Category Archives: Database

CDPI / b.telligent: Intensiv-Workshop zum Thema „Making the Most of Customer Data Platforms“ am 29. Januar einen

MÜNCHEN, 17-Dec-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Marketer können heutzutage auf eine wahre Flut von Daten zugreifen, stehen jedoch mehr denn je vor der Schwierigkeit, diese in einem nutzbaren Format zusammenzufassen. Zukünftig wird es vor allem darauf ankommen, die Architektur von Marketing-Automation-Systemen weiterzuentwickeln, um schnell auf neue Herausforderungen reagieren zu können. Die Technologie der Customer Data Platform (CDP) verspricht, dieses Problem durch den Einsatz leicht zu verteilender Systeme zur Konsolidierung und gemeinsamen Nutzung von Daten und Ausspielung von Kampagnen in Echtzeit zu lösen. Marketer, IT-Experten und Manager fragen sich jedoch zu Recht: Kann CDP dieses Versprechen auch halten?

Um diese Frage zu beantworten, veranstaltet das Customer Data Platform Institute (CDPI) gemeinsam mit b.telligent am 29. Januar einen Intensiv-Workshop zum Thema „Making the Most of Customer Data Platforms“. Die Veranstaltung gewährt einen fundierten Einblick in einen sich rapide entwickelnden Sektor mit einem prognostizierten Umsatz von über 200 Mio. Euro in Europa in 2019.

Der Workshop wird von 12:30 Uhr bis 18 Uhr im Rilano Hotel München unter der Leitung von David M. Raab, Gründer des internationalen Customer Data Platform Institute, stattfinden.

Sebastian Amtage, Gründer und CEO von b.telligent erklärt: „Das CDP Institute (CDPI) ist ein Vorreiter in der Entwicklung sogenannter Customer Data Platforms. Kampagnen der Zukunft sind real-time auf das Verhalten Ihrer Kunden abgestimmt, dabei kommt es umso mehr auf die Integration in die Systemlandschaft an. b.telligent freut sich darauf, diesen Wandel an der Seite des CDPI mit der größtmöglichen Expertise zu begleiten“.

Das Event in München ist Teil einer Veranstaltungsreihe, die im Laufe von 2019 vom CDPI und seinen Partnern in Europa und Großbritannien ausgerichtet wird und der einzige in Deutschland. Der gemeinsam mit b.telligent veranstaltete Workshop richtet sich an Senior Professionals aus den Bereichen Marketing, E-Commerce, CRM und CX und wird sich mit folgenden Themen befassen:

  • Wie sich eine Customer Data Platform (CDP) in die allgemeine Marketing-Datenarchitektur einfügt, die Hauptnutzen von CDPs und ein Ãœberblick über die CDP-Branche und aktuelle Trends
  • Wie sich eine CDP in die Geschäfts- und Marketingstrategie einfügt, die Entwicklung von CDP-Anwendungsfällen sowie eine Darstellung der Anforderungen für den CDP-Erfolg.
  • Die Auswahl der passenden CDP, einschließlich von Anforderungsdefinition, Hauptunterscheidungsmerkmalen, speziellen Funktionen, auf die es ankommt, sowie dem Ablauf eines effektiven Auswahlprozesses.
  • CDP-Einführungsplanung, einschließlich einer Bereitschafts-Checkliste, die Ãœberwindung organisatorischer Hürden, Projektplanung sowie Festlegung der richtigen Deployment-Sequenz.

Das nehmen Teilnehmer aus dem Workshop mit:

  • Checkliste von Marketingtechnologiefunktionen für die bestmögliche Ausnutzung von CDP
  • Zuordnung von CDP-Anwendungsfällen zu CDP-Systemanforderungen
  • 27 Schlüsselfunktionen von CDP und wie man erkennt, welche man benötigt
  • Toolkit für die Anbieterbewertung und -auswahl

Teilnehmer, die den CDPI-Workshop in München absolvieren, bekommen eine Teilnahmebescheinigung vom Customer Data Platform Institute ausgestellt. Der Workshop wird in englischer Sprache stattfinden. Deutschsprachige Berater von b.telligent stehen jedoch bei Bedarf für die Übersetzung zur Verfügung. Für die Anmeldung und weitere Informationen zur Technologie der Customer Data Platform sowie relevante Neuigkeiten besuchen Sie die Website von b.telligent.

David Raab ist Gründer und CEO des CDP Institute. Er hat den Begriff Customer Data Platform 2013 geprägt und gehört seitdem zu den führenden Experten, die erforschen und erklären, wie Marketer durch den Einsatz von CDPs die wichtigsten Herausforderungen im Marketing lösen können.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

David M. Raab, oprichter en CEO van het internationaal opererende Customer Data Platform Institute, een keynote presentatie verzorgen tijdens de DDMA Data Dag over de staat van de CDP markt wereldwijd en in Europa

AMSTERDAM, 15-Nov-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Marketeers hebben vandaag de dag meer data tot hun beschikking dan ooit, maar worstelen om ze te combineren tot een bruikbare vorm. Customer Data Platform (CDP) technologie belooft dit probleem op te lossen in de vorm van makkelijk te implementeren systemen, die alle klantdata combineren en delen. Maar de vraag die marketeers, IT’ers en executives zich terecht stellen is: kan een CDP echt die beloften waarmaken?

