Category Archives: B2b

eFax investiert in neues EMEA-Kanalprogramm um die digitale Transformation in ganz Europa zu beschleunigen

DUBLIN, 23-Sep-2020 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — eFax, die weltweit führende Online-Faxlösung, gibt heute den Start eines neuen EMEA-Kanalprogramms bekannt, das die Unterstützung von Vertriebspartnern und Kunden verstärken soll, um die digitale Transformation in ganz Europa zu beschleunigen.

Das neue eFax-Partnerprogramm bietet den EMEA-Vertriebspartnern Zugang zu einer breiteren Palette wertvoller Dienstleistungen und Ressourcen, die ihnen helfen, neue Umsatzmöglichkeiten zu generieren und gleichzeitig wertvolle Online-Faxlösungen anzubieten, um die Initiativen der Kunden zur digitalen Transformation in der gesamten EMEA-Region zu unterstützen.

Das neue EMEA-Kanalprogramm bietet eine Reihe von Tools zur Unterstützung loyaler Partner, darunter führende Telefongesellschaften, Unified Communications as a Service (UCaas), Managed Services, Systemintegratoren und Gesundheitsdienstleister, die ihren Kunden Cloud-Fax-Plattformen zur Verfügung stellen wollen, wodurch ein umfassenderes Netzwerk hoch engagierter Partner entsteht. Das Programm unterstützt eFax-Vertriebspartner mit wertvollen Cloud-Fax-Plattformen, Dienstleistungen und Beratungen, die benötigt werden, um die Umstellung auf cloudbasierte Faxkommunikation im Rahmen von Initiativen zur digitalen Transformation zu beschleunigen und die Leistung von geschäftskritischen Anwendungen und Abläufen zu gewährleisten.

Zu den entscheidenden Vorteilen des Programms für Partner gehört die Möglichkeit, auf die eFax-Expertise und Dienstleistungen in gehosteten Unified Communications as a Service (UCaas) und in gehosteten Private Branch Exchange (PBX) Systemen zuzugreifen und diese anzubieten. Partner können ihre Expertise im Bereich der Cloud-Kommunikation erweitern und sicherstellen, dass Kunden für die Zukunft innovieren können, indem sie von Faxgeräten und Servern vor Ort auf die Cloud umsteigen und HIPAA/HiTrust-Sicherheitskonformität gewährleisten.

„Wir bei J2 sind sehr erfreut, unser Vertriebspartner-Programm in ganz Europa einzuführen. Wir sehen eine großartige Gelegenheit, mit führenden Telekommunikationsunternehmen, UCaas, Managed Services, Gesundheitsdienstleistern und Systemintegratoren zusammenzuarbeiten“, sagte John Mannion, VP Alliances & Strategic Partnerships von eFax bei J2 Global

„Kunden stehen heute mehr denn je unter dem Druck, ihre Betriebsabläufe durch Cloud-Services zu verbessern, die papierlastige Prozesse ein für alle Mal beseitigen, die Zusammenarbeit verbessern und die Datensicherheit garantieren“, führte John Mannion, VP Alliances & Strategic Partnerships von eFax bei J2 Global, fort. „Unser eFax-EMEA-Kanalprogramm unterstützt wertvolle Partner bei der Bereitstellung von Online-Faxlösungen, die es den Kunden ermöglichen, ihre Mitarbeiter an entfernten Standorten zu unterstützen, ihre Abläufe besser zu verwalten und diese Anforderungen zu erfüllen.“

Die abgestufte Partnerschaftsstruktur des neuen EMEA-Kanalprogramms ermöglicht es den Kunden außerdem, die Fähigkeit eines Partners zur Durchführung von dienstleistungsbezogenen Aktivitäten leicht festzustellen. Die Partner können eine neue Ebene an Expertise und Wissen erreichen, damit sie zu Experten für die cloudbasierte Faxkommunikation werden können. Mit der Unterstützung dieses Programms können Partner erhöhte Einnahmemöglichkeiten identifizieren und generieren, um ihr Unternehmen beim Wachstum zu unterstützen.

„Wie wir beim nationalen Gesundheitssystem NHS im Vereinigten Königreich gesehen haben, ist es nicht so einfach, das Faxen als Kommunikationsinstrument ganz abzuschaffen, wie es auf den ersten Blick scheinen mag. Organisationen müssen sich stattdessen nach alternativen Technologien umsehen, die die Kommunikation aufrechterhalten, aber auf eine modernere und sicherere Art und Weise“, sagt Scott Wilson, Director of Service von eFax bei J2 Global.

Weitere Informationen über das eFax-EMEA-Partnerprogramm, einschließlich der Kriterien für eFax-Kanalpartner in Europa und Informationen darüber, wie sie einer werden können, finden Sie unter:

( Deutschland
( Vereinigtes Königreich
( Frankreich

SOURCE: EuropaWire

eFax investit dans un nouveau programme de distribution dans la région EMEA

DUBLIN, 23-Sep-2020 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — eFax (, la solution de fax en ligne leader au niveau international, a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement d’un nouveau programme de distribution dans la région EMEA, visant à renforcer le soutien apporté aux partenaires de distribution et aux clients afin d’accélérer la transformation numérique en Europe.

Le nouveau programme d’eFax fournira aux partenaires de distribution de la région EMEA l’accès à une plus vaste gamme de services et ressources afin de les aider à générer des opportunités de revenus tout en offrant d’importantes solutions de fax en ligne visant à accompagner les clients dans leur transformation numérique dans l’ensemble de la région EMEA.

Le nouveau programme de distribution EMEA propose une gamme d’outils conçus pour soutenir les fidèles partenaires, notamment dans les secteurs de la télécommunication, des communications unifiées en tant que service (UCaas), des services gérés, des intégrateurs systèmes et des prestataires de soins, engagés à fournir des plateformes de fax dans le Cloud à leurs clients, permettant ainsi de créer un réseau plus complet de partenaires fortement engagés. Le programme aide les partenaires de distribution d’eFax avec les plateformes de fax dans le Cloud, les services et conseils nécessaires pour accélérer le passage aux communications par fax basées dans le Cloud, dans le cadre des initiatives de transformation numérique visant à assurer le bon fonctionnement d’applications et d’opérations essentielles aux activités.

Les avantages clés du programme pour les partenaires incluent la possibilité d’accéder et de fournir des conseils et services d’eFax dans des systèmes hébergés par des communications unifiées en tant que service (UCaas) ou par un autocommutateur téléphonique privé (PBX). Les partenaires peuvent intensifier leur maîtrise des communications dans le Cloud et assurer que leurs clients puissent innover à l’avenir, en passant des fax et serveurs sur site à des systèmes dans le Cloud et en garantissant la conformité aux normes de sécurité HIPAA / HiTrust.

