Tag Archives: platform

Interactive Events: Join the Museum of Unrest for interactive virtual events, including talks and online exhibitions

LONDON, 6-Jun-2024 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — The Museum of Unrest, a new venture launched by LPS21 aims to be a pioneering resource in the activist art and design worlds. The launch of our first online collection of images, writing and discussion, offers a platform for artists, designers and activists to connect, and develop ideas.

The Museum of Unrest blends features about design, technology and artistry with content about society and sustainable development. The Museum of Unrest transcends traditional boundaries, providing a global stage for discussion.

Key features

  • Curated online collections: The Museum of Unrest curates thematic collections that aim to promote conversations.
  • Interactive Events: We aim to host virtual events, including talks and online exhibitions.
  • Global reach: We feature artists from different geographical locations and backgrounds, promoting cultural diversity.

“We are delighted to launch the Museum of Unrest, a digital space that can redefine the way we discuss art, design, society and global challenges like climate change”, said John Phillips, Director of LPS21, the sponsoring organisation. LPS 21 ran a leading London print studio before reconfiguring its activities to concentrate on digital projects. Museum of Unrest invites artists, designers activists and  enthusiasts to start their voyage of discovery by visiting www.museum-of-unrest.org

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Free, in-depth online training course on Identity Resolution

MILFORD, CT, United States, 25-Oct-2022 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Teavaro and the Customer Data Platform Institute today released a free, in-depth training course on Identity Resolution. The course is the first in a series planned by CDP Institute, a vendor-neutral organization that educates organizations about customer data management tools and techniques.

The Identity Resolution course is available for online, on-demand delivery. It includes modules on Identity Resolution Fundamentals, Identity Graphs, Data Privacy and Identity Resolution, and Benefits of Identity Resolution. Each module includes several lessons with video lecture, exercises, and downloadable supplemental materials. Users can complete the course at their own pace.

Anyone can register for the course at https://academy.teavaro.com/. There is no fee and student information will not be shared with anyone outside of Teavaro and the CDP Institute.

“Identity resolution is a critically important but poorly understood topic for today’s marketers,” said Dr. Dirk Rohweder, COO and Co-Founder of Teavaro, a cloud-based Customer Data Platform that helps organizations deliver personalized marketing experiences on any media and device. “We are pleased to offer this course as a way of helping the marketing community understand how to gain the most value from modern identity resolution techniques.”

“We applaud Teavaro’s generosity in making this course available to the marketing community,” said David M. Raab, CEO and Founder of the Customer Data Platform Institute. “Equipping marketers with a better understanding of identity resolution will help them to address third-party cookie deprecation, new privacy regulations, and customer expectations for a unified experience across all interactions.”

About Teavaro
Teavaro helps you to truly connect with your customers in a digital world. Our platform creates value from knowing your customers based on consent. Identity resolution across devices, channels, and domains is the foundation of our offering and any first-party data strategy. It is the key enabler for personalization, higher media efficiency, and improved multi-touch attribution. Our enterprise-grade platform is built based on data security and privacy by design. Combining innovation with agility, we support you to build real-time marketing at scale. Teavaro is certified as a RealCDP by the CDP Institute.

About CDP Institute
The Customer Data Platform Institute educates marketers and marketing technologists about customer data management. The mission of the Institute is to provide vendor-neutral information about issues, methods, and technologies for creating unified, persistent customer databases. Activities include publishing of educational materials, news about industry developments, best practice guides and benchmarks, directories of industry vendors, and consulting on related issues. The Institute is managed by Raab Associates, a consultancy specializing in marketing technology and analysis. Raab Associates identified the Customer Data Platform category in 2013. Funding is provided by a consortium of CDP vendors.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Report: Strong 1H 2022 for the Customer Data Platform Industry, slowdown in funding and acquisitions

MILFORD, CT, United States, 25-Jul-2022 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — The Customer Data Platform (CDP) industry had a strong first half in 2022 with 10% employment growth among existing vendors and eleven new companies added, according to the CDP Institute’s latest Industry Update report. Total employment grew by 2,494, the largest increase on record. However, a slowdown in funding and acquisitions may indicate investors are becoming more cautious about the industry.

The semi-annual report found that growth was strongest among the industry’s largest vendors, with the top 25% expanding employment by 13%. Remaining vendors grew an average of 4%. New entrants were also concentrated among large firms, with five of the eleven having more than 1,000 employees. These are established firms that have added CDP capabilities to existing campaign and delivery products.

The addition of new vendors with campaign and delivery capabilities reflects the continued preponderance of this group. Campaign and delivery CDPs now account for 68% of vendors (up 1% vs the previous report), 75% of employees (up 3%) and 75% of funding (up 8%).

