network
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World Technology Leader Award 2022 with record participation – Top3: ASML, BMW/NVIDIA & Altendorf

NEW YORK, 2023-Jan-18 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — This year’s public voting for the World Technology Leader Award 2022 has ended with a new participation record. In the online voting, which ran until the beginning of December, participants from more than 80 countries cast more than 43,000 votes for their favourites this year.

First place in this year’s voting went to ASML, a technology group specializing in lithography systems for the semiconductor industry. The company, which is based in the Netherlands, was ultimately able to gather 4,695 votes, making it the front-runner in the public’s favour.

Close behind, the jointly nominated companies BMW and Nvidia came in second with 4,573 votes. The two companies cooperate closely in the field of digitization. Nvidia is creating digital twins for BMW that digitally replicate production processes in all the automotive group’s manufacturing facilities.

Third place went to saw manufacturer Altendorf, a classic hidden champion from Germany’s SME sector. The company received 4,496 votes in this year’s public voting, placing it just behind the runner-up. Altendorf received the nomination due to a revolutionary protection mechanism against injuries on its sliding table saws. The “Hand Guard” system used in this process is based on the use of artificial intelligence and uses an image database to continuously analyse what is happening at the saw blade. If the camera detects the shape of a human hand, the saw shuts down in a fraction of a second, thus preventing serious injuries.

The companies ranked after them also enjoyed great popularity among voters this year: Apple landed in fourth place with 4,487 votes, followed by Xpression Camera with 3,771 votes, just ahead of Sky Labs with 3,755 votes. Wind power specialist German Sustainables garnered 3,398 votes and came in seventh, while Jabra scored with a conferencing system solution aimed at meeting hygiene needs in Corona times. Vietnamese technology company FPT secured 9th place with 3,023 votes, followed by Samsonite with 2,930, Cosco with 2,782 and Sixt with 2,699.

Even if not all companies can land on the winners’ podium, every company nominated for the World Technology Leader Award is a winner: with their innovative solutions in the product and service area, they are shaping the future of tomorrow and thus contributing to a more sustainable development of the globalized world. We congratulate all participants, thank them for their active participation and wish the nominees continued success in successfully implementing their innovations!

Interested companies can already apply for the WTL Award 2023 using the application form. Public voting for this will start in November.

About the World Technology Leader Award

Since 2019, the World Technology Leader Award has been presented to innovative companies from the industrial and service sectors that have made a special contribution to technology-based solutions to complex problems.

The award World Technology Leader and the inquiry and voting process is organized by Diana Research Pte. Ltd./Singapore.

The market intelligence and research company specialised on the identification and analyses of leading companies worldwide.

Its services and rankings are used by renowned international media companies as well as universities and research institutes.

Chairman of the WTL Award is Michael Oelmann, long-time editor in chief of the German business magazine Wirtschaftsblatt and former chairman of the Family Company Owners Association Die Familienunternehmer in NRW.

Via EPR Network
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QA Mentor Awarded Top Testing Company in New York

NEW YORK, 2022-Dec-16 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — QA Mentor is proud to announce that we have received a prestigious award from Clutch for being the top testing company in New York. Clutch is a Washington, DC, platform that helps businesses identify and build connections with software service providers who support them in accomplishing their business goals. This illustrious award is a great honor and encouragement for our dedication to offering quality software testing services and meeting the specific needs of our customers.

We want to take this opportunity to appreciate all our client’s and partners’ continued support and look forward to providing exceptional software services. Software testing is more than a job; we treat it with the highest regard and seriousness. Therefore, QA Mentor’s team of proficient and certified software engineers are well-versed in the latest software development processes and technologies.

Our team uses a combination of manual and test automation services methods to ensure that software solutions are reliable, secure, and scalable. Our desire to achieve excellence has enabled us to develop robust software solutions that have helped business experience exponential success. The Clutch award as the top software testing company in New York is a testimony of our determination to deliver working software solutions for the growth of our client’s businesses.

At QA Mentor, we value our customer’s trust and strive to ensure that all our software products meet their business requirements and specifications. Here’s what our clients have to say about us:

“We have set up a shared Slack channel that allows for real-time communication during execution. QA Mentor is always responsive in both that channel as well as to emails. We now have a QA Manager who is located in-country, and she has been able to also meet with QA Mentor on site.” – Shelley Rueger, VP of Quality, ALICE.