« Chez J2, nous sommes ravis de mettre en place notre programme de partenaires de distribution à travers l’Europe. Nous pensons qu’il s’agit d’une incroyable opportunité de s’associer à des leaders dans les secteurs des télécommunications, des services gérés, des prestataires de santé et des intégrateurs systèmes » a déclaré John Mannion, VP Alliances et Partenariats stratégiques, eFax chez J2 Global

« Maintenant plus que jamais, les clients sont soumis à la pression d’améliorer leurs opérations via des services dans le Cloud, éliminant les processus lourds en papier une fois pour toutes, de parfaire la collaboration et de garantir la sécurité des données » continuait John Mannion, VP Alliances et Partenariats stratégiques, eFax chez J2 Global. « Notre programme de distribution eFax dans la région EMEA aide d’importants partenaires à fournir des solutions de fax en ligne permettant à leurs clients d’habiliter leur personnel travaillant à distance, de mieux gérer leurs opérations et de répondre à ces exigences. »

La structure à niveaux du nouveau programme de distribution de la région EMEA permet également aux clients de mesurer facilement la capacité d’un partenaire à exécuter des activités liées aux services. Les partenaires peuvent atteindre de nouveaux niveaux de compétence et de connaissances, ce qui les aidera à devenir des experts dans le domaine des communications par fax basées dans le Cloud. Avec le soutien de ce programme, les partenaires peuvent identifier et générer davantage d’opportunités de revenus afin de stimuler la croissance de leurs activités.

« Comme nous l’avons vu avec le NHS, au Royaume-Uni, supprimer entièrement le fax comme mode de communication n’est pas aussi simple qu’il y paraît. Les organisations doivent plutôt envisager des technologies alternatives conservant ce mode de communication, mais de manière plus moderne et sécurisée », a déclaré Scott Wilson, directeur des services, eFax chez J2 Global.

Plus d’informations concernant le programme pour partenaires eFax dans la région EMEA, y compris les critères et comment devenir partenaire de distribution eFax en Europe, sont disponibles sur :

France (
Allemagne (
Royaume-Uni (

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Mono Websites added to the leadhub platform

COPENHAGEN, 23-Sep-2020 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Mono Solutions is pleased to announce a partnership with Lokale Internetwerbung GmbH & Co. KG, an expert in delivering a SaaS marketing solution to local businesses in more than 40 markets. This partnership brings the addition of Mono Websites to their proprietary toolbox offering, the leadhub platform.

As an established marketing provider with a focus on digital, leadhub is a spinoff from long-time Mono Partner, advantago. The leadhub platform was launched in 2012, and the addition of Mono Websites to the platform has been the perfect expansion alongside leadhub’s existing multi-channel, local marketing capabilities, including search engine advertising (SEA), display ads and Facebook ads.

“The launch of Mono in the leadhub platform is truly a testament to our long standing relationship and confidence in Mono’s technology. Throughout our partnership, Mono has always worked with us hand-in-hand to find solutions for new market developments and business opportunities – and it has therefore been a natural progression for us to involve them in our leadhub platform.” says Jens Unger, Executive Vice President at Lokale Internetwerbung, “We appreciate the openness and truly helpful nature of the Mono Team – and look forward to more exciting projects in the future.”

The leadhub platform focuses on providing marketing automation, as well as facilitating and optimizing the efforts of small businesses to reach more customers through the use of multi-channel online campaigns. With websites as a foundational element of any business’ digital presence, the addition of Mono Websites to leadhub was a central digital element to ensure that leadhubs’ small businesses clients can easily carry out- and effectively measure their digital advertising and marketing efforts.

“The leadhub project is very exciting, and we’re thrilled that Lokale Internetwerbung has included us on this exciting new journey to help small businesses. As a digital service provider with a proven track record, the leadhub platform is well positioned to bring more marketing automation to the digital efforts of small businesses. This aligns closely with our own vision of empowering small businesses to succeed online, and we’re thrilled to see our long-time partners, like Lokale Internetwerbung, forging innovative new concepts and ideas to bring professional websites to market”, says Svenn Andersen, COO at Mono Solutions.

Mono Websites were launched in the leadhub platform in August 2020.

S0URCE: EuropaWire

This Year’s NFL Season Could Be One For the Ages

San Jose, Costa Rica, 2020-Sep-09 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Although questions about how COVID-19 will affect the NFL remain, most football fans, analysts, players and coaches have turned their attention to the start of the 2020 season. The defending Super Bowl Champion Kansas City Chiefs host the Houston Texans in the first official game on Thursday, September 10. From September 10 to January 3, the National Football League hopes to play seventeen weeks of uninterrupted football before turning their attention to the playoffs and the Super Bowl.

The new season means more to pay per head bookies than it may to anyone else other than NFL players. Even during years when the NCAA has a Men’s College Basketball Tournament, betting handle drops off 20% to 30% after football season.

Now that the NFL is back, bookies, especially, are excited about the upcoming season and is seeing an increase in new agents. One experienced bookmaker said that 90% to 95% of his revenue comes from NFL betting. “I provide wagering services to fifteen people. They all bet on pro football. So, am I excited about the upcoming season? I’m enthralled!”

The coronavirus pandemic has already made the 2020 NFL Season unique. Many teams won’t play in front of fans. Teams that will allow fans, like the Atlanta Falcons, won’t play in front of full capacity stadiums. The lack of fans shouldn’t affect play on the field, as most people will be at home this winter watching the games across the country.

What could happen on the field is why so many are thrilled about this upcoming NFL season. It’s difficult to remember a time when an impact player like Tom Brady left his current team. Brady decided to leave the New England Patriots, a squad he won six Super Bowls with, to play for Bruce Arians and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Not only did Brady leave the Patriots but he ended up in the same division, the AFC South, as Drew Brees. The New Orleans Saints quarterback holds five NFL records. Brees and Brady face-off in Week 1 on Sunday, September 13.

Another quarterback battle has developed in the AFC. Kansas City’s Patrick Mahomes won the 2018 NFL MVP. The Baltimore Ravens’ Lamar Jackson won the 2019 award. Mahomes and Jackson are the favorites to win the 2020 Most Valuable Player Award. Also, their respective teams are the two favorites to win this year’s Super Bowl.

Tampa Bay and New Orleans in the NFC, along with the San Francisco 49ers and Dallas Cowboys, should spend all season jockeying for playoff positioning. In the AFC, the New England Patriots, who signed 2015 MVP Cam Newton to replace Brady, and Baltimore’s chief rival, the Pittsburgh Steelers, also figure to challenge for the conference championship.

Via EPR Network
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As NFL Season Draws Closer, Bookies Switch to New Software Providers

San Jose, Costa Rica, 2020-Aug-20 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Although the coronavirus pandemic represented a bump in the road, the Global Sports Betting Market is on track to reach $155.4 billion by 2024. The trajectory, which represents a compound growth rate (CAGR) of 8.8%, can mostly be attributed to a couple of sports. By far, international sports bettors wager on soccer. In the U.S., football is the players’ betting sport of choice.

As the online sports betting continues to grow more bookies are looking for more established software companies like to grow their businesses. Pay per head agents, those who use bookie software to run their sportsbooks, can expect the NFL to generate 2020 revenue in line with what they saw in 2019. In some cases, this NFL Season may generate more since players remain hesitant about visiting brick and mortar betting establishments.

Every year, the National Football League’s annual Super Bowl attracts the most wagering dollars of any single event. In 2018, the Super Bowl generated $158 million in handle. Some sports bettors wager exclusively on NFL football games. Their biggest bet of the year is on the Super Bowl.

Although the Big Ten and Pac 12 won’t have football this fall, the SEC, ACC, and Big 12 will. Also, the NFL is on track to start their season on time in September. The lack of Big Ten and Pac 12 games should have a negligible effect on football betting numbers. Most sports handicappers will turn their attention to SEC, ACC, and Big 12 college games.

Some pph sportsbook agents have already started the push for football wagering dollars. One agent who wished to remain anonymous said that he sent out the NFL’s opt-out list to his players a day after the league released it to the public.