Investment fell compared to previous periods, which may represent a market adjustment following strong acceleration early in the pandemic. The number of events over $50 million in particular dropped from five in the second half of 2021 to just one in the first half of 2022. Apart from the one large event, there were six other fundings that totaled $38 million. The only acquisition this period was BlueConic selling a majority stake to Vista Equity Partners.

“This report shows an intriguing divergence between strong user demand for CDPs, as evidenced by employment growth and new entrants, and emerging caution among investors,” commented report author David Raab. “Fortunately, major industry vendors have assembled ample financial reserves during previous periods, so we expect the funding slowdown will not limit their ability to finance future growth.”

About the Report
The CDP Industry Update Report provides detailed information on CDP vendors, employment, and funding broken by CDP type, location, founding year, and more. It includes five years of historical data collected at six-month intervals. The report can be downloaded for free at https://www.cdpinstitute.org/resources/industry-update-july-2022/.

About the Customer Data Platform Institute
The Customer Data Platform Institute is a vendor-neutral organization that educates marketers and technologists about customer data management. The Institute publishes industry news and educational materials, provides vendor comparison reports, builds directories of industry vendors and service firms, and offers Webinars, workshops, and consulting on related issues.

Customer Data Platforms are defined as “packaged software that maintains a unified, persistent customer database which is accessible to external systems.” They are the only types of packaged software specifically designed to create and share a complete view of each customer.
For more information, visit www.cdpinstitute.org.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Picterra raises $6.5M to accelerate its mission of democratizing geospatial mapping

LAUSANNE, Switzerland, 2022-Apr-26 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Picterra, the leading provider of geospatial machine learning software, today announced the closing of a $6.5M investment. Led by venture capital firm VI Partners, with participation from ACE & Company, the investment will enable Picterra to pursue its mission of democratizing access to Earth observation imagery and geospatial ML.

“We are delighted to announce the closure of this funding round which will allow us to continue to lead the way in geospatial intelligence. VI Partners and ACE & Company closely share our vision and we couldn’t be happier to have them on board. This investment will be used to innovate the platform even further, scale the business, and boost mass adoption from enterprise customers.” – Pierrick Poulenas, CEO & Co-Founder

Earth Observation imagery is this century’s key resource. As satellite and aerial imagery become more accessible, companies are discovering new use cases as part of their data strategy. These include proactive monitoring of transport, infrastructure, and energy networks and ensuring companies meet and exceed their ESG goals. Customers worldwide including SGS, CYIENT, Westwood, and The World Bank use Picterra in their geospatial workflows.

However, the innate scale of such use cases requires smart use of machine learning in order to get useful insights. With Picterra’s no code ML SaaS platform, users can train, manage, and deploy powerful geospatial algorithms that rapidly transform images into real-world positive impact.

As the effects of climate change continue to have a devastating impact on the planet and our lives, Picterra’s mission is to support businesses of any kind to anticipate and mitigate the associated risks, helping humanity make better-informed decisions to protect our global ecosystem.

Olivier Laplace, Partner at VI Partners, said: “In the past decade, satellite and drone prices have been reduced by factors of 100x to 1000x. This is creating an explosion of geospatial images to be analyzed in an affordable way: an exceptional opportunity for Picterra that is well-positioned to become the leader in the democratization of machine learning for geospatial analysis and its many ESG applications.”

Adam Said, Founding Partner and CEO at ACE & Company, said: “The opportunity in mass adoption of geospatial intelligence remains significant, as most organizations have not yet recognized the role this powerful tool can play in their operations. By making ML geospatial analysis accessible to most, Picterra is in a unique position to scale this market by empowering its customers to make better informed decisions in the most cost-effective way.’

Via EPR Network
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Newly launched data platform InterconnectDATA partners with S&P Global, Statista, and the IDX Indonesia stock exchange

BANDUNG, Indonesia, 5-Dec-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — PT. Teknologi Cakra Internasional has taken its commitment to authentic data to the next level with its launch of the new platform InterconnectDATA. This is yet another fascinating addition to the big data space that will enable many people to access timely insights. Teknologi Cakra Internasional has carefully studied the big data space and concluded that the future lies in insights. That is why they created InterconnectDATA, a platform that enables global businesses and professionals to find the necessary information to aid their decisions in business.

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It is an open secret that big data is crucial to the next global developmental phase. With this picture in mind, InterconnectDATA is stepping up as a business information platform in Asia that helps industry professionals streamline their business offerings. The business information platform has since its launch become a go-to for authentic data.

Its core values guide Teknologi Cakra Internasional in delivering excellent service to its clients. From innovation, agility, loyalty, and even collaboration, Teknologi Cakra Internasional explains, “we question conventional wisdom and challenge the status quo. If there is a better way, we’ll find it. We’re excited By ingenuity and thrilled to try Something new. – We are also fast and flexible, dynamic and adaptive, in Delivering pragmatic and Value-based solutions to Succeed in our business.”