We look forward to offering our clients superior software quality assurance and testing services. And the Clutch award affirms our pledge to excellence and commitment to delivering indisputable software solutions. This pledge can be seen in our Founder and CEO’s words:

“We are super excited to receive the Clutch Leader award, which recognizes our hard dedication and commitment to customer satisfaction, superior quality, and our commitments.” – Ruslan Desyatnikov, Founder & CEO, QA Mentor

Thanks to all our partners and customers for entrusting us with their companies’ project and software testing needs. QA Mentor is available to offer services 24/7. Our operations are in various locations, including India, Romania, Ukraine, the USA, France, and United Kingdom. Want to start a software testing journey with us? Feel free to contact us to know more!

Via EPR Network
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Swoop Completes Acquisition of Moose Mobile – A Leading National Mobile Network Operator

  • Swoop has completed the acquisition of Queensland-based national mobile virtual network operator Moose Mobile.
  • Moose Mobile provides over 97,000 mobile services on the Optus Network to customers across Australia, with strong cash generation.
  • The $24 million purchase price of the acquisition comprises $19 million in cash and $5 million in Swoop shares to be issued at the 5-day VWAP prior to signing which equates to 9,881,423 fully paid ordinary shares. These shares will be held in voluntary escrow until 1 August 2023.
  • $2.85 million of the cash component of the purchase price will be held in escrow for 6 months for any potential claims and adjustments.
  • An earn out of up to a maximum of $7 million is payable based on Moose Mobile’s FY2023 and FY2024 EBITDA performance and Services In Operation growth.
  • The cash component of the acquisition will be funded from Swoop’s Westpac Debt Facility.

SYDNEY, Australia, 2022-Nov-28 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Swoop Holdings Limited (ASX:SWP) (Swoop) refers to its’ announcement of 1 July 2022 and is pleased to announce that the conditions precedent under the agreement have been met and the transaction to acquire Telco Pay Pty Ltd (ACN 610 525 856) trading as Moose Mobile has been completed.

This announcement has been authorised for release by the Board of Swoop Holdings Limited.

About Swoop
Swoop is a national provider of data and voice services to wholesale, business and residential customers with a focus on its own fibre and fixed wireless infrastructure. The Swoop network is designed and scaled to deliver ultra-reliable, high throughput, flexible telecom network services.

Swoop is established and has the goal to build its business to become Australia’s best challenger internet and telecommunications provider.

Swoop key services include:
– Fixed Wireless home broadband
– Fixed Wireless business broadband /
– nbn™ home plans
– nbn™ business plans
– Enterprise Ethernet business fibre

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Icona Design Group and Laureti Mobility Group partner over connected multimodal mobility

LONDON, 26-Oct-2022 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — The roaring 20s of this century are already seeing the mobility revolution through the rise of electric and autonomous technologies, continued innovations of Hyperloops, electric planes and maglev trains. Yet as we head towards 2030, the global share of the urban population is projected to rise further to 60 percent.

How are the smart city creators preparing to cope with the added stress on urban life and resources? An average time spent during public commutes in major European cities represent 9.2 % in a person’s day. The ever–changing demands of our personal life and work will require constant productivity in each waking hour of our daily lives. For most people, urban transportation is a tolerable soul–sucking time–dead necessity. The cities of the future need to focus on seamless access to services and inter–city transportation through a more human–centric view.

Why? Because smart cities are meant for smart living and there is no smart city without smart mobility.

The vision of the newborn partnership between Icona and Laureti delivers precisely the solution we need for the future of urban mobility. Icona, a well–known award–wining name in the automotive sector is now developing ecosystems for smart cities and autonomous pilots. 

The MiRA ecosystem for multimodal and smart city use is like going through the city where everything works exactly to the users’ needs and their convenience. It maximizes their productivity and relieves them from fragmentation and hassle across various modes of transport. 

Currently, MiRA.OS is the lynchpin of the Laureti ecosystem experience where user’s lifestyles, Laureti cars and the AI– powered MiRA are connected. So users can experience a seamless, synchronized and more productive mobility across different cars, and very soon across different modes of transport.