Op 23 januari 2019 hosten het Customer Data Platform Institute (CDPI) en Squadra Group de intensieve marketing workshop, “Making the Most of Customer Data Platforms,” om die vraag te beantwoorden en deelnemers mee te nemen in een deep dive in deze, zich zeer snel ontwikkelende, martech sector, die begin 2019 naar verwachting de €200 miljoen omzet in Europa zal overtreffen.

De workshop zal plaatsvinden in Seats to Meet Utrecht CS (Hoog Catharijne) van 12.00 uur tot 18.00 uur en zal geleid worden door David M. Raab, oprichter en CEO van het internationaal opererende Customer Data Platform Institute. De dag erna zal hij ook een keynote presentatie verzorgen tijdens de DDMA Data Dag over de staat van de CDP markt wereldwijd en in Europa.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Global SAP Cloud Platform Services Market: Competition Matrix

DUBLIN 2, Ireland, 06-Nov-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Increasing number of solutions in the entire cloud ecosystem has resulted in creation of a complex cloud environment. Shifting toward cloud platforms being a major focus, cloud customers are facing challenges in managing applications, integrating, workload management and other facets in the cloud computing space. In a bid to resolve cloud challenges, vendors such as SAP SE have created advanced cloud platform services that offer simplified process control and enhanced workload management using various services under the SAP cloud platform services portfolio.

A Sample of this Report is Available at

Fact.MR foresees that the sales of SAP cloud platform services are estimated to jump by 1.2x in 2018 over 2017, with the overall SAP cloud platform services market crossing a valuation of over US$ 160 Mn in the year. Fact.MR report envisages that the SAP cloud platform services market is likely to stay bullish on back of remarkable growth prospects in the following years, with growing small and large scale enterprises venturing into SAP cloud platform services to enhance business performance.

“To enhance global footprint and improve sales of SAP cloud platform services, participants such as SAP SE are entering into strategic collaborations and partnerships across major countries worldwide. Considering the present scenario of increasing partnerships it has been possible to develop new sales funnels for SAP cloud platform services, which in turn is expected to fuel the market valuation of SAP cloud platform services in the forthcoming years.” – Lead Analyst, Fact.MR IoT and Cloud Computing, ICT Domain

Few Takeaways Highlighted in the Report

  • End users of SAP cloud platform services continue to showcase higher preference for strategy and consulting services; POC (Proof of Concept) service likely to gain high traction
  • Small and medium enterprises to pave potential growth avenues for SAP cloud platform services vendors worldwide; large enterprises showcase a steadily growing inclination towards cloud services
  • IT and telecom industry account for a higher share of the SAP cloud platform services market in 2017 followed by BFSI sector
  • Consumer goods & retail and manufacturing sectors to showcase increasing preference in SAP cloud platform services in 2018
  • United States to remain an attractive market for SAP cloud platform services accounting for over 30% revenue share of the overall market in 2017

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Emerge as an Attractive End User

Small and medium scale enterprises are emerging as lucrative end users with respect to SAP cloud platform services adoption, says the report. Small and medium businesses are largely focusing on cloud computing services owing to relatively low cost associated with cloud computing as compared to on-premise deployment and SAP cloud platform services are no exception. The report estimates that the SAP cloud platform services market revenue generated from small and medium enterprises is likely to cross US$ 100 Mn by end of 2018.

Request Methodology of this Report at

On the other hand, relatively lower revenue generation has been observed across large enterprises on account of early adoption of on-premise deployment that is pre-planned. Moreover, affordability quotient of on-premise deployment services by large enterprises is high as compared to SMEs. However, SAP cloud platform services are likely to gain higher traction across large enterprises in the future, according to the report.

Preeminence of Americas Region to Prevail in the SAP Cloud Platform Services Marketplace

Sales of SAP cloud platform services are likely to remain concentrated across Americas, particularly the United States. Macroeconomic factors such as significant economic growth and high GDP coupled with growing cloud computing infrastructure and presence of key SAP cloud platform services vendors have influenced sales in the country.

Countries in the Asia Pacific, particularly Japan, are likely to showcase increasing inclination toward use of SAP cloud platform services. The report projects that the demand for SAP cloud platform services across Japan, India, China and Australia is expected to grow at a stellar pace. Of these countries, albeit at a lower base apropos of revenue generation, India is likely to project potential growth prospects for SAP cloud platform services, according to Fact.MR report.

Overall, the outlook for SAP cloud platform services market remains bullish in the forthcoming years, with the market expanding at a value CAGR of 29.5% throughout the period of assessment, 2018-2028.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

PG Services will be demonstrating DB CyberTech’s GDPR solution during Elastic{ON} Frankfurt on October 30, 2018

SAN DIEGO, CA, USA, 29-Oct-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — DB CyberTech, a pioneer in machine learning based predictive data loss prevention, today announced that it is launching into the European market through a partnership with PG Services of Luxembourg. PG Services joins DB CyberTech’s growing partner ecosystem focused on bringing the next generation of truly intelligent cybersecurity solutions to market. DB CyberTech’s European operations will be headquartered in London.

“We’re excited to begin our new partnership with DB CyberTech. PG Services is known for selecting best in class solutions and integrating them into the Elastic SIEM for our global clients,” said Ali Alaie, Managing Director of PG Services. “After careful review and engineering investment in Europe, we selected DB CyberTech’s patented and award winning compliance and security platform to build a modernized connector that now presents critical GDPR discovery and classification data through the Elastic interface. We’re making DB CyberTech’s innovative platform for compliance and security available to all of our global Elastic clients. I’m pleased to showcase the integrated solution at this weeks Elastic{ON} conference in Frankfurt.”