The National Football League told players that they had until August 6 to opt-out of playing in the upcoming season. Players were compensated either $150,000 or $350,000 depending on their opt-out reason. On August 7, a per head agent copied the list and emailed it to his players. “I wanted to give my players information that can help them plan for the season.”

Customer care isn’t the only thing the agent did. He recently switched pay per head software providers, moving to a shop that offered credit card transactions. “Some of my players didn’t want to meet in person. Now, all they must do is use the system to pay me via credit card. I can also make payouts directly to their cards, which makes them happy.”

Although credit card transactions were the most important aspect that led to the switch, the bookmaking agent said that wasn’t the lone reason. “My players don’t wager much on NBA and MLB. So, I didn’t see much of a change in revenue. But losing the NCAA Basketball Tournament was huge. That’s my second best profit generator.”

“I had to find a pay per head shop that made it easy for me to import my players and offered more than my current provider did,” the agent said.

The agent added, “I don’t mind paying a higher per head fee because I can’t take the chance. I’ve got to try and make up the lost college basketball tournament profit with football betting.”

Via EPR Network
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Mono Solutions, part of Bauer Media Group’s SME Services, welcomes Jeppe Gammelby as its new CFO

COPENHAGEN, 10-Aug-2020 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Mono Solutions, part of Bauer Media Group’s SME Services, welcomes Jeppe Gammelby in the role as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) starting August 1, 2020.

The Management team is delighted to onboard a new Chief Financial Officer who can continue to manage the financial growth of Mono’s global and partner-driven Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) business. In his role as CFO, Jeppe will be responsible for ensuring a sustainable financial strategy that supports Mono’s growth strategy. Jeppe replaces Kasper Boel Rousøe, who has decided to pursue new career opportunities outside Bauer Media Group.

“With a proven track record within SaaS and fintech, I’m thrilled to welcome Jeppe Gammelby as our new Chief Financial Officer. As we accelerate the growth of our business, strong financial management is vital and we warmly welcome Jeppe’s experience,” says Louise Lachmann, CEO & Co-founder of Mono Solutions.With a strong financial background, Jeppe brings more than 10 years of experience in financial controlling, planning and management. In his prior role as Finance Director at Verifone, Jeppe was responsible for leading the development and implementation of key financial strategies and initiatives, as well as the overall financial analysis to support and optimize strategic decisions. Jeppe holds a Master’s Degree in Business Economics and Auditing from Copenhagen Business School in Denmark.

New CFO for Bauer SME Services

At the same time, Thomas Loft was appointed Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the Business Area SME Services, leading innovator and supplier of highly automated digital marketing services for small and mid-size companies. Thomas joins from the Danish company TimeExtender, where he was COO and CFO. Prior to that he had served for eBay in various senior Finance roles. Mono’s CFO Jeppe Gammelby will report directly to Thomas, as well as Louise Lachmann.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Bookies Clamoring for Safe and Secure Ways to Collect and Get Paid from Players

San Jose, Costa Rica, 2020-Aug-07 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — After the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act in 2018, U.S. based organizations created online sportsbooks to compete with offshore sportsbooks, also called post-ups.

Now the times have changed and as the local bookie business starts to gain in popularity, so do the demands of satisfying the players. And it’s PayPerHead’s proprietary Agent Payment Solution that is making it safe, convenient and practical for bookies from all walks of life to manage and grow their businesses.

Individuals have also become online sportsbook owners. In addition, existing bookies have taken their operations to the Internet. In most cases, bookies have become “pay per head agents”. A pay per head agent uses software to run their online sportsbook company. But although the software does some things well, most pay per head software struggles to meet agent needs.

Bookies must figure out on their own how to collect or pay players. In a social distancing age, that can cause major delays and disruptions in a bookie’s sportsbook operation. Not only that, but bookies cannot compete with offshore post-ups because they must keep their services at a local level.

Created in 1997, PayPerHead, a leading pph sportsbook software provider, has developed a mobile online payment interface, the Agent Payment Solution (APS®). PayPerHead’s agents can pay or collect from players via the APS in a matter of seconds. The APS works like PayPal but unlike PayPal, agents that use the APS mustn’t pay exorbitant fees.

The social distancing advantages are obvious. PayPerHead Product Manager Nate Johnson, though, said that’s just one advantage the Agent Payment Solution provides.

Johnson explains that, “We want our agents to be safe first of all. And not only that, but the APS allows agents to expand their businesses. It’s a mobile agent and player payment system that allows our agents to say, ‘Hey, you can pay and get paid in the same way as any offshore post-up operation.’ That allows our agents to increase their player footprint, which means they grow their sportsbook businesses, which means they make more money. Also, they don’t have to be restricted to the same area and can recruit players in other ways.”

Johnson noted that players can send money to their agents via credit cards, Bitcoin, eCheck, and even Moneygram. He added that PayPerHead believes the APS will revolutionize the pph sportsbook industry with its seamless technology. “With the APS, it’s all about confidentiality and security. We’ve created the PayPal for our industry. The difference is that the APS doesn’t charge a fee for every transaction the way PayPal does. In addition, our agents can make as much money as they want because they can promote their sportsbooks to players all over the world if they wish.”

Also, Johnson said the Agent Payment Solution provides peace of mind. “It’s a great thing to know that you’re going to get paid safely and securely. We’re the first and only to come up with an answer to that question, the most important question that pay per head bookies have. With the Agent Payment Solution, all our customers must do is go onto the system, go to Pay Me, then continue to the payout process and that’s it.”

Via EPR Network
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Bitcoin Proof of Stake – BitcoinPoS – BPS

Dallas, TX, USA, 2020-Aug-04 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — The Bitcoin core network today runs on the proof of work algorithm. It leaves the network open to the 51% attack, also it is costly to mine and harmful for the environment. The PoW mechanism has also been a hindrance to scalability.

However, numerous innovations are trying to deal with the issues, facing the Bitcoin network while preserving certain unique aspects of the original concept. For instance, the 21 million tokens supply along with the proven code-base that has been improved over a decade is worth preserving.

The Bitcoin Proof of Stake coin reserves the strongest aspect of the Bitcoin network with a flexible proof of stake algorithm. It presents a new paradigm in the utility of crypto. The Bitcoin PoS coin preserves everything that Bitcoin has while bringing new development to the blockchain technology.

Driving Mass Adoption
When Satoshi Nakamoto launched Bitcoin about a decade ago, his goal was mass adoption of crypto that would replace the current financial system. However, that goal has not been achieved. Many crypto projects in existence today have numerous issues that prevent mass adoption.

The Bitcoin PoS project aims to advance Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision of a decentralized financial network that is independent of centralized control. Bitcoin Proof of Stake is designed to be scalable and easy to use. The goal is to give access of banking services to billions of people globally. To achieve this, Bitcoin PoS aims to be a coin for ordinary retail payments.

About the Proof of Stake Mechanism
The Bitcoin network is secured using a proof of work mechanism. However, the PoW mechanism is energy-intensive and requires expensive mining rigs to secure. The proof of stake mechanism wants to replace how consensus is achieved. Instead of using PoW, the staker that generates a block has to provide proof that they have access to given number of coins.

Generating the block will entail the sending of coins to oneself, which proves ownership. The amount of coins needed for staking is determined via a difficulty adjustment model that is similar to the PoW mechanism. The goal is to ensure an approximate constant block time. Just like PoW, the block generation process will result in rewards via a transaction fee and supply model.