The partnership reveals a story of cross pollination of ideas and technologies where MiRA’s current use case is repurposed to deliver a wider solution for daily commuters to make their journeys seamless and productive. The vision is to connect users with transport systems and city amenities as a personalized single network in each journey. Whilst Laureti sets to provide the technology; Icona will package design and technology for smart city contractors as a readily available turnkey product, thanks to its vast experience, having designed such unique projects like the Hyperloop capsule and being an active part of real projects such as the Shanghai Full–chain Smart Driving Pilot Zone.

“Icona’s vision of the future is embedded in every project across a wide range of sectors. For years, through the lens of our design, we have been showing the world how our future will be reshaped by the connected, digital and seamless experiences. As we lead this from the forefront, we see an immediate opportunity where our design and creative capabilities can be further strengthened by an addition of the MiRA software. This means we can package the design, project plan and supporting software services as turnkey offering for our clients which enables them to more efficiently build their projects.” Said Teresio Gigi Gaudio, CEO of Icona Group. 

“Helping commuters to optimize their productivity during travel is what MiRA does, while living up to the tenets of sustainability. If you could regain 30 minutes of commute time to be productive, that is a bedtime story for your kids. The savings of each commute time add up to something significant that will profoundly benefit not only at an individual level over time but also at a macro level. Our plan is to enable a better work–life balance for people through mobility. If our solution could represent a few cents on the daily ticket price across Europe to make it affordable, we are looking at revenues starting from $ 200,000 per day.” Marcus Paleti, CEO of Laureti added.

According to Laura Ferrero of Icona Group, “we don’t have to wait for the autonomous future to arrive in order to implement this technology, we can start adapting this into the existing transport modes and city infrastructure to enable the transition towards full autonomy”.

“In the near future, we are looking to launch a pilot zone where visitors will have the chance to experience a glimpse of their future. We want them to realize that there is a better future awaiting them through what we are creating today”. Says Enea Colombo, managing director of Icona Group.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

USPS Awarded USCG Nonprofit Grant for America’s Boating Channel

Raleigh, NC, USA, 2022-Oct-25 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — United States Power Squadrons® (USPS) has been awarded a new grant from the U.S. Coast Guard to substantially expand America’s Boating Channel™, USPS’s boating safety and boater education video service.

USPS, founded in 1914, is a volunteer-led nonprofit organization of more than 21,000 members dedicated to the shared mission of making boating safer through education. USPS is America’s Boating Club® – For Boaters by Boaters™. Organized locally into 320 squadrons, USPS provides boaters across the nation with the skills they need to boat with confidence and enjoy the waterways. USPS creates and teaches boating classes online, in person, and on the water, and offers free vessel safety checks (VSCs) to ensure that boaters have safe watercraft.

To advance its mission, USPS operates the America’s Boating Channel video service. Now in its seventh year of operation, America’s Boating Channel is financially supported through a series of grants from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund administered by the U.S. Coast Guard. As part of the Fiscal Year 2023 National Nonprofit Organization Recreational Boating Safety Grant Program, USPS was awarded funding to grow and extend America’s Boating Channel from July 2023 through September 2025.

In acknowledging the grant award, USPS National Educational Officer (NEO) Vice Commander Bill McManimen, SN commented, “United States Power Squadrons’ boating safety and boater education video service, America’s Boating Channel, received awards for being the Top Marine Media Outlet in 2021 and for producing the best PSA Video Series in 2022, but its most meaningful award came in June in the form of increased support from the U.S. Coast Guard. Work on the new grant commenced in July and much has already been accomplished. The new grant will enable us to substantially expand America’s Boating Channel into a mainstream media offering over the next three years.”

America’s Boating Channel is targeting four growth areas.

1) New Video Series
Twelve new titles will be developed, produced, and distributed each year as America’s Boating Channel’s seventh through ninth seasons of boating safety and boater education videos. For Season Seven, video concepts in development since July include border crossing; preventing slips, trips, and falls; partnering in command; disembarking hazards; boating with small children; engine failure causes and cures; towed sports safety; tying dock lines; introducing automatic identification system (AIS); marine radio etiquette; navigating locks; and why wearing a life jacket is cool. Season Seven video scripts are now being written, which will be followed by field production and launch in Spring 2023.

2) Viewership Promotion
America’s Boating Channel will stimulate video viewership with a year-round campaign, including daily posts across multiple social networks and media outlets designed to creatively alert and memorably impress upon the boating public the inherent risks associated with boating, to persuade recreational boaters to adopt safe boating behaviors, and to remind them of these behaviors with creative variations on promotional campaign themes. In addition, the service’s exploration of social media platforms with youthful demographics will be rolled-out as a new promotional program. Since July, the service has promoted Season Six videos and a countdown to the public launch of Inlet Drone Videos.

