Tag Archives: data

CDPI / b.telligent: Intensiv-Workshop zum Thema „Making the Most of Customer Data Platforms“ am 29. Januar einen

MÜNCHEN, 17-Dec-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Marketer können heutzutage auf eine wahre Flut von Daten zugreifen, stehen jedoch mehr denn je vor der Schwierigkeit, diese in einem nutzbaren Format zusammenzufassen. Zukünftig wird es vor allem darauf ankommen, die Architektur von Marketing-Automation-Systemen weiterzuentwickeln, um schnell auf neue Herausforderungen reagieren zu können. Die Technologie der Customer Data Platform (CDP) verspricht, dieses Problem durch den Einsatz leicht zu verteilender Systeme zur Konsolidierung und gemeinsamen Nutzung von Daten und Ausspielung von Kampagnen in Echtzeit zu lösen. Marketer, IT-Experten und Manager fragen sich jedoch zu Recht: Kann CDP dieses Versprechen auch halten?

Um diese Frage zu beantworten, veranstaltet das Customer Data Platform Institute (CDPI) gemeinsam mit b.telligent am 29. Januar einen Intensiv-Workshop zum Thema „Making the Most of Customer Data Platforms“. Die Veranstaltung gewährt einen fundierten Einblick in einen sich rapide entwickelnden Sektor mit einem prognostizierten Umsatz von über 200 Mio. Euro in Europa in 2019.

Der Workshop wird von 12:30 Uhr bis 18 Uhr im Rilano Hotel München unter der Leitung von David M. Raab, Gründer des internationalen Customer Data Platform Institute, stattfinden.

Sebastian Amtage, Gründer und CEO von b.telligent erklärt: „Das CDP Institute (CDPI) ist ein Vorreiter in der Entwicklung sogenannter Customer Data Platforms. Kampagnen der Zukunft sind real-time auf das Verhalten Ihrer Kunden abgestimmt, dabei kommt es umso mehr auf die Integration in die Systemlandschaft an. b.telligent freut sich darauf, diesen Wandel an der Seite des CDPI mit der größtmöglichen Expertise zu begleiten“.

Das Event in München ist Teil einer Veranstaltungsreihe, die im Laufe von 2019 vom CDPI und seinen Partnern in Europa und Großbritannien ausgerichtet wird und der einzige in Deutschland. Der gemeinsam mit b.telligent veranstaltete Workshop richtet sich an Senior Professionals aus den Bereichen Marketing, E-Commerce, CRM und CX und wird sich mit folgenden Themen befassen:

  • Wie sich eine Customer Data Platform (CDP) in die allgemeine Marketing-Datenarchitektur einfügt, die Hauptnutzen von CDPs und ein Ãœberblick über die CDP-Branche und aktuelle Trends
  • Wie sich eine CDP in die Geschäfts- und Marketingstrategie einfügt, die Entwicklung von CDP-Anwendungsfällen sowie eine Darstellung der Anforderungen für den CDP-Erfolg.
  • Die Auswahl der passenden CDP, einschließlich von Anforderungsdefinition, Hauptunterscheidungsmerkmalen, speziellen Funktionen, auf die es ankommt, sowie dem Ablauf eines effektiven Auswahlprozesses.
  • CDP-Einführungsplanung, einschließlich einer Bereitschafts-Checkliste, die Ãœberwindung organisatorischer Hürden, Projektplanung sowie Festlegung der richtigen Deployment-Sequenz.

Das nehmen Teilnehmer aus dem Workshop mit:

  • Checkliste von Marketingtechnologiefunktionen für die bestmögliche Ausnutzung von CDP
  • Zuordnung von CDP-Anwendungsfällen zu CDP-Systemanforderungen
  • 27 Schlüsselfunktionen von CDP und wie man erkennt, welche man benötigt
  • Toolkit für die Anbieterbewertung und -auswahl

Teilnehmer, die den CDPI-Workshop in München absolvieren, bekommen eine Teilnahmebescheinigung vom Customer Data Platform Institute ausgestellt. Der Workshop wird in englischer Sprache stattfinden. Deutschsprachige Berater von b.telligent stehen jedoch bei Bedarf für die Übersetzung zur Verfügung. Für die Anmeldung und weitere Informationen zur Technologie der Customer Data Platform sowie relevante Neuigkeiten besuchen Sie die Website von b.telligent.