Bitcoin PoS Deals with the Bitcoin Centralization Problems
The Bitcoin network appears perfect to its proponents. However, it has a problem with centralization. The high cost of power and the expensive mining rigs mean that only a few select companies can afford to mine the BTC network.

The result is that only those with access to cheap power can secure the network. Today, most of those miners are located in China, which has led to a high concentration of mining power in one region. In effect, Chinese miners control the Bitcoin network. It was not the vision of decentralization that Satoshi Nakamoto had in mind.

To make the issue worse, the places where the cost of power is low also have highly authoritarian systems of government. Another issue is that in nations where the cost of power is high do not recognize BTC mining as a business. Thus, miners do not get access to subsidized power. It has led to the proliferation of mining cartels with some companies controlling as much as 5% of the mining power.

For retail miners, the only solution is to join mining pools, which effectively control all of the mining power of BTC. As a result, BTC is highly centralized in the current setup and it will only continue being centralized in the future.

Bitcoin PoS Solves the Issue
One of the issues that Bitcoin Proof of Stake solves is the cost of power. The proof of stake mechanism cuts the cost of power by 99%. As a result, it ensures that it will difficult from any entity to monopolize the network. The result is that Bitcoin PoS is achieving the vision of Satoshi Nakamoto.

The Current State of Bitcoin PoS
While Bitcoin Proof of Stake uses a proof of stake mechanism, the Bitcoin PoS still keeps up with upgrades to the Bitcoin network. Any upgrade made by the developers are added to the Bitcoin PoS blockchain. Today, the coin is tradable on crypto exchanges; it has a market price of USD 89.07 according to data on CoinMarketCap. It has a market cap of $308,995,384 and it is ranked at 40 by market cap in the world but actual raking on is 205 because of their raking systems.

New listings on different platforms and exchanges will come.

Via EPR Network
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Billionaire Richard Branson Called a Trademark Bully by the Trademark Law Professors of University of Washington, School of Law

Westborough, MA, 2020-Jul-30 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Virgin has targeted to attack over 300 small companies & non-profit charities. Common sense says that the word ‘virgin’ cannot be owned by one individual or organization but Virgin has deep pockets to destroy those who dare to fight for their rights.

“Opposing trademark registrations in unrelated fields is the classic behavior of a trademark bully,” says Mike Atkins, an attorney at Atkins Intellectual Property who teaches trademark law at the University of Washington, School of Law.

That’s why it came as a surprise that Branson decided to send a threatening cease-and-desist letter (where he tells the small start up to either commit a business suicide right away or else Virgin lawyers will destroy it within 30 days) to I Am Not A Virgin, a small eco-friendly denim label, claiming that the company’s name infringes on his copyright, as the Telegraph’s Laura Hubbert reported on the case.

Richard Branson’s lawyers demanded environmentally friendly start up jeans label ‘I Am Not A Virgin’ to cancel their trademark (a trademark they have been lawfully granted and owned for almost 4 years before they received the threat letter from Branson – reports Ms. HUBBERT in her article.

“I guess I could rename my jeans Not Made By Richard Branson” – comments sarcastically the founder of the brand. Branson also demanded the small business owner cease to sell current stock of the jeans and removes them from the stores which for a small business is a financial suicide and a loss of all start up investment costs essentially leading to the end of a business.

“Common sense says that the word ‘virgin’ cannot be owned by one individual or organization. In other words, it’s stupid to claim a colour of your own, let say a word. Branson, who’s also well known for his support of environmental causes, apparently has failed to see that” – says Anderson Antunes in his Forbes article about Virgin’s abuse on small entrepreneurs.

Attorney at law, Widerman Malek, summaries in his comments: “If Richard Branson has his way, it might be. ” He adds: “Although sometimes considered a bully in the trademark office, they remain unapologetic for their stance.”

According to multiple news reports, in the past several years, the Virgin group has targeted over 300 companies who used the word Virgin in their name, URL or marketing slogan. Unfortunately, many of these 300 companies are small businesses who do not have the resources to fight back against a multi-billion dollar company with hundreds or even thousands of lawyers on their retainer. These small businesses almost always settle simply because they cannot afford to fight.

Widerman Malek brings up some of the companies Virgin attacked:

  • Virgin Vapors – a small vapor company located in California whose owner currently refuses to change its name despite being threatened by Virgin.
  • The owners of domain names,,, and The Virgin group alleges cyberpiracy for any company using the name virgin in their domain, even if it is not their business name.
  • Author Cristina Crayn, who named one of her published books, “Tales from the Virgin Vault.”
  • Virgin Valley Cab – a cab company in the Virgin Valley geographic location of Northwest Arizona, who recently came to an agreement with conglomerate to stop using the name.
  • Las Virgenes United Educational Foundation – a nonprofit organization in the Las Virgenes School District. The Virgin Group attempted to block the trademark application. Evidently, any virgin will meet their criteria – no matter which language it’s in and if destroying charities for children is to take place.
  • I Am Not A Virgin – a New York clothing company which specializes in creating and selling denim products.
  • Virgin Air, a small airline in the American Virgin Islands, which no longer exists under this name due to Virgin’s lawsuits.
  • CBS Studios, who may be opposed by the Virgin Group in an attempt to trademark the name Jane the Virgin, which they will use as a sitcom name.
  • Last year, the Virgin group attempted to stop Valle Grande from trademarking a phrase that contained the words “virgin olive oil”, using the argument that Valle Grande currently only sells vinegar.
  • In 2004, the conglomerate sued a tiny apparel retailer called Virgin Threads in federal court in New York; the retailer dropped the name a year later as they could not afford to battle with Virgin any longer.
  • VIRGINIC – Purity Perfected – small cosmetics brand, selling “beyond organic”, handcrafted, allergy-free face creams in small batches. Virgin has been suing them with malicious, aggressive litigations, on the ongoing basis from 2018-2020 in multiple countries to starve them financially to business death, as Virgin did with other start ups. Interestingly, Virgin abandoned selling cosmetics years ago making public statements on their own website that they have no intention to sell beauty products. As of July 2020, VIRGINIC still refuses to be bullied and to give up their name.

Via EPR Network
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CDP Industry Update July 2020: revenue for 2020 estimated at $1.3 billion, 30% up YoY

SWARTHMORE, PA, U.S.A., 28-Jul-2020 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — The Customer Data Platform industry continued to grow in the first half of 2020, but at a slower pace as cautious buyers absorbed pandemic-related budget cuts and assessed new entries from enterprise software vendors. The CDP Institute’s semi-annual Industry Update found a record number of new vendors entered the industry but that growth in employment and funding was the lowest in two years.

The CDP Institute estimates industry revenue for the 2020 at $1.3 billion, a respectable 30% increase of $1 billion in 2020. Enterprise software vendors listed for the first time include Adobe, Microsoft, Oracle, and SAS. These firms were added because they now offer products that meet the CDP Institute’s RealCDPTM standard. Estimated 2020 sales for these vendors are modest but are expected to grow rapidly in future years.

In all, a record twenty-two vendors were added to the report. More than half were U.S.-based and the majority offered campaign management and message delivery in addition to the core CDP function of building and sharing unified customer profiles. Most of these were large, established companies that were adding CDP to existing products. A minority were small, new companies that with products designed as CDPs from the start.  These were more likely to be based outside the U.S., with particular growth in Europe.