3) Smart TV
America’s Boating Channel’s smart TV initiative includes the development, launch, and operation of a new free-to-the-user video-on-demand (VOD) app offering boating-themed video content in a format like leading subscription VOD services. A no-cost linear video channel, which will present boating-themed video content on a continuously playing schedule, will supplement the VOD app for a more traditional TV viewing experience. Boating news, sports, and entertainment television programs and motion pictures will incorporate boating safety and boater education videos as public service announcements (PSAs). Technology suppliers and content providers have been participating in the project since July.

4) Inlet Drone Videos
America’s Boating Channel will launch a new service offering based on the video concept tested during its prior USCG grant to prepare recreational boaters for their first sorties into harbors, rivers, and other high-traffic entrances. Inlet Drone Videos will feature low altitude aerial shots of leaving from and returning to major US waterways across the nation with narrative explanations. During the grant period, forty inlets will be covered and a training system with production technical details and processes for participants nationwide to create and submit drone footage for inclusion will be offered. The world premiere of Inlet Drone Videos covering Cape Fear, Haulover, and Columbia River will take place November 5.

About America’s Boating Channel
America’s Boating Channel™ is produced for United States Power Squadrons® (USPS) by Lafferty Media Partners (LMP) under a grant from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund administered by the U.S. Coast Guard. The service features professionally produced high-definition safe boating and boater education videos. America’s Boating Channel has been recognized with the National Boating Industry Safety Award as the 2021 Top Marine Media Outlet and with the 2022 International Boating & Water Safety Summit Communication Award for the top Video Public Service Announcement (PSA) Series. As the premier boating organization dedicated to “Safe Boating through Education” since 1914, USPS is America’s Boating Club® – For Boaters, By Boaters™.


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How to Choose the Most Reliable SEO Company without Breaking a Sweat

LONDON, 2022-Oct-05 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Have you ever thought about your life as a business owner nowadays without technology? How would you manage your orders? But most importantly, how would you boost your company viewings? Could you promote your business without technology? Maybe yes, but this method will take longer and is not guaranteed. It can be frustrating sometimes to understand the basic marketing concepts and how to make your business blow up. Although there are no such fixed “recipes” for doing so, you can now relax because an SEO company can do the job for you. An SEO expert is a person who can make your life much easier by working on innovative ways to promote your business. If you are intrigued by the idea, let’s dive into the subject.

What is SEO?

In today’s corporate environment, SEO is constantly being discussed. You think you understand search engine optimization (SEO), but you may not know all the services included in the package or how to get the same results as an SEO company.

Suppose you want more customers and more exposure for your company. In that case, you need to familiarize yourself with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or let an SEO expert do the job for you.

Search engine optimization is a kind of digital marketing used by company owners to raise their brand’s awareness, website visits, leads, and sales and profits. SEO comes from “Search Engine Optimization,” an acronym that has been widely used. Although SEO was not so famous in the past, it is trendy to ask for an SEO agency’s services.

SEO is a strategy primarily used to improve a site’s visibility in organic search results and hence increase the likelihood of it being visited by its intended audience. Think of it as your loyal, brilliant friend who helps bring your business to the top market.

How does it Work?

Crawlers, often known as bots, are used by major search engines like Google and Gibiru to catalog every piece of online material they can discover. The crawler commences its journey from a specified web page, which explores the site’s internal linking structure and any external linkages to other sites. It learns then about each page and its semantic connections to others in the search engine’s colossal database, known as an index, from the content on those sites and the context of the links it follows.

Search engines use sophisticated algorithms to compile the most relevant and helpful results in response to a user’s query, whether that phrase is typed in or spoken to the search box. Web sites with text, news stories, photos, videos, local company listings, and other specialized content may appear in these organic results. If it sounds too complicated for you, do not miss out on the opportunity of hiring an SEO expert who can treat your business as their own.

Is it Worth Hiring an SEO Expert?

It is ok if you want to do SEO on your website (DIY) because learning is the best trait that a human can have. Hiring an expert, however, ensures that the process, which is crucial to the success of any organization, is handled with the utmost expertise and professionalism. Finding a good SEO company like GAMIT may be difficult, but you can make your dreams come true with rigorous research.