David Raab ist Gründer und CEO des CDP Institute. Er hat den Begriff Customer Data Platform 2013 geprägt und gehört seitdem zu den führenden Experten, die erforschen und erklären, wie Marketer durch den Einsatz von CDPs die wichtigsten Herausforderungen im Marketing lösen können.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

David M. Raab, oprichter en CEO van het internationaal opererende Customer Data Platform Institute, een keynote presentatie verzorgen tijdens de DDMA Data Dag over de staat van de CDP markt wereldwijd en in Europa

AMSTERDAM, 15-Nov-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Marketeers hebben vandaag de dag meer data tot hun beschikking dan ooit, maar worstelen om ze te combineren tot een bruikbare vorm. Customer Data Platform (CDP) technologie belooft dit probleem op te lossen in de vorm van makkelijk te implementeren systemen, die alle klantdata combineren en delen. Maar de vraag die marketeers, IT’ers en executives zich terecht stellen is: kan een CDP echt die beloften waarmaken?

Op 23 januari 2019 hosten het Customer Data Platform Institute (CDPI) en Squadra Group de intensieve marketing workshop, “Making the Most of Customer Data Platforms,” om die vraag te beantwoorden en deelnemers mee te nemen in een deep dive in deze, zich zeer snel ontwikkelende, martech sector, die begin 2019 naar verwachting de €200 miljoen omzet in Europa zal overtreffen.

De workshop zal plaatsvinden in Seats to Meet Utrecht CS (Hoog Catharijne) van 12.00 uur tot 18.00 uur en zal geleid worden door David M. Raab, oprichter en CEO van het internationaal opererende Customer Data Platform Institute. De dag erna zal hij ook een keynote presentatie verzorgen tijdens de DDMA Data Dag over de staat van de CDP markt wereldwijd en in Europa.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

PG Services will be demonstrating DB CyberTech’s GDPR solution during Elastic{ON} Frankfurt on October 30, 2018

SAN DIEGO, CA, USA, 29-Oct-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — DB CyberTech, a pioneer in machine learning based predictive data loss prevention, today announced that it is launching into the European market through a partnership with PG Services of Luxembourg. PG Services joins DB CyberTech’s growing partner ecosystem focused on bringing the next generation of truly intelligent cybersecurity solutions to market. DB CyberTech’s European operations will be headquartered in London.

“We’re excited to begin our new partnership with DB CyberTech. PG Services is known for selecting best in class solutions and integrating them into the Elastic SIEM for our global clients,” said Ali Alaie, Managing Director of PG Services. “After careful review and engineering investment in Europe, we selected DB CyberTech’s patented and award winning compliance and security platform to build a modernized connector that now presents critical GDPR discovery and classification data through the Elastic interface. We’re making DB CyberTech’s innovative platform for compliance and security available to all of our global Elastic clients. I’m pleased to showcase the integrated solution at this weeks Elastic{ON} conference in Frankfurt.”

DB CyberTech solutions enable customers with real-time visibility into their structured data for data security and GDPR compliance. The GDPR compliance solution is based on natural language processing to enable automated and continuous identification of high-value and sensitive personal data.

“We’re truly impressed with PG Services extensive experience with Data Analytics and Elastic value-added integrated solutions,” said Ali Hedayati, COO and President of DB CyberTech. “Our solution integration with PG Services Elastic-centric technology enables visualization, analysis, and searching of host intrusion detection alerts. The integration provides customers with comprehensive visibility, intelligent data classification, and automated machine learning for detection of suspicious activity in the data tier for security and GDPR compliancy.”

PG Services will be demonstrating DB CyberTech’s GDPR solution during Elastic{ON} Frankfurt on October 30, 2018.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

CDP Institute Europe (CDPIE): European revenue for all CDP vendors will total at least €200 million in 2018, including €130 million for EU-based vendors

AMSTERDAM, 06-Sep-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — European companies that have deployed Customer Data Platforms are highly satisfied with their systems, according to a study released today by the CDP Institute Europe (CDPIE).

The survey found that the CDP was delivering “significant value” for 80% of CDPIE members who had completed a deployment. In total, 24% reported a CDP in place, another 34% had a deployment in process or planned within the next twelve months, and the balance had plans to deploy after the next twelve months, no plans to deploy, or didn’t know.