To realize the vision for InterconnectDATA, Maya Miranda Ambarsari, a commissioner, Andreas Reza, the president commissioner, and Rany Fardiany, the Chief Executive Officer, worked tirelessly to launch this authentic data platform. They explain, “It started with a big question. How to find authentic data and information platforms to make the best decisions. With the answers to these questions presenting limitless opportunities, InterconnectDATA was born.”

Forming strong partnerships in the industry has helped propel InterconnectDATA and their parent company Teknologi Cakra Internasional to the forefront. They have managed to partner with S&P Global, Statista, and the IDX Indonesia stock exchange. Iwan Ridwan, the Chief Technology Officer explain, “We work with partners around the world from individual Employers and regional startups to multinational enterprises In the public and private sectors, government, and communities.”

As the new age of technology continues to lay claim on every industry, Artificial Intelligence is increasingly seeping into data and analytics. This has enabled platforms like InterconnectDATA to provide smart ways for industry professionals to gather insights around funding, acquisitions, events, and news in their industry or area of interest. The platform is geared towards speeding up the business journey and helping people better adapt as guided by authentic data. This is especially true for those with an interest in the Bursa Efek Indonesia. “We’re with you in every step of your business journey. By knowing authentic information throughout our recommendations and insights, you will continually make the best decisions.” With Teknologi Cakra Internasional handling the Information Technology side of things, InterconnectDATA is fully immersed in becoming a big data analytic platform that will change data consumption in the world. The platform’s growing popularity is a testament to the need for comprehensive data on private and public markets for various professionals. “When curiosity meets innovation, the world around us moves forward,” states CEO Rany Fardiany.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

CDP Industry July 2021 Update: accelerated growth during the pandemic

MILFORD, CT, United States, 28-Jul-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Customer Data Platform (CDP) vendors grew at a record pace during the first half of 2021, according to the CDP Institute’s latest Industry Update report. The semi-annual report found that a brief slowdown at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic was replaced by accelerated growth, increased funding, and strategic acquisitions as companies invested in CDPs to support pandemic-inspired transformation projects.

CDP vendors listed in previous reports added 6% more employees and 11% more venture funding during the first half of 2021, compared with 1% employment growth and 3% funding growth in the second half of 2020.

In addition, a near-record twenty new CDP vendors were added to the report. These were split about evenly between CDP start-ups and established businesses that added a CDP capability to existing products.

Industry growth is also reflected by a record eight CDP acquisitions and mergers during the period. Most buyers were customer engagement software vendors seeking a CDP to connect siloed components of multi-channel suites.

Growth was especially strong in the Asia Pacific region, whose share of industry vendors grew from 13% one year ago to 17%, share of employment grew from 10% to 14%, and share of funding grew from just 6% to 25%. Europe-based companies fell from 39% to 38% of vendors, from 32% to 28% of employment, and from 14% to 12% of funding over the same period.

The report estimates CDP Industry revenue for 2021 at $1.6 billion. This figure represents revenues for all CDP product sales worldwide, including CDP components within other systems such as marketing suites, message delivery systems, and ecommerce platforms. It does not include related services or in-house customer data system development.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Customer Data Platform Industry Update January 2021

MILFORD, CT, United States, 4-Feb-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) are increasingly embedded inside of larger systems, according to the CDP Institute’s latest Industry Update report. The semi-annual report found that ten of the 13 vendors entering the industry in the second half of 2020 provide campaign management or message delivery services in addition to the core CDP function of creating unified customer profiles. Such firms now account for 70% of the 133 CDP vendors identified in the report and 71% of industry employment.

Despite this trend, there is also strong demand for CDPs that provide only data management and analytics. Such firms actually grew the fastest of all CDPs types during the report period.

The report estimates CDP Industry revenue for 2020 at $1.3 billion and projects 2021 revenues will reach at least $1.55 billion. These figures measure revenues for all CDP product sales worldwide, including CDP components within other systems such as message delivery or ecommerce. It does not include related services or in-house customer data system development.

CDP employment grew by 25% in 2020, to just over 10,000, and the number of CDP vendors grew by 35% to 133. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in deferred purchases by some potential buyers but accelerated purchases from buyers eager to improve their digital marketing capabilities.

The period saw several CDP acquisitions, most notably Twilio’s $3.2 billion purchase of Segment. In this and other deals, the buyer was a software company that planned to use the CDP as part of an integrated product stack. This contrasts with previous CDP purchases, which were often by firms outside of the software industry, such as Mastercard, who wanted to offer CDP capabilities to supplement other services.

