ITC’s agnostic software is set to revolutionize traffic control in the United States

Peachtree Corners announced a partnership with ITC Intelligent Traffic Control Ltd (ITC), providing an agnostic software solution that can be applied to existing traffic infrastructure to measure traffic and predict and mitigate congestion before it occurs for a more safe, sustainable and efficient travel experience. ITC is partnering with Curiosity Lab to launch this solution for the first time in the United States and will be deploying the solution at intersections for demos & testing.

TEL AVIV, Israel, 22-Sep-2023 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Peachtree Corners – one of the USA’s first smart cities powered by real-world connected infrastructure and 5G – announced a partnership with ITC Intelligent Traffic Control Ltd (ITC), providing an agnostic software solution that can be applied to existing traffic infrastructure to measure traffic and predict and mitigate congestion before it occurs for a more safe, sustainable and efficient travel experience. ITC will be partnering with Curiosity Lab to launch this solution for the first time in the United States and will be deploying the solution in select Peachtree Corners’ traffic intersections for demonstrations and testing.

ITC’s software solution connects to existing traffic cameras and uses ground-breaking computer vision analysis to accurately identify all road objects and collect data including speed, acceleration, traffic flow, distance, pedestrian activity and more, while complying with privacy regulations by hiding license plates and faces. Using proprietary machine learning models, this data is then used to create a traffic model that highlights patterns of each intersection or corridor with the ability to connect across a grid of intersections and create one holistic image. ITC is also predicting traffic patterns in real-time based on historic data, enabling cities to have proactive and adaptive control of traffic congestion.

As what is being called #SiliconOrchard in the metro-Atlanta region, The City of Peachtree Corners in Georgia is a vibrant municipality that’s home to more than 45,000 residents, 45,000 jobs and an innovation hub that houses some of the world’s most disruptive technology companies. Peachtree Corners is a premier smart city powered by real-world connected infrastructure and 5G, serving as the model for how government and private industry can better collaborate to create a better future.

“With our solution already deployed across Israel, in Australia and other countries worldwide, Curiosity Lab will serve as a real-world playground for us to continue to develop our solution and to officially launch in the U.S. with an official office in the Innovation Center,” said Aharon Brauner, ITC Co-Founder and CEO. “That ecosystem is the perfect opportunity for us to demonstrate the effectiveness of our solution with consistent mixed traffic, public transit and pedestrian activity along the corridor. Proven to be 99% accurate in both daytime and nighttime scenarios, our solution is more accurate than human or other data collectors, and we are looking forward to using this opportunity to enhance traffic management throughout Curiosity Lab’s ecosystem and into Peachtree Corners to improve the everyday lives of visitors and citizens.”

In addition to uncovering patterns, ITC’s solution can create traffic simulations across intersections and corridors where the software is deployed. Here, traffic controllers and city managers will be able to see real-time object-driven visualization and simulation with a geographic overlay and to create countless theoretical traffic scenarios for the software to solve. Through its proprietary algorithms, ITC’s software can also manage traffic based on a city’s specific goals, whether that be to limit carbon emissions and improve sustainability or provide general traffic management, prioritize pedestrians or public transit and more.

“Our software not only learns and adapts traffic signals and patterns in real-time, but also has the capability to manage traffic to prioritize certain categories of road users,” said Dvir Kenig, ITC Co-Founder and CTO. “This allows cities to manage each intersection or corridor differently based on the type of traffic they are seeing and/or time of day. If an intersection regularly has heavy pedestrian traffic, our solution can prioritize this category and will develop models for pedestrian tendencies across wait time, how long it takes to cross the street, etc. Cities can then prioritize pedestrians in mixed traffic by limiting the wait time to cross the street based on foot traffic. Similarly, this can be applied to public transit and even school buses in mixed traffic, ensuring for these categories efficient trips to remain on schedule.”