DB CyberTech solutions enable customers with real-time visibility into their structured data for data security and GDPR compliance. The GDPR compliance solution is based on natural language processing to enable automated and continuous identification of high-value and sensitive personal data.

“We’re truly impressed with PG Services extensive experience with Data Analytics and Elastic value-added integrated solutions,” said Ali Hedayati, COO and President of DB CyberTech. “Our solution integration with PG Services Elastic-centric technology enables visualization, analysis, and searching of host intrusion detection alerts. The integration provides customers with comprehensive visibility, intelligent data classification, and automated machine learning for detection of suspicious activity in the data tier for security and GDPR compliancy.”

PG Services will be demonstrating DB CyberTech’s GDPR solution during Elastic{ON} Frankfurt on October 30, 2018.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

CDP Institute Europe (CDPIE): European revenue for all CDP vendors will total at least €200 million in 2018, including €130 million for EU-based vendors

AMSTERDAM, 06-Sep-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — European companies that have deployed Customer Data Platforms are highly satisfied with their systems, according to a study released today by the CDP Institute Europe (CDPIE).

The survey found that the CDP was delivering “significant value” for 80% of CDPIE members who had completed a deployment. In total, 24% reported a CDP in place, another 34% had a deployment in process or planned within the next twelve months, and the balance had plans to deploy after the next twelve months, no plans to deploy, or didn’t know.

Other findings in the report include:

  • large consumer companies (over €100 million revenue) have a much more pressing need for CDPs, with 68% saying they had many disconnected marketing systems. This group is the core of the CDP marketplace worldwide. Only 26% of business-to-business companies have many disconnected systems.
  • large consumer companies are more likely to connect their systems with a CDP. A total of 86% had a CDP in place or were planning a deployment. By contrast, 52% of business marketers had no CDP deployment plans, reflecting the greater existing integration those groups reported.
  • Interest in CDPs extends well beyond marketing departments. Marketers accounted for just 40% of respondents at B2C companies, with IT (23%) and corporate management (17%) also heavily represented.
  • Over-all, CDP deployment in Europe is in early stages. Only 14% of CDPIE members at large consumer companies had completed their CDP deployment. We believe deployment rates are substantially lower among non-CDPIE members.

The full report can be downloaded here.

Customer Data Platforms are packaged software that builds a unified customer database which can be shared with other systems. The CDP Institute estimates that European revenue for all CDP vendors will total at least €200 million in 2018, including €130 million for EU-based vendors, and is growing above 50% per year. For details, see the CDP Institute’s CDP Industry in Europe Report and worldwide CDP Industry Update, both published in July 2018.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Advanced Data Classification now available for DB CyberTech’s #Predictive Data Loss Prevention and #GDPR solutions

SAN DIEGO, CA, United States, 27-Aug-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — DB CyberTech, a pioneer in machine learning based predictive data loss prevention, today announced advanced data classification for structured data as a new capability of their security and privacy platform. This new capability supports compliance with EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

DB CyberTech’s advanced data classification utilizes natural language processing to continuously and accurately identify high value sensitive data such as personal data, intellectual property, and financial information. With this capability, privacy professionals and Data Protection Officers are now able to focus more of their attention on a set of databases that store sensitive data and therefore pose the greatest risk to the organization.

Advanced Data Classification is available now for DB CyberTech’s Predictive Data Loss Prevention and GDPR solutions. Data classification operates completely non-intrusively by analyzing database conversations. No database login credentials are necessary and there’s no impact on database performance.

“To defend against today’s security threats to structured data, DB CyberTech offers database asset discovery, automatic data classification, and continuous monitoring to identify where sensitive data is stored along with which clients and applications process sensitive information,” said Brett Helm, CEO of DB CyberTech. “We then apply machine learning and behavioral analytics to pinpoint rogue activities including insider threats.”

SOURCE: EuropaWire

First-ever study of the European CDP industry analyzes 21 vendors employing more than 1,500 people and generating at least €130 million revenue in 2018

Philadelphia, USA, 11-Jul-2018 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — European vendors in the soon-to-be €1 billion Customer Data Platform (CDP) industry are leading its transition to more integrated solutions, according to a study released today by the CDP Institute Europe.

The first-ever study of the European CDP industry analyzes 21 vendors employing more than 1,500 people and generating at least €130 million revenue in 2018. European firms account for one-quarter of worldwide CDP employment. Vendors covered in the report are: BlueConic, BlueVenn, Boxever, Camp de Bases, Celebrus/D4T4, CommandersAct, ContactLab, CrossEngage, Eulerian Technologies, Fospha, IntentHQ, Invicta, Jahia, LeadBoxer, NGDATA, Nominow, Piwik Pro, PRDCT, RedEye, Splio, and Ysance.

While most of the industry outside Europe sells products limited to database creation and analytics, the majority of European CDP vendors include these functions plus integrated applications such as Web site personalization or email message selection. Systems with these applications have generated nearly all industry growth worldwide in the past year, according to the CDP Institute’s recent analysis of the global industry.

“European marketers have special needs, such as compliance with GDPR, that are often best understood by local vendors,” said CDP Institute Europe CEO David Raab. “Development of a European CDP industry will help more marketers take advantage of CDP’s ability to make full use of their customer data.”