About the Report

The CDP Industry Update Report provides detailed information on CDP vendors, employment, and funding broken by CDP type, location, founding year, and more. It includes four years of historical data collected at six month intervals. The report can downloaded for free at https://lp.cdpinstitute.venntive.com/DL2238-CDPI-Industry-Update-January-2021

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Pleme launches web version of its Social media platform

SYDNEY, Australia, 24-Nov-2020 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — When Pleme started it was to make information on or about Croatia which would be beneficial to entrepreneurs in Croatia or people in the diaspora looking to build a better future and make better connections to unlock business opportunities faster.

Today we are pleased to announce that as of today Pleme web is live at https://web.pleme.app/ we also have launched “Vijesti” within the app which allows you to read all your Croatian news within the app!

In the coming months we aim to expand the premium content and partner with many organisations and influencers to cover everything from education, investing, business, health, food, wine, citizenship and much more.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

CDP Industry Update July 2020: revenue for 2020 estimated at $1.3 billion, 30% up YoY

SWARTHMORE, PA, U.S.A., 28-Jul-2020 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — The Customer Data Platform industry continued to grow in the first half of 2020, but at a slower pace as cautious buyers absorbed pandemic-related budget cuts and assessed new entries from enterprise software vendors. The CDP Institute’s semi-annual Industry Update found a record number of new vendors entered the industry but that growth in employment and funding was the lowest in two years.

The CDP Institute estimates industry revenue for the 2020 at $1.3 billion, a respectable 30% increase of $1 billion in 2020. Enterprise software vendors listed for the first time include Adobe, Microsoft, Oracle, and SAS. These firms were added because they now offer products that meet the CDP Institute’s RealCDPTM standard. Estimated 2020 sales for these vendors are modest but are expected to grow rapidly in future years.

In all, a record twenty-two vendors were added to the report. More than half were U.S.-based and the majority offered campaign management and message delivery in addition to the core CDP function of building and sharing unified customer profiles. Most of these were large, established companies that were adding CDP to existing products. A minority were small, new companies that with products designed as CDPs from the start.  These were more likely to be based outside the U.S., with particular growth in Europe.

The period also saw a sharp slowdown in investment activity, with only one major acquisition (Evergage purchased by Salesforce) and one large funding round ($45 million for mParticle). There were no significant acquisitions made by CDP vendors and no CDP vendors left the industry. The preceding six month period saw six major funding events, three acquisitions of CDP vendors, four acquisitions by CDP vendors, and four CDP vendors ceasing to exist.

“The CDP industry was entering a transitional phase even before the pandemic, with increased competition from CDP capabilities embedded in larger systems,” said CDP Institute CEO David Raab. “The pandemic has accelerated this development and put increasing pressure on small CDP developers. But the need for CDP capabilities remains strong and many firms are prioritizing CDP investments as they prepare for the post-pandemic world. We expect that industry growth will accelerate as economic activity picks up and buyers have a chance to assess the new options that are now becoming available.”

A free copy of the complete report is available here.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

CDP Industry in Europe 2020 report: number of vendors grew by 73%; employment by 80% in 2019

SWARTHMORE, PA, U.S.A., 9-Mar-2020 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Europe’s base of home-grown Customer Data Platform vendors grew rapidly in 2019, according to the CDP Industry in Europe 2020 report from the Customer Data Platform Institute. The number of vendors grew by 73% and employment grew by 80% during the year. Estimated revenue for Europe-based firms reached €260 million.

Europe-based Customer Data Platform Industry growth

The high growth came despite a near-total lack of outside funding for new CDP ventures. Only one Europe-based CDP announcing funding during 2019, for €10 million, compared with €450 million for eleven non-European vendors. One result is that European industry growth came primarily from established firms adding a CDP product, rather than new CDP start-ups. Another is that most European vendors are substantially smaller than their external counterparts and are more likely to serve a single national market.

The European industry remains highly fragmented, no single vendor exceeding 10% market share and the top five vendors combined accounting for one-third of total employment. A dozen European countries have at least one native CDP although the United Kingdom, France, and The Netherlands are home to half of all European CDP vendors and 60% of employment.

The report also lists non-European vendors with a presence in the European market. The CDP Institute estimates these firms earned €100 million in Europe in 2019 and will reach €135 in 2020. It expects that 2020 revenue for Europe-based CDP vendors will reach at least €350 million. Revenue may grow even more quickly as global software firms including Salesforce, Adobe, Oracle, Microsoft, and SAP start selling their own CDP products in Europe.

The new study also includes market-by-market analyses from local vendors. Their consensus is that buyers now have a clearer understanding of the value provided by CDPs. But vendors say that buyers are still cautious, with longer purchase cycles in Europe than other markets and relatively few completed implementations. They expect that sales to accelerate in 2020 as CDPs become increasingly familiar and global software vendors further educate the market.