The period also saw a sharp slowdown in investment activity, with only one major acquisition (Evergage purchased by Salesforce) and one large funding round ($45 million for mParticle). There were no significant acquisitions made by CDP vendors and no CDP vendors left the industry. The preceding six month period saw six major funding events, three acquisitions of CDP vendors, four acquisitions by CDP vendors, and four CDP vendors ceasing to exist.

“The CDP industry was entering a transitional phase even before the pandemic, with increased competition from CDP capabilities embedded in larger systems,” said CDP Institute CEO David Raab. “The pandemic has accelerated this development and put increasing pressure on small CDP developers. But the need for CDP capabilities remains strong and many firms are prioritizing CDP investments as they prepare for the post-pandemic world. We expect that industry growth will accelerate as economic activity picks up and buyers have a chance to assess the new options that are now becoming available.”

A free copy of the complete report is available here.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

VPS Server Hosting: Add The Power of Managed Hosting to Your Business Brand

Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh India, 2020-Jul-21 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Doing the right kind of PR for your website is a vital mandate which you can’t possibly dispose of. When it is about making or erecting the right PR for your web-based business ventures, cheap VPS Hosting stands as a lofty practice that does not give you a page three promise. On the other hand, it does shine like a new penny and promises to give a new stature to your web interface.

For the best values, industry connoisseurs feel that business websites should greet the Cheap VPS Hosting solutions. Doing so, they are presumably going to head towards complete riddance from all sorts of problems related to hosting of the website.

Let’s be clear about something. With a value-driven VPS Server Hosting solutions, business websites will definitely own cloud-based solutions. The Cloud Control Panel which would be an integral part of the web hosting services should be dandy.

As you own your business website with the Reboot and Restart facilities, things don’t get sticky. As a matter of fact, trickier issues will get sorted at ease without exerting much pressure on you as end-users.

Root Password And Administrative Passwords are crucial for administrative tasks and requirements. There are several things which tend to be vital are the names, models, admin, protocols as well as different phases of access levels. You will need to take special care and note of these things to make sure that the passwords really work the way you would love them to. In this regard, you should also bear in mind that they can alter themselves entirely responding to your precise requirements. When you would require them finding the passwords for admin would be no hassles at all for your company website.

It will be really helpful to look at the hosting requirements with the support and backup from both Linux as well as Windows. Linux And Windows Based Operating System has the outrageous prowess to unprecedentedly give quick rise to a much-enhanced working capacity in the web interface that you intend to pack with the best SEO advantages. Besides, you become capable of making the website load in no less than one click as it were.

Gradually, you start making the main IP address more intensely effective. Main IP is definitely going to help you land at a convenient state of affairs. During quintessential circumstances, you can moderate the IP address provided you truly deem it fit.

What does it mean to be abreast of the crucial power of the Switzerland VPS Hosting? Well, it is like a great adornment that your website is yet to receive so far. The DNT Console is part of the package you expect from the Switzerland VPS Hosting solutions. DNT Console is presumably a great achievement. It remarkably helps you figure out what you should really do with the Ram and Hard Disk. In the same line, it also turns out to be a pretty big help in the context of seamless Bandwidth Monitoring. As you own your mastery over the crucial bandwidth monitoring, you can gain more control. Such control would potentially help you in establishing your command in web development precinct of OS Reinstall.

Users can flex their adroit control over the OS with a sturdy tech support system that is available for twenty-four and seven. These support systems happen to be highly compatible with divergent states of web interfaces as well as web platforms. Industries in a different niche market can find these solutions to be absolutely compatible with the norms and regulations. The services can modify also. Whenever you choose you can get the OS customized and revamped. So, it is basically the user’s delight to be able to keep using the VPS Hosting solutions and applications. The configuration also proves to be pretty comfy and does not impose any added pressure on you.

Be it the fundamental tasks or be it any core task such as process management, the apt operating systems will take care of it all sans glitch. The input as well as the output will be taken care of quite skillfully. The resources for the website will be intact as well. Everything is automated and thus your command over things will be assured. You might be using Ubuntu, Windows, Debian, CENTOS as well as any other version of the present time. Use any version aptly and get your system loaded in a jiffy. Don’t worry about the main IP, VSC as well as VPC.

Owing to the powerful hosting services in Switzerland, you can stay far away as well as much ahead of the wrongful appropriation. It becomes quite easy for you to minimize the challenges which you occasionally face.

Via EPR Network
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Brandify to launch with Mono Scheduling in Q3 2020

COPENHAGEN, 10-Jul-2020 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Mono Solutions announces their partnership with Brandify, the leader in local presence for multi-location brands, to bring appointment booking to local businesses across North America.

With more than 20 years of experience providing businesses with comprehensive digital marketing solutions, Brandify was looking for a provider to deliver a scheduling solution to meet a wide variety of business use cases, and serve as a new digital presence opportunity for their more than 300 multi-location brand clients, as well as the 4.5 million brick-and-mortar locations that they serve.

“We needed a partner who could provide appointment booking functionality at the scale required by brand customers with hundreds or thousands of locations.” says Manish Patel, CEO at Brandify. “Mono Scheduling will help us build the next level of engagement between brand clients and customers.”

Mono Scheduling is a truly flexible solution that can be embedded on any platform to enable bookings on local store pages, online business listings, social media profiles such as Google My Business and Facebook, and elsewhere. With a simple booking flow, Mono Scheduling allows brick-and-mortar locations to focus on running their day-to-day business, and still accept new bookings from clients 24/7.

“We’re happy to announce our partnership with Brandify, and look forward to bringing our appointment booking solution to multi-location brands. It’s great to be partnered with an established brand, like Brandify, that has a truly impressive footprint in providing powerful software and services to local businesses, as well as delivering excellence in local digital presence.” says Matt Matergia, Vice President of Sales & General Manager of the Americas at Mono Solutions.

Brandify is launching with Mono Scheduling in Q3 2020 to enable online appointment booking for their professionals.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Onlive Server Announced a Pragmatic Choice Ukraine VPS Hosting

Ghaziabad/Uttar Pradesh, India, 2020-Jul-04 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — When you are preparing to start a website to showcase your services or products, there are some essential factors that you should consider before sign up with Ukraine VPS Hosting Plans. You might know that, for a global reach, web hosting is necessary. Also, you should have a mental map about the design of the website as well as how you can use it to serve the target audience. For example, you should know what kind of content you must include on your website to cater to the visitor’s interest.

However, besides all the above things, you cannot neglect the importance of selecting the right hosting plan for your website. When it comes to select the perfect hosting plan, two options will be available for you. They have shared web hosting and Cheap VPS Hosting.

Is Shared Web Hosting Good for the Website Owners?
For those who have just started their business and have a tight budget, can use a shared web hosting. However, in shared hosting, you might have to share your resources such as processing power, bandwidth, disk space with others. Hence, multiple users use the same resources, and therefore loading speed of your server will be reduced day by day.

Besides, with the shared web hosting, you cannot enjoy ultimate server space or bandwidth and for this reason, you will not be able to enjoy a high network uptime. Therefore, if you are planning to grow your business activities, you can rely on VPS server hosting that is more scalable and secure.

Why is Cheap VPS Server a better choice for Business?
If your website is dealing with the private information of customers as well as engaging high traffic, you can opt for a VPS server. In VPS hosting, an entire physical server is rented by an organization so that only that company can use the resources. As resources are never shared, you can get a high network uptime.

Also, if you work with the Ukraine VPS Hosting, then you will get some additional benefits. Like, there are no chances of backlisted. Apart from this, a VPS server can provide you with more security than shared web hosting. A cheap VPS server can even increase the loading speed of your server and this will surely improve your search engine ranking. I Hope, you might know that, for an online business, search engine ranking plays an important role.