Still, if you think your business may succeed without an SEO agency’s assistance, consider the following three arguments in favor of enlisting the services of such a firm to drive qualified customers to your website and increase sales. Remember, your business needs to come first, so think wisely before acting.

1. Time

The availability of resources is crucial to the success of any enterprise, and how a company uses its resources depends on its availability. Because of this, it is wise to smartly manage your funds, taking the time to plot out the most lucrative use of the capital. Time is not only unreasonable but also irretrievably lost once it is spent. And let’s face it. SEO takes a lot of time, and the golden rule in business is not to waste any minute. Therefore, an expert in SEO can do the job for you before you know it and even exceed your expectations.

Maybe you are a newbie in your career field and think you have the time to manage your website’s search engine optimization. Still, in reality, this is the most crucial time when you need help building your website and promoting your business. Therefore, it is necessary to hire ASAP an SEO USA company. This will benefit you and your company: the time saved may be put to greater use in other high-pressure areas on the one hand, and your firm will enjoy the benefits of increased SEO traffic on the other. Think smart, not hard. Other people, such as an SEO expert, can do your job, so do not burden yourself too much.

2. A Professional Expert has an Affinity for Technical Details

SEO takes more than just a little bit of time. Some methods, skills, knowledge, and experience may seem like UFO or unsettling, and you cannot skimp on these abilities since they are crucial to providing good SEO services.

Skills like writing, communicating, understanding the bases of a business, computer programming, content marketing, time management, critical thinking, social skills, and decision-making are a few examples that an SEO expert must master. They have the best social and intellectual traits to help you achieve your goals.

In short, when working with an SEO company, these tasks are often delegated to professionals in their respective domains. If you do not have expert-level knowledge in the above areas, it is probably best to engage an SEO firm.

3. Their Strategies Work like Magic

There’s no denying that SEO may boost your site’s exposure, but if you do it yourself, what are the chances that your intended audience will find and use it? Experts in search engine optimization deal with these kinds of problems daily, and they will find the best strategy to work to boost your views.

Professional SEO aims for more than just an increase in traffic; it seeks out conversions, clicks, purchases, better rankings, and more. If you are wondering, “What exactly do SEO businesses do?” they do not simply broadcast a company to the globe; they post their content to the people who would be most interested in it.

All in all, is it worthwhile to invest in search engine optimization? Should you seek help from an SEO agency? Absolutely. And if you have not done it yet, you should hurry up and do it now. Not only will you be happy with the final results (if the agency is trustworthy), but the money spent on hiring an SEO specialist will also pay off.

What is an SEO Company?

Simply put, it is a company that provides similar goods and services to your business as any other company. Still, its focus is on SEO software and consulting rather than physical goods. Its mission is to improve your website’s online exposure by tailoring it to the needs of both your potential customers and search engines.

In addition to generating connections, they also create and optimize content, reorganize the site’s layout, and ensure its optimal functionality. But do not fall for it easily; not all SEO businesses provide this service. Therefore, do a background check on the SEO company you hire to avoid any unpleasant surprises. It would be best if you put the safety of your business first. Always select the SEO expert who has potential and shows results, not just rumors or promises.

What if you are Reticent?

It is no secret that many businesses may try to trick you or may deliver poor services. In times like this, when money is the symbol of power and everyone wants a piece, it is hard to find someone you should trust, especially with your business. It is hard, indeed, but not impossible. A witty move would be to do your “homework” before working with any SEO company, understanding their beliefs and standards regarding quality and searching for feedback from previous customers. Then, after you narrow down your options, it is best to go to their office (if they have one) to talk to them face-to-face. Do not panic if the SEO firm has no official office. Many businesses nowadays are working from home because it is more convenient. Also, you need to establish your budget because what you pay is what you will receive. It is essential to start from a clean slate and communicate well with the team because they need to understand what you are aiming for.

Final Thoughts

Although there is no explicit “method” for your business to blow up, you must be patient. There may be a couple of months before the results will show up. Just do your best and hang on. In times like this, you should focus only on your business and how to make it more unique. Thus, it would be best to ask for help because a good leader knows he cannot do everything alone. Leave pride aside and hire an SEO expert to help your company take off the market because working with a strong team will bring out the best in your business.


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