A free copy of the complete CDP Industry in Europe 2020 report is available here. The CDP Institute’s latest global CDP Industry Update is available here.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

The CDP Institute expects Customer Data Platform Industry revenue to be at least $1.3 billion in 2020

SWARTHMORE, PA, U.S.A., 11-Feb-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — Established Customer Data Platform vendors prepared for industry consolidation even as new firms entered industry during the second half of 2019, according to the CDP Institute’s semi-annual Industry Update. The industry added fourteen vendors and $236 million in new capital during the period while employment was up 64% over the previous year.

The CDP Institute estimates industry revenue for the 2019 at $1 billion and expects at least $1.3 billion in 2020. Growth will be driven by expansion outside the U.S. and entry of enterprise marketing vendors. Adobe, Microsoft, and Oracle all released RealCDPTM-compliant products during the period and Salesforce is expected to release one in mid-2020. RealCDP is the CDP Institute’s standard for capabilities required to provide expected CDP functions.

The dominant theme of the period was change. The period saw three acquisitions of CDP vendors by larger firms, four acquisitions of other firms by CDP vendors, seven major funding events, and the exits of nine firms through asset sales or repositioning. The trend continued in early 2020 with Salesforce’s February 3 acquisition of CDP Evergage. These developments show vendors positioning themselves to succeed in a crowded marketplace where no company has yet established a dominant position. The transactions were notably concentrated in the second tier of CDP vendors: eleven of the fourteen non-exit events involved firms ranking between 13th and 30th in the 101-company industry.

Significant CDP Industry Events, June 2019 – January 2020

Vendor Categories

The CDP Institute assigns CDP vendors to four categories based on the functions provided by their systems. Categories are:

  • These systems gather customer data from source systems, link data to customer identities, and store the results in a persistent database available to external systems. This is the minimum set of functions required to meet the definition of a CDP.
  • Analytics. These systems provide data assembly plus analytical applications. The applications always include customer segmentation and sometimes extend to machine learning, predictive modeling, revenue attribution, and journey mapping. These systems often automate the distribution of segment lists to marketing automation or advanced analytics products.
  • Campaigns. These systems provide data assembly, analytics, and customer treatments. These treatments may be personalized messages, real time interactions, product or content recommendations, outbound marketing campaigns, customer journey orchestration, or other contacts.  What distinguishes them from segmentation is they also specify the message to be delivered.
  • These systems provide data assembly, analytics, customer treatments, and message delivery. Delivery is typically through email, Web site, CRM, or several of these. Products in this category often started as delivery systems and added CDP functions later.

A free copy of the complete report is available at https://lp.cdpinstitute.venntive.com/DL2129-CDPI-Industry-Update-January-2020

CDP Industry Update July 2019: Fifteen of the nineteen new CDP vendors are from outside the U.S.

SWARTHMORE, PA, U.S.A., 8-Aug-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — The Customer Data Platform Industry continued its rapid growth in the first half of 2019, according to the CDP Institute’s semi-annual Industry Update. The industry added nineteen vendors and raised $317 million in new capital during the period while employment was up 71% over the previous year.

Major shifts in the market included expansion in Europe, EMEA, and APAC. Fifteen of the nineteen new CDP vendors are from outside the U.S. The Institute also confirmed its projection for the CDP industry to reach the $1 billion revenue in 2019.

Other milestones the report were:

  • More Funding. Cumulative funding for the industry grew by $680 million, reflecting funding during the period plus previous funding for vendors just entering the industry.
  • Strategic acquisitions. The period saw two CDP acquisitions: data integration specialist Allsight by Informatica and B2B CDP Lattice Engines by Dun & Bradstreet. Neither buyer is primarily a marketing system vendor, illustrating the value that companies in related sectors now see in CDP functions.
  • Operational CDPs. The period also saw addition of three vendors with a primarily operational focus: two customer success systems (Gainsight and Totango) and one in healthcare (Healthgrades). These firms represent the leading edge of a new class of CDP vendors that is expected to grow rapidly.
  • Marketing Cloud entrants. Salesforce, Adobe, and Oracle all announced future CDP products that are expected to be available before the end of 2019. These attracted new attention and are expected to substantially expand CDP awareness and adoption.