“According to recent studies, more than 40% of traffic accidents occur in intersections, and congestion accounts for 25% of car greenhouse gas emissions – with the average driver spending three days per year stuck in traffic,” said Brandon Branham, Curiosity Lab Executive Director. “This cost-effective traffic solution is going to be a game-changer for cities across the U.S. ITC’s solution gives city managers and traffic engineers the affordable tools to make our roadways safer, more efficient and thus more sustainable for everyone on the road. We will be able to manage intersections in real-time and can easily download a traffic report and adapt traffic signal patterns remotely, which is a huge advantage for city managers when there are major wrecks, community events and sudden surges in traffic. The ease of scalability is also impressive, which makes this even more appealing to city managers and CTOs across the country. As a city, we are excited to witness how ITC continues to improve our residents’ daily driving experience.”

SOURCE: EuropaWire

The EU-funded CommuniCity project to award 30 tech pilots with €12,500 each

PORTO, 20-Sep-2023 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Following the success of its First Open Call, the CommuniCity project launched on September 12th its Second Open Call Round. Several stakeholders are called into action to co-create innovative, digitally inclusive, sustainable solutions to tackle social, technological, economic, and urban challenges. These efforts are geared towards meeting the specific needs of marginalised communities residing in European cities.

The Second Open Call mimics and expands the First Open Call, during which the project’s 3 Partnering Cities of AmsterdamHelsinki, and Porto awarded 13 innovative ideas (pilots). This time, the initiative has expanded to 4 cities, which will build upon previous valuable knowledge to address additional challenges of AarhusBredaPrague, and Tallinn. These so-called Replicator Cities are joining the project to meet the needs of vulnerable communities. For that purpose, all participating cities have defined several social challenges spanning various topics from the “online abuse against children and women” to “social housing energy efficiency”. In this round, approximately 30 pilots will each receive €12,500. Furthermore, if cross-border pilots are involved, the teams can apply for additional funding of €5000 and €10000.

To promote collaboration and enhance the quality of the pilots, a Matchmaking Platform has been set up for citizens, companies, organisations and tech providers to find a partner for their tech pilots. The Second Open Call Round will follow the same evaluation criteria of the previous round and will ensure a transparent and fair evaluation process. The process is open to all legal entities that can guarantee performance and fulfil the criteria stated in the Open Call Guidelines.

Proposals can be submitted from the 12th of September 2023, until October 31st 2023 at 5 PM CET on the CommuniCity website. The winning teams will be announced in early December 2023, and the pilots will begin right afterwards. The piloting phase is expected to conclude by the end of May 2024.
CommuniCity is a 3-year project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme. The project aims to establish 100 tech pilots through 3 rounds of Open Calls to tackle the needs of European cities and communities through co-creation and co-learning processes.

More details about CommuniCity Open Calls are available on the project’s website ( and on its social media channels:

Instagram @communi_city
Twitter @communi_city
LinkedIn CommuniCity

SOURCE: EuropaWire

La Astrología Revela la Verdad detrás de la Separación de Joe Jonas y Sophie Turner

BRAZIL, 13-Sep-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Los fanáticos de Joe Jonas y Sophie Turner se sorprendieron esta semana con el anuncio de su divorcio. En una carta abierta, la actriz enfatizó que la decisión fue mutua y amigable. Las razones de la separación podrían ser muchas, pero la sinastria astral de la pareja indica algunos de los caminos que llevaron al fin de esta unión.

Según Astrolink, si la compatibilidad entre los dos se pudiera medir en una escala del 1 al 100, recibirán una puntuación de 55. Esto se debe principalmente al elemento Fuego que impregna los mapas astrales de ambos. Comenzando con Sophie, que es Piscis, pero tiene un mapa astral bastante interesante: Ascendente, Luna y Venus en Aries. Al mismo tiempo, también tienen una buena compatibilidad en los aspectos lunares, lo que indica una pareja creativa y extrovertida que intercambia muchas ideas y tiene mucho potencial para ser una pareja exitosa.

Sin embargo, hay poca afinidad en los signos solares, venusianos y mercurianos. El Sol en Piscis de Sophie tiende a ser más introvertido y tranquilo, mientras que el Sol en Leo de Jonas prefiere estar en el centro de atención y brillar. Por otro lado, el deseo de atención de este aspecto leonino puede haber sido alimentado por el Ascendente y la Luna en Aries de la actriz.

