Microsoft Try to Beat Google At Its Own Game With Launch of Bing Android App Claim SEOs

Digital experts says Microsoft are brave to step into Google’s Android territory, but it’s a risk that could pay off.

With the recent release of its Bing app for Mobile Android, Microsoft proved it isn’t afraid of getting its hands dirty when it comes to the battle for smartphone supremacy.

The launch of Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 may have shaken up the playing field, but the software company has clearly been diversifying its efforts in an attempt to capture as many potential customers as possible – even if it is using competing hardware.

While the software company first launched the Bing app a few months ago, it was originally only available to Verizon Wireless customers. Perhaps this partial roll-out was a way for Microsoft to test the water, but if it was it seems the experiment has been deemed a success, as the app is now to be rolled out across Android.

A spokesperson for SEO company revealed the belief that steps like this could give Bing the foothold it so desperately needs to gain more search market share. “Microsoft is still a software powerhouse, there’s no doubt of that, but the last year or two have been difficult for them in many ways.

“By failing to make the initial impact hoped in both the search and mobile markets, faith has been shaken somewhat. However, some of the features offered by Bing are great and are likely to continue to appeal to people who are happy to be re-educated when it comes to the search experience.

Via EPR Network
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