Vendor Categories

The CDP Institute report groups CDP vendors into three categories based on the functions provided by their systems. Categories are:

  • Access. These systems gather customer data from source systems, link data to customer identities, and store the results in a persistent database available to external systems. This is the minimum set of functions required to meet the definition of a CDP.
  • Analytics. These systems provide data assembly plus analytical applications. The applications always include customer segmentation and sometimes extend to machine learning, predictive modeling, revenue attribution, and journey mapping. These systems often automate the distribution of segment lists to marketing automation or advanced analytics products.
  • Campaigns. These systems provide data assembly, analytics, and customer treatments. These treatments may be personalized messages, real time interactions, product or content recommendations, outbound marketing campaigns, customer journey orchestration, or other contacts. What distinguishes them from segmentation is they also specify the message to be delivered.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

RealCDP aims at reducing the confusion plaguing the Customer Data Platform industry

SAN JOSE, CA, USA, 4-Apr-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — The Customer Data Platform Institute today launched RealCDP, a program to reduce the confusion plaguing the Customer Data Platform industry.  RealCDP has two components:

  • RealCDP certification, a five point checklist of core capabilities needed to build a unified, sharable customer database.
  • CDPFinder templates and vendor information to help buyers find the right CDP for their needs

“The CDP industry faces two challenges,” said CDP Institute Founder David Raab. “First, many firms offering a CDP or CDP alternative fail to build the complete, shareable customer database that is the heart of the CDP concept.  Second, legitimate CDPs vary hugely in the additional features they provide, leaving buyers confused by the range of options.  These two programs address each challenge separately and, taken together, we hope they will make it easier for buyers to find the products they truly need – and avoid alternatives that will leave them disappointed.”

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Marketing workshop on Customer Data Platforms in Brussels on January 22nd 2019

BRUSSELS, 21-Dec-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Today’s marketers have more data available than ever but struggle to pull it together in a usable format. Customer Data Platform (CDP) technology offers the promise to solve this problem by offering easy-to-deploy systems resulting in data unification and sharing. But marketers, technologists and executives rightly wonder: can CDP really deliver on this promise?

On January 22nd 2019, the Customer Data Platform Institute (CDPI) and partners NGDATA and Business & Decision, will host a marketing workshop intensive, “Making the Most of Customer Data Platforms,” to answer that question and provide a deep dive into this rapidly evolving martech sector, which is projected to exceed €200 million revenue in Europe by the start of the new year.

The workshop will be held at Tech.Lounge in Brussels from 10:00 to 15:00, followed by a panel debate and networking event sponsored by NGDATA and Business & Decision. The workshop will be led by David Raab, founder of the international Customer Data Platform Institute.

This workshop in Belgium is part of in a series of programs that are being hosted in Europe and UK during 2019 by the CDP Institute and its partners. The workshop is aimed at senior professionals in marketing, ecommerce, CRM and CX positions and will cover:

  • how CDP fits into the larger marketing data architecture, key benefits provided by CDPs, and an overview of the CDP industry and trends.
  • how CDP relates to business and marketing strategy, developing CDP use cases, and uncovering requirements for CDP success.
  • selecting the right CDP, including requirements definition, key differentiators, specific features to look for and running an effective selection process.
  • CDP deployment planning, including readiness checklists, overcoming organizational roadblocks, project planning, and finding the right deployment sequence.

Key takeaways include:

  • a checklist of marketing technology functions needed to benefit from CDP
  • mapping CDP use cases to CDP system requirements
  • 27 key CDP features and how to know which you need
  • toolkit of vendor selection techniques

Attendees who complete the CDPI workshop will receive a certificate of completion from the Customer Data Platform Institute. To register and to learn more about customer data platform technology and related news, visit: www.ngdata.com/company/events/.

David Raab is founder and CEO of the CDP Institute. He coined the term Customer Data Platform in 2013 and since then has been a leader in exploring and explaining how marketers can use CDPs to solve today’s most important marketing challenges.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

CDPI / b.telligent: Intensiv-Workshop zum Thema „Making the Most of Customer Data Platforms“ am 29. Januar einen

MÜNCHEN, 17-Dec-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Marketer können heutzutage auf eine wahre Flut von Daten zugreifen, stehen jedoch mehr denn je vor der Schwierigkeit, diese in einem nutzbaren Format zusammenzufassen. Zukünftig wird es vor allem darauf ankommen, die Architektur von Marketing-Automation-Systemen weiterzuentwickeln, um schnell auf neue Herausforderungen reagieren zu können. Die Technologie der Customer Data Platform (CDP) verspricht, dieses Problem durch den Einsatz leicht zu verteilender Systeme zur Konsolidierung und gemeinsamen Nutzung von Daten und Ausspielung von Kampagnen in Echtzeit zu lösen. Marketer, IT-Experten und Manager fragen sich jedoch zu Recht: Kann CDP dieses Versprechen auch halten?