One of the major benefits of choosing the Cheap VPS hosting solution is that you will get the root access of the server. It means you can change the server setting to install software and applications which might fulfill your business requirements. Apart from this, if you rent a managed cheap VPS server, the entire process, like securing, monitoring will be handled by the VPS service provider. You can be assured that all the server related issues will be resolved by your service provider’s support team without any delay. Also, if you choose the Ukraine VPS server as your partner, your server does not face the downtime problem.

Why should you upgrade to VPS Server Hosting Solutions?
If you rent a cheap VPS server, then to accommodate high web traffic, you can upgrade additional resources. Such as greater bandwidth and high processing power. Besides that, there are minimum chances of hacking or malicious attacks. Therefore, when you have started with a shared web hosting plan and find that other users are eating the server resources, you should instantly rent a cheap VPS Hosting and reach your business to the topmost level.

Besides that, if your server is dealing with the online financial transaction that requires confidentiality, you can choose a cheap VPS server. Also, with a VPS server, you can enjoy the kind of reliability that you need to install new applications or configure the server settings.

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PayPerHead Agents See Huge Uptick in Online Casino Gaming

San Jose, Costa Rica, 2020-Jun-10 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ —, a sportsbook technology leader, wanted a grasp of how the sports shutdown affected online casino gaming.

The company’s revenue results showed that sports bettors turned to casino gaming in droves. Overall casino revenue rose from March 11, the day the NBA shut down their season, to the end of May.

The most significant percentage surge came via live dealer casinos. From January to May,’s live dealer casino segment saw a revenue increase of 317%. The growth percentage dwarfs the digital casino revenue increase of 185%.

The numbers suggest that live dealer casino play is growing on an accelerated trajectory. What could account for the difference in revenue growth percentages?

PayPerHead’s Product Manager Nate Johnson spoke about how live dealer casinos bring “Vegas-like excitement.” Per Johnson, “Sportsbook software allows players to stream live dealer games on their tablets and mobile phones. Digital casinos use animation, and its cool animation. But many casino players still crave the human element.”

“Numbers don’t lie. If you’re a PayPerHead agent that doesn’t offer a live dealer casino, add it to your offerings. Las Vegas may never be the same. And, I’ll put our dealers up against any dealer you find in a brick and mortar casino,” Johnson said.

The biggest question is whether the growth in both digital casino and live dealer casino play will continue after the pandemic. Here again, it’s good news for PayPerHead agents.

PayPerHead’s revenue stats imply that sports shutdowns didn’t cause an upward trend and that the growth in casino play won’t stop anytime soon. The uptick in digital casino handle rose from $63.519M in January to $93.323M in February. From February to March, the digital casino handle rose to $110.758M.

Handle in agent run live dealer casinos rose from $9.95M in January to $12.02M in February to $22.82M in March. The numbers imply that casino play, both digital and live dealer, should continue to rise even after regular sports return. The growth trend should remain intact well into 2021 and beyond. Johnson said that when sports return, it may help raise casino gaming revenue. “Sports bettors wager on casino games while casino players don’t always wager on sports. If anything, PayPerHead agents are likely to see an uptick in all gaming segments once major US sports return.”

About PayPerHead:
Founded in 1997, PayPerHead is the industry’s leading online sportsbook software provider. The company prides itself on being a sports betting tech leader and customer-centric organization. Currently, PayPerHead provides sportsbook software solutions to over 15,000 bookies with over 75,000 players.

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Virgin hires private investigators to spy and find out where VIRGINIC employees live in the US. VIRGINIC wins with Virgin twice in the UK

Austin, Texas, 2020-Jun-09 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Hypocrisy continues. Richard Branson claims to support small entrepreneurs and yet Virgin lawyers attack and destroy small start-ups.

Jolly Santa figure or a Business Bully?

Common sense says that the word ‘virgin’ cannot be owned by one individual or organization. After suing VIRGINIC, will Virgin now go after British Virgin Islands, the country? Or after Madonna for a song “Like a Virgin?”. Welcome to the Jungle where you can hire the most ruthless and manipulative lawyers, shall your deep pockets allow the cost.

Richard Branson, he of the goatee beard, shaggy hair and permanently fixed grin is not a man who needs to worry about money. His personal net worth is as of 2020 approximately 4.2 billion USD according to Google. The Virgin Group had an annual turnover in 2016 of around 25 billion USD. The Group’s business interests extend, to use the legal phrase, ad coelum et ad inferos. For those of us without a Classical education, that means up to heaven and down to hell, from trains on the ground to telecommunications in the atmosphere around us up to commercial space flight, Virgin has many fingers in many pies.

Of the many classes of goods and services marketed under the Virgin name cosmetics is not one of them. In June 2009, Virgin explicitly announced its intent to not use any mark containing the term “Virgin” in connection with the sale of cosmetics, skincare, and beauty products by announcing that it was “moving away from glamorous adventures in this particular retail sector.” A crystal clear statement of intent that stands to this day as Virgin still doesn’t sell cosmetics under the Virgin name and has long abandoned its mark with respect to cosmetics and skincare goods.

Enter stage right VIRGINIC LLC. Virginic was created two and a half years ago and is a startup specializing in mission-based, allergy-free, chemical-free beauty products with “virginic” level of purity, sold strictly through ecommerce channels. Small company with big ethos of superior standards of ingredients purity and ethics, vegan and unprocessed. Despite the fact that Virgin has no current or future interest in goods of this type, and that VIRGINIC is a different brand name than Virgin, Virgin has been aggressively pursuing a frankly absurd and bullying course of action against VIRGINIC for the past 2 years.

The logos of the two companies look nothing alike, the name of VIRGINIC is not similar and no person is going to think their VIRGINIC face cream has anything at all to do with Virgin Atlantic airline. There is no reason for Virgin to maliciously keep trying to destroy a company like VIRGINIC. It poses no threat whatsoever to Virgin’s business interests or to consumers but it is under attack by an army of lawyers in multiple countries, where employees are spied by lawyers, their linkedin profiles invigilated and people straight abused.

This sad state of affairs began when VIRGINIC LLC applied to register their trademark in the UK. In January 2018 the mark was accepted and published in the Trade Marks Journal in respect of Class 03, which covers cosmetics and skincare goods. The UK IPO governmental trademark officer accepted the trademark as it concluded no marketplace confusion nor even similarity. Virgin opposed it despite the fact that it does not sell cosmetics. As any reasonable person would expect, Virgin’s opposition failed, another senior UK IPO specialist decided VIRGINIC wins for a second time on the basis that the average consumer would not make a connection between VIRGINIC chemical-free cosmetics and Virgin Mobile.

However Virgin has massive resources and aggressive lawyers who appealed to the UK Court claiming that the original hearing officer was incorrect and his decision should be overturned. Additionally, aiming to destroy at all cost and against all merits, the lawyers attacked further demanding $50,000 from VIRGINIC.

Thomas M Monagan from Norvell IP, USA, together with Geo Hussey from A.A. Thornton in UK continued by opening more lawsuits in the USs and UK, serving litigation papers to unrelated companies that managers of VIRGINIC used to work for, all to harass the small company to the extreme point so they give up and destroy themselves on Virgin’s request. Virgin also hired a private investigators, as they disclosed to Court in Wyoming, to find out where employees and managers physically live.