Otro detalle es que Joe tiene Venus en Escorpio y Sophie en Aries. En este aspecto, estas son posiciones bastante opuestas. A pesar de ser Piscis, Sophie también tiene la Luna en Aries, lo que significa que, a pesar de su introversión, no le gusta quedarse quieta y prefiere momentos de romance y conquista. En cambio, la Venus en Escorpio de Joe tiende a ser más posesivo y tranquilo.

Sophie tiene Mercurio en Acuario y Joe en Escorpio. En este aspecto, Sophie tiende a ser más abierta al diálogo y al intercambio de ideas cuando se siente cómoda. El Mercurio en Escorpio de Joe hace que quiera profundizar en temas y puede ser repetitivo e incluso agotador.

Acerca de Astrolink

Astrolink es la comunidad astrológica más grande del mundo, con más de 10 millones de usuarios. Es una plataforma para adquirir autoconocimiento y mejorar tu vida a través de la astrología, ofreciendo un acceso fácil y rápido a tu carta natal, horóscopo personalizado, sinastria amorosa, tarot, nodos y ciclos lunares, guías y diversas herramientas que te ayudarán a comprender mejor tu papel en el universo y tomar las mejores decisiones. Conocerte a ti mismo, y a quienes amas, cambiará tu vida para mejor.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Astrologia revela a verdade por trás da separação de Joe Jonas e Sophie Turner

BRAZIL, 13-Sep-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Os fãs de Joe Jonas e Sophie Turner foram surpreendidos esta semana com o anúncio do seu divórcio. Numa carta aberta, a atriz destacou que a decisão foi tomada de forma mútua e amigável. Os motivos da separação podem ser diversos, mas a astrologia oferece algumas indicações sobre os caminhos que levaram ao fim deste casamento.

De acordo com o Astrolink, se a compatibilidade entre os dois pudesse ser avaliada numa escala de 1 a 100, eles receberiam uma pontuação de 55. Isto deve-se, sobretudo, à influência do elemento Fogo nos mapas astrais de ambos. Começando por Sophie, que é pisciana, mas possui um mapa astral bastante interessante, com o Ascendente, a Lua e Vénus em Áries. Ao mesmo tempo, eles também têm uma boa compatibilidade nos aspetos lunares, o que indica um casal criativo e extrovertido, que partilha muitas ideias e tem potencial para ser bem-sucedido.

No entanto, existem poucas afinidades nos signos solares, venusianos e mercurianos. O Sol em Peixes de Sophie tende a ser mais introvertido e reservado, enquanto o Sol em Leão de Jonas prefere estar no centro das atenções e destacar-se. Por outro lado, o desejo de atenção característico de Leão pode ter sido alimentado pelo Ascendente e pela Lua em Áries da atriz.

Outro detalhe a considerar é que Joe tem Vénus em Escorpião e Sophie em Áries, posições bastante opostas. Apesar de ser pisciana, Sophie também tem a Lua em Áries, o que significa que, apesar da sua introspeção, ela não gosta de ficar parada e prefere momentos românticos e de conquista. Já a Vénus em Escorpião de Joe tende a ser mais possessiva e tranquila.

Sophie tem Mercúrio em Aquário e Joe em Escorpião. Neste aspeto, Sophie tende a ser mais aberta ao diálogo e à troca de ideias quando se sente à vontade. Já o Mercúrio em Escorpião de Joe faz com que ele queira aprofundar-se em temas, podendo ser repetitivo e até mesmo cansativo.

Sobre o Astrolink

O Astrolink é a maior comunidade astrológica do mundo, com mais de 10 milhões de utilizadores. É uma plataforma que permite adquirir autoconhecimento e melhorar a vida através da astrologia, oferecendo acesso fácil e rápido ao seu mapa astral, horóscopo personalizado, análise do amor, tarot, nodos e ciclos lunares, guias e diversas ferramentas que ajudam a compreender melhor o seu papel no universo e a tomar as melhores decisões. Conhecer a si próprio – e quem ama – pode melhorar a sua vida significativamente.

SOURCE: EuropaWire