Um diese Frage zu beantworten, veranstaltet das Customer Data Platform Institute (CDPI) gemeinsam mit b.telligent am 29. Januar einen Intensiv-Workshop zum Thema „Making the Most of Customer Data Platforms“. Die Veranstaltung gewährt einen fundierten Einblick in einen sich rapide entwickelnden Sektor mit einem prognostizierten Umsatz von über 200 Mio. Euro in Europa in 2019.

Der Workshop wird von 12:30 Uhr bis 18 Uhr im Rilano Hotel München unter der Leitung von David M. Raab, Gründer des internationalen Customer Data Platform Institute, stattfinden.

Sebastian Amtage, Gründer und CEO von b.telligent erklärt: „Das CDP Institute (CDPI) ist ein Vorreiter in der Entwicklung sogenannter Customer Data Platforms. Kampagnen der Zukunft sind real-time auf das Verhalten Ihrer Kunden abgestimmt, dabei kommt es umso mehr auf die Integration in die Systemlandschaft an. b.telligent freut sich darauf, diesen Wandel an der Seite des CDPI mit der größtmöglichen Expertise zu begleiten“.

Das Event in München ist Teil einer Veranstaltungsreihe, die im Laufe von 2019 vom CDPI und seinen Partnern in Europa und Großbritannien ausgerichtet wird und der einzige in Deutschland. Der gemeinsam mit b.telligent veranstaltete Workshop richtet sich an Senior Professionals aus den Bereichen Marketing, E-Commerce, CRM und CX und wird sich mit folgenden Themen befassen:

  • Wie sich eine Customer Data Platform (CDP) in die allgemeine Marketing-Datenarchitektur einfügt, die Hauptnutzen von CDPs und ein Ãœberblick über die CDP-Branche und aktuelle Trends
  • Wie sich eine CDP in die Geschäfts- und Marketingstrategie einfügt, die Entwicklung von CDP-Anwendungsfällen sowie eine Darstellung der Anforderungen für den CDP-Erfolg.
  • Die Auswahl der passenden CDP, einschließlich von Anforderungsdefinition, Hauptunterscheidungsmerkmalen, speziellen Funktionen, auf die es ankommt, sowie dem Ablauf eines effektiven Auswahlprozesses.
  • CDP-Einführungsplanung, einschließlich einer Bereitschafts-Checkliste, die Ãœberwindung organisatorischer Hürden, Projektplanung sowie Festlegung der richtigen Deployment-Sequenz.

Das nehmen Teilnehmer aus dem Workshop mit:

  • Checkliste von Marketingtechnologiefunktionen für die bestmögliche Ausnutzung von CDP
  • Zuordnung von CDP-Anwendungsfällen zu CDP-Systemanforderungen
  • 27 Schlüsselfunktionen von CDP und wie man erkennt, welche man benötigt
  • Toolkit für die Anbieterbewertung und -auswahl

Teilnehmer, die den CDPI-Workshop in München absolvieren, bekommen eine Teilnahmebescheinigung vom Customer Data Platform Institute ausgestellt. Der Workshop wird in englischer Sprache stattfinden. Deutschsprachige Berater von b.telligent stehen jedoch bei Bedarf für die Übersetzung zur Verfügung. Für die Anmeldung und weitere Informationen zur Technologie der Customer Data Platform sowie relevante Neuigkeiten besuchen Sie die Website von b.telligent.

David Raab ist Gründer und CEO des CDP Institute. Er hat den Begriff Customer Data Platform 2013 geprägt und gehört seitdem zu den führenden Experten, die erforschen und erklären, wie Marketer durch den Einsatz von CDPs die wichtigsten Herausforderungen im Marketing lösen können.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

David M. Raab, oprichter en CEO van het internationaal opererende Customer Data Platform Institute, een keynote presentatie verzorgen tijdens de DDMA Data Dag over de staat van de CDP markt wereldwijd en in Europa

AMSTERDAM, 15-Nov-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Marketeers hebben vandaag de dag meer data tot hun beschikking dan ooit, maar worstelen om ze te combineren tot een bruikbare vorm. Customer Data Platform (CDP) technologie belooft dit probleem op te lossen in de vorm van makkelijk te implementeren systemen, die alle klantdata combineren en delen. Maar de vraag die marketeers, IT’ers en executives zich terecht stellen is: kan een CDP echt die beloften waarmaken?

Op 23 januari 2019 hosten het Customer Data Platform Institute (CDPI) en Squadra Group de intensieve marketing workshop, “Making the Most of Customer Data Platforms,” om die vraag te beantwoorden en deelnemers mee te nemen in een deep dive in deze, zich zeer snel ontwikkelende, martech sector, die begin 2019 naar verwachting de €200 miljoen omzet in Europa zal overtreffen.

