Tag Archives: filtering

SEO experts QueryClick.com Welcome China’s Renewal of Google’s ICP License

Following speculation that the search engine giant would have its license revoked after its redirection of Chinese users to the unfiltered Hong Kong site, the Chinese government have decided to renew Googles ICP license, for 12 months at least.

This is the latest in a long series of events involving Google and the Chinese authorities, in which both have refused to compromise in their operations. Now however, reconciliation has been achieved by the mutual appeasement of both sides, with sacrifices being made in order to prolong the presence of Google in China.

The immediate outcome of the announcement was a 2.8% rise in Google shares during Friday trading. The license renewal is a significant factor in the continued growth of Google, as well as a beneficial conclusion for the Chines internet industry and internet community.

In the opinion of SEO experts QueryClick.com, having access to the usage of the largest internet community in the world will prove to be a seminal step in Google’s future success. While the access of the Chinese public to the Google search engine provides a huge boost to the improving sense of open-ness in China, as well as bolstering their economy

However, the search engine has had to make a concession insofar as users are required to make an extra click in order to access Google’s search facilities on the Hong Kong site. This may lead to users turning to an alternative and more convenient option such as the Chinese engine Baidu.com.

Via EPR Network
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