Customer Data Platforms are specialized software that creates a unified, persistent customer database. The world-wide industry has grown 76% in the past year and is expected to exceed $1 billion by 2019. Gartner recently called CDP one of six top marketing technologies to watch in 2018.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

LizardFS adds a key player to help increase presence in the United States

Warsaw, Poland, 2017-Oct-19 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — LizardFS Software Defined Storage is a distributed, parallel, scalable, fault-tolerant, Geo-Redundant and highly available file system. They announced today that Michael Kozlowski has joined its team as Sales Director for North America. At LizardFS, Michael is charged with scaling the sales team and growing markets across the United States.

LizardFS application is cross sector. With such customer examples as GradientFX using it for post production work on movies and television series, or the United States Department of Agriculture utilizing its functionalities to replicate genomics data in multiple data centers to avoid data loss in the case of tornados taking out one of their data centers. The possibilities for expansion within the United States are looking pretty promising. Skytechnology also plans to continue adding features to LizardFS as well as offering enterprise support.

“I am very excited to join the outstanding team at lizardFS and to continue expanding the sales reach of lizardFS dynamic benefits offering. There are a number of installations in the US that are not taking full advantage of the solution by not subscribing to enterprise support. Have a peace of mind with our helpful, passionate support team on standby. We offer full maintenance, development and support for LizardFS including, 24/7 support, we can assist our clients to meet their unique and specific needs and, if necessary, develop new features upon request. We can provide a tailor-made comprehensive solution (hardware and software). We can guide in migrating the data from your current storage solution(s) to LizardFS (possibly using the hardware you already have) to start taking advantage of our unique feature set,” said Mike.

“Mike joins LizardFS during a time of rapid growth. He will play a vital role in managing this growth and driving national expansion of the sales team,” said Simon Haly, CSO of LizardFS. “We are excited to welcome Mike to the team.”

About LizardFS
Skytechnology creator of LizardFS was founded in 2012 by passionate programmers who decided to invest their time and skill in creating superior products that would compete in the marketplace by not only offering excellent quality at a competitive price, but most importantly providing outstanding service. LizardFS Software Defined Storage is a free open-source distributed, parallel, scalable, fault-tolerant, Geo-Redundant and highly available file system. It allows users to combine disk space located on several servers into a single name space which is visible on Unix-like and Windows systems in the same way as other file systems. LizardFS makes files secure by keeping all the data in multiple replicas spread over the available servers. It can also be used to build space-efficient storage, because it is designed to run on commodity hardware.

Contact person:
Michael Kozlowski

Skytechnology sp. z o.o.
ul. Miłobędzka 35
02-634 Warszawa
VAT EU: PL5213633370
Tel: (+48) 22 100 32 48
Tel: (+1) 646 655 0693

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Frontend, backend разработчики Ruby on Rails, Go, UX/UI дизайнеры соберутся 28 Okt 17 на конференции SphereCon, Киев

Киев, Украина, Oct-20-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Front-end и back-end разработчики Ruby on Rails, Go, а также UX/UI дизайнеры со всего мира соберутся 28 октября 2017 года на конференции SphereCon (, организованной Sphere Software, для установления рабочих связей и ознакомления с подходами передовой практики от экспертов Sphere. Это бесплатное мероприятие состоится в конференц-зале Interia, расположенном по адресу ул. Владимирская, 49а, Киев.

Поскольку Ruby и Go постоянно развиваются как ведущие языки программирования, возрастает потребность в обсуждении об изменениях и расширении их сети. Это побудило Sphere Software и ее генерального директора Леона Гинзбурга организовать SphereCon – возможность для разработчиков собраться на бесплатную однодневную конференцию, поддерживающую обсуждение этих программ.

«Мы организовали SphereCon, чтобы делиться своими знаниями и обучать сообщество разработчиков, как создавать масштабируемые программные продукты, которые могут работать в условиях высокой нагрузки и требующих высокой производительности», – говорит Леон Гинзбург. «В Sphere, мы разрабатываем масштабируемые продукты для быстрорастущих компаний, и для нас важно поделиться этим опытом с сообществом, потому что это даст разработчикам конкурентное преимущество в долгосрочной перспективе».

Вклад профессионального опыта в систему разработки программного обеспечения является основным принципом для Sphere Software с момента ее создания в 2005 году. Sphere Software осуществляет это посредством конференций, open source проектов, блогов, тематических исследований, обмена знаниями, Sphere Academy и разработки собственных продуктов.

«Как разработчик, вы всегда должны стараться усовершенствовать свои знания в области программирования», – добавил Гинзбург. «Это не только делает вас более востребованным, но и более универсальным разработчиком. SphereCon – это отличная возможность наладить контакты с другими разработчиками и помочь им расширить свою профессиональную сеть».

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Axiomatics offers fine-grained policy-based access control and dynamic data masking and filtering

CHICAGO, Oct-05-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Axiomatics, the leader in fine-grained dynamic authorization, today announced that KuppingerCole has profiled its data-centric dynamic authorization suite in a recent analyst report titled, “Executive View – Axiomatics Data Security.” The report sheds light on two flagship products; Axiomatics Data Access Filter for Multiple Databases and Axiomatics SmartGuard™ for Big Data, both of which apply an Attribute Based Access Control mechanism across different types of data stores, and centralizes policy-based authorization rules for access to the content within these data stores.

KuppingerCole’s Executive View describes the solutions in detail and offers advice to IT professionals looking for data-centric security. The Axiomatics Data Access Filter offers policy-based access control and dynamic data masking and filtering for relational databases. Implemented as a database proxy, the product intercepts all connections to the database from any user or application and analyzes every SQL statement for potential violations of applicable security policies. In accordance to the ABAC approach, the authorization service may query multiple attribute sources for additional context information needed for a fine-grained access decision.