In May 2020 same lawyers served VIRGINIC employees lawsuits via their private Linkedin profiles and to random email addresses found on the internet. Such actions could have been a Monty Python sketch, but sadly these days lawyers are apparently allowed to invade people’s privacy.

VIRGINIC stood strong and refused to be destroyed. A fight with multi billion dollar bully can cause significant hardship to any startup in its early stages. While Virgin has the resources to indulge in frivolous and harassing court cases, VIRGINIC does not.

This could bring any other company to its knees, halting operations and causing the lay offs of valuable and experienced staff, impacting the company and making its people jobless. Malicious lawyers applying a technique of continued harassment to burden financial resources of a smaller company and take an emotional toll on its staff is a technique called bullying. Where VIRGINIC should be concentrating on growing and developing its allergy-free and ethically-sourced products, which could change the face of the beauty industry, it is instead being forced to fight for its very survival even though it has done nothing against Virgin whatsoever.

Virgin’s lack of good faith and attempts of its lawyers to harass and destroy is even more clear looking at Virgin’s long history of trademark abuse. Even a cursory search of online sources will reveal multiple examples of trademark abuse and bullying small start ups.

Via EPR Network
More Internet & Online press releases releases Free App to “Password Protect the USB Flash Drive” for Android has released the World’s First App to Password Protect the USB Flash Drive for Android users on Google Play Store.

PADOVA, Italy, 2020-Jun-03 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — has released a powerful security app for Android users on Google Play Store called ‘USB Lockit’. The app allows you to password protect the USB flash drive keeping it safe from unauthorized access.

This application enables you to set a pin-code protection to your USB flash drive. Once this has been done, the drive is effectively locked until the correct pin is entered. Once the drive is locked, one cannot read no write to it without the correct pin.

With this software, all your photos, audio, videos and other files stored on a FAT32/exFAT formatted USB flash drive can be easily protected from prying eyes. When you lock the drive, unauthorized access is prevented in all Operating Systems.

“We are happy to announce the new app release which is user-friendly and protects the USB flash drive with the private files effectively. The fact that the software is available for Windows and Android means that it is ideal for anyone who works with PC or Smartphone”, says Nicola Bezze, CEO of

Compatible with your Android phones, Install USB Lockit from Google Play Store and password protect your USB flash drive:


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A New Cryptocurrency – BitcoinPoS – Bitcoin Proof of Stake

Chicago, IL, 2020-Jun-1 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Investing in Bitcoin (BTC) is now expensive, and getting your own through mining is nearly impossible for the average person. However, a new opportunity can be found in Bitcoin Proof of Stake.

BitcoinPoS: The Best of Bitcoin and PoS
Bitcoin Proof of Stake (BTP) was created by a team of developers that recognized the capabilities of the Bitcoin code and sought to improve them. They did this by replacing Bitcoin’s Proof of Work consensus protocol with Proof of Stake, resulting in a new and improved coin called BTP.

Proof of Work has proven that it is a less efficient protocol when compared to PoS, as it moves slower, cannot be easily scaled, and can favor centralization.

To improve upon the unique features of the Bitcoin code, the developers introduced Proof of Stake, thus creating a new coin, BTP, which challenges the boundaries of crypto functionality. If the Bitcoin core goes through an update, then BitcoinPoS will be immediately updated to include the new alterations.

The BitcoinPoS network can create no more than 21 million BTP. The new coins are generated not by mining, but through staking. The supply of BTP is managed from its protocol, which cuts the block reward once every 4 years by 25% every 700k blocks. BTC decreases with 50% of the reward every 4 years.

BitcoinPoS and Its Advantages

Pro-Decentralization Design
Mining is an energy-intensive process, as miners compete to be the first to solve the complex mathematical equations in order to get the block reward. In a Proof of Stake network, the stakers, or validators, can get new coins by keeping a number of BTP in an active wallet.

Due to its design, staking does not demand energy in high quantities, like in PoW systems. Most Bitcoin mining operations are now controlled by big companies, as only they have the capital to invest in many performant mining rigs. This leaves out regular people who cannot afford mining hardware, and thus the hashrate of the network becomes centralized, limited to only a few big mining farms. But with BTP, all users can stake coins, therefore, encouraging participation from more people and distribution of power throughout the network.

Resilience Against 51% Attacks
Centralization in PoW-based coins is an issue, as it leaves the network susceptible to a 51% attack, where one entity takes hold of 51% of the network hashrate. This person then has absolute power over the network and can manipulate transactions and block creation.

BitcoinPoS is resistant to 51% attacks, as the PoS protocol was designed to promote decentralization. BTP also uses a variation of the Proof of Stake model known as Mutualized Proof of Stake consensus, which is almost impossible to breach by an attacker, as it requires a lot of resources.

99% Reduction in Power Consumption
A PoS system does not need users to solve complex algorithms that are energy-consuming. This allows staking to be a more economical process of generating new BTP, using 99% less than Bitcoin mining.

Friendly to the Environment
All PoW mining operations are taxing on the environment because of its high energy consumption. Bitcoin PoS can function and issue new coins without the need for mining farms, and thus it is more eco-friendly.

Universally Accessible to Users
Setting up and managing a mining rig to mine Bitcoin is a big investment that not many people can afford. BTPs can be easily staked by all people, as a laptop or a personal computer is powerful enough to be used in staking.

Bitcoin Proof of Stake (BTP) allows all types of users to easily invest in a more efficient version of Bitcoin that carries with it all the perks of a PoS model.

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Matvil Corp. Continues Its Fight Against Illegal Actions of the Legal System of Moldova

A case of intellectual rights dispute sheds light on the corrupt legal system of Moldova

TORONTO, Canada, 2020-May-15 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — As one of the leading online ethnic TV providers, operating in North America, Matvil Corp. discovered, there is no reliable system in place that protects legal broadcasters from dishonest competition. In their attempts to enter the US and Canadian markets, Internet pirates commit fraud and manipulate data in order to influence the corrupt legal system of Eastern European countries and try to destabilize operations of successful companies, cause financial damage and hurt their reputation.

The case Radio Star Ltd. against Matvil Corp. is a vivid proof of such practices.

On June 8, 2018, Radio Star Ltd. filed a lawsuit against Matvil Corp. in the court of Chisinau, Moldova, stating that the latter illegally broadcasted a number of Russian and Ukrainian channels on the territory of Moldova.

It should be noted right away that in support of its demands, Radio Star (Moldova), knowingly and deliberately used various methods to circumvent technical protection measures undertaken by Matvil Corp., and subsequently presented them as evidence. Using ExpressVPN program, accomplices or employees of Radio Star (Moldova), (which in this case is a media “pirate”), physically located in the Republic of Moldova, created user accounts and, using American IP addresses, with location in New Jersey, USA, registered on the Matvil Corp website, thereby creating the illusion of receiving services offered by the company.

It should be clarified that ExpressVPN program is a virtual tunnel that virtually changes the physical location of a computer or other electronic device, assigning this device a virtual IP address, indicating a virtual location anywhere in the world (at the choice of the user of this program), while physically, the electronic device is located in its territorial space.

Matvil Corp is a respectable media provider that provides online TV broadcasting services in Canada and the United States. Subscription access to the service for users from the countries of former USSR and Russia is strictly prohibited and unavailable.

However, malicious desire for illegal enrichment pushes such adversaries as Radio Star (Moldova) to resort to illegal actions, falsification, fraud and the commission of crimes using IT technologies.