Other findings in the report include:

  • large consumer companies (over €100 million revenue) have a much more pressing need for CDPs, with 68% saying they had many disconnected marketing systems. This group is the core of the CDP marketplace worldwide. Only 26% of business-to-business companies have many disconnected systems.
  • large consumer companies are more likely to connect their systems with a CDP. A total of 86% had a CDP in place or were planning a deployment. By contrast, 52% of business marketers had no CDP deployment plans, reflecting the greater existing integration those groups reported.
  • Interest in CDPs extends well beyond marketing departments. Marketers accounted for just 40% of respondents at B2C companies, with IT (23%) and corporate management (17%) also heavily represented.
  • Over-all, CDP deployment in Europe is in early stages. Only 14% of CDPIE members at large consumer companies had completed their CDP deployment. We believe deployment rates are substantially lower among non-CDPIE members.

The full report can be downloaded here.

Customer Data Platforms are packaged software that builds a unified customer database which can be shared with other systems. The CDP Institute estimates that European revenue for all CDP vendors will total at least €200 million in 2018, including €130 million for EU-based vendors, and is growing above 50% per year. For details, see the CDP Institute’s CDP Industry in Europe Report and worldwide CDP Industry Update, both published in July 2018.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Advanced Data Classification now available for DB CyberTech’s #Predictive Data Loss Prevention and #GDPR solutions

SAN DIEGO, CA, United States, 27-Aug-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — DB CyberTech, a pioneer in machine learning based predictive data loss prevention, today announced advanced data classification for structured data as a new capability of their security and privacy platform. This new capability supports compliance with EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

DB CyberTech’s advanced data classification utilizes natural language processing to continuously and accurately identify high value sensitive data such as personal data, intellectual property, and financial information. With this capability, privacy professionals and Data Protection Officers are now able to focus more of their attention on a set of databases that store sensitive data and therefore pose the greatest risk to the organization.

Advanced Data Classification is available now for DB CyberTech’s Predictive Data Loss Prevention and GDPR solutions. Data classification operates completely non-intrusively by analyzing database conversations. No database login credentials are necessary and there’s no impact on database performance.

“To defend against today’s security threats to structured data, DB CyberTech offers database asset discovery, automatic data classification, and continuous monitoring to identify where sensitive data is stored along with which clients and applications process sensitive information,” said Brett Helm, CEO of DB CyberTech. “We then apply machine learning and behavioral analytics to pinpoint rogue activities including insider threats.”

SOURCE: EuropaWire

First-ever study of the European CDP industry analyzes 21 vendors employing more than 1,500 people and generating at least €130 million revenue in 2018

Philadelphia, USA, 11-Jul-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — European vendors in the soon-to-be €1 billion Customer Data Platform (CDP) industry are leading its transition to more integrated solutions, according to a study released today by the CDP Institute Europe.

The first-ever study of the European CDP industry analyzes 21 vendors employing more than 1,500 people and generating at least €130 million revenue in 2018. European firms account for one-quarter of worldwide CDP employment. Vendors covered in the report are: BlueConic, BlueVenn, Boxever, Camp de Bases, Celebrus/D4T4, CommandersAct, ContactLab, CrossEngage, Eulerian Technologies, Fospha, IntentHQ, Invicta, Jahia, LeadBoxer, NGDATA, Nominow, Piwik Pro, PRDCT, RedEye, Splio, and Ysance.

While most of the industry outside Europe sells products limited to database creation and analytics, the majority of European CDP vendors include these functions plus integrated applications such as Web site personalization or email message selection. Systems with these applications have generated nearly all industry growth worldwide in the past year, according to the CDP Institute’s recent analysis of the global industry.

“European marketers have special needs, such as compliance with GDPR, that are often best understood by local vendors,” said CDP Institute Europe CEO David Raab. “Development of a European CDP industry will help more marketers take advantage of CDP’s ability to make full use of their customer data.”

Customer Data Platforms are specialized software that creates a unified, persistent customer database. The world-wide industry has grown 76% in the past year and is expected to exceed $1 billion by 2019. Gartner recently called CDP one of six top marketing technologies to watch in 2018.

SOURCE: EuropaWire