SmartGuard™ for Big Data (the most recent addition to Axiomatics’ data security portfolio) extends ABAC-based dynamic authorization to Hadoop Big Data stores. There’s a growing need to ensure consistent fine-grained access control and maintain regulatory compliance for Hadoop. These infrastructures often comprise multiple loosely coupled components, and Big Data stores are used to store massive amounts of data from numerous sources with multiple applications accessing them simultaneously. Utilizing ABAC for transparent dynamic access control to a Big Data store for multiple analytics applications allows enterprises to combine all the benefits of a single data warehouse with the traditional siloed approach, where each application has access only to its own data silo.

“For years, we have been tracking the information security market. As data security threats rise, Axiomatics continues to lead by offering solutions that help companies with fine-grained policy-based access control and dynamic data masking and filtering. Axiomatics Data Access Filter for Multiple Databases and Axiomatics SmartGuard™ for Big Data are a natural expansion of the company’s comprehensive suite of dynamic authorization solutions,” said Alexei Balaganski, lead analyst for KuppingerCole and author of the report. “Whether deployed standalone or as a part of an enterprise-wide ABAC infrastructure, these products provide an additional dynamic security and access control layer around multiple data stores transparently and without any application changes.”

“Our relentless focus on solving the toughest problems in data-centric security, have made Axiomatics the choice for IT professionals and companies looking for data security solutions to complex big data environments,” said Gerry Gebel, vice president of business development at Axiomatics. “We are honored to have such a distinguished analyst like KuppingerCole continue to review our suite of products. Their reports further underscore its commitment to delivering cutting-edge information on data security in the era of digital transformation.”

For more information about Axiomatics, visit For more information on KuppingerCole, visit

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Armadillo Business Information celebrates 20 years on the Web

Hertfordshire, UK, 2017-Jun-09 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Armadillo, the world’s first web based company information database, celebrated its 20th anniversary on June 3rd.

In 1995, based near Old Street roundabout in London, Emmanuel Cohen, Armadillo’s chairman started on the road to launch an online company data system.

Having been shown the web in April 95 by a research scientist after Tim Berners-Lee uploaded the web structure in CERN, on a subsequent visit to the bookshop, Barnes and Noble he was shown all the books on this new area.

“Imagine a huge row bookshelves, devoted to a subject that was completely new. I knew then that it was important”

Manny continues “I will always remember a weekend in November 1996 when I had to make a huge decision. I could only afford the development work on one of the access systems at the time, it was a massive gamble. Should I risk everything – my business, my house, the lot – on chasing the dream of my own online database? I decided the web was the future so I gambled everything I had. Nowadays it is hard to imagine what a risk that was. Back then, the web was untried and untested as a commercial tool.”

“It amuses me that Old Street (known as Silicon Roundabout) where we started is today a burgeoning centre for web companies. These days developers are working on a tried and tested platform. It just was not there back in the mid 90s when we launched. It was true disruptive technology.”

“I was told recently that I must be the founding father of the Shoreditch Fintech revolution. Well, I don’t know about that, but my team and I certainly helped develop the bar revolution in the area!”

What Manny and his team pioneered at the time, was a unique commercial web database. Worldwide company reports and documents could be instantly bought by account or credit card from anywhere in the world, delivered to anywhere in the world. Users could also order the registration of companies online. The system was launched at the Barbican Solicitors Exhibition in London in June 1997.

“It was an amazing feeling. Once launched, we went out to our clients to sell the new service. Guess what they all said. “The internet? Too slow, no security, we can never connect – it will never catch on!”

Happy Birthday Armadillo and congratulations on the first and longest running online corporate commercial database on the web. Manny concludes ” Guess what, we haven’t stopped. We’re still innovating and are working on lots of new projects, so watch this space!”

For the full story, go to :

About Armadillo Business Information:
• 1997 First company information online supplier to launch on the Web
• 1998 First to offer Trade Mark searching on the Web
• 1999 First to offer direct access to UK’s Companies House Direct
• 2011 First mobile app of its kind

Leading provider of online data to financial, legal and commercial markets.

Coverage includes 250 million companies from 200 countries around the world.

All instantly available online or via their app on a transactional (credit card) or subscription basis.

For more information please contact or call +44 (0)20 7729 1234

Issued on behalf of:
Armadillo Business Information Ltd, a member of the RM Group®,
Invision House,
Wilbury Way,
Registered as a Limited Company in England and Wales No. 03222303. ISO 9001 registration numbers: GB2003315.



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LC Sciences Launches Online Searchable Knowledgebase

LC Sciences, LLC, a leading provider of microRNA analysis services, today announced the launch of a new online searchable knowledgebase that researchers can use to locate technical information on the company’s website. This announcement comes on the heels of the launch of LC Sciences’ re-designed company website last week. The knowledgebase contains technical information in the form of application notes, technical bulletins, customer publications, presentations, reviews of seminal publications in the field, etc. This documents database contains over one thousand entries and encompasses a wide range of research fields; from plant science to neuroscience. Additionally, all entries have been carefully meta-tagged to improve search results.

“Having served the microRNA research community for the past nine years, we’ve accumulated quite a large library of reference documents such as application notes and related customer publications. This new resource offers the community a simple, user friendly search interface that makes it easier for them to locate the information they’re looking for within that library.” – Chris Hebel (Vice President of Business Development, LC Sciences)

The knowledgebase is freely accessible to all at:

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ProMarketing Leads Now Offers an Automobile Database To Customers

ProMarketing Leads adds an automobile database that includes millions of records and is the largest available Automobile Owners database in the industry. It is compiled, updated and verified through transactional information each month.  These are known automobile owners.