Moreover, as it became known already in the framework of the trial, Radio Star (Moldova) does not have exclusive rights at all to broadcast Russian and Ukrainian television channels in the territory of the Republic of Moldova. Radio Star (Moldova) is just an agent for the distribution and conclusion of contracts with the end consumer and with a limited duration of contractual agreements.

In addition, Matvil Corp did not receive any claims from the copyright holders, and Radio Star (Moldova) did not provide any evidence that authority was granted by the copyright holders to protect their interests.

Despite all of the above, on January 18, 2019, Chisinau Court of First Instance, Judge Oksana Parfeni, ruled in favor of Radio Star, accepting all their fabricated evidence as reliable, but denied Matvil Corp representatives the right to hear IT experts / specialists and also denied the right to hear those persons who allegedly gained access to the service.

If the court were objective and impartial, then these adversaries would be asked only one question: “For what reason and why did they use ExpressVPN program, used American IP addresses, with location in New Jersey, USA, and did not try to log in on Matvil Corp website under valid Moldovan IP addresses? ”

On February 2, 2019 lawyer Matvil Corp appealed the decision of the first instance, however, even here Matvil Corp had to face partiality.

On April 5, 2019, that is, after 2 months, Chisinau Appeal Chamber issued a Decision, which decided to return the appeal because it was filed by an unauthorized person. The reason for this decision was a banal and completely illegal motive: the power of attorney issued to the company’s lawyer was allegedly not legalized in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova.

It should be noted that this Decision was not sent to Matvil Corp lawyers until May 15, 2019 (apparently it was concealed in order to have the appeal dates expire). Only after applying with an official statement and demanding to indicate at what stage the filed appeal was, the court deigned to issue this Decision.

On the same day, May 15, 2019, the lawyer filed a protest against the Decision dated April 5, 2019, where it was decided to return the appeal, and on June 6, 2019, the Higher Trial Chamber of the Republic of Moldova ruled that the power of attorney was legal, and therefore obliged the Appeals Chamber to consider on its own merits the appeal about the decision of the first instance of the Court.

Thus, the first ray of hope for the objectivity and honesty of the Moldovan Judicial System appeared.

November 14, 2019 – The Appeal Court acknowledged the fact that Radio Star (Moldova) does not have any exclusive rights to broadcast TV programs and does not have the authority to protect the interest of copyright holders and, as a result, reversed the decision of the first instance and dismissed adversaries’ lawsuit.

It seemed as though that justice has triumphed!!!

However, the miracles of the legal / judicial system of Moldova continued.

Just by accident and thanks to the vigilance of the lawyers, it became known that Radio Star submitted cassation appeal to the Supreme Court of Justice on January 14, 2020.

This information appeared on the court’s website, but until today, neither Matvil Corp nor the company’s lawyer have received a copy of this complaint and have not been officially informed of its existence.

Moreover, on March 18, 2020 this complaint has already passed the admissibility procedure, and the review itself is scheduled for May 20, 2020 and, what is noteworthy, without the participation of the parties!

This series of non-compliance with the requirements of the Law by the system itself, which was created to protect it, shows that it serves the interests of a certain group of people.

Using the Moldovan judicial system, unscrupulous competitors try to destabilize the business and cause serious financial and reputational damage to American and Canadian companies that do not conduct and did not intend on conducting business in Moldova.

Via EPR Network
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PayPerHead® Sportsbook Software Helps Online Bookies Stay in Business

San Jose, Costa Rica, 2020-May-12 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Major U.S. Sportsbooks saw betting numbers cut in half year over year in March 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic swept the nation, putting a stop to major events, including sports.

Normally one of the busiest months in the betting industry, the American Gaming Association estimates that profits for the brick and mortar gambling hubs have taken a financial hit of approximately 60% overall, and well over 500,000 workers have been affected.

Joe Asher, CEO of William Hill U.S., which operates sportsbooks in Nevada, New Jersey, and several other states told ESPN, “I do not see a scenario where [the pandemic] goes on sort of too long and somehow the industry withers away… The fundamentals of the sports betting business are pretty strong.”

PayPerHead and the Sportsbook owners that partner with them understand that the single most important fundamental of sports betting is entertainment. In response, they have become increasingly creative in providing their customers with the gambling entertainment their players crave.

The upside is, independent bookmakers are discovering that their clients who normally only wager on sports are becoming more and more engaged in digital offerings such as iRacing, eSports, casino gaming, and simulated sports. Essentially, this pandemic is creating a whole new kind of bettor.

Nate Johnson, Product Manager at PayPerHead® said, “Gone are the days that sports bettors will go into hibernation the day after Superbowl. This [coronavirus pandemic] has been rough, but it’s also got a silver lining. Our agents are turning their players into horse bettors, eSports enthusiasts, iRacing bettors, sim sports fans, and casino gamers. Those bettors won’t just walk away from all that when sports start up again; now they’ll be cross-platform players.”

Indeed, it seems clear that independent online gaming is growing exponentially in the face of the pandemic, and existing bookies and new agents alike are discovering that they can have a viable and lucrative home business by using a turnkey sportsbook operating system like that offered by PayPerHead.

In fact, many new bookmakers who may have hesitated to get into the business before are getting started now, and “doing quite well,” according to Johnson.

PayPerHead made an unprecedented move in response to the pandemic, offering its software services free of charge until major U.S. sports return. Says Johnson of PayPerHead’s offering, “It’s a pretty good start-up opportunity for a new agent; you can’t beat free. Bookies can test the waters and get their new business off the ground. With no deposit required and free access to all the prime features of the system, new agents can just concentrate on building their player base and making money, without any of the overhead costs normally associated with starting an online sportsbook ”

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Olivier Gerey-Bak joins Mono Solutions as Chief Product Officer (CPO)

COPENHAGEN, 4-May-2020 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Mono Solutions has recruited Olivier Gerey-Bak as Chief Product Officer (CPO) and welcomes him as the newest member of the Executive Management team effective as of May 1, 2020.

As part of Mono’s vision to deliver the ultimate platform for small businesses to drive their business online, the onboarding of a CPO will help strengthen the continued delivery of best-in-class technology to Mono’s worldwide network of partners. Olivier’s role will focus on Mono’s product vision and strategy, as well as managing the roadmap of for all Mono services and offerings.

“With my background in digital products, I’m delighted to be joining Mono Solutions to continue to bring innovation, knowledge and structure to our product development. As a leader, I hope to bring an agile and cross-functional approach to Mono’s Product Team and deliver solutions that translate the needs of small businesses and our partners into our platform” says Olivier Gerey-Bak, CPO at Mono Solutions

Olivier is an experienced leader of global product management teams with recent management positions at Planday and Endomondo, as well as a background working for other B2B software solutions including BMC Software and Symantec. He also brings experience from companies with white-label solutions, 24i and Xstream, where he delivered online media applications and services for leading brands like Tennis Channel, FuboTV and Canal Digital – a part of Telenor.

“We’re thrilled to welcome Olivier to the Mono Team. As a technology company, we’ve always prided ourselves on delivering the best solution to our partners – and the addition of Olivier as Mono’s CPO is a testament to our continued dedication to providing the SMB market with the ultimate digital solutions for succeeding online.” says Louise Lachmann, CEO & Co-founder at Mono Solutions

Olivier holds a Masters Degree in Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications from the University of Nantes in France. He will be based out of Mono’s global headquarters in Copenhagen.

SOURCE: EuropaWire