De workshop zal plaatsvinden in Seats to Meet Utrecht CS (Hoog Catharijne) van 12.00 uur tot 18.00 uur en zal geleid worden door David M. Raab, oprichter en CEO van het internationaal opererende Customer Data Platform Institute. De dag erna zal hij ook een keynote presentatie verzorgen tijdens de DDMA Data Dag over de staat van de CDP markt wereldwijd en in Europa.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

CDP Institute Europe (CDPIE): European revenue for all CDP vendors will total at least €200 million in 2018, including €130 million for EU-based vendors

AMSTERDAM, 06-Sep-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — European companies that have deployed Customer Data Platforms are highly satisfied with their systems, according to a study released today by the CDP Institute Europe (CDPIE).

The survey found that the CDP was delivering “significant value” for 80% of CDPIE members who had completed a deployment. In total, 24% reported a CDP in place, another 34% had a deployment in process or planned within the next twelve months, and the balance had plans to deploy after the next twelve months, no plans to deploy, or didn’t know.

Other findings in the report include:

  • large consumer companies (over €100 million revenue) have a much more pressing need for CDPs, with 68% saying they had many disconnected marketing systems. This group is the core of the CDP marketplace worldwide. Only 26% of business-to-business companies have many disconnected systems.
  • large consumer companies are more likely to connect their systems with a CDP. A total of 86% had a CDP in place or were planning a deployment. By contrast, 52% of business marketers had no CDP deployment plans, reflecting the greater existing integration those groups reported.
  • Interest in CDPs extends well beyond marketing departments. Marketers accounted for just 40% of respondents at B2C companies, with IT (23%) and corporate management (17%) also heavily represented.
  • Over-all, CDP deployment in Europe is in early stages. Only 14% of CDPIE members at large consumer companies had completed their CDP deployment. We believe deployment rates are substantially lower among non-CDPIE members.

The full report can be downloaded here.

Customer Data Platforms are packaged software that builds a unified customer database which can be shared with other systems. The CDP Institute estimates that European revenue for all CDP vendors will total at least €200 million in 2018, including €130 million for EU-based vendors, and is growing above 50% per year. For details, see the CDP Institute’s CDP Industry in Europe Report and worldwide CDP Industry Update, both published in July 2018.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

The Blockchain Ecosystem is Entering Maturity: RedCab and WishKnish Collaborate to Scale the “Uber of Egypt”

Washington, DC, USA, 2018-Jun-13 — /EPR Internet News/ — The 1990’s saw an internet boom where anything that had a “dot com” at the end was golden. Soon enough though, people began to wake up and realize that unless the “dot coms” became easy to use and universally applicable, all those fever dreams of internet enthusiasts would forever remain just that – dreams. Eventually, email communication matured, America Online begat many long-distance romances (and even a famous rom-com), and MySpace became a worldwide phenomenon.

Now, in 2018, we are finding ourselves in the midst of a similar era – complete with blazing-fast growth and unprecedented opportunities. And once more, the blockchain enthusiasts’ dreams are crashing against real-world usability and adaptability challenges.

And that’s exactly why the newly-announced partnership between Cairo-based RedCab and Washington DC-bredWishKnish stands to bring decentralized commerce another step (or leap) closer to full retailization, putting a friendly, human face on a set of often-complicated technologies and making them accessible to… well, literally anyone.

Whether it’s a couple on a romantic date searching for a cab, or a grandmother with a bad back looking for someone to deliver her groceries and medicine, or even a tourist hoping to use their home currency to make a local purchase, the process needs to be quick, simple, and coupled with a coin-agnostic settlement solution to match.

“In the current climate of technology, sellers and customers alike, they want efficiency”, shares Alisa Gus, CEO of WishKnish Corp. “They want to be able to transact seamlessly and transparently with transactions being approved in a timely fashion – and with fees that don’t hinder the use of crypto currencies. ​T​hat’s why our partnership with Red Cab makes so much sense – we both seek to bring blockchain to the everyday consumer who wants a timely and safe fulfillment of their order.”

The latest statistics shows a drastic reduction in patience for customers expecting deliveries of any goods and services ordered online, and while the blockchain-powered businesses seek specifically to reduce the inefficiencies inherent in legacy infrastructures, the way to onboard customers and get them comfortable with a new paradigm is a rarely-explored concept.

“We are bringing the use of blockchain to the masses, so all can participate. WishKnish is a platform to deploy and scale your business rapidly across the US and globally”, explains WishKnish COO, Michael Kapoor. “Simply put, we make it easy.”

RedCab CEO, Mohamed Mousa, agrees. “The partnership between RedCab and WishKnish opens infinite opportunities of collaboration in marketing using machine learning, payment solutions and platform development.”

With exciting marketing and P2P options opening for the companies entering this partnership, the future of retailized blockchain settlement and commerce is now looking a lot brighter.


Via EPR Network
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