Don’t get fooled into using data that is outdated and inaccurate.  We dare you to compare us to the competition. Pro Marketing Leads promises to save you money and increase your ROI. Our file consistently outperforms other Automobile files for accuracy, counts and response rates.

This Automobile Owner Database is not derived from state motor vehicle and therefore not subject to the Shelby Act/Driver’s Privacy Protection Act of 2000.

ProMarketing Leads automobile database offerscustomers…

  • Aftermarket Promotions:  Auto dealers, manufacturers and specialty stores target consumers based on automobile make/model/year and owners age and/or income information. ProMarketing Leads offers an integrated database of consumer, vehicle, email, and telephone information. This comprehensive database is able to generate great  marketing lists.
  • Service Center Programs: Dealer repair centers, specialty service centers and independent service centers can market customers based upon make, model, year, and address criteria.
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Findmypast Reveals The Greatest Political Leaders With Irish Ancestry

Findmypast has announced that John F. Kennedy has been voted the greatest political leader with Irish ancestry, ahead of Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama. Che Guevara, the Latin American revolutionary who also had Irish roots, ranked fourth.

The online poll of over 4,000 Americans and Britons was conducted by YouGov for the genealogy site and its Irish partner, findmypast IE.

“The most surprising people turn out to have Irish ancestry,” says Cliona Weldon, spokesperson for, which marks its first birthday this month.

The findmypast poll asked respondents in the U.S. and UK to pick from a list of 10 political leaders who had won prominence in countries beyond Irish shores – in short, in the Irish diaspora.

This diaspora, consisting of Irish emigrants and their descendants, is estimated to include over 80 million people worldwide, including some 40 million Americans.

While Obama and JFK polled similar percentages with U.S. and UK respondents, averaging 12% and 25% respectively, Reagan polled nearly four times as many votes in the U.S. (35%) as in the UK (8%). Indeed, he would have topped the poll based on U.S. votes alone, while the UK alone ranked him third behind Obama.

Obama, who only discovered his Irish roots in 2007, is just one of at least 13 U.S. presidents to have had Irish ancestry. Indeed, the only one of the last six to have lacked them was Bill Clinton, who tried to atone for the fact by once informing a St Patrick’s Day gathering that: “I feel more Irish every day!” Other countries to have boasted notable leaders with Irish ancestry include Canada, Australia, France, Spain, Mexico, Chile, Peru and Israel.

Che Guevara, the Argentine-born radical who helped lead the revolution in Cuba, may be best known today as an icon of Latin American rebellion but he traced his ancestry to Galway, Ireland in the 1740s.

JFK and Reagan both traced their roots to the great wave of Irish emigration that began in the mid-19th century, coinciding with the great Famine.

By then, Obama’s Irish forebear, Falmouth Keaney, had already been in the U.S. for eight years, after migrating from Moneygall in Co. Offaly in 1850. Keaney was Obama’s maternal great-great-great grandfather.

About is the world’s most comprehensive Irish family history website, providing easy-to-search, online access to some of the most significant Irish records that have ever been made available, including extensive BMD records.

Via EPR Network
More Internet & Online press releases helps to reveal Dracula was Irish not Transylvanian has conducted research on Bram Stoker’s family tree which sheds new light on how he created the gothic horrors of Dracula.

Count Dracula, the Transylvanian nobleman and daddy of all vampires, was originally Irish rather than Transylvanian, according to new research by the family historian who previously traced Barack Obama’s Irish roots, Fiona Fitzsimons.

Dracula is the title character of the 1897 Gothic horror novel by Bram Stoker, the Irish writer who died 100 years ago, on April 20, 1912.

Many historians have wondered how Stoker, a one-time Dublin civil servant and chum of Oscar Wilde came to imagine the gothic horrors of Dracula and now, new research into Stoker’s family tree by the genealogy website provides the answer. The new findings are the fruit of months of research by Fiona Fitzsimons, a director of and the historian who last year identified Obama’s closest living Irish relatives, enabling the U.S. President to meet them on his state visit to Ireland.

Bram Stoker turns out to have been of an old family with a glorious history. His direct ancestor, Manus “The Magnificent” O’Donnell, once ruled much of Ireland and led a rebellion against Henry VIII.

“We have discovered that Bram Stoker could trace his own direct family line back almost 1,000 years,” said Fitzsimons. In short, his own lineage turns out to have been remarkably similar to Dracula’s.

Fitzsimons added: “Stoker did not use overtly Irish references in Dracula, but his main theme is taken from Irish history – the history, we now learn, of his own family – recast in the writer’s imagination.”

Although the Stoker family on Bram’s father’s side were of humble stock, it was already known before now that Bram’s mother Charlotte was descended from the Blakes, a landed Irish family.

What Fitzsimons has now discovered, with the help of land records found on, is that Charlotte also descended from the O’Donnells, one of Ireland’s greatest families, with one of its oldest recorded lineages.

The story goes back farther still; from 561 A.D. the O’Donnell lords were the hereditary keepers of the psalter (holy book) of St Columba, revered in Ireland as the patron saint of poets.

These objects remained in the O’Donnell’s keeping until 1843, when they were given to the Royal Irish Academy. Their donation received wide press coverage and was a cause célèbre.

Fitzsimons said: “Our research has proven links between the writer’s family, the oldest surviving Irish manuscript in existence, and one of the greatest treasures held in the National Museum of Ireland. The manuscript book and its reliquary provide evidence that Stoker’s O’Donnell family could trace their direct lineage back more than 1,300 years to 561 A.D.”

Fitzsimons believes the true inspiration for Dracula was Manus the Magnificent, Stoker’s direct ancestor.

This is not to say that Manus was either a vampire or a tyrant, since he was neither, but he was a feudal leader with great power over much of the country and hisheroics in gory battle are just as likely an inspiration for Dracula as any historical figure.

Via EPR Network
More Internet & Online press releases Publishes Crew Records From The Titanic For The First Time

New analysis from of the records of those on board the Titanic when it sunk suggests it could have been doomed from the start according to sailor superstitions.*

Six maritime myths rang true on that ill-fated day of 15th April 1912, including the presence of women, priests and red-heads on board the ship, according to the most comprehensive set of Titanic passenger and crew records launched online at, a leading family history website.

Debra Chatfield, family historian at, commented: “The records going live indicate sailor superstitions were wholly ignored on the Titanic’s doomed departure from Southampton. Throughout history sailors have been proverbially superstitious, but I bet few ever believed the ‘unsinkable’ Titanic would succumb to superstition. It leaves you wondering whether the cumulative effect of women, priests, dogs, barbers, flowers and red-heads on board – all commonly held superstitions among sailors – angered the sea so much it steered her towards her ill fate.”

The Unlucky Six Sailor Superstitions are:
– Women on board – 353 female passengers
– Dogs near tackle – 5 dogs reported rescued
– Priests on board – 5 men of religion
– Cutting hair on board – 3 barbers
– Flowers – 2 crew members with flower tattoos
– Red-heads – 2 on board; one crew member & the infamous Violet Jessop

Maritime birth, marriage and death records in association with The National Archives and White Star Line Officers’ books, are being launched online for the first time at, sitting alongside the Titanic Passenger Lists and Merchant Navy recordswhich are already available to view.

Janet Dempsey, Maritime Records Specialist at The National Archives, commented:
“Death At Sea was an occupational hazard for those who made their living on the water but this rarely deterred mariners. Many who survived the Titanic went on to serve throughout the First World War and some even into WW2. The BMD registers really illustrate just how hard life was at sea even for those men and women who served on luxury liners that were just not expected to sink. With death so common place it was hardly surprising that seafarers were a superstitious lot.”

And still, 100 years on from the sinking of the Titanic, Brits are as superstitious as ever, especially when it comes to seafaring. One in eight (12%) is aware of the myth around un-christened ships bringing bad luck – something speculation famously claims about the Titanic – while the most well-known superstition for a third of Brits (31%) is an unbroken bottle during the christening of a ship.

Today’s Brits call on a number of superstitions for good luck and safe travel when embarking on a trip. Avoiding travel on Friday 13th takes the top spot (6%), followed by carrying a lucky charm such as a coin (4%), spring cleaning the house before travelling, and wearing a lucky item of clothing (2%).

Debra Chatfield concluded: “We can’t lead our lives based on myth and superstition, whether travel-related or otherwise, but in hindsight when considering the tragedy of the Titanic, it certainly is an eerie thought.”

Via EPR Network
More Internet & Online press releases Publishes Westminster Parish Records Online, a leading UK family history website, has published online for the very first time parish records held by the City of Westminster Archives Centre. The Westminster Collection at comprises fully searchable transcripts and scanned images of the parish registers, some of which are over 400 years old.

The 1,365,731 records launched cover the period 1538-1945 and come from over 50 Westminster churches including St Anne, Soho, St Clement Danes, St George Hanover Square, St James Westminster, St Margaret Westminster, St Martin-in-the-Fields, St Mary-le-Strand, St Paul Covent Garden.

Debra Chatfield, family historian at, said: “The Westminster Collection is one of the largest regional parish record collections we have ever published online and contains some truly wonderful gems. Family historians, wherever they are in the world, can now search this historical goldmine and uncover the fascinating stories of their London ancestors.”

The launch marks the start of a painstaking project to preserve digitally the City of Westminster Archives Centre’s collection, and sees the first tranche of its baptisms, marriages and burials go online. The remaining records are set to go live over the coming months, along with cemetery registers, wills, rate books, settlement examinations, workhouse admission and discharge books, bastardy, orphan and apprentice records and charity documents.

Adrian Autton, Archives Manager at Westminster Archives commented: “The launch of the Westminster Collection is of huge significance making Westminster records fully accessible to a global audience. This resource will be of immense value to anyone whose ancestors lived in Westminster and to anyone wishing to study the rich heritage of this truly great city.”

The records can now be searched free of charge by visiting the Life Events (BMDs) section at, and then selecting parish baptisms or marriages or burials. Transcripts and images can be viewed with PayAsYouGo credits, vouchers or a full subscription to

The new Westminster Collection at joins a growing resource of official parish records from local archives, including Cheshire Archives & Local Studies, Manchester City Council and Plymouth and West Devon Records Office, with many more in the pipeline and due to go live in the coming months. In addition over 40 million parish records from family history societies can be found at in partnership with the Federation of Family History Societies.

Via EPR Network
More Internet & Online press releases To Publish Canterbury Cathedral Records Online, a leading UK family history website, has announced that it has been awarded a contract by Canterbury Cathedral Archives to publish historic records from the archive online. The first phase of the Canterbury Collection project will see an online version of the parish registers of the historic Archdeaconry of Canterbury, to be published in the coming weeks at

An estimated 270,000 images containing over a million entries will be published on the website, covering parish churches from a wide expanse of East Kent, including:
– the city of Canterbury
– the towns of Faversham, Wye and Elham
– Thanet
– towns along the east Kent coast stretching from Whitstable in the north round to Hythe in the south

The launch has been timed to coincide with the temporary closure of Canterbury Cathedral Archives for refurbishment, so that family historians and local historians can continue to enjoy access to these fascinating records until the Archives reopens in autumn 2012.

From the initial online launch in February, visitors to the website will be able to browse through the scanned pages of the parish records to search for their ancestors. At the same time, will start to transcribe the records, with a view to creating an index and making them fully searchable on the website later this year.

Paul Nixon, Content Licensing Manager for, said: “We’re really looking forward to seeing these invaluable records from Canterbury Cathedral Archives go live on, strengthening the site’s position as the natural home for UK parish records.”

Canterbury Cathedral Archivist Cressida Williams, added: “Working with findmypast has provided us with a wonderful opportunity to expand access to these records to a worldwide audience. This resource will be a great asset for anyone with an interest in the history of this part of Kent.”

The Canterbury Collection will join an impressive array of UK parish records at, including records from Manchester Archives, Cheshire Archives, Plymouth & West Devon Record Office and Welsh Archives, in addition to over 40 million parish records from family history societies throughout the UK in partnership with the Federation of Family History Societies.

Anyone wishing to be notified when the Canterbury Collection becomes available can register online at to receive a newsletter.

Via EPR Network
More Internet & Online press releases announces 1.2 million Irish Petty Session Records now searchable online, the Irish family history website, has launched the Petty Sessions Order Books (1850-1910) online for the first time, one of the greatest untapped resources for those tracing their Irish roots.

The original Petty Sessions records are held at the National Archives of Ireland were scanned by Family Search and have now been transcribed and made fully searchable by They cover all types of cases, from allowing trespass of cattle to being drunk in charge of an ass and cart. These were the lowest courts in the country who dealt with the vast bulk of legal cases, both civil and criminal. This first batch of entries contains details of 1.2 million cases, with most records giving comprehensive details of the case including: name of complainant, name of defendant, names of witnesses, cause of complaint, details of the judgement, details of a fine if any, and details of a sentence passed down if any. Another 15 million cases are to follow throughout 2012.

This first batch of records is particularly useful for areas of the country for which family history records are notoriously sparse such as Connaught and Donegal.

The reasons for cases being brought before the Petty Sessions Court are incredibly varied, but unsurprisingly the most common offence was drunkenness, which accounted for over a third of all cases. The top five offences tried before the courts were:
Drunkenness – 33%
Revenue/Tax offences – 21%
Assault – 16%
Local acts of nuisance – 5%
Destruction of property – 4%

The nature of these cases was significantly different from those in England. Figures show that the rate of conviction for drunkenness was three times greater, four times greater for tax offences, 65% higher for assault, and twice as likely for “malicious and wilful destruction of property” than that of our nearest neighbours*.

The records are full of the minor incidents which are representative of the vast majority of cases which were brought before the Resident Magistrates. For example, Michael Downey of Athlone, Co. Westmeath was charged with being “drunk while in charge of an ass and cart in a public area” and Pat Curley of Cloonakilla, Co. Westmeath who was charged with causing “malicious injury to a bicycle”.

Brian Donovan, Director of, commented: “These court records open up a unique window into Irish society in the 19th century. Most families interacted with the law in one way or another, being perpetrators or victims of petty crime, resolving civil disputes, to applying for a dog licence. The records are full of the trauma and tragedy of local life, as family members squabbled, shop keepers recovered debt, and the police imposed order. These records help fulfil our mission to provide more than just names and dates, to get to the stories of our ancestors’ lives.”

Via EPR Network
More Internet & Online press releases

Stellar Phoenix releases SQL Recovery V4

Software to repair severely damaged MS SQL server database that is now enhanced with upto 15% faster scanning engine.

Edison, NJ, February 22nd, 2012: Stellar Data Recovery a landmark for data recovery products and services today announced the release of Stellar Phoenix SQL Recovery version 4; software that repairs corrupt or damaged Microsoft SQL Server database (.mdf & .ndf) files in a safe and non-destructive manner. The new version is updated with features such as upto 15% faster scanning engine, improved support for SQL Server 2008 R2, full support for NDF Files and detailed preview.

“Database corruption is one of the biggest nightmares in the life of a Database administrator that can occur due scenarios like improper shutdown of SQL Server, sudden application exit or virus attack. It not only puts the data at risk, also threatens to take a toll on businesses and revenues. Stellar Phoenix SQL Recovery software is a complete solution that can deal with all possible instances of SQL Server failure and recovers the components from any damage either in .mdf or .ndf file.” said Mr. Sunil Chandna, CEO Stellar Data Recovery.

Stellar Phoenix SQL Recovery v4 uses powerful algorithms to perform thorough scan, gives an option of selective recovery, and repairs all your SQL Server Tables, Views, User Defined Functions, Stored Procedures, Triggers, Rules and Indexes. Additionally you can try the software available in a free download version to scan the damaged SQL databases and preview all the recoverable objects. Stellar Phoenix supports MS SQL Server 2008 R2, 2008, 2008*64, 2008 Express, 2005, 2005*64, Express, 2000, 2000*64, 7.0 and mixed formats.

Pricing and Availability

Stellar Phoenix SQL Recovery Version 4.0 is available for immediate download and is available at a starting price point of $349.

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